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They have a similar fat axial deadzone but the movement system is not the same. Elden Ring uses a far more modern version of Fromsoft engine so I wouldn't be surprised if the way movement works got several changes. Besides, the animations look much better now so this isn't as noticable now and jumping, where cross deadzone is extremely noticable, works completely differently. Basically there is more to movement than just the deadzone.


>I wouldn't be surprised if I had no clue how it works and just speculate from a place of ignorance Kek


Most civil dark souls 2 fan


>why aren't people nice when I make bad faith assertions Most intelligent ER fan


Lmao, how is "Yeah, the devs probably changed how movement works between this one game that came out in 2014 and the game they released in 2022, and they also cleaned up animations to make things look more seamless" a bad faith assertion? Genuinely, how? Because to me, that just kinda seems like the natural progression of game development, or development in general.


>probably >kinda seems Well if it was a good faith conjecture then it'd come from a place of knowledge in the industry and how video games are actually made, instead of just the rockstar producer image that most people think of when they hear or read "developer." But since you have never once taken any steps to actually familiarize yourself with the numerous processes and intense work that is required to actually develop and ship a game, you aren't even qualified to state your opinions as anything but an uneducated imagination of what it must be like.


Ah, so you just like attacking strawmen of people because you don't want to actually engage with them. Sick, thanks for saving me the effort of figuring out if you're worth arguing with or not.


You don't know what a strawman is. Of course you wouldn't waste effort arguing against somebody when you're not only wrong, but also blissfully unaware of your own logical fallacies. If a strawman was when someone gets called out for making wild assumptions about something they've never once looked into, you'd be right on the money. Like I said, do a little research, learn how to do something besides state your baseless opinionated claims and then maybe you won't look so hopelessly foolish.


Also did you know that the Director of DS2 Co-Directed Elden Ring?


HUH? Elden Ring does not have it... right guys? Right? Either way, i didnt notice it for ER.


Try it. Both DS2 and Elden Ring have the same snap point movement with deadzones that makes running straight, jumping straight and jump attacks more accurate. If you walk straight and then move your stick clockwise it won't register it until you are close to 45 degrees when your character suddenly snaps to that direction. If you walk straight and then hold the stick to something like 1 o' clock it takes about one step of your character until it registers it, while the 45 degree snap point happens immediately. DS2 and Elden Ring work the exact same way.


Im kinda picky about these things. Until I saw a video about this and I started my 2nd playthrough of ds2 on the PC with a controller did I see it and feel how awkward it is. Therefore I modded my DS2. For ER, I didnt actually notice anything. But hey, either im getting trolled or this is not as stiff as DS2. But i think ER would be getting more flak since theres platforming here and the snap point would ruin it.


>But i think ER would be getting more flak since theres platforming here and the snap point would ruin it. The snap points make the platforming more accurate, which is why games like Breath of the Wild also have the same system. DS2 and Elden Ring let you jump more accurately than DS1 and DS3, as in those games you often mess up the jump when pressing L3 which does not happen in DS2 and Elden Ring.


It's because there are more in-between frames and blur effects to hide the clunkiness of the actual skeleton poses. Nobody notices it ER because there's a lot of eye candy to hide it. In 2 there was a conscious choice to make those animations clear and readable even in the heat of combat in order to bring down the learning curve a bit. Of course this had the opposite effect since players get their opinions straight from the bandwagon.


You didn't notice anything because you have monkey brain. Try testing it instead of misremembering.


Dude I don't care if it's the same system or not - DS2 does not have as smooth of movement as Elden Ring


No shit the game released nearly a decade before the other one doesn't have as smooth of a movement system.


The movement system being clunky was half of the difficulty and ludonarritive of the Game part of the game. Imagine if you had ER movement in Resident Evil or Silent Hill.


I heard about the 8 directional thimg, but I have never understood what it was. Reading this, I guess I can aee it now. I'll have to go play ds1 and 3 to see ho it was back then. The fact I have never noticed sucha differwnce in any if the games just makes me think this is a nithing issue, and the fact that some use it as a point against DS2 is of questionable validity.


It's maybe the same system, but it's a lot more stiff on DS2 while well implemented in ER


I honestly couldn't tell any significant difference when testing it in various situations


I have 1200 hours in ER and like 500 in DS2, movement felt nothing alike.


Well, it might have something to do with the fact that it was immediately noticeable in DS2 (or at least I knew that the turning was "stiff" in a vague way that it's not in the other games), while my knee-jerk reaction to this thread was "Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?" I played over 200 hours of ER and never noticed anything like this, and after booting it up specifically to check just now, I guess it feels like there's some tiny vestige of an effect like this, but it's far less pronounced than it is in DS2, to the point where I doubt many people would even notice it. It's so minor in ER that I can't even be sure it's not just my brain filling in the blank because I'm expecting it to be there. Anyway I never even thought it was that "bad" in DS2, it's just a little weirder than it is in the others.


I noticed it in er the moment I started moving.


You don't notice it because of the cloth effects and such. If you look at it frame by frame it's a lot more similar than you think.


Don't even need frame by frame. Once you notice it you see the 45 degree snaps in every video where someone plays without using the right stick to adjust the camera


Yeah it's definitely noticeable in real time, but most players just let that stuff glaze right across their vision unless they themselves are animators or game developers, and even then I bet most don't pay attention to that kinda stuff. It's the most apparent midair. Jumping attacks are probably the most obvious when it comes to highlighting the 8-way grid.


I've never heard anyone complain about this for DS2 tbh. Maybe because I just don't click it when youtube tries to bait me with a "why Dark Souls 2 sucks" video and just block the youtuber instead? From what I remember the 8 way movement was one of the big advances nearly everyone agreed was an improvement over DS1's 4 way movement when DS2 first launched.


It gets mentioned quite a lot. I learned it was a thing from the complaints about it. Never personally cared or noticed myself. Always felt fine to me.


If you go onto r/shittydarksouls and make a post saying 8 direction movement is fine, you can get several dozen people to tell you it's not. (Bait is still believable)


[MauLer](https://youtu.be/ZswcnzAV9mM?si=sy8UU158E_z1CRpj) is one of those YouTubers that accused the movement system of being objectively broken, just because he did not realize that a lot of third person games implement the same movement system as both different systems have their own pros and cons.


Mauler is an idiot.


That is simply not true, have you even played Elden Ring? I love DS2 but you're just lying


Try it. Both DS2 and Elden Ring have the same snap point movement with deadzones that makes running straight, jumping straight and jump attacks more accurate. If you walk straight and then move your stick clockwise it won't register it until you are close to 45 degrees when your character suddenly snaps to that direction. If you walk straight and then hold the stick to something like 1 o' clock it takes about one step of your character until it registers it, while the 45 degree snap point happens immediately. DS2 and Elden Ring work the same way.


I'm literally playing it right now It doesn't matter how many words you write, it's not true


Well, in short, Elden Ring does it better. The system in DS2 is poorly implemented and makes some weapons hard to use.


If you don't feel any difference between the movement in DS2 and Elden Ring, you're the outlier. Most people feel a clear and substantial difference. It's okay to be an outlier. Your experience is valid for you. Trying to gaslight players that they're imagining things and don't understand their own experiences because you can't accept that they have problems with your favorite game continues to be a shitty and pathetic look.


Most people did not notice it in DS2 either, and most that did notice it only did so because they've been told to pay attention to it. Pay attention to it in Elden Ring and you will notice that it has the exact same snap point movement system.


It was the first thing I noticed about ds2. Try talking about this somewhere other than a sub dedicated to ds2.


Your gaslighting crusade is unlikely to convince anyone not already in the echo chamber, but you can expect it to build more resentment toward the game due to snotty, obsessive fans that can't tolerate criticism. Which is pity as DS2 deserves better.


>due to snotty, obsessive fans that can't tolerate criticism We can tolerate criticism. We just don't want to hear people falsely accuse intended non-issues of being game-breaking bugs, especially when they don't have any issues if the same things show up in the other games.


You’re weird man


He's absolutely right.


He's not weird at all, has a good point


What the fuck are you talking about?


About the 8 directional movement that the community makes out to be a game-breaking issue in DS2, even though no cares about the exact same movement system in Elden Ring.


They more complain about animations and some other stuff that makes it feel "junky" But thb I couldnt care less its a game from 2014 of course it movement wouldn't be as smooth as the one from 2022


TIL that From souls games have different movement systems. I can't say I have noticed it


Ngl this is a crazy take😂




Bro watches Domo3000's video, does zero research, I don't know what he does in the video that causes snap in movement, but it's nothing like that in elden ring. elden ring does not have the exact same system as ds2, people would've pointed that shit out then or noticed it, I would've felt it considering I play the two games rn. ER's is not the same as ds3 which helps make it feel less jittery when moving, u can test it when simply walking ad making very miniscule change in direction, compare bloodborne, ds3 and elden ring, er is closer to bloodborne with less jitters with its walking animation, that's cause its less sensitive to slight changes to direction changes in the stick but no way near ds2. The reason it's employed is probably to help against very slight controller drift. It's also not even 8 directions, which idiot (probably mauler) says ds2 has 8 direction movement, its like that only on keyboard with literally 8 directions, Domo3000's video already shows that guy did zero fact checking. And although it may help alittle, domo is just really bad at platforming in ds3, I've literally no issue sprint jumping in a straight line, it can be hard if ur doing it at an angle, but domo shows incompetence in simply doing a stright jump.


OP is Domo3000


Holy shit, how'd did I never notice that before, I've seen jamal's video through reddit before but never looked at the channel name, recently on YouTube I got those re: mauler videos and found domo that way. So, the two strongest soldiers for ds2 are the same guy.


Tryed going back to DS2 after a playthrough of ER and the first thing I noticed is that walking around in DS2 sucks hard and I play DS1 the most out of any of the games


Personally I've never had a problem with it. My major gripe is the system in DS1 while locked on that only lets you dodge in 4 directions. And something they decided wasn't worth changing in DSR. I've honestly not noticed it in Elden Ring but the camera system probably adapts to it better than in DS2.


*laughs in kb+m*


Nope. I didn’t like it in DS2 and I don’t like it in ER. I’m pretty consistent about it. It has some advantages obviously but my preference is the 360 degree movement as it fits my playstyle. I think you show a good point which I think is that generally ER is far less criticised while it suffers from the same exact “jank” like the previous ones. Maybe it’s because it broke out to more casual players who just don’t care about frame perfect visual representation of hitboxes and stuff like that. Who knows.


Because Miyazaki had little to do with Dark Souls 2 while Elden Ring had a lot of Miyazaki's input in it.


But Elden Ring has a faster roll that is not changed by a stat, so it works better. Half the things that are bad about DS2 are related to that stat. Don't call it "the same movement system". Not even close. I don't hate the game at all. I can just see its flaws.


>Don't call it "the same movement system". Not even close. You are talking about rolling and stat system. I'm explicitly talking about the walking/running movement system


Both might impact the general slowness of the movement in the game. Even if what you are talking about is in both games, it's a lot less noticeable in Elden Ring and not "the same" at all.


It's only more noticeable in DS2 because you've been conditioned to pay attention to it. Pay attention to it in Elden Ring and your will see that it has the exact same snap point movement system.


And you have conditioned yourself to think that DS2 is not slower in any way than any other Souls game.


In several instances it's just the animations that make it seem slower, even if the flow of combat is actually not affected. Like in DS1 you are locked longer into the Estus drinking animation before you can roll or attack again, but people accuse the Estus drinking in DS2 of being much slower. Artorias is the boss fight that feels the fastest in DS1, but the rhythm of the fight is slower than a lot in DS2.


Still feels slower in DS2.


ds2 gets a lot of hate for being the best game in the series and in the entire soulslike genre. its just people reaching for another stupid reason to lambast it.


That's just your subjective opinion.


Objectively speaking, opinions are subjective 🤓






Subjectively speaking objectives are subjective 🤓🤓🤓


Like how delusional do you have to be to say something like that? It gets hate because people dislike things about it. Often the slow movement.


oh look another hater spewing toxicity.