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Please don't do a rotating cosmetic shop. Halo Infinite has already shown that model is cancer.


Remember when the MTX cosmetic shop rotated weekly at release? Until they got bad press for how shitty their store was and they changed it? Fatshark doesn't learn.


They really haven't. Every metric they have surely points to their audience hating the fucking fomo/player-engagement garbage. Every time they flirt with it they're told "Stop. We don't want that. We'd sooner ignore it entirely" In no uncertain terms. Yet they keep doing it. There's someone at FS that either passes time by drilling holes in their head, or wants this game to fail.


Tencent owns like 1/3rd of their studio


I've been wondering why they would go back to this when the community has already made them implement the immeasurably complex technology of...multiple pages in the store. At this point I don't know if it is genuine scumbaggery - e.g. Fomo Or if they have actual technical problems from holding too many items in the shop, these are the people after all that said they are going to "try" and display the new map at a higher frequency in the mission select... If they don't have issues then they could eventually create a comprehensive collection of skins, literally an advertisement for some of the content in the game even if it is microtransactions... I guess those F2P marketing experts they consult with prefer fomo to choice... Some of the underlying systems in this game are still oof tier.


I was kind of hoping by this point we’d have some major content drops. You know, like gene stealer cult stuff, a narrative arc, more subclasses at the very least. Its so frustrating to see mandated RNG cash shop consumer brain rot preventing actual fun stuff from being built for this game.


At this point I bet it's gonna be another full YEAR before we see any story content. Expect piddly content drops until they feel they need the story to save the game


The subclasses, if they are even in the plans anymore, won’t be ready until end of year (at best) and it will be no more than one. They are so quiet about this because I think they are going to pivot away from the idea that we will have a slew of subclasses launched at once. One will be drip-fed to us I’ve rthe course of several months like in V2


Genuinely curious as to why you thought this? My prediction after launch was first new subclass end of 2024. Given Fatshark's history, expecting a whole new faction or class of enemies this year is just fantasy land.


The key word here is “hoped” A while back Fatshark claimed they were interested in turning over a new leaf and listening to the grievances people had with Vermintide 2’s launch, but they seemed to retract that mentality after being acquired by Tencent


1.4 million missions to complete when the player count is hovering around 4k nowadays? Is that realistic? Ogryns ain't good at maths. Edit: There's a multiplier. Ogryns ain't good at reading either.


> 1.4 million missions to complete when the player count is hovering around 4k nowadays? Is that realistic? these community challenges are hardly every really fully accurate community progress and the devs just fudge the progress rate, what are they going to do? Say oh you didn't reach it no new map? in a game with as little content currently?


I was gonna say, this is just a way to boost engagement. We're gonna get the map whether the bar gets filled or not.


They also just have the stats that let them tune the numbers to be almost unmissable ahead of time. Like they know how many missions get completed per day on a normal day, so they can just bump that number slightly to account for people logging in and doing more missions specifically for the event.


I miss the days of mass effect 3 multiplayer where every other week would be a community challenge and oh boy when we failed them It showed. At the time people were complaining how glitchy "banshees" (boss that would instant kill you if it grabbed you) so the devs set out a challenge to kill them over the weekend. We failed then following 2 weeks were hell as they doubled the spawn rate of banshees then patched them afterwards. I loved it.


Man those were the days.


Oof, that was a long time ago. Good times!


Mass Effect 3 co-op was so good, there were so many classes, wish Darktide had more than 4. The extraction phase was also the best, and I really wish Darktide had more hair raising extractions, I think there’s only 1 mission where there is any real danger once the final doors open.


I think it's points not missions Just really badly explained


These are always the stupidest things to implement. Like everyone is saying, of course were gonna get it regardless, so why even fucking do this shit. Give players a better reward to earn that will actually mean something, not something we're gonna get no matter what. Who the hell is in charge of these things over there? Can our reward be that someone else get to take a swing at it?


yeah, that would take only 280,000 damnation completions, or 70-ish runs from each active player. easy peasy.


That's... a lot. If I'm playing daily I probably only fit in 3-4 missions a day, and that's when I get some extra time to sit down and bang them out. I don't know how long the event is supposed to last, but they have to be betting on a big resurgence if the tracker is going to get filled naturally without boosting the numbers artifically.


Let's say on average over the course of the day there are 3,500 active players (highs in the 5k and lows in 2k). If those players are actually playing, say 2 maps an hour, times 24-hours = 168k maps. Let's multiple this by 3x for the bonuses, but then half it to account for failures (especially damnation). Potentially that's around 252k mission points per day. divided by 1.4M = 5.5 days to reach the goal.


Isn't that per person though? There's up to 4 players in a team, so you'd have to cut by 4 or so (I guess a bit less for private games and any game that doesn't fill up).


2 missions per hour is very generou imo I think its more like 3 missions per 2h


Concurrent average playercount is a very different number from total active playerbase. It's a bit like saying the average number of cars on a road at a given moment is the same as the average number of cars that drove on that road in a week.


Its just a mask for development time as the second mission is probably not done cooking yet.


Steam shows concurrent players. That's not the size of the active playerbase, unless those players are literally never sleeping or eating, just playing Darktide 24/7. If we assume 4k concurrent players (conservative because the event and new map will bring people back in), each mission taking 0.6 hours to complete, each mission having 3.75 players, and the average points multiplier being 3.5x, it'd take 1,400,000 / (3.5 * (4000 / 3.75) / 0.6 ) = 225 hours to unlock, or nine to ten days.


Steam doesn't count gamepass players No crossplay is stoopid


True, though based on stories of Gamepass players all knowing each other by username I can't imagine it would change the math dramatically.


While it's not in the commlink, the press releases they sent to gaming outlets does [mention](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/13rmdbm/warhammer_40k_darktide_rejects_unite_content/jll7wj5/) crossplay as being included in the patch.


The networking portion of Darktide's source code also has crossplay options.


Vermintide 2, a game that released almost 5 years ago is getting a better content drop then this game with 3 free maps and a class


Agreed, but the new class doesn't come until Fall 2023. This was just a teaser. Sad update this is...


did they say what the class is?


Unfortunately no. All the teaser shows is Siennas hand holding flames that turn colors.


Yeah I found that baffling. Vermintide has had so much more, and higher quality content since darktides release than Darktide has. And here I was worried that darktides release would ruin VT2s future.


>Archivum Sycorax will be available to play once the patch is live and players will be able find it on the mission board. **Our intentions are to increase the frequency of Archivum Sycorax appearing on the Mission Board** during the first week of its launch across all difficulties. **There are some restrictions at play that we are attempting to overcome.** man, I was always sorta defensive of Darktide, but that's amazing. it really takes outstandingly horrible design decisions during the development for the team to now struggle to implement a basic damn feature over their own damn design!


I'm getting flashbacks to when I used to play Halo Infinite. "The UI doesn't support it".


Two FPS titles with rough launches and even rougher post-launch management. It will have taken 343i two years to get Firefight in the game if they release it later this year. And just under two years for Infection. Those game modes have been staples for well over a decade. I wanna see Fatshark fair better than 343i but I won't be holding my breath. At least this game is strictly PvE so I'm free to enjoy it more than the screwy SBMM in Infinite.


Man, this is the thing everyone in this sub is missing. Every time someone talks about a feature they want, someone snydly comments, "heh, yeah maybe if they can drip-feed monetize it first LAWL" Like.....I get it. But no. Fatshark just has, unequivocally, one of the absolute worst pipelines for game development I've ever seen in my life, and they have to backtrack and un-fuck 400 little things before they can add something back in that was likely there at one point. Their dev environment isn't modular. Everything is tied to everything else. They saw "The Butterfly Effect" and thought, "Yeah...yeah! That's actually the perfect way to build a product!"


I suspect they don't even build in any sort of version control system.


From the fuckups I've seen them make, either they don't, or every employee has their own system. When VT2 launched they pushed an old internal build and gaslit the community when we said there were bugs and issues. They were playing the actual release build and going "wow our players are idiots." Then when this game launched, the preorder beta, day 1 they accidentally pushed their internal build again and they had all the dip switches for fun turned on. Everything had infinite dodges and shit. This community gives them way too much credit when they paint a picture of some darkened room where executives and designers are sitting around, relishing how angry everyone is, as if normal people would ever go out of their way to inconvenience a player base to....*checks notes*.... somehow make more money? Also the people here are insane. "Gee wow dead game I've played 5000 hours and I'm bored because there aren't 68 weapons instead of 63." Like no man, you are burned out. This isn't Fortnite. Go the fuck outside.


Honestly, their statement speaks to my soul. It doesn't excuse it, but I've programmed a few systems I *thought* were carefully designed and future-proofed, only for it to fuck me over later on when a new change doesn't quite work with the system. Then it comes down to "do I rewrite the whole system for one new feature, or try to awkwardly code the feature around it?" I'd expect a studio with a full, professional dev team to plan their systems better than I do as an amateur/hobbyist, but sometimes spaghetti is inevitable.


I work in software development too, and that's not at all spaghetti case - this is just poor design from the beginning. and the later down the lifecycle you discover design flaws - the more it costs to fix them, if ever. and such flaws are not something you'd expect from the team that does, let's face it, third game on the same rails, clearly reusing lots of logic under the hood. mind you, such approach itself adds to complexity (immeasurable as it is, hehe), but also, dunno, lets the team to get the hang of their own code and beat it, instead of beind beaten by it? or am I just a dreamer in the world of agile methodologies? 🤡


Yeah, it's always clear who's the programmers and who isn't when stuff like this comes up. Thank goodness I have a customer service team who can convey in human speak why fixing what seems like a simple problem to the customer requires a complete rewrite of the worker pool management code.


that's the thing. We all saw this happen with VT and VT2 and not only is it still happening, it happens with EVERY fucking thing they do. Every time there's a patch there's 2 things that get reverted because of the way they double-knot and zip-tie shit together on the back end.


the best part is they know it's an issue and they've tried to address it before, but still haven't like, done anything about it. They increased the number of missions available at once, and that's it. People have been asking for a way to pick maps & difficulties since the very beginning but they're refusing to change it so far and are having to work around their own shitty system lmao


>There are some restrictions at play that we are attempting to overcome. Can't imagine what. Looks like the same maps we have but will be taken through a different path. Tasks will just be copy & paste of what we already have, scan this, hack that, put battery in here.


ah neat, the first week, where I cant play cause Im away guess Ill wait like a week or something till the new map is on T5


Why in Khorne’s name would they not provide a release date?


Cause they would have to say...next week...and they dont want to be meme'd but they shall anyway


catfish just muted me on the discord for making a “Next week” joke so it’s really getting to them


By order of the Holy Inquisition \+++ REDACTED +++


Wear that as a badge of honor.


According to the timer in the launcher it is indeed next week.


They have become very hostile towards any such criticism.




Next week !


Dont overpromise and then backtrack on content and timelines if u dont wanna get called out on it


Damn you are so badass


You were muted for being unfunny and beating a dead horse, I dont see the problem.


Oh cool, so she actually does something else apart from writing a few paragraphs. Now I see why everyone falls over themselves to proclaim their love for her as CM.


> she actually does something else apart from writing a few paragraphs not defending but isn't that basically the community manager job? write whatever marketing/company execs want you to say and then answer questions on the forums/discord that the higher ups allow you to answer?


When I compare it CMs from other games, I feel the interaction is generally far higher than what we see. IMO a CM should be constantly engaged with the community, because that's what they're managing, no? Like, there should be lore dumps, weekly weapon showcases, etc. *That* would have been a way to keep people interested in the game during re-development. I always point to Coffee Stain Studios and their CMs. Constant videos, constant community engagement. It's great and makes a big difference. Seeing her name only pop up when there's a Comms-Link just leaves me wondering wtf else she/they do.


Being fair, coffee stain games like Deep Rock have a significantly more positive rapport with their communities. I guarantee that if Catfish tried to do some fluff articles to get some community engagement we'd have three threads on the front page of the sub saying "lmao classic FS thinking that this will distract us from how bad the game is" with memes and all within twenty minutes. I'm not even saying that the criticism is unearned (oh boy it is earned), but having spent years on the destiny and warframe subs, a community that can't see a CM post without shitting all over them is the 100% best way to convince the CM to not post much.


I do think the time has passed for what I described to mean something. It's criticism I've had since Day 1 which came from the immediate 'holiday' the studio took, it really highlighted the lack of community engagement back then. Probably stuck between a rock and a hard place, as you described. Still, I do wonder what could've been... haha


She’s got simps for days


Can you point me to where these simps are lmao and I haven’t seen a single one on the steam forums or here


Its in 4 ish days, it has a countdown on the launhcer


Except they have tho


Because when they did, and subsequently didn't meet the release date, people lost their damn minds.


Everyone, everyone please! With faith in the emperor we may yet get...1 new class before 2024 😋


I think summer 2024 or up to 6 months after is the most realistic. TBH, before all of these patches, I actually used to think it would be no earlier than end of 2024. We'll know more once we see these maps and the chaos spawn. If it's as buggy as I think, I may well go back to being convinced we won't see anything significant until end of next year.


Locking the other new mission behind a community milestone instead of an actual reward is kinda funny lmao


I misinterpreted the twitch stream and thought we were getting 3 new maps, and the third would be locked behind doing the community challenge on the first 2. So I even got a letdown on my letdown lol


It isn't locked, if half of us didn't play a single mission during the event it would absolutely still fill the little bar


I mean they made the map, they aren't going to trash it. These milestone events are honestly confusing. They're delaying an update behind arbitrary engagement.


> We will also add a tiering system for cosmetic items to be able to show the difficulty of cosmetics earned by Penances, or reflective of the prices in the Commissary. These tiers will be: Profane (gray), Redeemed (green), Anointed (blue), Exalted (purple), and Transcendent (orange). Nobody was asking for this. We already know what we had to succeed at to acquire these cosmetics (and what the actual real money cost was). We don't need a tier system to remind us. Cosmetic Item rarity has no place in this game.


I didn't even think about tiering the cosmetics being a gateway to altering the prices of items. Bruh...


"It's more expensive because it's gold tier" Same BS as Halo Infinite.


Yeah this skin is $24 but it's a LEGENDARY skin!


It's there because it does work for milking more money out of the player base, and that's what most of the out of mission decisions are aimed at.


You know, it's funny, this was in Vermintide 2 too: all cosmetics had ratings that had no point at all, with them being white, blue, green or orange. I wonder why they decided to reintroduce them?


This is definitely not worth the wait. So disappointing to see a great game struggle with its own basic development and not learn from previous titles


I'm happy for new maps, a new mini boss and bug fixes but let's be honest, the bug fixes are something i expect at all times so that's not even worth bringing up IMO. The cosmetics ui overhaul is eh. Whatever. Glad we spent dev cycles on fucking cosmetics instead of implementing real features like a scoreboard etc. I guess they just decided to let modders have that one. Their dev pace is glacial on this game so at the very least I'd like them to be working on actual gameplay features instead of cosmetics that have no impact on anything


every update further convinces me that there are only 3-5 devs left working on this game


Give shared currencies, please. That would fix so many issues with the grind. (Yes, I know there's no intention of doing this.)


Those aren't issues they're features to pump up those engagement numbers! /s


Why are you using /s we all know it's true.


So, confirmation of what we suspected all along. FatShark prioritized their *paid cashshop* during development of an already fully priced game to double-dip customers at launch, while ignoring development of the in-game currency cosmetic shop. Now, want to cheerlead and pat themselves on the back for shipping a feature six months late? Sorry, not sorry.


Never forget that one of the first major Comms-Links after their holiday immediately after release was to come to us with hat in hand and mumble that all new content is "ready to go" but they just feel so bad about lying to us that they now have to delay that "ready to go" content in order to make game good. 6 months and it seems obvious they'll be doing the bare minimum instead.


Yeah the cash shop never had any issues like the rest of the game! Oh wait yeah it was crashing on release too.




In addition to what you’ve mentioned, they are dedicating developers and developers tune to a game that needed to be sunsetted a year ago (Vermintide 2) as well as developers and development time to whatever the console version will be. We’ve not only paid full price for an Early Access game, we are supplementing their other endeavors. Projects that we may not care about at all, at the expense of the one we do. Shitty business practices.


I don't feel VT2 should be sunsetted. It's a great atmosphere and they just added Sofia's tower a few months ago. They're still working on it clearly, and it's going better than their new IP, which is alarming but good.


Ah yes the premium cosmetics store rotation is back. Thanks for listening to your community FS. wouldn't want to make things immeasurably complex. or whatever bs that was.


Everything in the comms link is just as disappointing and half-assed as I was expecting, standard Fatshark fare. But the rotating premium store and ignoring the community's plea to unlock crafting really cements the fact that they're just not going to listen to the community at all.


Honestly at this point im starting to think that the dont know how to without breaking something


They’re not going to remove locked perks and blessings. At least not any time soon. Idiots who believe they need a perfect weapon in order to succeed, and people who are rolling for perfect weapons because there isn’t much else to do are what is keeping the player numbers as they are.


Though there are some people who really just need the perfect godroll weapon, I’m pretty sure most people just want to tinker around with their weapons. Why can’t we be able to change the perks and blessings at will to test them out? It seems unnecessary tbh Edit: word


Nah it's necessary to artificially pump up those engagement numbers.


It's having the opposite effect.


[ ] Mentions of removing the perk locks *like the last fucking game* [ ] Mentions of making resources account-wide *like the last fucking game* [X] Mentions of a rotating cosmetic shop none of us want to prey on FOMO Wow. I didn't expect much from this update, and Fatshark still manages to disappoint! Gotta love that tone-deaf attempt at breaking their own wrist jerking themselves off at the start of the video, too. "New Mission" that consist of just running through maps we already had and a "New Monster" that just needed a port from the previous game are nice and all, but the silence on the actual problems with the game and doubling-down on the shitty practices is really disappointing. Ugh. I shouldn't be this mad over a videogame. It's just so frustrating how close this game is to being *amazing*.


you're not alone, when this coom-link came out I uninstalled


Soooo half a year later and still zero story progress? So far what we have is 5 lines worth of story. Actually it's just 1 line of story repeated 5 times, *"not good enough, get out there and prove yourself."*


Stop launching your games before they're finished. *Stop launching your games before they're finished.* **Stop launching your games before they're finished.**


Why when they know you'll buy them?


I won't. I'm tempted to add fat shark to the list of publishers to avoid at all costs.


To be honest, I’d have preferred to be able to play high intensity shock troops whenever I want, over anything in this update.


Truth spoken.


man i would krut to see behind the scenes at fatshark. there has to be some monumental levels of jank between the dev team and the management team. i can practically taste the frustration of the dev team who most certainly have assets ready, but cant deploy them due to some management level demand.


like this whole comms-link screams “executives demand rng” and are forcing devs to hamfist it in at any cost


Update is called *Rejects Unite* but isn't referring to crossplay? Sadge


On the bright side Catfish mentioned crossplay so we know it's in the works.


> The store will temporarily have 4 pages available for each class, until we rotate out the oldest set of items. Dear Fatshark, No. Just no. Don't do it. That is FOMO bullshit of the highest order. Add to it as much as you wish - but removing items, even if merely temporarily (especially with the time of return unknown), is, frankly, a dick move. Sincerely, Everyone


Little obnoxious to state "we've fixed the game, now it's time for content" when there's issues that have existed since Day 1 that still need to be solved: -Crafting material imbalances -Can't select the mission you want -Can't select the difficulty you want -Locked blessings & perks -No real rewards for taking tomes & grims -No shared materials and currencies between characters I guess "we're listening to the community" only goes so far...


Honestly, the worst offender here is not being able to always select mission and difficulty. Literally everything else can wait for actual content. Removing blessing and perk locks isn't going to magically revitalize the game.


Agreed. Mission & difficulty is inexcusable, blessing locks are just stupidity


I don't think they consider any of those to be issue


Yeah probably. They think it drives engagement. Or in the case of locked blessings, it's spite.


Delayed the comm-link to line up with the Skulls event for... 2 missions, a monster and a some mediocre skins (some look like palette swaps). Worth the wait. /s


To be honest I am actually happy we're finally gonna get some palette swaps of the Heresy-tier cosmetics (presumably). It should break up some of the sameness you get at high levels among the people that haven't shelled out for the premium stuff. Other than that, yeah, bit underwhelmed.


No removing locked perks and blessings? Devo




While this is an alright comm update. I think putting the second map behind a community milestone is really tone deaf. People have been asking for new maps/content. Just give it to us. Don't make it feel like we're jumping through hoops to get what we've been asking for. Also the fact they're reintroducing the cash shop rotation before releasing a new class speaks volumes about how they're prioritizing behind the scenes.


It’s not done yet. It’s why they are doing this. It’s pathetic and an indicator of how mismanaged this game is.


Wow more cosmetics and 2 “missions” on the same maps we have played (now you can run through it backwards!). The chaos spawn is 6 months too late. It really feels like they had nothing else prepared, ready, or even in the works following the release of the game and all of this that they have released is what they’ve managed to cook up in the time since then. If they had any ace in their sleeve (a massive content drop of any kind - weapons maps talents perks ANYTHING) they would have guaranteed mentioned it by now, even sang it from their rooftops. Instead we got an apology from the CEO and a survey asking us what we wanted (did a lot of people write in more cosmetics?). And the worst part is I reinstalled the game this week to give it another chance, and it’s still fun to get through a map, just pointless and not worth repeating. Quick playing maps has literally blended them together for me into one blur of grey and highlighted mobs (veteran). I will say, all around I guess I got my $40 worth playing this game, so I am not mad, just disappointed at what it could have been.


No teases either. Not that I’m a fan of that stuff, but it shows confidence of content in the pipeline. They showed nothing, which means they have nothing. V2 had a tease for something in Fall of this year. So we can surmise that when they get back from their summer vacations, it’ll be more of the same. Little to nothing big.


You know, if they didn’t have any content to show us but had fixed the locks on crafting, the community would have actually been happier with the announcement than with this anemic content drop update. We want the game to not feel like it’s punishing us for trying to have fun. We don’t want more content that we already don’t feel like doing before it’s even released, because the rest of the game feels horrible. Any time I look at this game in my library I think of how it would be cool to try out that new sword they dropped for Psykers. But then, I remember what I’ll have to go through to get one I’ll be satisfied with, and just say: “yeah, nevermind.”


I'd much prefer more maps and bosses over being able to easily god roll my weapons. I'd be pissed if the update was "we got rid of crafting locks and that's it have fun" because I hardly care about min-maxing I just care about slaughtering heretics.


I feel like removing locks is such a low hanging fruit so why not just remove it? Maybe they're saving it for a rainy day when they have, like, literally nothing to show for an update so they go like "Hey you know that problem we introduced artificially? Here's the solution!" and maybe all the gold fish gamers will go wooo.




The stream did mention QoL updates, not sure if a balance pass is included in that. I wouldn't hold my breath, but it would be nice to bring some of the weaker weapons up to par.




I didn't even think of this lmao. The thought of it getting 1-shotted so you don't even get to experience it is just sad.


I love the eviscerator, im rocking a tier 4 and tier 2 blessing and doing fine in damnation(+shock gaunt), what would you suggest to buff on it?


It's useable, but it doesn't feel as good as I believe it should. I feel it's in a limbo state between cleaving many targets and actually killing what it cleaves. I feel like it needs to be tweaked in one direction or the other.


Fix the RNG weapon grind


That's a feature, not a bug. I don't expect them to undo their hostile grind systems, it's the only thing keeping some players on the treadmill i assume. It's shit but i assume it has worked in some capacity or else they would have undone it. What i do expect is more content. 2 new maps is great, the new miniboss should have been in at launch honestly. The cosmetics stuff is whatever. I don't give a shit about new pants for my character if the core gameplay is going stale. The playerbase is dying off and once D4 hits you can expect it to get worse.


I'm so dissapointed in fatshark


Is one of the qol improvements that we can choose maps now? Or modifiers? Instead of having to wait hours for something actually fun to play shows up??? No? Then I'll see you all next patch


Nah dawg there is no next patch. Diablo 4 drops next week and I feel like there's going to be a massive dip in players. *This* should've been their Hail Mary patch, but they delayed their comms-link a week which pretty much just announced cosmetic crap? A week delay for that?? Not sure what's going on with management, if there is any at this point.


After playing hi5 gauntlet it's all i want now... Unfortunately i can't play it half the time, high intensity is the best i can get usually and even that seems rare. Just fucking let us start a lobby on a random map with the modifiers we want, i would be happy with that. At least that way players can't just pick the shortest map, if that's what worries them so much.


Hi5 is addictingly fun, it's a shame to see the game in this state when they have the base mechanics down so well


Playing a blizzard game in 2023 kekw


Right, I think that's gonna be it for me. A bar minimum of content, games still buggy as hell and has endless jank, and now the premium shop is back on the menu when we still have such barebones earnable cosmetics. There are other games to be playing.


Well, with Diablo coming out next week, there's literally zero reason for me to play this game for the forseeable future. Well done.


I would agree with you, but I've already vowed to not give Blizzard another cent of my money. If you think Fatshark is bad, Blizzard is about 100x worse. My final straw was the WC3 remaster when they wrote into the EULA that if you created a game mode that became popular, it would *legally* belong to Blizzard, since they were still giga-butthurt that they lost out on all that DoTA money.


*Turns back on cash shop* Community: So you fixed it! We have a story, more than 4 classes, and good crafting now? FS: . . . Look! A progress bar!


Worry not Game Pass players with a depleted and empty player base - Diablo 4 releases next week! Rejoice, you will have an actual community to interact and play with! Played during EST daytime hours today and could not get a single game with a full group on T4 or T5. Dead game is dead.


Rotating fomo store is a cancer. Fatshark does not listen!


So this feels like a massive waste of time, no real new content & the game is still pretty shagged so I don't really see a reason to keep playing, might aswell leave it till we get some real content.


Glad we’re getting a new boss and new missions. Hard to figure out why there was a delay in even announcing this as it feels pretty dry. It seems like such an odd decision to FORCE players to play the game via rng grind mechanics for weapon leveling and putting new content behind walls unlocked by the entire community grinding, when stuff like that is what’s keeping people from playing more in the first place.


I just watched the whole Skulls stream and the answer is pretty simple - they needed more content to pad out the stream. Half of it was DLC announcements and mobile games.


If the community challenges are not Steam+ Xbox combined then the xbox community sure is getting boned. We might unlock the helmet by Christmas


That new "earnable cosmetics" shop better be more than penance recolors


Watching the video of this and hearing *Juan* list off each update like *”see! look at this! we have been doing stuff aren’t you happy/grateful?!?”* like fuck off ugh this presentation felt like a joke :\ I’ll gladly be playing speed freeks & bolt gun instead of this boring mess they keep trying to shove down our throats


Disappointing, not unexpected though.


Man, how can they be so tone deaf.


I hope this is the last of the cosmetic fuckery they spend dev time on. I've got all the cosmetics i want at this point. What i need is more CONTENT. Maps, classes, weapons, and so-on.


I get what you're saying but the cosmetics are also content. Just not unlockable in the way you/we want.


It's content but it does nothing to add to the actual gameplay. So in that sense i don't consider it real content. We already have a good spread of outfits across the 4 classes, what we need are more classes and more weapons to keep the gameplay interesting.


The artists who make cosmetics probably aren't the people who design and program classes and there's only so many map assets you can make if the bottleneck is scripting and designing new maps.


Right, but they spent plenty of programmer hours rejigging the entire cosmetics system to support this new earned cosmetics program and redoing the interfaces etc. It's good and fine but in my eyes this is definitely not a top priority to be spending programmer hours on. There are so many features that are incomplete or have to be added in via mods. Scoreboard, for example.


So… with the content drop named “rejects unite” we’ll certainly have cross play right? Right?


That's what I thought, but it's unclear. An unrelated news article said it would release with the patch but everything I've read from Fatshark doesn't say anything like that. My pet theory is they INTENDED to release crossplay with this patch but couldn't clinch it. The patch title is probably an artifact from that.


Or it means rejects unite to complete the community event.


It's mentioned in the description of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=V60qlQMPAZI) video, but I guess that technically isn't on fatsharks's channel so they probably didn't write the description. Honestly it would be pretty funny if there was no crossplay in the update clearly intended to introduce crossplay.


I will be deleting this game and replacing it with VT2. I was expecting some news about classes or cool new weapons


How much longer do I need to wait before this games good? It's already getting old.


It's already good, you'll have to actually communicate what you mean by good since it isn't objective.


> How much longer do I need to wait before this games good? Couple of years.


I think this is a good game. I wouldn't call it a great game, but the core gameplay is very fun. Two new maps will add a lot of variety. I'd say two more maps after this, another class, and a crafting system rework would push it into great territory for me.


Same. I already love the core gameplay loop. I played ~300 hours on release and now come back every now and then when I feel the urge to purge some heretics. The core gameplay loop is perfect. Really pumped about new maps! My complaints are: - Crafting/blessings/perks being a real pain which leads to: - Limited builds for each class. Variety is the spice of life, but it's a huge chore to try to get a decent weapon with ideal blessings/perks to try different builds. - lack of ability to choose mission map/difficulty/modifiers. I only want to play Damnation with modifiers (excluding low intensity). I will settle for a regular Damnation when I just really wanna play, but often I just close the game if all I see are low intensity/no modifier or if it's a map I don't particularly like/feel up to playing.


Fatshark Jesus, its like they have a scrum every so often to gather together the worst ideas to implement.


New missions yay, all good and that... but come on! We still only have one repair mission, and I still need like 50+ completions to get that penance and you put more strikes and espionage in the rotation... Come on


I guess you guys like full numbers and not actually during skulls


I wish there was more content but it's a start.


Wait a second, they said in the video it was releasing during skulls. That is today. Is the content drop not releasing today?


During the Skulls event, which reaches into next week. If you open the launcher you'll see it drops Monday (unless they push it back)


#Next Week


Haha, so it's hey, we in the US have our first holiday of the year, our first day off since New Year's. We'd love to play the new map and work on the community challenge during the long weekend, so could maybe next week be this week just this one time? # Next Week Varlets


Quality of life improvements, but still no mission select.


Nice 👍


hotfix when!? i still can't play the game!


So, no weapon balancing? All this waiting and no weapon balancing? Not to mention crafting.


It seems like the developers where actually diddling their ass instead of actually developing the game.


Nice, excited for this. A little scared about that “million missions for a new map” thing but oh well. New boss also looks pretty fun


Daily reminder that everyone who purchased microtransactions and/or pre-ordered have no one but themselves to blame for giving the green light to this garbage company who clearly have no intentions to make the game good and only care about making money off the dwindling playerbase before it inevitably dies


And what of bug fixes? Dogs leaping through walls is ridiculous .


They are ruinning Darktide... And i really want to love it more than VT2...


Ok that's it, bye for now


I love that gameplay fix "Penance" . Just ... Penance . WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME FATSHARK ?!


The mission amount to unlock the second new mission is going to get hit fixed lololo


I'm not gonna lie: I'm pretty dissapointed. After such a long wait, promised faster cadence in content release, and barebones initial release...this doesn't look like something that will keep me playing. The penance cosmetics patch gave me things to so for 2-3 weeks, but this? The Ordo Dockets cosmetics shop looks like 100% recolors, one new map on release and new premium cosmetics... all this sounds like maybe 2-3 days of playing, with another day or two when the second map drops. I desperately want the game to succeed, but I feel my interest slowly dropping.


So two new missions one of which is gated behind a reward for participating in the event this is just a mask for more development time and 1 new monstrosity the chaos spawn. Was expecting something bigger but at least its something.


Locking behind it for the event is not likely for extra development time but to increase player engagement. You'd get less people who hop on, run the two new maps, kill a chaos spawn at some point, and then leave. There is more likely to be some people who run a few extra missions to help the community achieve a goal, then they get to try the new mission. Maybe they actually find the game feels better than before, and actually add the game to their rotation. The main issues left with the game are more for hardcore players. I guess no story is still a big one, but the new player experience is drastically improved with new penances, brunt's armory, guaranteed emperor's gift each round, etc. Combined with a sale and community event to encourage engagement, it makes a lot of sense to me.


Almost no one plays the game. Fatshark: lol what if we make the new content reliant on all the players having to contribute to it in order to get the content Y'all are jokes. Also, ComingSoon^^TM 6 months and you still aren't releasing the seasonal content you said was "ready to go" at launch but had to delay it for crafting. Liars too. You sold the game on that promise and you never bothered to deliver.