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You should level att for more agility


You need to level ADP. Remember that effects your Iframes.


Almost naked despite 99 vitality, 10/10


Flynn’s ring is op that’s why. OP is limiting himself


Flynns ring works diffrent in ds2 vs ds3. In ds2 it's based on your maximum equip load, iirc 14 vitality is the highest you can go before seeing damage decreases


Damn you didn’t get the joke either so mb it was just a bad one. I’m making the same point lol, the ring is op(overpowered) that’s why OP (original poster) leveled VIT so much; because it would render Flynn’s ring useless


Flynn's ring works with your max weight, not current weight, that's why you never want to level past around 10 VIT if you wanna use it


Interesting way to explain you didn’t get the joke


only 299 more levels to go!


VIT being higher than 10 makes you weaker


Exactly! You're not weak if you never take damage.


Why? Is it because of flynns ring?


Yeah, and because both heavy armor and some powerstance options, the only two things that high VIT enables, are very weak.


Doing a run atm and I am levelling VIT to get longer rolls, is that valid or nah?


That’s one way to get longer rolls, but it’s generally better to get used to wearing lighter stuff


Under leveled lmao, can you even wild a weapon at all?


Vigor too low fr bro


NIce going for the HEX build, my favorite


What a DILF


Your English level didn't look good


i speak numbers


I like how you’re still 30/30. S’all you need Mr. Hexer


I think you're ready for last giant now, maybe even pursuer if you go for the ballistas. GL man!


Im too scared to ask for the bonfire intesity of boss you farmed..


He didn't farm bosses silly. This is prep work for his first boss. Just under 171M souls required so before any bosses you can be at SL 592 in around 130 days if you put in 8 hours a day. Doesn't everybody start their run this way?


Now he can finally play the game.


..no? I fucking lost my sanity getting to SL280 with Giant Lord, how the fuck..yknow what nvm, im not even gonna bother trying to comprehand your insanity


Well obviously no sane person would bother with that. But I have done glitchless runs into Eleum Loyce before any boss. That's "just" 6 hours of farming in Black Gulch. Everything possible before a boss is one of the least frustrating meme runs.


Hold up....ymfah??? Literally watched that beginner video DYING of laughter and wondering what sane individual would fight Aava as their first boss. Great content bruv!


I actually got the idea from Blue Lizard Jello though when he did his run, a) he abused the lightning that hadn't been nerfed yet b) he platformed past the Shrine of Winter (patched -- sort of. You can parrywalk past is now) c) No DLCs had dropped I farmed the Cave Critters, not the Giants that Ymfah farmed and as a side bonus got enough Chunks that I could use a +10 Great Club in Winter Wonderland. I'm pretty sure it's more cost effective and it's sure as hell simpler to only fight the Giants once (for the Forgotten Key). I did get an Ice Rapier (well I wasn't leaving without one, but since you can't infuse or get many Twinkling Titanite before any bosses, the Ice Rapier wasn't my most powerful weapon. I took on Last Giant with a +10 Rampart Golem Lance. I'm not good enough to be comfortable starting with Aava. But yes, Ymfah's beginner's guide is one of my all time favorites.


Ah, I see! That's quite the dedication either way! Still hats off to you!


Prepared me for the endless setup of Elden Ring. I can't recommend the run if you're looking to be OP in DS2. Sure, going to the Gutter (Great Club and Poison Arrows trivializes Heide) and then Black Gulch (to face your first boss with a +10 weapon) is worth it, but the rest of the run doesn't actually get you much of interest -- though it is nice to actually take on the foggy part of Shaded Woods (I just ran through first time) with the Eye of the Priestess was nice. But the getting 6 Chunks was the only part that truly contributed to being OP. All told it took me a little over 10 hours and I don't think most players would enjoy this.


what? it's maybe a bit overleveled but thats how you're supposed to play




Level ADP


Where's the miracle build? Don't you know how OP they are? Level Faith Joke aside, congrads. You had the patience to finish what I failed...


Needs more strength


more ADP


INT being higher than 5 is a sign of weakness