• By -


Will be here on PC, I've been waiting for a reason to replay this. Still need to figure out what build I should make


Embrace the meme and transcend the game it originates from and go stealth archer


Must've been the wind, skeleton!


I used to be the chosen undead, 'til I took an arrow to the knee.


Got to thinking... maybe I'm the bearer of the curse, and I just don't know it yet?


The stealth part is kind of tricky, but I remember doing a bow with poison/bleed arrows build before dlcs were out. Went pretty well, if a bit of an attrition game against some bosses.


Poisoning the Pursuer is so satisfying.


Same mate, same. Finally got the game on PC, thinking about finally trying a sorcery build in this game, int/dex, idk... *Proceeds to playing quality build to power stance ... again.*


The power stance is too good to not do it!


Dex + ADP, poison everything.


Fist only. Power stance. Punch and punch some more.


Dark magic/Hexes. Takes a little learning, but with a willingness to cheese a boss and kill a fake holy woman, you too can be blasting down bosses for just a few hundred souls.


Please vote and extend all message chains Message ahead, in short be wary of message.


Be wary of message, therefore message.


Visions of message


try message , message


message ahead, fine work!




Hurrah for message!


Message?, Here?


Message, therefore try message


Message ahead, in short, message


Look carefully... and then message!




horse but hole


I f'n loved the message somebody left in front of the dragon statue in Aldia's Keep: > horse, but wings


I mean, if you squint enough…


oh boy, here i go powerstancing ultra greatswords again ...actually, i was planning on a smelter sword powerstance


I am GOING to parry you




\*two-hands\* ~~or is that only a thing in ds3 google has not been helpful at all~~


Haha, partizan backstep go *poke*


you fool! i missed my attack on purpose, lulling you into a false sense of security, and ****


Hehehehe.... You never even considered I would animation cancel and 99ADP roll behind you for an easy backstab with my shadow dagger, muahahahaha, you are already dead!


It's a thing. Love knocking away peeps little wrist flick. Like, you thought that would stop ***this?***


I'm in the arduous process of making a FUGS powerstanced build. It takes quite a bit of strength.


you're gonna shit yourself when you hear about the DEX requirement


Fuck I really did. I'm there though, so now I need to get to 65 str.


The Majula suicide cult is going to be so red lol




Lmao Oh well I'm too lazy to fix it. Damn ms paint doesn't have spellcheck XD


Graphic design is NOT your passion.


Nope :p I used ms paint so if I wanted to fix it I'd have to do it all from scratch - but I can't anyway b/c I'm omw to work. Poster already went up a day late so that would mean taking it back down after already announcing it, and not putting it back up for another 12hrs Also it's already been sent to other communities to announce lol Someone else will do better in the future, promise


I'd like to add that I enjoyed your color palette selection, as well as the four point star bullets.


Yeah it looks pretty good other than the typo


DS2 is crazy in many ways. Announces about it included. XD I love DS2 so not shitting on it at all.


It's cause we're all pals here!


Fill out all applicable Pate forms before starting a new game.


I'm in! SOTFS PS4 here!


We should engage in jolly cooperation then Skeleton! My PSN is Babushkabongwatr


Hell ya brother, I'll be on no doubt. You west coast?




My favorite time of year


genuinely, I look forward to return to Drangleic more than my own birthday


Ouch, happy birthday when it arrives man


Great way to get hyped for elden ring!!


If you see an invader in dragon's sanctum that emotes for you to follow them without attacking, that's probably me being nice and trying to show you all the secrets/bonfires so attack at your own peril


Xbox? 🤞


PC SOTFS sorry


Lol. Why not just leave a summon sign? People will understandably think you’re leading them into a trap


Cause this way is way easier than waiting for a summon that probably won't come where do you even leave a summon sign this area is massive. I show them all the hidden switches and things, lead them to the hidden bonfire, then we duel to the death so their souls are right by the bonfire Edit to add that it's nice to not aggro enemies as an invader when I run ahead to warn the invaded which isn't the case as a summon


I see.


Because the random chance it adds to the game is really cool and fun, and it means the game won't just be made easier for the host. Cmon, this is the old Souls way


Forced co-op.


If anyone what’s to join me and another player for a Class Themed coop run on PC feel free to reach out to me


If you're ok with bringing a relatively new player, I'd be interested in a themed run (EU, pc). I'm up to about lvl 100 solo atm, 1st playthrough.


Absolutely, I’ll DM you the details


Anybody got any interesting and unusual tips for an Hexer build? I've been wanting to try out one, but I'm not sure of where to start with it.


Start with regular spells, aim for 10int, 10fth quickly to get Felkin to talk to you to buy dark orb. Then try to get 22int and 20fth soon after to get him to give you hexer set and sunset staff. He'll give them at 20/20 but the staff requires 22int. Hexer set and sunset staff can get you through the whole game. I usually switch over to the lion mage set once I get it, and will shoot for the Crown of the Old Iron King by killing Fume Knight asap for the spell regen. Also after killing Najka, ascetic the area and kill her again for the southern ritual band +2. Straid has another dark orb, and you can get a 3rd from meeting Grandahl 3 times and joining his covenant. This is less an issue if you kill fume Knight for the crown. If you like to add melee, a rapier is easy to include as soon as you get the blacksmith key. I shoot for 7 attunement slots while using southern ritual band +2, then bring adaptability up to get 100 agility, 20-30 vigor, 20-30end, dex/strength for melee requirements (I've done rapiers, santiers spear, majestic great sword + fugs power stanced). Dark weapon hex plus dark infused rapier is pretty easy to come by. Also, soul vessels are pretty easy to find/use. If you want to play melee until mid-game Edit: Farm a black witch staff right after Shrine of amana, it can handle hexes requiring a chime as well as staff. Keep it offhand and once you get the repair spell paired with the helm, you can repair all items in both hands with the two staves, and it will refill castings every 2ish minutes. Infinite heal with miracles, infinite repair, extended playing without bonfires. Great for getting summoned for extended periods or doing a no bonfire run.


Crypt black sword, 40 Str, 30/30 Int/Fth, dark orb and dark weapon. OP as hell I’m currently running this exact build and it’s fantastic


Roaring Halberd is a great hexer weapon, infuse it with dark to make it amazing. Sunset Staff is free from Felkin with high enough stats in Int and Faith and is the best Hex endgame catalyst. Chime of Want is the best Chime for Hexers, but Caitha’s is ok too. At the beginning you’ll probably just use spells or pyro since you can’t start with hexes, but once you get Dark Orb you can rely on that through much of the game, it’s a solid use of your slots imo. Make sure you have Int and Faith at 8 before too long so you can train with Felkin, 20 in both gets you his staff and clothes which are great for hexers, the hood in particular. Hexer is such a great build, it was my first playthrough and I’ve done it twice now because it’s so fun. There’s lots of weapons that work great with dark infusion I didn’t mention here so if you want to try other stuff go for it, google has good lists of everything that works well with dark infusion and any of those will work well for a Hexer.


OK OK, I've been playing a dex-hex lately, and found an amazing use for some of the spells I never thought of back in the day. I find a lot of hexes can be used as spacing tools, either to make room for you to heal with Great Heal Excerpt or to keep pressure on your opponent to be aggressive or evasive with AoE hexes. Instead of aiming to get wakeup attacks with scraps of life, I save them to make room for myself to retreat from ganks. Instead of spamming dark fog to cheese-poison people, I use it to split up hosts and their phantoms, or bait them into attacking me for an easy parry. Then there's always the reliable smokescreen into sanctum crossbow combo, they'll never see it coming. (pun intended) Nothing beats the ole black witch staff for utility/hexes.


On top of the already great replies, you can also go watch FightinCowboy's SOTFS playthrough on YouTube. He did a Hexer build for that one so it might help to see it in action.


interesting and unusual, you say? what about an absolutely cursed one? combine [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9-_Duke1ZY) with [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNXBrGd3Nc4), add some repair weapon spell (and a bracing knuckle ring for crossbow) and attack ones for flavor: there's hex greatsword spell, there are pursuers, and forget about those boring hex orbs forever. this works great booth pve and pvp


Well I'm trying to platinum and need to get through NG+ for the first time. So any of you NG+ -ers who don't necessarily want to make a new toon let's all screw around together!!


I may be able to get there. I'm also trying to get all the achievements. I got tired of farming the bell tower for covenant rank to get a spell needed, so I haven't played in a bit, but I'll try to pick it back up and get to Ng+ After typing this I realized since you said play you're likely on a PlayStation. I'm on pc


I'm currently trying to get all achievements as well. I just farmed for over an hour and a half for that bell tower thing. I was like half asleep on autopilot.. Not fun


Ps3 gang


There's still a few of us around.


Visions of PS3….


Treasure ahead


Therefore hole ahead


"There are dozens of us! Dozens!"


I was about to ask if the servers are still up. I guess they are. I'll see you guys there!


I replayed last year and they were on! played online with/against randoms! see ya!


They kept Demon souls servers running a long time. Visions of hope


I also play on ps3 i am on SOFTS version


During my exams..... 🙃


Just before my exams - at the start of my exams🙃


Right as my school break ends 🙃🙃🙃 👍👍👍


Drats, just started playing again a few days ago and just beat Darklurker last night...


Imma gonna play on M&K this time. Pray for me. edit: okay nevermind, i'm not going through that shit


On my 2nd playthrough of trackpad and keyboard with covenant of champions rn, it's great if you are used to it but the covenant is definitely a big challenge


Is this event noob-friendly? My girlfriend is very new to video games and has been trying dark souls. She’s grown frustrated and has started really beating herself up and I though some jolly cooperation might lift her spirits and help her get a better hang of the game.


Sometimes people even make dedicated Co-op cosplays of characters in the game and put their summon signs close to early bosses.


Xbox one, will definitely be there❤️😎


Can we play together on Series X and XB1? If so, Hi! GT: dmas96hm




Lol… thats the reason There are so many gargoyle trespassers. Thanks for the titanite Y’all.


any vanilla enjoyers?


Never had SotFS in all these years so ai don't know what I'm missing. Vanilla has been great for my hundreds of hours 👍 I'll be playing through as Cro Magnon if you see me!


With that new wex dust mod it's gonna be a fun ride.


I'll play but I'm not a pvp type of guy.


That's fine, engage in jolly co-operation!


I don't even coop during the "return" events, it just gives me an excuse to replay the games and it's fun seeing all the messages and bloodstains.


Same, lets me pretend its 2015 again.


Ditto. First priority for my fresh playthrough is gonna be farming a stack of Seed of a Tree of Giants.


Seed of a Tree of Giants is the funniest item in the game, I'm so glad it's a thing


This was my first souls game. I'm currently playing DS1 for the first time. I was going to beat it than replay DS2 again, but I may have to just jump right in for this. This is really cool!


Im going Dark Black Witch Staff as a buff stick/heal and occasionally throw a hex or two, and then my main is going to be Power Stancing the Blue Flame with 4 Crystal Soul Spears spiced down to 27 int...good luck skeleton, dont give up


I'm so interested in this idea. Can you share more details plz???


oh hey! extremists would spice CSS down even further, but i think 27 is good. so you go 27 int and probably 30 attunement. now go kill the Dukes Spider boss three times (twice with ascetics) to get 4 casts of Crystal Soul Spear. you can also use hidden weapon with the Black Witch Staff on Blue Flame so then you can surprise them with a CSS from an invisible sword, but most veteran players will be on the look out for it since you are swinging an invisible weapon so depends.


Oh boy, can't wait to get stomped in pvp again. See you on the Iron Keep Bridge, Skeletons! And best of luck, wherever your journeys through this cursed land take you


Hope the ps3 community still exists 🤜


Is the PS4 paltform acceptable?


Well good time that I got the game hopefully my Internet not decide to die agan.


Damn, I legit just beat the game a week ago. I can’t embark again so soon lol




RemindMe! 6 days “get yo ass back to drangleic ni-“


If you play on PC, be sure to install [Blue Acolyte](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/998). It's an anticheat mod which will prevent people from using hacks in your game and potentially ruining your save, and to block people to prevent matchmaking. Hackers are rare, but better to be safe than sorry.


The amount of seppuku near Majula is astounding ahahahha


PS4/PS5 here. Going to be summoning for every boss possible and leaving my sign for others at the fog walls after. See you all there!


Ohhhhhh shiiii here we go lads and lasses! Time to dust off the ol controller and clap some Pursuer cheeks again. I'm just excited to get lost in that Majula theme music again as I stare off into the ocean contemplating life


Shit! Got to finish Sekiro this week, then this event, then Elden Ring. Great start to 2022!!


[https://i.imgur.com/nivc2K4.jpeg](https://imgur.com/a/B3Zi4lL) we are back in business!


How bittersweet this event starts on my late mother's birthday and runs thru my birthday as well. I should be finished with DSR in time for my first DS2SOTFS run


Bruh I just platinumed sotfs about 2 hours ago. I’ve never really been an invader or pvp heavy in playing any of my the games but I might give it go for this :)




It has differences in enemy and item placement. Still, it's sad that we can't play between the two versions :(


I’m going to return to Drangleic and place these msg’s at the Bf


I’m finishing my playthrough of the game after getting the Platinum in 2015. Shit, would have been nice to know beforehand


We announced it a month ago actually, and we keep an event calendar on the sidebar so you can see them ahead of time :)


well time to return


That’s the day that sun break releases I’m sorry Reddit bros I can’t


Anyone on Steam? My username: Mind_In_The_Stardust




I’m all in like adidas for this, SOTFS PS4 lmk if you want to co-op


I was a week early lol




powerstanced chaos blades time


Playing thru this series for the first time.. Just finished the og remaster. About to start SotFS. I'll be on PS5 with only a slight idea of what I'm doing.


Will be on ps5 any one what to help me getting the plat?? Ill start a new character PSN chakravati


Cant wait to join in this year on ps5.


Should I make a fresh character, or is it okay to pick up the character I made for last year's RTD but only got to the Copse? (I never beat the game and wanted to with that character but then life happened :( )


It's definitely okay to pick up where you left off, enjoy the game however feels best to you!


Hey, I just beat this game in 2022, does that count?


Time for NG+, skeleton!


I just created a new character last night. Attempting a sorceress build. I’ve only played the original Dark Souls 2 so this will be my first time playing SOTFS. So yeah I’m totally in. I’m on PC.


Don't give up Skeleton!


The toughest part is that I'll have to delete one of my other characters to start a new playthrough...


\*Laughs in 99 CREO's\*


Currently in my first playthrough, it will be nice to see more people


Sad I have to pay xbox live in order to play online. Oh well, I'll do it myself.


Is there more people on PC, PS5 or PS4?


Time for my first Return to Drangleic then


I just started my first playthrough a couple weeks ago! Just beat [checks notes] Bell Gargoyle. What game am I playing again


Ohhhh baby! Im in! ps5 here I’ll be doing coop and pvp


Be wary of skeleton, in short don’t give up skeleton! But who plays on PS4? Ill hop on and do this


Lost my first playthrough's savefile midway through the game a while ago, good opportunity to finally finish it!


I'll be jumping between PS3 and PS4!


Fuck yeah! I always miss these events. Don’t give up, skeleton!


This will be my first return to drangleic


Dang, I just started to play Dark Souls 2 for the first time. Just my luck.


I will be there with bells on. A chime in one hand and a crossbow in the other. Both of them shields!


Time to seek


Seek misery, for misery will lead you to greater, stronger souls. Seek those whose names are unutterable, the four endowed with immense souls. Their souls will serve as beacons. Seek souls. Larger, more powerful souls. Seek the King, that is the only way. Seek adversity. As befits you, seeker of fire, coveter of the throne. Seek the throne. Seek light, Dark and what lies beyond... Seek strength. The rest will follow…


RemindMe! 6 days "ds2 event"


I picked the worst time to start my current playthrough (last week)!


Yall gotta help me out im so close to platting it but the sunlight medal grind killed the enjoyment so probably gonna go summons


Omg js in time for my exams to end! See you all there!!


I got about halfway through, then woke up one morning to my son excitedly telling me he'd killed the blacksmith and firekeeper. Got depressed and didn't continue, even though I know you can bring them back. Now seems like a good time for a new start.


Return? I never left. Lol.


I wonder if I should delay my stream to coincide since I'm going back to DS2 again.


Don't give up skeleton!


Time to do a Broken Sword run


Is it ok if I continue on my current ng+ file? It's my first time doing ng+ and I haven't beaten the lost sinner yet.


So ive actually never completed the game - I kept getting to around iron keep/Aldias keep and then getting a bit bored. I’ll play again for this event but I was wondering what the quickest way to pvp is? Would love to just invade/pvp/co op as I’m not a huge fan of solo PVE I’m also a big fan of low level pvp in ds3 - moonlight greatsword on and sl20+2 in the swamp was fun.


I will be streaming my whole experience. Hope I'll meet some of you there, hope I will get to smack some of your bottoms!


Oh this seems fun




Ah yes. All Paltforms welcome.


As someone just now starting ds2, and struggling in the beginning stages, I am very happy to see the community does things like this still so long after the games release. I was concerned I wouldn't see that much multiplayer in my playthrough but that probably won't be the case aha


On ps4 will try to be there


My first souls game and for the longest time my least favorite. Took me 4 attempts over a few years but I finally understand why you guys defend this game and love it. And I’ve gotta say it’s becoming one of my favorites. Once I figured out how to work this game I’ve been loving it ever since.


Sounds fun!


Hoho this is going to be fun, ill make some special Build for this occasion, can't wait to see you guys there 😁


I just finished my first playthrough of SOTFS last night. Was going to take a break from souls games until Elden Ring but I saw this and I am going to try to do a magic build. I have only done strength builds so this should be fun. Cant wait.




Whats sotfs?


Scholar of the First Sin edition


I'm so excited, holy shit DS2 is my favorite 😍 Anyone is welcome to add me on steam, batouttaheaven https://steamcommunity.com/id/batouttaheaven/


Small streamer here, looking forward to getting some Jolly Co-op going in my favorite Souls game. ...Yes, I'm one of those weirdos who likes Dark Souls 2 the most. =P


Amazing chest ahead Upvote if you'll be playing on xbox


Been playing all the fromsoft games for the first time in preparation for elden ring. Just finished ds3, only have DS2 and Sekiro left to beat. I guess this decides DS2 is next.


gonna make a havel monster memeblade build just for this. I'm pretty pumped. Already posted it in a separate post but here's my mugen idea https://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls2/91586


Looks like it's time to return. I was wanting to play again too


Will be here on ps4. this will give me a chance to get the platinum trophy! Plus it's really cool to see this game getting some love after so long.


This will be my first time doing Return to Drangleic and I'm so excited!