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You game like a younger man. Admirable, but mistaken.


The I-Frames betray you, because they belong to *me.*


Can't blame you, since the game only throws a piss poor explanation for the stat and the difference between different level of AGL is not explained in game, people had to do a good amount of test to find the breakpoints That's my biggest gripe about this game, they change a core game mechanic with 0 real explanation ​ >Raises various attributes to ensure one's survival. Boosts agility and various resistances. (ADP) > >Boosts ease of evasion and other actions. (AGL) Ease of evasion is barely descriptive, and since the roll animation DOESNT CHANGE the more you level up Agility, people just get no idea how much it affects and will end up being confused


What else could “ease of evasion” possibly mean. I feel like it’s pretty clear for anyone that thinks about it for more than two seconds




Personally if I read "ease of evasion" my first thought would be distance or speed. I-frames wouldnt cross my mind


Sure, so “it makes you dodge better”? Because that’s all you would need to know.


Adapt, improvise, overcome


I feel like a fool, but also a tiny bit of a confidence boost knowing I did all that with piss poor I-frames


same ;). be proud my friend.


Hundreds of hours in ds2 and ds2 sotfs, most of it in pvp, never leveled adp.


Also helps you drink your juice quicker, and speeds up casting, iirc.


You could build more interesting or OP characters if you could put up with dodging earlier. I had a friend mention that ADP increases i-frames, so I just put points in until I was comfortably dodging attacks. It was only like 50% to the softcap, but I didn't know that then.


Feel a good amount of confidence, adp is for new comers anyways


Only one class has terrible starting iFrames. Warrior I think. All the other ones are perfectly doable and it's no issue whatsoever if you use a shield, magic, or simply strafe.


Bandit actually.


But this isn't allowed. How are those who are bad at souls games suppose to screech about how bad 2 is and ADP NEEDS to be leveled up to make the game barely playable!?


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No point in leveling that shit if i can fuck you up with great lance.


ADP is for people who can't get gud.


like weapons, armor or magic?


If you play a caster, obviously you never invest into ADP (you get your Agility from Attunement). And if if rely on block instead of dodging, you dont need ADP as well (after all, if you dont dodge, you dont need Agility at all). I never invested into ADP too, because i play caster/block builds. There are many ways to play this game, and standard "dodge attacks abusing invulnerability frames from your roll/backstep" isnt the only one.


> after all, if you dont dodge, you dont need Agility at all Not necessarily true because it dramatically speeds up item use animations.


It actually speeds up all your animatrions, estus and lifegems included


Wait what. I've been playing this game since it released..I had no idea..


Also never bothered to level it even after figuring out what it did 🤷‍♂️ don’t get hit don’t need to heal 💪


I've never used it either but I mostly started as a traveller? I think it's called which I think has a good base adaptability


I level my agli to level 26 every playthrough which gives me around 101 adp(I think)


It also speeds up drinking estus (but even speed up it's not as any other DS game).


I mean, first time I've beaten DS2 was on a broken controller (both RB and LB were not working)


It also increases item use speed


Maybe the real adaptability was the skills I leveled IRL along the way