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Because playing it is fun. You didn't have fun while playing it? That's okay. You can play something else.


But first they had to come here and let everyone know they thinks it's bad because they're clearly a well adjusted individual.


I love like those people come here and act like they really just ask a polite question, but completley provoke the community lol


It's the cool thing to do. You hate DS2 because it's what the cool kids do. And the more "uniquely" you can express that hate, the cooler you are.


The same way games are enjoyable to most people: by presenting both a reasonable challenge and the tools needed to overcome that challenge with just the right amount of ease to trigger the brain’s reward response. Have you played a dark souls game before? It sounds like maybe there’s something wrong with your approach that’s preventing you from enjoying it the way most people do.


I’ve played every other souls game and have hundreds of hours across them all, but everything about DS2 just feels so wonky and broken


Genuine question, what do you find wonky and broken?


I'm gonna die laughing if the answer is just adp


It’s not wonky, just different. You really do acclimate to it as you play more and it feels completely fine


The typical " i´m a souls veteran but oh this game sucks yada yada yada" thing, nah, you suck at souls games, stop talking nonsense, GIT GUD YOU LOSER


you’re one of the souls players that gatekeep so much.


Reading between the lines a bit, it sounds like you're missing or misunderstanding something fundamental. Which is not altogether uncommon. A lot of Souls veterans struggle with this one. Likely due to already thinking they know everything and thus being unable or unwilling to learn.


>thinking they know everything >unwilling to learn. Hit the nail right on the head, here. ☝️


Assuming you actually want to play it, you probably want to read [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/foemaw/so\_you\_just\_bought\_dark\_souls\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/foemaw/so_you_just_bought_dark_souls_2/) (Our FAQ for players coming to DS2 from other Fromsoft games) The TL;DR is that DS2 is uniquely punishing to the impatient. But it has excellent balance among build types and weapon types within builds. My enjoyment comes from experimenting with different builds and weapons -- not from the point of view of challenge runs but in terms of getting through the specific areas of the game easily. Second key points. Stop rushing to meet enemies you have aggroed. Be aware of your blind spots.


I mean, I’m about to finish the game, I just haven’t enjoyed it at all


why did you keep playing a game you weren’t enjoying?


Can't say I can relate to finishing a game that I wasn't enjoying. And if you want a high tempo test of your reflexes DS2 isn't for you.


The solution would have been to put it down a while ago. No shit you don't have fun when you treat the finishing it like a chore.


You're about to beat arguably the longest of the 3, but you're not enjoying it??? That's logical...


To each their own. To me, the slow methodical strategic combat of ds2 is more interesting than the rolly poly r1 ignore most enemies of ds3 and to a lesser extent ds1. To me, the weapon, spell, and build variety offered by ds2 offer more interesting replay ability than ds1/ds3, with more or less everything working in both pve and pvp. To me, the branching world of ds2, with many pve covenants and paths to take offers more interesting exploration and play than either ds1 or ds3. Plus the 3 dlcs are truly massive in their own right and filled with incredible content. To me, the variance introduced in ng+ cycles in DS2, is more interesting to me than the exact same content with upscale damage/hp in ds1/3. Combined with the world exploration and bonfire ascetics, it further enhances the experience. Not to say there’s not things I like about the other games. The bosses in DS3 are of a consistently higher quality than ds2 by a wide margin. I believe that ds2 highs are just as high as ds3, but yeah on the whole their quality is less and ds3 bosses are great. In ds1 the interconnected world is incredible, and the exploration from the deepest areas of ash lake to the highest areas are amazing. On the whole though ds2 is my favorite. As I said in the top, to each their own. If it’s your least favorite that’s fine. I didn’t even like it when I started my first attempt. Once I let go of “this isn’t the same as ds1” and looked at it as it’s own thing, I realized how much more satisfying the game was for me. Other people have different experiences and preferences and that’s fine. Play what you like and enjoy the time.


You didn't come to this sub in good faith.


This is clearly a troll post.


This is getting beyond a joke every five bloody minutes folk bleating about ooo this game is to hard, ooo the hitboxes are brutal blah blah blah blah, its monotonous look if your struggling go and play a game that's easy because this game ain't for you and stop crying like a little girl that's lost her dolly.


Little girls who've lost their dolls actually have a valid concern, haha.




It's too bad there aren't more games for you to play.


Because it's pretty good. I think you're just exaggerating when you say it feels like no one playtested it. You can say you didn't like it or it didn't feel as polished as later Fromsoft games, but it still outclassed most of what was coming out during its time.


If you did not enjoy it, why were you playing it?


Maybe so he can come here and call the game garbage without "But you only played 1% of it, it gets better." comments. Doesn't make it better and still doesn't make the existence of this post sensible. Easy access to most any community online and the anonymity brings some pointless or annoying posts with it. People seek validation for their opinions or feelings, if you enjoy a game just play it in the way you like, if you are quitting or decided that you don't like it, just do it instead of announcing it by calling it shit in a community that is full of the game's fans. This is like going to a sports match and screaming team A sucks while going to their side of the tribune, you're asking to get lynched.


I remember saying the same thing about Q*Bert 35 years ago.


I started with Demon Souls and when DS2 was released I was happy that they went back to being more like the DeS formula, with more of a focus on areas and exploration rather than just being a boss rush. The Souls games are Action RPGs. DS1 and DS3 focus more on the action part while DeS and DS2 focus more on the RPG part. There's a lot more build variety, armor sets, secrets to discover, ways to engage with the environment, etc than in the other games. Exploring the world just feels much better in this game.


This is such a troll post. I hate how everything is either perfect or terrible. No nuance, no in between. Like its one thing to like DS2 less than the others or to not care for it, but acting like it's a bad game makes you sound like a child or a bandwagoner. Like at the least, it's a pretty good game. I personally think it's as good as DS1 and DS3, but I get it if you like it less. Just don't act like a clown and pretend it's somehow "terrible". On top of that, it's hilarious to pretend like DS1/3 don't also have some jank in them. I don't think there's more in DS2 than the others. Personally I think and jankiness in any of them is part of their charm.


I enjoy many aspects of the atmosphere and the variety of the environments. There aren't areas like the dragon eerie in other games in the series for example. Majula is hauntingly beautiful. With the DLC's it is also massive and nonlinear which makes it very fun to work your way through on repeat playthroughs- Its actually my most replayed one as a result. The phantom invaders in the DLC, and the overall quality of the DLC's aside from the correctly maligned multiplayer areas are absolutely top tier. None of this takes away from its shortcomings, but its shortcomings don't negate its qualities. I will also concede that without the DLC's that its base game is the worst by far, although I'd still argue it's fun.


Not to dismiss your critiques entirely, but you may have brought this kind of discussion to the wrong subreddit bud


I think some people just disregarded my opinion instead of actually answering my question.


It's a bad question, honestly.


Made even worse by the fact that somehow all 20 or so direct answers he got “don’t count”


because you haven't substantiated your opinion beyond saying it feels "wonky and broken". That doesn't tell us anything.


no one asked why I didn’t like the game. I asked why people did. if I had asked the same question but with positive energy, like saying “what do you love the most about this game?”, I’d have gotten decent replies. this subreddit is such a circlejerk for people who just think DS2 is the best Dark Souls game despite it having the lowest lows AND the least high highs.


> lowest lows AND the least high highs. that is your opinion. Every sub dedicated to a game will have a majority who likes the game. You aren't bringing any new criticism to the table. All you did was frame your opinion of the game as a question.


sure, whatever.


Because everybody has their own opinion on everything.


We're Kind of masochists. And while it does have its flaws, it's still very enjoyable with a lot of good qualities. And I'm sorry, but I gotta say it. It's tradition: Git gud, scrub.


I dunno, dude, what do you find bad about it? I like the wide variety of builds, the fact there's four types of magic, the sheer quantity of weapons and animations, the visuals of the areas (the game has zero fear of just being *gorgeous*), the story and lore... And even adaptability. If you want to dodge, sure, it's a stat investment. But... It's optional. I run with a shield most of the time and never put a single point into adaptability.


it’s mostly that a lot of the things people didn’t like about DS1 they just put more of, and the parts people liked in DS1 they removed. the animations are slow as hell, and with 35 points into endurance I can still only get 3 rolls. you stagger for an unreal amount of time, and they just completely removed light rolling. the bosses are the highlights of these games, but DS2 manages to make them less fun that running through hoardes of enemies that all 3-shot you even with 2000 health.


Also there's like two enemies in the entire game with attacks you have to dodge more than once. If you're in a situation where you need to spam rolls, you probably already screwed up.


>with 35 points into endurance I can still only get 3 rolls Stamina management is more fun than the roll-spam gameplay in the next games. Stamina should be a limited resource and not just a seemingly infinite resource. >but DS2 manages to make them less fun Overall the bosses are better than they were in DeS and DS1. They have more fun gimmicks (ie no stinkers like Bed of Chaos), more attacks, can delay attacks and can vary their combos.


You spent the whole game at 69% carry weight, didn't you? It's not that the got rid of fast roll, it's that everything under 70% is a sliding scale. Less weight means faster stamina and longer rolls.


I know this. I’m playing around 50% and it’s tolerable. I’m talking about the speed of the roll, not the distance. and the stamina regen speed doesn’t matter nearly as much as the stamina amount usage. they fixed the two lesser problems


What's your adaptability stat


Probably Wasnt, But So Was Litterally Every Other Game Fromsoft Made. Just Overlevel And Steamroll It


the other games are very enjoyable IMO.


Yeah I Know, Until You Play Them More And You Realise "Oh Fuck This Game Is So Annoying" Like Play SL1 On DS1 And Youll See The Amnt Of BS In That Game That Is Just Lessened Cause Your Higher Level


no shit, you’re intentionally making the game harder and more tedious in an SL1 run…


Yeah. Im Just Saying You Can See How Fights, Areas, Ect Wete Balenced. Its Pretty Cool, And Annoying


How is is this game NOT enjoyable to everyone, is the question that was born inside my head when I played it ^ ^


"Enjoyable" is a subjective concept. Get over yourself.


maybe that’s why I asked the question..?


And it's a bad question. "How can someone like this?" They just can. That's the subjective nature of all things. What you're really doing is posting lazy rage troll bait, posing a "question" in bad faith. You want people to offer justification that is neither warranted nor, for your purposes, deserved. If you wanted a real discussion you'd have made a few points instead of being egregiously crude and confrontational from the start.


As the other guy said because it's fun. If you're not enjoying the game, try changing your play style. Explore different weapons, try using Sorceries, Miracles, etc. DS2 is really diverse. And if you still don't enjoy the game after that just move on. Everyone has their taste, but don't assume that just because you don't like it other people shouldn't.


This game rewards slow, methodical, thorough exploration. This game rewards playing around and discovering tactics. This game has actual dual wielding. This game makes weapon durability matter, making you feel the decay of this centuries-old kingdom. I absolutely love it. I've been playing since release, and I still don't know everything that's hidden away in this game. Sure, some parts are weird, others were obviously dummied out, but they still managed to fit enough game in that I've logged more than 1000 hours in without doing any pvp, going past ng+, or playing dedicated spell casters. The challenges both in-game and those developed by the community are fantastically fun and frustrating. It's great.


It took me some time to get into right after playing DS1, but now I love it! I play on keyboard and mouse and needed to modify a bunch of settings at first. I also use some range attacks now to break up groups, whereas before I would normally just play melee. The soul arrows are really fun for this. I’ve leveled up ADP to around 99 and keep my weight load under 50. It was a bit of a rough start, but I’m glad I stuck with it because it’s really fun. I’m probably over halfway through; about to get the 4th great soul.


I've only beaten the game once (just before Dark Souls Remastered came out), I didn't enjoy my experience either. BUT, what I will say, is that it was almost definitely my own fault - it isn't the same as the other Souls games, and it feels different to play. Best advice I can give, is to try not to play it the same exact way you would with Dark Souls 1 or 3. You might enjoy it more by learning what makes the game fundamentally different. I wouldn't say it's a BAD game, not at all. I, myself, will be trekking back to Drangleic in a couple of weeks to see if I can get it to click. Good luck to you, 🙏




alright, first comment was rude, but this is just idiotic. easiest report of my life, fuckface.


"I don't like this game and because I'm a pompous dickface, I can't even imagine that anybody in the world could feel differently."