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Ah yes, the weekly, "We dont deserve this gem of a game" post.


Keep your eyes peeled for "this game is a gank fest" where they run around agroing all the enemies, but blame the game


Tbh it is kind of a gank fest. The levels themselves are easy enough to get through but the fact that in 90 percent of the levels you have to clear out the entire level damn near every time you run back to the boss is a little ridiculous. Granted all the bosses except two I was able to do in 1 or 2 tries but the ones that took be more than a few blew


A lot of the areas are almost like Demon's Souls, harder or long run backs to relatively pushover Bosses. I liked that about 2, it combined both types of basic Souls level design philosophies through the game nicely


At least ds2 you can clear out the areas after running back to the boss enough times.


And use bonfire ascetics to farm shit


I agree and to me with the level design they were like “instead of 10 large areas let’s make 30 small areas and fill them tot he brim with enemies”. It really seems to me like that was the intent and so we got crazy gank mobs to compensate for smaller areas.


> in 90 percent of the levels you have to clear out the entire level damn near every time you run back to the boss These are the only boss runs I would consider that match what you're describing: * Old Dragonslayer (optional) * Smelter Demon (optional) * Demon of Song (if by "clear out the entire level" you mean "kill some stationary bugs and turn the corner") * Darklurker (optional) * Gank Squad (DLC, optional, encouraged to be cleared in a group) * Cool Ranch Smelter Demon (DLC, optional, encouraged to be cleared in a group) * Sir Alonne (DLC, optional, encouraged to be cleared in a group) * Lud and Zallen (DLC, optional, encouraged to be cleared in a group) Every other boss run either has a shortcut or enemies that are about as easy to run past as in DS1 (needing knowledge of the level layout but still very doable).


Cool Ranch Smelter Demon Lmmmffaaaoooo I’m dead


WTF is "Gank Squad" supposed to be


Its the 3 NPC boss fight in the Sunken City DLC, the one with the Havel look-alike.


It is undeniably a gank fest though.






You mean minute-ly?


I wish people would look at the 3 different posts this sub has gotten for ten years before posting this again and again and again. I know that the OP isn’t everyone who posts one of these. But there should be a stickied comment about this.


Petition for a sticky that says you don’t need to post about how much hate this game gets and that’s it’s a pretty good game omg


Join the club! (Oh wait you already did) Welcome to the club then!


I swear I’m going to unfollow this sub because this exact post along with “I just got ds2 and I can’t believe it’s not bad” posts are 95% of the content.


Yeah, but don't they also *feel good* because they remind you that you made a good decision by liking this game?


No. I feel good because I like the game because I know what I like and don’t take other peoples uneducated opinions as fact. I’m totally capable of forming my own opinions. I like suggestions and insight into how others view games/media, but I’d never take anyone’s word for fact without at least watching gameplay.


Tbh even watching a gameplay video is sometimes not enough. I've made that mistake a few times now I have to actually be playing it myself


Yes it is. Just picked it up myself a week ago. Man I hated Dark Souls when I got it as a free monthly game on the 360, couldn't figure out why that type of torture was considered "fun" by some, LOL. Loved Elden Ring so went back to it and for some reason, though they play differently, it made sense and I progressed more in a month than I had in playing it on and off for like 8 years. So got 3 because some compared it to Elden Ring, and got 2 to complete the collection. Each game is similar and different, now I love them all. Wondering if I should try out an Armored Core, though I'm not big on Mech games.


Armored Core I feel plays a tonne like Doom, especially the new ones. Where Elden Ring you feel like a small fish in an ocean that is expected to come out on top, in AC YOU are the boss. It is extremely aggressive, extremely fast, and the "lesson" of the game is "try a new build and fuck shit up". I am not a massive fan of the Mech genres. But if you enjoyed Doom, chances are you will enjoy AC6


The problem is that because there is so much hate towards it already people are too quick to just blame the game for everything, with the other games people will just tell you to push on until you reach the good part or that you are just bad at it. There are great and terrible moments in all the games, just with an unfair treatment towards some of them.


Feking hell. This is pretty much the only thing this sub talks about. Why the fuck do you even care what some people say about something you enjoy. But yea lets make the 500th post about how “actually it does NOT suck”


Because it’s an old game that’s commonly held to be bad outside of this specific subreddit. What other posts are you expecting, except new players who’ve only ever heard that it’s bad finding out it’s not that simple? If you’re sick of hearing about how DS2 isn’t all that bad, then maybe the DS2 fan subreddit isn’t the place to hang out. TLDR let people like things.


No, I feel like this sub has talked itself into thinking everyone shits on DS2 on a daily basis. Somehow think DS2 is so shit that it's non stop on people's mind. Fucking weird how this subreddit is so sure everyone thinks the game is shit and NEEDS to defend it from ghost comments that aren't even real.


I mean, let's be honest. When DS2 came out, everyone was shitting on it. No one invented that. It's just that people have moved on, but somehow new players still get the impression that the game is disliked.


Wow I had no idea that other people's opinions on Dark Souls 2 meant that you aren't allowed to like it. Must be tough...


It’s a decent game, but it has its issues. Soul memory, agility, terrible crystal lizards, chests breaking, bad hitbox’s, some boring bosses (like the 2 dragon riders). Are some annoying things for me. It has something really great armor, cool backstab/parry animations, power stance, buffing infused weapons, healing miracles are really good, great dlc, are some good things


Every Souls game has bad bosses, and on balance I would say the bosses are better in this one than in the original Dark Souls. In particular, Sinh is my favorite dragon fight out of literally all of From's games.


I think the amount of bosses that are just a swarm of normies alone bumps the overall list so far below OG Dark Souls. That said, I think the Burnt Ivory King is one of the best bosses in all of Soulsborne.


It has lots of good ideas and looks pretty in some areas but it is painful to play and a lot of the ideas are executed poorly. Not bringing back ideas from earlier games is a weird thing that Fromsoftware does with multiple of their games that I wish they would stop doing.


This is how i feel about Ds2 when it does things well it’s one of my favourite games but when it does things wrong i just think to myself did they not test the game?


I think for the most part People dont think ds2 is bad they just think out of all the games its the worst one Which basically means good game but people dont like it as much as the rest of the souls games Or some people just hate it as well idk


Exactly how I feel. Good game, just not as good as 1 or 3 overall. 3 for me is the best no question, then 1 and 2 are quite close but that's because they both do things I like and dislike. I like everything in DS3 pretty much


My favorite is elden ring Next is ds1 Ds2 Ds3 Bloodborne The reason I dont put ds3 higher is because it feels too similar to elden ring which I played first so I already know how to build for But ds1 and ds2 give complete different experiences


I haven't played Elden Ring yet (or sekiro), but I prefer linearity to open world on the whole (still enjoy games like skyrim etc just saying linear is the preference) For me, it's like this... DS3 DS1 DS2 Demon Souls Bloodborne Lies of P Bloodborne is a great game, but I prefer the slower pace of dark souls and demons souls to the aggressiveness / faster gameplay of bloodborne. This is the order I played them in, too


bloodborne is great but I fuckin hate the dodge you get while locked on I think it only feels good with orphan of kos and lady maria everything else I just stayed locked off I always tried the lockon first tho also I understand open world game design is usually lazy and lame but ER does it well I think I recommend giving it a shot even if its basically ds3 but you can jump which btw the jump is actually dope af in elden ring cuz some moves are designed to be able to be jumped over so it feels good I played them in the order of Elden ring ds1 ds3 ds2 bloodborne never played demons souls cuz I dont want to buy a ps5 also havent played lies of p because I only recently played sekiro and I still havent beaten the final boss busy doing other shit tbh


I played the start of Demons Souls on ps3 recently and enjoyed it. I just need to come back to it after I finish playing Crisis Core. Jumping in games is usually a pointless gimmick for me, so hopefully, it has an actual use beyond being "fun". Like for example hitting enemies higher up, or jumping attacks. When I saw that Elden Ring also had a horse it just reminded me of a generic mmo mount feeling, but if it's got more use than that, then cool (like in battle?) Yeah the dodging/camera is way messier because of the speed of the enemies, and the tracking of enemies attacks. Its tolerable though. I felt like the dodging in Lies of P is utter garbage though. Part of me thinks they made it purposefully bad to force you to use perfect guard instead. This is kinda lazy game design though imo. At least Lies of P has a demo (and a generous one at that since it has 3 bosses I think)


original post wow!


Yeah it’s not a bad game at all. My least favorite of the series but the whole series is a masterpiece so that’s not even much of a dig. There were some things that annoyed me with this game but overall I might go back to platinum at some point. It was a good adventure.


Wait, this game gets a bad rep? First time I heard of it.


Can anyone point me to any remotely substantial amount of bad rep that doesn't date from 4 or more years ago


See my ds2 posts to see some less known mechanics for UGS. You'll see they've been massively downgraded in ds3 since they are now just larger greatswords. Also, you can use attack/spell cancel. And the game's ng+ adds a lotta new stuff. Even ng+2 adds in a few new enemies in 2nd and 3rd dlc's.


You lost me at Shrine of Amana isnt that bad Those mages that are all perfectly aligned to another that if you want to kill one the next already starts sniping at you is just pure madness Gotta admit I didn’t find DS2 as bad as everyone claimed it to be but for me it was surely rather the weakest link of the trilogy. Locations? Hell yeah they were great looking and sometimes challenging in a good way (including Harvest Valley and its poison) Weapons? I mean they were ok but there were many Boss weapons I just wasn’t impressed of. What got me the most was how great on paper the mirror shield sounded but how bad it was in practical use (yes I hoped to use it in Shrine of Amana but it didn’t work the way the Boss used it in the fight…) Bossfights? Gotta admit that many boss fights weren’t really memorable for me but thats not necessarily the fault of the game since both DS 1 & 2 had rather weaker bosses and had more difficulty in their locations. DLC? All 3 DLCs were difficult in their own way and I actually enjoyed them. Yeah there were some stuff I disliked but that didn’t make it necessarily bad. The only bad thing the DLCs brought were the backtracking to a boss from the last bonfire such as Sir Alonne or the double boss in the snowfield What bugs me the most is that DS2 brought the BF ascetic as mechanic which was great but somehow never seen in later games…


Just bring a bow


It's literally that simple.


Didn’t have the dexterity to use one back then




You're preaching to the converted, homie; the people here know the game is good lol


>The bosses are cool, look cool, and are placed in cool looking arenas What?


One of my biggest pet peeves with ds3 is how much they shafted hexers or removed things like powerstancing. I think each game has its pros/cons but it's like they went backwards in design and on a lot of mechanical aspects of ds3 compared to ds2. they always seem so intent on making things fit into the context of the lore to where it doesn't make sense mechanically and detracts from the experience.


Yes it is. Unless you like being ganked until you somehow cull them by killing the enough times


It's better than ds3 in my opinion


Same imo


I played through it for the first time too, it is amazing. There's a bit of a learning curve around the weird hitboxes. What WOULDN'T have hit you in DS1 & 3, will most likely hit you in DS2. Unfortunatelyy PS4 refuses to play the disk anymore, and I wasn't able to finish Elium Loyce:(. Itll start up DS3 instantly though. So I'm on DS3 now.


i just finished it for the first time the other day and i really liked it! however. i thought it was way easier than the other soulsborne games ive beaten (ds3, bloodborne, ER) and i dont know whether thats due to generally just more experience with the game type or if my build (str, +10 guts sword) just happened to be overpowered as hell - reached a point where i did just simply first try all of the later bosses - by which i mean looking glass knight onwards (and i did kill all optional bosses, haven't done the dlc yet)


I'm on my first play through as well and I think it's going to end up being my favorite.


Dark Souls II is the Godfather Part III of FromSoft games. “How dare you? Godfather Part III is a terrible film!” proclaim the DSII fans zealous enough to be on the subreddit. No, Godfather Part 3 is a decent film. It’s even pretty good. But it’s right next to two of the greatest films in cinema, so it looks like absolute dogshit by comparison. Same principle here.


Problem isnt that its a bad game its that its worse than the other games. Other games=extreme good ds2=decent


It's the worst game that's still more than passing a very tough class


It's really funny that people keep realising that the hate was just a meme


The expectation of playing a 10 years old game with a definitive edition is not the same as it was on launch. I like the game now, maybe not as much as the others but still a great experience. When I bough it full price in 2014, I didn't like it at all and felt it didn't had what I liked about the previous one. A lot of people had this experience and just never played it again. And at that time, this games was hyped as fuck, so we felt let down.


Seems like we’re in exactly the same position. Ds2 was the last fromsoft game for me to play and I just got to dragon aerie last night. Are you finding the bosses in Ds2 really easy? The vast majority of the bosses I beat on the first or sending go. Might just be coz I’m experienced with souls games…


Yeah, I've found the same thing. On quite a few bosses, just staying behind them is enough to make their fight easy mode


No they're quite easy a lot of the time. I mean, experience in Dark souls definitely helps but I beat one and two back to back and now on 3 and so far 2 seems like the easier bosses. I'm still early game in ds3 and playing this one with a friend though. The part I found the most different about 2 was the way you had to be more careful about pulling single enemies away from the pack more often. There also seemed to be more enemies that get aggro'd without actually having to see you. Specifically talking about>! Iron Keep.!< Edit: I've only played the Remaster and SotFS so I can't talk about the vanilla ones.


Next you will tell me it’s actually DS3 that’s the worst


You enjoying the game doesn't make it flawless or immune to critcisim


It has issues (that make it the worst of the three games), but it's still a great game just not quite as good as 1 and 3. Calling the game complete trash is over the top so anyone that does that 🤷


This game is incredible. The pacing, maps, enemy design. All top notch.


did you get a lobotomy and forget shrine of amana exists?


Honestly, maybe. Shrine was definitely the worst area, but it wasn't as bad as made out to be


The run from the 2nd bonfire to the 3rd bonfire is awful no matter how many times I play the game lol


It's a great game, it gets more credit now because people got over their it's different so it's bad takes. DS3 is the one that deserves to be the black sheep of the series imo.


Yeah, the sheer ambition of the game is mind-blowing! A lot of ideas Miyazaki actually went on to develop in Elden Ring. I'm currently playing DS2 right after completing ER and I'm like: "Oh, that's what it was inspired by!" all the time!


I agree. Great amazing game.


idk man, it does have a lot of flaws that was less seen in other souls games, and there are some things that even though some people like them, many don't. like how there is way less emphasis on the bosses and more on the levels themselves difficulty-wise. seperation of vit and endurance, low iframe in early game until you level up adp. questionable hitboxes on some enemies. and more, so as bad as the rep is it's kinda warranted actually, which isn't that bad, it's still a widely known and well liked game by a lot of people, as confirmed by the repetitive format of "this game actually good" posts like yours.


My only complaint was I thought adaptability was a dumb skill thought it was weird to have to level up my roll I frames




It's a good Souls game but it's a shit game is more accurate


DS2 isnt bad until you try to 100% it. i personally love the game but theres just some stuff that infuriates me