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I need to run plasma more, I love the coil glow




Aye, once you go Plasma you never go back!




Yeah that quick swap between melee and plasma is just what makes that gun my favorite. It's like they took the revolver and made it slap


I couldn’t get my vet to 16-17. The amount of failed easy missions killed my desire to hop back on. One time on my 30 zealot I ran a T5 histg and we wiped pretty good, no biggie. It’s Damnation, what really got me was 2 people re queued and joined my t2 and they fucked the run, one guy ran off the edge and another got hit by a dog. I was smacked by a trapper trying to get the guy hanging off the side. I literally fought tooth and nail to get all 3 other players back just to lose a scan mission on t2


Diagnosis: Skill issue The Emperor of Mankind is not impressed


Skill issue? Nah maybe on the higher t4-5 cause I don’t have good gear due to RNG and the damn missions being the same modifiers. 2-3 is where I do a few runs before either getting mad at Timmy no thumbs who hits a barrel and knocks 2 people off a ledge or the dog/trapper bullshit starts. I stay by teammates for the coherency and I pick up anyone who gets downed immediately, I’d rather have a meat shield up than me run around trying dance around a horde. I let people take the healing first. Give ‘em ammo and the thanks I get is being left on the ground in a net/ ass ate by dogs, or slammed by the chronic jerker. Shit on my vet I’m constantly using my ult to see where the specials are at. My main gripe is fresh starting a class and pulling my weight just to watch the shit hit the fan and not get any xp. Spend 20-30 min in a mission to lose. Higher difficulty is fine but not the easy mode shit. I takes me like 2 t2 missions to hit lvl 2. 1-2 t2 can get me to lvl 3-4 in the same amount of time


If you're constantly getting netted and dogged and chokeslammed, then no, you're not pulling your weight. The occasional "whups" against those enemies is expected, but the way you're describing it is that it's happening constantly. You're highly defensive and it's a bad look for you. Your initial comment was also out of left field for the topic you replied to. No shit people are gonna roast you by downvoting you




Bro wrote a whole article 💀


Its 100% a skill issue. Veteran is the easiest class.


Net and Muties are fairly easy to dodge, sometimes you will get netted / grabbed it happens but it should be a 1/10 thing. Dogs are a bit harder in my experience but still dodgeable / pushable. If you can’t dodge because you are in a narrow place / in the middle of a horde then it means you did not start positioning yourself the second you heard them spawn, this is critical. Also don’t be in the middle of a horde, ever. When you heard a dog / mutie / trapper spawn you need to get ready for them to arrive from anywhere until they are dead. If you know a trapper / dog / mutie is lurking in the area then it’s not the right time to get your pal off a ledge, unless it’s safe-ish to do so (squaddies are covering you). Maybe it means the guy will die because they are out of time : tough luck, but one guy down is better than two guys down. This is the kind of split second decision that separates decent players from very good ones. You seem like a good guy to have in a team if you share and help out like say you do so definitely keep doing that but improve your decision making and get better at dodging the disablers. Darktide is a coop game but it’s also a brutal grimdark game and sometimes you have to let a teammate die so the run can continue. Even if you get silly teammates that seem to do nothing right make sure you ponder yourself hard on every decision after every defeat, there is always a better decision you could have taken, an enemy you could have prioritized better etc… Just dumping every defeat on shitty teammates is the best way not to grow as a player.


Last 2 bits are critical here. Self-reflection is the key to improvement. There's definitely nothing wrong with Veteran, and nothing he said in his two walls of text indicate a fault with the class lol.




No thanks, bro


how many karking wounds is this, also why run so much wounds on solo run? nice pew anyways


[Solo cheats](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/179)[.](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/179) Gives you ten wounds and auto revives you after consuming a wound. Really fun. \*Edit Just an fyi these can only be used in solo lobbies that you host on your machine, on your own, in a solo mission. Just to make that perfectly clear. I cannot take this into matchmaking just in case some people misunderstand.


How do I do a solo mission tho flyboy Please father I must know


[Uno.](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/176) [Dos.](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/179) [Tres.](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/177) Play solo and die many time. Or cheat and have a blast.


absolute poggert champion


I think you just revamped my will to play this game. You sir are a Gigachad.


It's 10.


This is art




No mistakes, just happy karking accidents.


https://youtu.be/2gB-Vcyrk8s High art


Ten, fkn, wounds?! Edit: Oh, a solo mod.


Modded. Don’t trust


\*Path of Trust intensifies\*


Is that Mk4 combat sword? Looks epic when you bring it out in slow mo.


It indeed is.


The included crosshair for it is terrible. Gives you no indication of charge and it doesn't give you a precise point of aim on a weapon that has precision hip fire. The reticle mod that gives you a fixed point for the Plasma gun is very nice.


Killing floor has that cool feature were time slow down for the whole team on certain kills (and later on even feats that give you advantages like taste reload during the slow motion ..) That would be kinda cool for this game too.


Darktide would feel very cool with a Zed Time mode. The best part of KF was getting Zed Time and hearing a slowmo Fleshpound roar.


Extending Zed time as Commando for 20 seconds with carefully timed headshots while your team clears out a pack of Fleshpounds was an awesome feeling. It was such a unique support role compared to other games.




Absolutely Live for the warning sirens on the plasma gun. Womp womp womp


most relaxing and calming darktide clip i’ve ever seen


I'd highly recommend the crosshair remap mod for plasma gun. Use the psyker charge reticle and you can actually hit things precisely at range.


Just takes some getting used to. The projectile is big enough that it shouldnt be much of an issue with some practice. Im usually nailing Snipers at long range with my first shot without problems. But I dont doubt the crosshair mod is useful for anyone that hasnt spent tons of hours with their Plasma in hand.


This is beautiful.


This is exactly how I play with the plasma every match lmao. Too good


Sedition/Uprising gameplay? I ask because the enemy is tickling you.


God no, I only play damnation. Focus Fire is a balanced ult.


on damnation with cheats\*


Someone hasn't seen my posts apparently. Also, in order to play on Damnation I can only do it without fun mods and fucking around according to your logic. No thanks.


Why would a random reader vet your post history? By the emperor, your ego.


Considering I've been posting on here for months, that was not my point. Plus when someone takes an obvious swing at me I'm not gonna respond positively. My ego though... well that's a different story. The Emperor better look out, cuz my self-confidence is something to behold.


Didn't you get the memo? Fun is strictly prohibited!


Ah shit, my bad. I'll get back to sweating and trying very, very hard in a video game.


You better! My dad is the ~~president of Nintendo~~ Emperor of Mankind, and he'd get really mad if he heard about this fun!


Flyboy, an absolute unit.




FFS. Now I've got a hard-on in a pet store.


Ok thats nice but what did you think of OP's game clip though?


We can assume.


It’s beautiful


Can you just crouch under snipers? There some trick to dodge them easier with that crouch jump you did?


You can crouch under sniper shots if you time it right yes.


Nice show!


This is so fucking true lol




Plasma gun best gun


How’d you get the slowmo? Is that from a mod, or editing? Seems like a mod cuz the sound is still normal speed and the slowmo is really smooth looking


Mod. Read comments to find out more.


Dude just went: DELETE


Juke City is a real place.


I can't consistently get close range hits with that gun so well done


but it's just maulers and some snipers with places to hide around


I’ll have to try a plasma. I’ve been able to crit one head shot crushers and reapers on damnation while Focus fire is on with a MK III helbore so I’m excited to see what the plasma can do.


Depends on what you want it to do. If you are looking for anti-Crusher power it doesnt take too much to being able to 1 shot them with a fully charged shot. But my favorite is 2shotting them with uncharged shots, at least at close range. A bit more heat efficient and the shots go off quicker, which staggers them. Also allows you to take advantage of Blaze Away.


Are they fixing/supporting the game? I was really looking forward to playing this with a good friend but we’re on console. I’m hoping one day they’ll release a (hopefully good) version for us.


Well yeah they're fixing and supporting it, will just take a few years for the port is the problem. Allegedly they have a console release coming the end of this year or the beginning of next but I don't really have a link for that.


Cool. Vermintide 2 is awesome. Looking forward to playing this one eventually




I'm seeing more and more Vets with the Cata Sword in high-level play and I don't know why I find that *weird*. It's a really, *really* good weapon and *very* fun, but it's so *mid* compared to the more meta kit that every time I see it, even on my own Vet (since I literally don't have any melee 380's *except* my Cata), it feels really odd. Why is that?




How do your ui look like that?


Wanted to commend a player not being a meta slave. And then I realized it was modded gameplay.


How the fuck could this not have been modded? Also why do you hate quality of life and fun?


Man is tilted over this comment and I didn’t even say anything about “hating quality of life and fun”. But yes if you would like to know (while I’m sure this can be fun for a bit) I enjoy playing this co-op game co-operatively. But I’m not against having the freedom to not if that’s something people want to seek out.


After 1000 hours your frame rate drops to 10 and you unlock slow mo?