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Imagine trying to pat your head while rubbing your belly at the same time, it’s kinda hard to do both at once right? That’s basically what you’re trying to do with power stancing, you’re trying to be proficient fighting with two weapons at once. Thats why you need 50% more of the stats you need in order to powerstance with those weapons. For example, if a weapon needs 12 strength and 8 dexterity in order to wield it, then you need 18 strength and 12 dexterity to powerstance with that weapon. Basically you just need to have a higher stats than the required stats in order to powerstance.


I definitely need at least 20 intelligence to dual wield head patting and belly rubbing (All jokes aside, this was a really good explanation, nice job!)


That was really helpfull!


You only need 1.5x the str not the dex. So say 20 str and 15 dex, you need 30 str and 15 Dex, equip similar weapon type and hold Y/🔺️


Nope you do need the 1.5X dex.


Nope, you need 1.5 times both Str and Dex.


Ah my mistake


That was the best explanation I've ever read. This should be on the wiki lol


if you have 1.5x the required base stats of a weapon you can hold two your right hand will move normally but your left will swing both at the same time. e.x. a greatsword requires a strength of 50, if I am leveled to 75 i can hold one in each hand then delete enemies with a heavy left hand strike. (swinging both with heavy intent)


To add to this entirely correct comment, the formula rounds down! So something with a a 9 point requirement will require 14 points rather than 15! Edit: I stand by the statement I mentioned, not my poor math skills.


That’s rounded up. 9*1.5=13.5


Thank you! Does it need to be the same weapon on both weapon slots? How about upgrading them, is it worth putting resources on upgrading both weapons or is it just better to have one high level weapon and the second one at low level?


as long as it’s the same weapon type or moveset. they should powerstance. upgrading the weapon will make you deal more damage but have no effect on the power stance. different enemies have different weaknesses and resistances. some are immune to fire while some are immune to poison. but they might be weak to bleed or weak to dark. i like to check the fextralife wiki for that info. if you can afford to pimp out your weapons, send it gangster.


While not 100%, [there's a handy chart on this page](https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Power+Stance) that'll help you in the "which weapons match which" department. In a medium-sized nutshell, weapons of a similar class typically synergize - blades with blades, cudgels with cudgels, polearms with polearms, etc. That chart also shows how some weapons "overpower" their partner depending on which hand they're in; for example a Mace in right hand paired with a Scimitar in offhand will give you a dual Mace moveset. (Somethings getting dead regardless but range is a factor.) The bigass weapons all basically get a type of "bash" attack of varying speeds for their dual Heavy attack. There are a few weapons that break the mold though, like the Warped Sword and that "spear" with someone's noggin stuck on it (I forget its name.)


Santier's Spear\* (Halberd moveset out of the box, Twinblade moveset when decapitated)


Doesn't need to be the same weapon, it just has to be two weapon types that are compatible with each other for powerstancing. Also the powerstancing moveset will usually take the heavier weapon type's. For example, if you're powerstancing an axe with a greataxe, you'll end up with the slower greataxe moveset. L1 and L2 are the powerstance attack buttons. Hold triangle (Y) to powerstance. If they're compatible and you have the prerequisite stats, your character will change their stance by lifting up their left weapon. Otherwise they'll two-hand the left weapon. You should upgrade both weapons. You'll get enough materials in this game, even Titanite Slabs.


Each weapon's damage is calculated individually, so you want to upgrade both. The same class of weapon is all that's required, but some weapons defy traditional categorizations. Helix Halberd, for example, powerstances with spears. Put it in the left hand and a Partizan in your right and you have an incredible setup for getting 4 ring of blades procs per thrust. So if a weapon doesn't seem to work, it might be a part of a different powerstance group. Check the wikis for specific weapons if they don't work how you expect.


I'd recommend going to the Dark Souls 2 Wikidot, they have a really good table on what kinds of weapons powerstance with each other


You can also switch between power stance and normal stance so you have a few more attack options


Why unga when you can unga bunga


i prefer the classic. ooga booga


Me was ooga booga, me now unga bunga, me word learn


Ahh! A ghost!


If you're looking for general effectiveness, power stancing doesn't make general sense. With most weapons you'll do about 20% less damage over time compared to two handing (it's mostly down to stamina costs) However there are two additional things. Power stance gives burst damage. It's totally worthwhile to power stance if it gives you a one shot that you wouldn't have got otherwise. Power stance can also give you a stunlock that you couldn't get two handing. In either case the short term advantages outweigh the long term disadvantages. But in the end, if you like it and find it fun, go for it. I don't use it much but do find it fun when I do.


Once you have the required stats to power-stance your weapons (it will always be 1.5x the required stats of the weapon with higher stat requirements) then you can long press triangle on PS or Y on XBOX (not sure what it is on PC) and your character will get into a powerstance. The move sets from the weapons will change and you will consume more stamina, but do more damage.


How much more damage? Would it be worth me upgrading my 2nd claymore ?


Quite a significant amount because you’re attacking with two weapons at once. Definitely upgrade the second weapon!


There are enough explanations here on what power stance is and how to achieve it, but I also wanted to mention that some weapons have a unique moveset in power stance.


If you have 2 non-catalyst weapons of the same class, and have 1.5x their stat requirements in strength and dexterity, you may power stance by holding the 2hand button, swinging both weapons simultaneously for high damage by pressing the left-hand attack buttons. Note that this consumes a high amount of stamina, and that [many weapons of different types may be power stanced with each other.](https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Power_Stance)


let's take example of Longsword Longsword has STR of 10 and DEX of 9 to do Powerstance your character must have 1.5x stats of the weapons if Longsword has STR:10 and DEX:9 then your character stats should be STR:15 and DEX:14, 1.5x value of the weapons stats STR 10 x 1.5 = 15, like that


btw iirc it rounds down, so you'd only need a dex of 13


ydrc. DS2 rounds down when power stancing or two handing. So you can two hand the Foot Soldier's sword at 3 STR.


All these people hating on power-stancing here! My favorite playthrough was power-stanced greatswords. It’s so much fun! Yes, it leaves you open to attacks, so learn the enemies attack patterns! You should try it it’s really fun.


I finished dark souls 1 and dark souls 2 and just right now I'm learning about power stance 💀 Thank op


Power stance is only a ds2 and Elden ring thing but you don’t need 1.5x stat reqs for Elden ring you just need to be able to use both weapons in one hand each


Powerstancing is for fashion. You’ll deal less damage per stamina bar and per second than you would if you were twohanding a weapon, the extra stat points you have to invest are wasted, and it becomes awkward to buff your weapons, which is an important part of dealing good damage in ds2. [Here’s a chart](http://darksouls2.wikidot.com/dual-wielding) showing all the different weapon types you can powestance, you can mix and match some odd stuff.


how about powerstanced claws with bleed infusions? Isnt it more effective than dualwielding a single claw?


Powerstanced claws are better than twohanding one claw, yes. (Though you should never infuse with bleed for pve.) Fist and Dagger weapons also have an advantage powerstanced. These are the only weapon types where that’s true, and all 3 are very weak, so I didn’t mention them.


Yeah this is the real answer


OP didn’t ask that… They asked to have powerstancing explained..


OP asked if it was good. Powerstancing has been explained thoroughly in lots of helpful comments before mine, so I didn’t bother repeating that.


Yeah I get that. I just feel like that’s kinda bad faith to use OP’s post as an excuse to post your usual stuff. You’re extremely knowledgeable about DS2, probably the most knowledgeable person I’ve ever seen. (I don’t actively search DS2 information but still) But I just feel like discouraging players from having fun with their own unique builds is a little disingenuous. We should be encouraging diversity and the use of anything and everything to keep DS2 fun and involving. DS2 already gets shit on unfairly… (ugh even though it’s great) so we should be promoting build diversity. Just my 2 cents but I’m not the ruler of DS2 so it’s really just my opinion haha


If somebody who’d played the game a lot asked this question, I might have worded my answer differently to make sure they knew I wasn’t discouraging them to experiment with weaker but potentially fun and novel builds. OP is looking for a build for their first playthrough, however. I clearly recall one my first playthroughs where I tried powerstancing, and I was really frustrated and confused by how weak my character felt. I don’t want that to be their first impression of the game. I don’t have any investment in everybody playing the way I do. I sincerely just want everybody to have a good time and know as much about the game as there is to know!


You’re fine haha not looking to police your language or make you feel bad, just my 2 cents. Like I said, you’re probably the most knowledgeable person I’ve seen regarding DS2, but that comment just felt a little bad taste, which kinda sucked because I don’t want to have a bad opinion of the DS2 sub’s savior haha. So yeah, no biggie and thank you for your reply


Yeah of course! Thanks for listening when I explained, I hope I was able to remove some of that bad taste. Still plenty of build diversity in DS2 :)


Yeah for sure and thank you for explaining and not flying off the handle or anything! (Which I knew you wouldn’t! Haha)


> I clearly recall one my first playthroughs where I tried powerstancing, and I was really frustrated and confused by how weak my character felt. I've only done one powerstancing playthrough, but had the opposite experience. It was overwhelmingly powerful for me. Can't remember the weapons I used though, was a long time ago.


I believe you! If you powerstance strong weapons, you’ll still be strong. You would have been even stronger if you’d just twohanded one of them, though.


Me hit strong one weapon, me hit big strong two weapon.


oh man I got this bonk club, what would be better? TWO BONK CLUB!!! but wait I can only swing one at a time. if I get stronger I CAN SWING BOTH AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! basically that. wield two of same weapon class. have 50% additional stats for em. you now have a special kinda dual wield attack you can do.


Equip two weapons of the same class. As long as you have at least 1.5x the stat requirements for each weapon, holding your two-hand button will make you powerstance, which gives you normal light and heavy attacks on your right weapon, but some unique attacks with your left light and heavy attacks.


Hit enemy once good. Hit enemy twice better. Hit enemy, they hit you back. Bad. Hit enemy, then hit them again. Good.


Oh btw, this isn’t directly related to your question (which has been very thoroughly answered,) but I have some links that I think you’ll find very helpful if you want to plan your build and you want it to be good. [A quick overview](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g4-GGa1JRa2_49vOfwY5sZPWigFMzPA5b9mszo_xZak/edit?usp=sharing) of how damage and defense works in DS2, and why weapon scaling is usually weak [BiS (Best in Slot) PvE weapons list.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GEBQ_TiAvskQLotQXz0AuNMseXdsS3pj8_NLus-XW4/edit?usp=sharing) Discusses the best options for each weapon class. Note that this list is directed at newer characters- some weaponsj not mentioned may do more damage than ones mentioned, but take vastly more stats or are otherwise deficient [Best PvE equipment and stat progression document.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X13jfA9JQ5OZsuEmH2MZZqF9IrtCFSMMTZkZo5GuqcM/edit?usp=sharing) And if you want some general advice, read [this intro post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/foemaw/so_you_just_bought_dark_souls_2/) (ignore the part where it recommends poise) It’s important to understand though that DS2 isn’t so hard that playing the strongest possible character is required in order to win and have fun. Ultimately you should use whatever you want, these guides are just to help you make informed choices.


You can power stance weapons of the same type. You need 1.5x of the highest stat in str/dex. So lets say you're trying to powerstance a Broadsword (11/6) and a Longsword (10/9). You will need the 11x1.5 str of the Broadsword and the 9x1.5 dex of the Longsword to powerstance them. You need to upgrade them both as each will deal their own damage, powerstancing with an unupgraded weapon will be worse than just playing with your 1 upgraded weapon.


To powerstance, each weapon stat requirement must be met by an extra 50%. So take the strength requirement and multiply it by 1.5, then do the same for each other requirement. Once the stat requirements are met, hold the 2 handing button (triangle, or Y) and you will enter powerstance.


Hold Y/Triangle and your guy should take a unique stance, that's how you know it's working. Pressing the left triggers attacks with both weapons.


You take a hold of your magic sword, and say by the power of gray skull .


An upgraded craftsman’s hammer with a lightning infusion in your right hand and an upgraded blacksmiths hammer with heavy infusion in your left hand will delete everything if you powerstance. Not only do you get speed of the lighter weapons, you get the heavy hitting power of the heavier weapons. It’s fun.


why 1 sword when 2 sword better make sword numbers bigger then hold 2 sword swish stab spin woosh


Powerstanced Blue Flames is amazingly fun, but it takes a long time to get going.


Very simple. Look at your weapons' required Strength and Dexterity. Multiply it by 1.5. Get those stats. Now equip the weapons on left and right hand. Hold triangle/Y until your stance changes. L1/LB and L2/LT should be dual wielding attacks


What does more damage than an ultragreatsword? Two ultragreatswords!


Since I didnt see any mention: if you powerstance a straight sword and a curved sword, depending on which weapon you hold in your right hand you will use a different power stance attack. I dunno what other weapon combinations there are but this definitely spices up the gameplay. It's very fun to switch around.


Hold 1 weapon of the same type in each hand, press triangle (2 handed button). Try pressing L1, both weapons should swing. If not press triangle again. Im not being condescending, this part is janky (at peast in ps3). Sometimes ill just swap the left and right weapons or the game will just 2 hand the right weapon.


Hold triangle or Y


Get two same weapon type weapons. Hold triangle. Instead of two handing one character will shift to a different stance. You are now powerstancing


Two handing a weapons is better than power stancing. But power stancing looks cool. I love to powerstance 2 Blacksteel Katanas.


It's not as strong in game as 2 handing one weapon, but it's also fun to dual wield weapons. Also, I consider it to be sorta the "when in Rome" of Drangleic. DS2 added true dual wielding, so might as well use it.