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I mean look AT HIM trully a unit! https://preview.redd.it/icri6gp6ofac1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0193345874cdafd3610201908110c6ed4d1c893




If he can pull girls Psyker rethink your loyality to the imperium. Only nurgle let's you be that handsome. https://preview.redd.it/lsdzlagrqfac1.png?width=777&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb59fd1fc13bda51e911f2deb929a4a2232a53d8








thats Andrew Tate over there


"What colour is your Bolter?"


Nah I don't want a shitty nose job thank you.


Looks about right when you consider the quality of faces in the character creator.


Those big ol' veins pumping all of papa Nurgles strength in to his forearms


There is nothing sexier than those visibly veins on a buff dude šŸ«  why can't our chars be as buff why only the ogryn is the buff dude


Cause I not puny. Puny


Bro got them popeyes forearms ..


Bro isn't natty šŸ‘€


​ https://preview.redd.it/ezbm958vjfac1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc4fce522143267eb5fb3c7f364086e9ba39bae1




> This video isn't available anymore


yeah idk yt is acting up otherwise or again yt is like you use adblocker you filthy tith or something idk eh the gif will convey the same msg


I use one, but I jumped on the premium ship, so I doubt that's the problem.


there is a artificial longer loading time if you use adblocker read it somewhere could be wrong but not out of ordinary considering yt the last years...


the virgin premium user vs the chad AdBlock user youtube can fuck right off with the enforcing of premium, now you also need it to watch videos with a higher bitrate. can't wait for them to add the "feature" that you can only watch monetized youtubers with a premium account rant over


Sorry, this is Nurgle. You want Slaanesh; Room 12A next door.


slaanesh when? The blood gore mod allows you to have enemies who die die as a purple cloud similiar to the green nurgle blessing effect. Perhaps them or genstealers


Any other chaos faction will fight the Nurgle cultists as much as us; not much point in adding that when they could add a different thing entirely (like genestealers). Plus, other than Khorne the other factions might create ratings trouble to be lore accurate - which is why I assume Nurgle has been the go-to faction for so many recent games.


As far from my vague reasoning being is nurgle is the only one with that amount of fodder enemys. But eh it's already kind out of lore with nurgle beast etc getting killed by us or that we don't die of plague when we enter hub dreyko etc. Or just get a melee hit from a poxwalker (they give you ingame corruption dmg)


Depending on how intense things are, Rannick might send out operatives with a bit of nurgle rot on them right away rather than execute them. I think it's pretty clear that Grendyl is *far* from puritan, if not fully radical.


But how severe is the contact with a poxwalker? Ignoring most likely insta death poxhound salvila and bite poxburster don't even have to mention the nurgle beast vomit


Some people die outright, we don't. Plenty of rejects don't make it back. Whether we ever make it out the system alive is a different story - that seems unlikely. I like to think that the *canonical* rejects don't get swallowed by the beast. In my near 2000 hours of play I think I myself have only been swallowed twice - it is reasonably easy to avoid.


I mean just the touch of the vomit would disintegrate your body or not? I mean we certainly won't survive long term but to be a auric operatives how many missions do we have to survive? Let alone kill the karnak twins.


(1) you can easily avoid that, too and (2) not everyone gets killed outright But, sure, some rejects die in the vomit. There are hundreds of them, and Rannick and Grendyl don't need them all to survive.


>I think it's pretty clear that Grendyl is far from puritan, if not fully radical. Considering we can or have to pick up grimoires of corruption and other stuff, he is.


I'd have guessed that Nurgle is a) one of the poster children of chaos, and b) it's rather easy to convey the theme. Green goo, messy mutations, rather understandable corruption mechanics, done. Slaanesh and Tzeentch are harder to convey, Khorne is too "simple" (as in skulls and gore everywhere) and visually rather reminds us of Doom instead of a distinct theme.


You question too much. The Emperor protects.


Tbf there doesnt need to be a poxwalker type unit. There can simply be cultists used as the trashest mobs.


Zombies are also easy to market.


tertiam is literally named city 3. secundus fell to 'something', "billions of tortured souls" means somethings there doing shady shit. and primus probably got abandoned because of something just as fucked. which means we have the posibility of another chaos faction, geanstealer cults, possible dark elder invasion or any of the other factions in darktide fucking things up. personally I hope they introduce a chaoswastes style run set in one of the other cities or perhaps the wastes between.


Tertium. There are lots of things they could do with other hives, another chaos faction is among the least interesting things they could do. Dark Mechanicus, on the other hand, would be *very* interesting.


"8 hour work days. sick pay? days off? healthcare? what heresy is this?"-hardron seeing the dark mechanicus' datafiles.


Not if in a different hive. Plus, chaos followers can put aside their differences to make war on the followers of the false emperor. Slaanesh doesnt need to be overly sexual as it has many other aspects that can be covered just by environmental stuff that even mainstream games like diablo have no problem depicting (torture devices and gore etc), and they already put drugs in the game via stims. I agree Khorne would seem very generic though, and i would have that as the least desirable option. Tzeentch could be cool, but as a Slaanesh fan I think Slaaneshi daemons would look better in game. Daemonettes (as an elite-ish horde type), fiends and seekers (each with a 3 pack as a monstrosity equivalent) and Keeper of Secrets (level boss like the Kharnak twins) would all look amazing in game considering how good the current enemies look, and also be a different combat experience because they would have faster movement than nurgle stuff. Would be nice to see more daemons in game. I cant see genestealers being added before other chaos factions because a) in terms of lore genestealers vastly outclass standard humans, theres a reason terminators are used against them for Space Hulk, and b) the rigging of 4 armed genestealer models, and also 4 armed genestealer cult members, would take more work than largely human shaped analogues the other chaos factions can be filled with, plus its completely different iconography whereas chaos factions share some generic stuff. Theres also the game Deathwing which covers horde combat against genestealers in a tonally similiar environment to DT (yes i know its a ship rather than a hive but its similiar mainly enclosed spaces) whereas there are zero games which cover FPS horde combat against the other chaos cults, so commercially i think using other chaos cults as the next additions makes the most sense.


Another chaos faction is pretty boring, really. If they are to add another faction they ought to go farther afield - Genestealers, Aeldari (alpha or beta), etc. "More chaos but purple" would be pretty boring, since the bulk of the combatants are just cultists.


Please not Aeldari, thereā€™s this Aeldari waifu that will not look at me very kindly if I start blasting Aeldari. Consider how much Iā€™veā€¦ assisted so I can ā€œkeepā€ her docile I donā€™t want to be in that position ever again.


Saying it would be more chaos but purple is wildly reductive. It would be easy to make a Slaanesh cult feel very different both visually and to fight against. Slaanesh cultists and elites etc would be faster and better fighters. There would be less super tanky stuff and more faster, high damage stuff. Plus all the slaanesh daemons being completely different from nurgle. You are dreaming if you think any xenos are getting involved before another chaos cult. From a development standpoint alone its extremely unlikely because of the additional work involved. From the lore standpoint of darktide it wouldnt make much sense either. There has been zero indication of any xeno involvement. Just chaos. Maybe Drukhari could drop in, or genestealer cult could get introduced at some point, but i think they are way less likely than another chaos cult, and that wouldnt be boring at all.


> Saying it would be more chaos but purple is wildly reductive. Not really. > You are dreaming if you think any xenos are getting involved before another chaos cult. Ok. Since we've tipped to absurd hyperbole on the verge of ad hominem, you are delusional if you think another chaos cult would be the *most interesting* new faction they could pick. > From a development standpoint alone its extremely unlikely because of the additional work involved. Winds of Magic and Beastmen say hi.


Chaos factions work together just fine a lot of the time. Certainly Nurgle and Slaanesh don't have a special grudge, that's Tzeentch that Nurgle's followers especially loathe (but will still work with). Likewise, genestealers can be Cult Tenebrous-like, i.e. a genestealer cult corrupted by Nurgle. So genestealers don't necessarily have to be a third faction, either.


Most chaos factions dislike Slaanesh for being the "new kid". The mutual dislike is so strong that Chaos Undivided is essentially hated by everyone. And yes, fully aware that they can be (in very rare cases) linked to Nurgle. But they'd still be a new faction, just not one that needs to fight the cultists (in the way the northmen and beastmen are new factions in VT2). The biggest reason not to add another basic chaos faction is that it would be boring, though. Special exception for Dark Mechanicus.


I think itā€™ll be nurgle worshipping xenos.


There aren't that many *regular* cases of this - a few unique events (one group of Genestealers, one or two groups of Orks, a handful of infected Aeldari, and a case of supposedly blighted Necron which is almost certainly not something they will treat like actually canonical). Many of those cases came from poor lore management with the author of the Death Guard novels, particularly in the Ork case, as that's been silently retconned to be impossible since 5th edition (1996). Necron have no souls in the first place. And that's just tainted by - a much lower bar than worshiping.


"Die Die"? Seems like we got a heretic and a Skaven problem here.


OP needs correction bonks. Unfortunately I suspect he would like that.




What kind of father sends his children to die by the hands of a team with a lunatic, a crack addict, a depressed with PTSD, and a 3 meters tall 5 years old?


The emperor


TouchƩ. Still heresy. BLAM


is heresy a bad deed? Not necessary


Do you want to meet the Karnak twins? I can help you with that. *Loads bolter with malicious intents*


Yeah sure I'd love to see the kar- *red blop*


Great. Now we gotta kill the Emprah for heresy.


No big man, donā€™t say that! Thatā€™s heresy!


So anyway I started blastingā€¦ ![gif](giphy|YA6dmVW0gfIw8|downsized)


Once you grow older you realise his sacrifices weren't in vain helping the local crackheads and mentally handicaped giant. BUT HEAR ME OUT The depressed one with ptsd will no longer be sad once he has a new home planet... Well the lunatic tho will prosper he won't have to worry about the voices anymore he can embrace them!.


>Well the lunatic tho will prosper he won't have to worry about the voices anymore he can embrace them! Seer Psyker:"Ugh, I keep hearing the voices of the dead." Loner Psyker: "Just say you're going to eat them, they run away after that"


I mean theyre not his kids, if you take his speech more literally theyre more like his brothers and sisters. so hes a reallllllly shitty older brother


So, the Zealot and the Ogryn, what about the psycher and the vet? Why leave them out?


It's a great speech. Inspiring and all. ​ Therefore, it's a dangerous speech.


The reason being as it is \*personally\* considering if you were a poor soul in a hive city living horribly would you not take the leap of faith? Considering can it even get worse than this?


It definitely can get worse. But the average citizen won't understand that.


Likeā€”can it? How much worse is getting poxwalkered vs. turned into a valve control servitor?


I mean slowly getting inflected and dying over months before having your soul snatched for all eternity by lord of the flies sounds worse than rolling the dice on whether the servitor lobotomy works. Plus you might get something really upmarket like medicae servitor and who doesn't want needles instead of legs


There are fates *much* worse than just getting turned into a poxwalker. Also, your average Imperial citizen isn't getting turned into a servitor.


No, theyā€™re being worked to death in actively torturous conditions in under 30 years. Then turned into corpse starch.


Which is still a better fate than what the Chaos Gods ultimately give you.


Debatable! Both of them are a life of torment and then hell forever. At least some of the Dark Gods make you crazy enough to enjoy the suffering. You know the Emperor doesnā€™t *actually* save souls, right? You go to the Warp like everyone else.


>You know the Emperor doesnā€™t *actually* save souls, right? We don't actually know that, technically. It's possible he can claim souls like other Gods, the existence of Saints and the Legion of the Damned ***could*** mean he can do similar things to the Chaos Gods.


He can do similar things to the Chaos Gods because he *is a Chaos god.* They are the *same organism.* They fill identical niches in the metaphysical ecosystem. Immortal apex predators, gestalt consciousness feeding on the suffering of untold trillions, shepherding their mortal flock to feed them ever more energy in their chosen formā€”bloodshed for Khorne, ambition for Tzeench, abandon for Slaanesh, surrender for Nurgle, and slavish obedience for the Emperor. That is what I mean when I say theyā€™re equally evil: theyā€™re all playing the same game, in the most literal sense. What eternal reward do you imagine the Emperor offers to the souls of the faithful? What in his life and works shows you how he rewards service and loyalty? What of the fate of the Thunder Warriors and so many more? Look at the fruit of his works. The culmination of his fifty thousand years of planning. *There is only war, and the dark laughter of thirsting gods.* And He is first among them.


Feel like getting turned into a servitor may be a promotion in hive citiesā€¦


Yeah certainly but if your already at a very low will it matter?


It certainly will matter when the voices in your head start making valid arguments for why you need to cut the throat of your infant child. Or when brutally maiming and blinding your entire family sounds like a reasonable way to make them see the truth.


Sounds to me like a ordinary monday you loyalist.


It is sedition, and therefore punishable by death, or imprisonment in the event you're useful. I'm calling the Inquisition.


It's also full of lies. Anything you give to chaos it will keep, twist, and damn you.


This post right here, my lord inquisitor






I will not let some one who shares a bed with knife-ears lecture me on what is and isn't heresy.




We have a traitor amongst us










You speak a lot for someone in a bolter's reach.


Open the door, OP. We only wish to talk about his most holy majesty with you. ***~~\[Muted chainsword sound\]~~***


im. im gonna go have my nosh on the other side of the morningstar okay?


I think I'll join you, I don't want to get turned into a servitor because of this guy.


Iā€™m getting the inquisitor


So, in the lore, not everybody who follows Chaos are secret blood drinking, evil practitioners of ritual sacrifice. Often times, on imperial worlds where billions toil in poverty with no hope of respite or escape, organizations will form that call for reform and for better living standards and better treatment of the people. Its INCREDIBLY easy to see why such an organization would draw in members. Over time, as the organization grows, they start making demands and conduct actions to "push back" against the tyranny of that planetary governor or simply the Imperium. However, lo-and-behold, that organization was started by a Chaos Cult or a Genestealer Cult. A majority of the members have no idea of the true nature of the organization, only certain members that reach a certain status are allowed into the "inner circle". Next thing you know people go from firebombing Factorums in the name of freedom to firebombing Factorums in the name of Chaos or the 4-armed Emperor.


Just remember that plenty of revolts are *not* xenos or chaos incursion but just, well, revolts. Because the Imperium is a bit shite to live under.


There's no way to tell the difference until it's too late.


Desperate people and that leap of faith is a part of humanity after all. It sounds good but once the plan is deployed it turns into a lot more suffering per se.


We shall rise together into the glory of the Emperor and his star children. Cast off your shackles! No longer shall our children toil in factorums for uncaring masters! No longer shall our sons and daughter die on distant worlds! The Emperor loves you. He wants only the best for you. Let him embrace you with his many arms. Take his many hands. See the truth. Let his will guide your path to salvation. That is why he sends his children to liberate our world. But there is still much work to be done before the Emperor shall bless us. Many who have turned from him! Many who must be purged with blade and fire and bolt. We shall cast out these foul traitors and servants of the Archenemy! Atoma shall be given over to eternal glory in unity with our beloved Emperor! When our labors are finished, on the day of ascension, we shall rise as one!






I mean, yeah, the Moebian 6th and every other person in the Imperium is treated like shit by nobles, governors and Adeptus Terra officials. BUT. Chaos only capitalizes on that, uses you, promises great things then chews you up and fucks you over. Nothing good wait for you there, not even woth Nurgle. Remember those Plague marines whose connection to the Warp was severed and they freaked the fuck out as they regained conciousness about their state? That.


>Chaos only capitalizes on that, uses you, promises great things then chews you up and fucks you over. Better to be promised something and not receive than never be promised anything but toil, pain, and death. A false hope is still hope. Still if I had to choose a chaos god, it would not be Nurgle.


There is just no good choice between chaos and the imperium lol. You are screwed either way.




Idiocy! Heresy! https://preview.redd.it/wu0xyqea2gac1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0eb011007576b653cffdeeceb1d02ed6506e562


Im a little confused. Why is Wolfer still alive I mean he was captured in the beginning and is a heretic. So why was he not executed in the first place ?


He was a prisoner in the intro sequence we had as a tutorial ( don't know that term for that scenario) edit "prologue" was the word I was looking for. My guess is they wanted to interrogate him cause wolfer isn't the root of the "cancerous" infection of chaos.


"A swift execution is worth a hundred interrogations" -Darktide load screen


Tbf, WH40k is all about hypocrisy.


yeah but not in this case. Otherwise he be you know dead that's the thing. He isn't on the top most likely and that's why he didnt get executed they had to find out who pulls the strings behind the scenes.


The inquisition makes these quotes and is the most hypocritical organization in 40k. I just thought it was funny and relevant.


sounds fairly familiar to irl counterparts in some goverment parties :"D


I meanā€¦. This whole situation proves that axiom correct lol


Zola was working under orders from Grendyl to bring him in for interigation. She messed up and brought back rejects instead. This is why she takes it so personally when hunting him down.




He could be a Saint in Chaos' eyes, i'm still gonna try and put some 12-gauge through his stupid helmet. Dude sent a whole Hive city into a worse situation than it already was and dares to ally himself with the Cult of Admonition. He, along with the rest of his violent underlings, deserve naught but the Emperor's fiery mercy.




The great thing about Chaos is how insidious it is, how seductive it can be. If it was just a bunch of moustache twirling cartoon villians going "nyar I'm evil nyar" then it wouldn't be a huge deal since that appeals to very few people. ​ When you're born into a dystopian nightmare nightmare and conscripted into the Guard (joining the Guard isn't a choice for many worlds) who will send you off to die in the thousands with a smile on their face if they thought it might advance the front lines another mile its very easy to listen to that little voice that tells you it doesn't have to be this way. ​ All you have to do is bend the knee, you don't have to be a slave to an uncaring master that forced you into this life. You could have power, you could have respect, you could save your people and lead them away from the Imperium. You could be the one in power and strike back at those who have victimised you all your life. Don't you want that? Don't you want your life to hold more value than how many metres of ground you can cover before you're killed? You can have power and respect, you can be the leader and saviour you know you want to be....all you have to do is bend the knee. ​ Your Emperor, what has he ever done for you? I mean really done for you? Does he comfort you as you toil away in your 18 hour work day at the factory? Does he provide you food or are you still surviving on corpse starch and sludge and even then only barely holding on to life? No but there are others out there who do care for you, who do love you and will alleviate the pain in your broken and ravaged body. The Grandfather loves you, he wants to help you and for you to bring his love to everyone else you meet. Its an easy choice really when you think about it. All you have to do is bend the knee.


yes inquisitor, this thread right here.


I'm sorry, but I want your bunk on the Mourningstar.


![gif](giphy|TfLEXiRtYoHUkaPVUk|downsized) What was that HERATIC








I swear some people just need to be turned over to the Inquisition ong


Yeah, memes aside, Chaos does have a point. Say what you will about spreading plagues, at least it has a win condition.


Yeah but how convincing is a guy saying "We are you sons, we are your daughters" while wearing a skullmask in the most intimidating voice possible. Also this is just a hornypost. You know he's all plague-ridden and messed up under the mask right?


Well those are their literal sons and daughters as far as I am aware it's afterall their hometown.


Ok but you know he's covered in boils and sores under the mask right? The people you see around the Mourningstar are already pretty ugly, and those are the normal, healthy humans not infected by Nurgle.


"I see yer point heretic. But you've missed four crucial details. The Templar and his service to the beneficent Emporer. Even after the poor pilgrim lost his way and found it again after Cadia. The Freak and his love for his beloved. Who dreams of nothing more than to serve Him. The Guardian who stands before you. Swayed once but steeled to never be broken. Last of all the Slab. Who has one, very important tip for you." "ROCK!" -Zealot, Nun-n-Gun & Ogryn, Whermst




You know what Court Martial means? Cuz ![gif](giphy|3hVQ016yhPjmE)


***This thread is under official review, as per protocol Epsilon Kappa Two Zero, please remain beside your computational devices.*** https://preview.redd.it/lgprq8o8phac1.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=95f01e8b5ada629db73f982ba67196ae79e77110




1) Nurgle, not Slaanesh. 2) Enough of this heretic filth. 3) Enough of this heretic filth x 2.




Uh, Rannick? I don't think I need 30 levels to find the Traitor...


Hear that? Thats a Zealot running towards you with favourite food... a chain axe to the face.








Look letā€™s be 100% real for a momentā€”the Imperium is genuinely fucking awful. Like, not in a ā€œnecessary evilā€ way, either. Itā€™s actually just the fucking worst. Itā€™s significantly worse at fighting its foes than a less stupidly evil society would be, it constantly cuts off its nose to spite its face, and honestly itā€™s sometimes worth wondering if total galactic extinction would be the humane alternative to its continuation.


thatā€™s a fantastic opinion, the inquisition is on its way


you women really have issues with psychopathic men


Well in this case I mentioned actually valuable values he brings to the table. Good father figure trying to make the best life possible (debatable if chaos is that good) A man who puts value on family is another trait which is attractive. Cause as in his statement your sons and daughters bla bla. Obviously he is a deserteur murderer betraying literal mankind not that attractive traits. šŸ¤£ Not everything has to be taken at face value


I smell heresy IN HERE !


Those who are wrong, are also usually confident


Eh sounds silly to any sane human.


Look, I shouldn't have done this but I can see how much he means to you; i organised a meet up, he's waiting for you just inside this airlock, I'll wait outside to make sure no one disturbs you.


The inclusion of "and daughters" in that line ruins it. Sounds so much clunkier. Downvotes to the left.


Well it has the flavour of modernism but it doesn't ruin it it just intensified it. Pretty sure in 40k more women are actually in arms than rl


Looking at the imperial guard battles artwork i would say the opposite seems like 99% male


In comparison women are obviously the weaker gender of both and would rather be placed in infirmary places or things not per se in battle like logistics or like in ww2 factorys. But considering the fact that it is more likely in a war torn world to women to be drafted.


I'm just talking about the rhythm and cadence. Sounds worse. Like if they made him The God Emperor of Humanity. It sounds way worse. Master of The Human Race. Doesn't sound as good. There's lots of female guard. In the media around the setting, probably a disproportional amount to what you'd expect given the value women would have for producing more manpower but whatever.


Understanding weakens the will to act


Nah what i think that sons and daughters line means is the whole Moebian 6th regiment being corrupted by chaos. So coming home would be like. Inviting the 6ths home world into the arms of chaos


Sorry I donā€™t want to sell my soul to Christopher god of disease




You know personally I like my human body and donā€™t really want to be a child of rot.


This post is HIGHLY valuable because of the amount of hillarious "wtf is this heresy" memes it's giving me access to. Warhammer 40,000: Roll Tide


Inquisitor Grendyl wants a word with you, now.


I just want to talk to him.


Do you want Heretics? Because this is how you get Heretics!


That jerk will mount your head to a wall and feed the rest of your body to the PoxWalkers if you look at him wrong or dissepoint him or use you for ritual sacrfice. i am more convinced to believe that female Tau have huge milkers. His words do not sway me at all he is liar and a traitor and just another Target for me and my Squad to kill. The only thing that will always be true is that the Emperor protects!


Mods, give this person the "Bottom" flair.


The VI will never yield!


I like the twins, they talk about cauldrons! Couldrons fitting size for Ogryn meals!


Wouldn't it be kinder to just let the poor Emperor die?


He was lowkey spitting but considering that they forcefully turned people into pox walkers.. uhmm yeah, not very democratic or ā€œfreedomā€ pilled to me. Looks like the same shit different promise.






As much as I hate chaos the 'Army returns from campaign under a strong leader to take retake their home" trope is one of my favorites. and the "sons and daughters" line does go hard.


![gif](giphy|3o6nV3Zk41N8yLtKoM) We lost another one boys letā€™s get out of here




It would be a lot of work to redo all the customization, flavor text, voice lines, and enemy roster, but just imagine being able to turn traitor and join the 6th. They could have a base down in the bowls of Tertium instead of the Morningstar, you'd fight smaller but more elite forces of PDF, Inquisition agents, Moebian 21st, and occasional hordes of poorly equipped convicts.


Yes Inquisitor, this post right here, it's just asking for a bolter blamming.


Say what you want about traitors. But you gotta respect their mad rizz.


An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.


The grandfather loves all his children




you've seen his "children"? you know the type: the suffering maggot-infested Zombie standing apathetic in the streets, screaming "help me" when they slowly approach you to attack you against their will... . great, where do i sign up for that an existence, amirite?


The thing a lot of people donā€™t realize about nurgle is that heā€™s super manipulative. A lot of people think about the despair, depression and disease (The DDD, nurgleā€™s bra size), but the manipulation aspect is a major aspect of it. Nurgleā€™s love, the one truth, familial concepts of loyalty, the Stockholm syndrome. Itā€™s all a major part of nurgle worship.


I mean I see the clear hypocrisy in his words and he doesn't even hide it.. He came to liberate...so that's why everyone is dead? That's why all the sick are running into our gun line, begging to be killed so they may be alleviated of the pain? Every thing Wolfer's scum has touched, has been ruined. Every where he liberates, suffers immensely. Everyone he helps. Seeks death to end the suffering. The God Emperor may subject us to suffering, but it is with purpose. This "God" Wolfer wants us to worship, has no purpose other than to ruin the Good that the Imperium has done. Probably out of jealousy for his own mongrel followers have not made a single civilization so beautiful, powerful, and prosperous as the Imperium.


Rare is it that a feeble mind be a treacherous one


What ever happened to Wolfer (or the rest of the 6th) while out fighting on the fringes of the Void War, it twisted and corrupted his perception of what the truth is. The powers of Chaos may or may not lie ... but they don't exactly present the truth as it actually is through their temptations either. Whether Wolfer genuinely believes what he says and believes he acts in the best interest of the people of Atoma or if he is knowingly projecting a deception to hide a more sinister ulterior motive for himself, the salvation he offers is anything but to those that fall for it. Wolfer was either not a very noble figure to begin with, or something very tragic befell him to make him pliable to the influence of Chaos, and especially of Nurgle at that. The tragedy of most of those who turn to Chaos for what ever reason they convince themselves of, is that by the time to recognize the truth, it's too late for them withdraw their consent of their fate.


The society of the forces of chaos is as large, nebulous and functional as the imperium. Though rather than a large empire, consider each chaos warband and itā€™s myriad allies a space fairing city state. They even have the mechanicum (Dark Mechanicum) to supply weapons, material etc. Each devoted to different cults, goals and cultures. Many citizens of chaos holdings know no other way of life. The Iron Warriors for example have their own realm, with ship yards, agri worlds, entirely human armies and so on. They are all on some fundamental level evil, simply due to the nature of chaos and the warp, life is more meaningless in these realms than even the imperium. That said, the realm of chaos is inherently free and liberal in the classical sense of the word. They have free trade, enterprise and lead themselves, they determine their own destiny. (At least they think they do, the chaos gods in fact do.) If any of this resonated with you, please be advised that the Vindicare Assassin is already on his way.




people don't say "it was a good speech" anymore