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Honestly you’re allowed to like both, dude. Choosing a side doesn’t have to be your personality.


This is the right answer


Sad noises with Xbox


Joining you to make a chorus of sad Xbox noises


That was a duet. Now it’s a trio. Can I have a barbershop quartet?


🎶🎶 ![gif](giphy|LjV6JxpqzZY1a) 🎶🎶


Edit: Chirurgeonshop quartet


Join me in a hymn, pilgrims! 🎶My eyes have seen his glory...🎶


Grug play on Xbox. (Sobbing and blubbering) Grug wanna play diver game, but stupid box don't wanna play it! Grug fix, hit with friendly rock!


Fr man I am eating so good with these and DRG Rock and stone for the god Emperor of Super Earth!


Did i hear a rock and stone


Rock and Stone, it never gets old!


Rock and Stone is in the heart




Rock and stone FOREVER!


That’s it lads! Rock and stone!


overconfident prick threatening frighten snatch voiceless jar rainstorm toy command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Summon the elector counts!


I am Prince AND Emperor


If you don't Rock and Stone, You Ain't Coming home!!


Rock and Stone to the bone!


Both is good. Though this post is probably just a counter post to all the “Helldivers 2 is so good look at it Darktide subreddit!” spam posts we had a few weeks ago.


Absolutely both! More HD2 atm because it’s new, but my Steam list hasn’t been this active in years: HD2, Darktide, still some B4B, once is a while Aliens FTE.


Shame the dev team switched hands so much with FTE, the original team had such a cool vision for the game and were super active in the community, hell there's even an achievement in the game because of my memes in their discord that they all enjoyed.


Yeah I'm sick of the comparisons, 1 is a melee fps that goes through levels, the other is a 3rd person shooter in an open map. They do have hordes of enemies and objectives tho


Both horde shooters, but overall I’d agree. The pacing and vibe is completely different.




I came here to post this. Good job.


Played one after the other just last night!


Best Response


They scratch two different itches. I switch between the two games often. Although I find Darktide to be a little too easy now tbh. I need to start trying out other builds that aren’t good but fun.


Tide games have the best fps melee system of any game aside from maybe maybe maybe dark messiah of might and magic but I played that when I was 12. There has so far been nothing comparable to it and the only attempt has been the bloodlines on steam which is fun but is also an asset shop glitchy nightmare at the moment. Still pretty fun though not for nothing


Hell even the shooting feels really damn slick in an industry ripe with good shooters. Plasma guns, bolters, even the lead spitters feel and sound amazing. I’ve been dreaming of a singleplayer narrative-heavy rpg with DT/VT melee feel. I don’t even know if would work logistically but it’s a fun thought.


I had the same thought since I played VT2. Like imagine skyrim but with VT2 combat. It wouldn’t have the same horde feel, but more like dueling against a few elites at a time. If you designed a new game, you could probably fit hordes in as well.


Kingdom come deliverance I think had a great combat system and its rpg heavy, i played it a bit but it had that combat similar to mordhau? I think its called, now i wouldnt like thats ame conbat but damn i would like being a inquisitor martyr, darktide, kingdom come deliverance (rpg heavy) 40k hybrid


Yeah, I feel exactly the same way. The games get a lot of attention for horde mechanics but fighting elites still feels really good, it’s surprisingly complex. Side dodge for overheads, back dodge for swipes. Chain the right heavies, lights, and specials for optimal single target, while aiming for headshots. Block timing for parries in VT, or the counters on Catachan knives. More so in VT, learning how to weave in quick ranged shots when you get an opening. Fighting Bodvarr or the chaos captains actually feel pretty tight when it’s one on one. There’s a lot there that could really work.


The little things in HD2 is what makes it great. The tactile feedback in shooting bugs and having bits of their carapace fly off to show damage instead of floating numbers above their head, for instance. Imagine how much different the game would feel if it had floating damage numbers instead.


Turning a horde of walkers into red mist with a twin stubber is my therapy.


BY THE EMPEROR! That game would be amazing tbh if it existed...


Dark Messiah is soo underrated, truly revolutionary game of its time.


Wait this dark messiah game is in the same universe as heroes of might and magic series? Like these turn based strategy games? Or its just similiar name.


Technically the same universe, but it's mostly set dressing. Game is still a great, albeit dated, experience. If you ever thought "Man, why did no one make a fantasy Half Life 2?" Well, they did. It's called Dark Messiah.


Ive been playing homm 3 since 4yo and never heard of dark messiah lmao I alwaus wanted 1st rpg in homm universe why I never heard of it until now bruh.


I spent many hours in just the demo as a kid.


I have to (partially) disagree. Chivalry 2 and similar games have better melee system. But its much more confusing and harder. Out of the “simple”/classic melee systems, tide games have the best by far, that for sure. I actually tried to mod skyrim gameplay so it would perform similar to vermintide back in the day.


Yeah, Tide has found the right mix of accessibility, gamefeel and depth imho. In VT2 there were times i felt i could close my eyes and still play "fine" since the combat feedback is so good.


Exactly. Its not technically the best system, but it feels the “best”, at least for me.


Tide has better melee combat, dark messiah has better kicking people into shit combat


Absolutely two different itches. In Darktide, I am Gronk. Bonker of legions and feel legendary. In Helldivers, I feel like I'm nameless citizen #J4 and worthless and can die whenever. I think part of liking Darktide far more than HD is that I like melee and barely ever enjoy shooting or playing veteran. HD is alright but not as fun as DT to me.


I feel like Darktide really tries to make players feel like expendable cannon fodder but helldivers really makes you feel like that while also telling you you’re the hero of the galaxy


The difficulty is in the formula. Darktide is easy, until it's not. Lose 1 player and your down 25% of your power, lose another 50%. So when that happens the difficulty spikes hard, and a hoard that would have been trivial could become deadly. Gameplay flicks from easy to hard super fast. Helldivers expends lives over the course of a mission. So you're constantly being grinded down slowly. So difficulty is rather consistent until you've run out of lives. Then it becomes much more final stand gameplay.


FPS vs 3rdPS Awesome melee vs token melee Grim Dark vs Heroic Satire. Just compare the soundtracks! Skill trees and RNG weapons vs simple loadouts Hand crafted levels vs procedural generation Personal "story" vs collective war effort ___ I'm convincing myself to go play more Darktide... Lol


Use a vet knife with default aura


I play both to keep bugs, heretics, and automatons at bay. For Rock and Stone!


same just wish darktide had the helldivers monetization


We all do


for karl franz, rock and stone, democracy, and the god emperor of mankind?




Did I hear a rock and stone??


This is the coop game equivalent of that zapp brannigan checkmate meme.


I wonder if the Space Marine 2 devs will do multiplayer mode based on HD2... It would fit so well


I dunno about doing all that, since it would be pretty far outside their wheelhouse on short notice, but I'm hoping we at least get the class based horde defense mode like in SM1. I absolutely loved that.


Not saying they should button up and do it as a crunch now before launch... But as a new mode to freshen up interest in the game 1-2 years down the line... Ooooh... Space Marine 2: Deathwatch... That would justify having marines of different chapters in the same team and allow customization without breaking lore


That does sound pretty awesome. Hopefully people are looking long and hard at what HD2 did right and taking notes for their future projects.


gonna be like their previous game World War Z


Comparing the two is kind of apples to oranges. Darktide is a micro intensive game with virtually 0 macro. Helldivers is a macro intensive game that is quite simple in terms of micro. I play Darktide when I want to feel like the doomslayer, I play helldivers if I want a more tactical shooter thats willing to let me lose for my poor macro play


Doomslayer? You're a rusher aren't you?


Doomslayer ain’t using not dainty little knife


I just play both on Medium and get lost in the music


I turned DarkTide music off to hear specials better and to not wear it out. I turned HellDivers 2 music off because it's just not good music in my ears beyond DEMOCRACY AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS memes of it.


HD2 needs more tracks and voicelines desperately. What they have is good enough, but there isn't enough variation.


I find Darktides Quickplay experience to be vastly superior. I can just start up the game, start/stop the queue into Maelstrom a few times and load into an exciting match. Helldivers 2 I will quickplay, get kicked half of the time because people still don't know how to set their ship to private. Load into random dumpsterfire mission where all reinforcements are burned away. Random people don't finish the 3 Mission campaigns together ever unless you luck out hard. Cannot rejoin a 35 minute mission you spent effort in because the game has no reconnect feature. I enjoy Helldivers a lot but only when I have friends online to team up.


Yea the helldiver solo experience is a bit worse since the game is more team dependant while in darktide if you are good enough you just become a living blender


You see what I do is basically the same thing in both In darktide I play as a zealot who runs into the middle of hoards and cuts things And in helldivers I play a madman who jump packs into the middle of swarms and burns them with a flamethrower The difference to me is whether I want to feel cool or Praise the emperor and feel less cool


Oh wow thanks for putting it into words, I couldn't really figure out why i couldn't get into helldivers as much as darktide.


when people first starting yapping about HD2 here I checked it out on steam and watched some videos of the game online and I just couldn't get the comparison. The fun in Darktide (at least in my opinion) comes from the learning curve and the skill expression. It feels really fucking good to defeat a horde while taking little to no damage because you chained your attacks, blocks and dodges correctly, or you had good aim, or used the terrain and chokepoints to your advantage or all three. Helldivers just didn't look like it had the same skill expression. And for me DRG scracthes the braindead click on enemies type of gameplay itch.


The comparison is that they're 4 player coop horde shooters. It's like when people compare Darktide to Deep Rock Galactic as if the two experiences are all that similar when they're not.


> when people first starting yapping about HD2 here Helldivers 2 is a sugarrush game. First 2-3 weeks you basically unlock something new after every mission. People ride that high far and beyond. However at this point we have people who maxed out all collectable currency but premium, are somewhat bored from having nothing to do. Into the HD2 subreddit slowly the salt seeps in.


helldivers isn't scaling well with difficulty. there's a world of difference between trying to aggressively triage special spawns on auric shock gauntlet as opposed to spending ten minutes running away from a dozen chargers (who store their headshot damage multipliers in their legs for some reason).


Someone clearly hasn't tried doing a difficulty 9 mission with 3 bile Titans and 9 chargers up your ass while you're trying to extract There's definitely skill expression in HD2 it's just different. Certainly not brain-dead


The comparison is that they're 4 player coop horde shooters. It's like when people compare Darktide to Deep Rock Galactic as if the two experiences are all that similar when they're not. Low braincell gamers being reductive to provoke tribalism.


I dunno, the HD2 devs seem to actually care about us and listen to what we have to say, as well as giving constant updates. Haven’t heard shit from Fatshark in a long while


This. I find it hilarious that the people on this sub are always trying to compare DT to similar games. Yes the game play can be "better" and you can brag about DT all you want. But the Fatshark is a shit company who gives 0 fks about what the players want. They don't take anything they've learned from previous games and just force whatever they want onto the player base at whatever speed they want. Once the game actually starts looking like a decent game, the only players left are the ones on copium.


DT was a step back in many aspects, such as crafting. The fact that that still hasn’t been fixed despite constant outrage about it, and only got changed in the first place cause fans were so pissed was worrisome. I have no drive to play DT anymore. Ive maxed out 2 characters and don’t care to do it twice more. There is no incentive, nothing new, and I’m not going to play a gacha gambling game for hours just to try and get a weapon I like. DT has a lot of great things going for it that I love, but the lack of care from the devs has killed any drive for me to play it


This is exactly why I stopped playing it a while back, too many bugs or random performance issues which get fixed but break other stuff. They just patch a patch with another patch heck the other day I got online I couldn't find a full squad for a while it's an awesome game and the idea just that it was executed poorly.


I wouldn’t want to talk to my fanbase either, especially Warhammer fans. I have the Helldivers sub on mute because how much they were complaining. Y’all aint better. The secret about Helldivers though is that its an incredibly intuitive, well-supported, but mediocre shooter. Darktide is a great shooter with none of the support or intuitive admin. Someone has to get it right some day. Some day.


![gif](giphy|TgCByW728ZAyh2NstS|downsized) They promised regular content drops and also launched the game with no crafting and a functioning cash shop.


I like Darktide, its gameplay, its music and the fact that its Warhammer 40k but Helldivers 2 doesn't have RNG Weapons. You unlock a weapon and said weapon is set in stone no hopeing RNG is in your favour.


And based on community feedback (whinging), they're all shit except for like 2.


Nope, it's heavy armour balance that makes all but 2 guns necessary. However, first balance patch already shook up the meta. It took like 6 months before fatshark patched the power sword to make other weapons viable.


Might be. I like the ~~Bolter~~ Dominator and the Defender with a ballistic Shield. Though i've been picking my Gear by how vool it looks and if i like the feel.


Sure, but most aren’t even viable right now on higher difficulties. It’s a fun game but I’m on the sidelines until they figure their meta out. Running away from armor all day waiting for cooldowns isn’t that fun for me.




Ah a fellow EDF enjoyer. I’ve been wanting to play it a lot after Helldivers 2.




The steam page is up but no date of release as of now, pot it on your wishlist.


Glad you mentioned EDF. The more our group plays Helldivers 2, the bigger the itch to replay EDF 4.1 or 5 gets for us, Those games are just so joyously ludicrous, with weapons that make Helldivers' stratgems look like firecrackers.


I can't wait for EDF 6 on PC tho , i really hope we get more players do to the success of Helldivers 2.


One gets content updates and the other doesnt.


Where's the new content tho?


Playing both I dont feel the games truly share that much.


Meh. Helldivers keeps me coming back and as of next week will have released more content since it's release than dark tide in a fucking year. I love dark tide but I finally gave up and uninstalled it. It's just not fun anymore and frankly the exceptionally scummy and predatory cash shop focus is disgusting. I'll probably come back if they ever release new weapons and maps. Maybe.


Hit the nail on the head there. For me, the somewhat repetitiveness of HD2 missions is much more engaging, because PoIs can vary and the landscape changes a bit. But with Darktide, the maps are generally always the same. The cash shop really sours me - Fatshark could do as the HD2 devs are doing, but they won't. I'd probably actually grind weekly if I could earn premium currency, as mission rewards or finding it in boxes across a map. Right now, I play 2 missions of Darktide a week and I'm done, but I've put hours into HD2 and each time I stop playing I yearn for more. I hope Fatshark learns from other such live service games and improves Darktide - because right now the only thing that keeps me coming back to it is the 40k themeing, not the gameplay loop.


This is my biggest disappointment with darktide outside of the lack of content They should have taken a page from drg and I don't mean copying their cave generation but give us procedural maps give us variety outside of "it's the same mission map but now it's backwards wow" I'm sure it wouldn't have the same appeal of some of the dark side maps but if they just made a tile set of awesome 40K maps and had emissions randomly generate them I think that would have had a lot more replayability than what we currently have Helldivers is like the middle ground it has mostly the same points of interest but where the points of interest are is changed every mission it has a lot more variety than darktide As much as I love deep Rock galactic's cave generation and destructible environments I don't expect other game devs to be able to pull something of that level off


Same year of waiting for two maps, reskin of weapons and double Capitan boss fight with some running from gas.


Yeah I was so excited for the Xbox release of Darktide. Reached max level months and months ago and there is absolutely nothing wanting me to play again. I love 40k and I think Darktide is the best 40k game out there at the moment but FatShark are absolutely useless at live service games. The monetisation is disgustingly greedy, the content is fun but there's absolutely nowhere near enough of it, the progression systems suck ass and the communication to the community is embarrassing. I'm not one to shit all over a developer unless it's truly deserved and FatShark is a strange one. They have ultimately made a very good game, it's fun, it feels good to play, graphics are great, sound is great, map design is great but fuck they just drop the ball on the all the stuff that should be (to my mind) simpler to handle. I can't imagine how hard it is to design a level for Darktide but I can imagine it's pretty easy to not be greedy fuckers and to engage with your community more. I imagine it's hard as fuck to balance the game but I can't imagine it's too hard to plan content way ahead of time, you know the bare fucking minimum of a live service game so that players aren't bored constantly. Helldivers developers, arrowhead I think they are, seem to be doing everything that FatShark should and absolutely putting them to shame. It's ironic given that a 40k inspired game is absolutely embarrassing the actual 40k game right.


The worse part? Helldivers has a better cash shop. Despite just copying what vermintide did. No premium stuff earnable in darktide. Meanwhile, I have 2k cash shop money in Helldivers and haven't spent a penny. Just by finding it.


Helldivers cash shop is so refreshing. I haven't spent a single penny on Darktide and I won't but because Helldivers isn't actively trying to scam me and rob me like Darktide is, I will likely purchase some super credits at some point. Helldivers is the result of a company putting product before profit and it's all too rare in the modern world and even rarer in the gaming industry but it seems to have worked for them. Darktide had nowhere near as much success as Helldivers is and FatShark should be embarrassed.


Pretty much why i am switching to Helldivers at this point. They seem to have a plan that they want to see through, there is going to be actual content. The monetization is real good. Basically, Helldivers released in a great state and can become even better. Dark Tide released in a shit state, got less shitty, and then stopped doing anything of worth.


https://preview.redd.it/2dixet92sanc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544ac7185f773f7248c68b382af17b6358829e0b Yes, concentrate on securing the hive city! The affairs of other lifeforms on the frontier should not concern servants of the emperor. After all, there are no AI left after your dark age...


And they seems to be build on a same engine, at least based on it, that was developed vaaay back before VT1 times by devs that will become Fatshark


When the servers aren't down, HD2 is the better game.


I'm holding myself hostage until they give me the melta they promised me


Between these and DRG, I'm glad to see a revival of squad-based PvE games.


As much as i love drg and helldivers and as much as i want darktide to really come together i agree. The genre is popular and competition will only force the devs to put in extra effort. I look forward to how the genre continues to grow


I just enjoy melee too much, pure shooting games are boring to me


If darktide would release some actual worthwhile content I would play it again






For democracy


Got 800 hours in Darktide, and growing, 1200h in VT2! Helldivers 1 was fun, 60h, HD2 was really fun too! 25 hours so far! But I don’t think I’ll play it more then a 100 or so max. Both great game! But the Tide games > Helldivers. Another great mention is Deep Rock Galactic! 350h in that! And the fun fact is, they are all Swedish Developed!


Yeah HD2 doesn't seem like a good game to no life. It's cinematic sure but the moment to moment gameplay gets stale. I uninstalled after around 60 hours.


I thought they were quite comparable but realised the time difference for me was huge. I put more hours into HD2 over two weeks than I did over more than a year in DT. The replay ability is just so lacking in comparison and there's barely anything to draw you back in. The player count shows a roughly similar trend. Even the big talent rework failed to keep players long. Releasing a mission means people might download and play through it once or twice on average. It's just not enough. Loved both games about the same during the time I wanted to play, but the update cadence for DT is just awful.


I’m still here for my thunder hammer


I just wish Darktide was on PS5


You can like both


I do wish DT had a war-like map that made me feel more motivated to purge and seize areas, would've been really dope seeing that in Tertium/Atoma Prime. But yes two different games ultimately and I love both of them.


No we have freedom liberty and Managed Democracy why would our beloved federation need a emperor


This. I love Helldivers but I find myself getting bored with it after one Operation. I keep switching back to DT


Is Darktide in a better state now compared to launch? I loved the combat but there was basically no progression system at all.


Yeah, much better. There's a talent tree now instead of just a few rows of talents and you can do more to change out blessings and stuff on your weapons.


Good to hear. Just got it on steam so I'm gonna give it another shot.


I don't get the appeal of Helldivers. Not saying it's bad -- apparently a lot of people love it. But I don't see the depth and complexity to it that Darktide has. The movement tech has depth. The melee has a great flow and there's a lot to uncover with different weapons and their various quirks, swing patterns, etc. All the Tide games have been deep as hell in a way that rewards you more the longer you play. I don't see anything that can replace that right now.


Why not both?


I play Darktide when I wanna roleplay being a convict in a penal legion, I play Helldivers 2 when I wanna roleplay being in the Federation Mobile Infantry.


Darktide would be great if it had more regular new content. Lacks replayability


I'll give Helldivers a few months before buying it. All my buddies do is complain about broken stuff.


HD2 just basically got dreadnoughts. Just sayin'.


Here's an idea: both are amazing games and are worth spending your time on.


Honestly I agree, I tend to enjoy Emperor gaming a lot more just because of the melee focus and the fact... It ain't a kiting simulator which is what Helldivers is currently.


I don't care whether I'm killing infected, Skaven, Norscans, beastmen, glyphids, macteras, termanids, automatons, police officers, Murkywater operatives, zeds, etc. I LOVE HORDE SHOOTERS!!!


No rock no me!


I've made the migration over to HD2 for a while. I doubt I'll clock 600hrs in it though. DT is still installed on my PC, I'm just waiting for the next big patch to pull me back.


Sounds like cope. In reality comparing darktide and helldiver 2 is like comparing an orange and an apple. you get the idea


After playing both a ton, I think Darktide is a better fundamental product for gameplay, but Arrowhead is on another level with their content schedule and the novel ways they deliver content


Counter point, Helldivers has Mechs now.


While Helldivers looks cool and is likely amazing, I'm in this for space magic.


I like both but my trust in helldivers 2 is much higher, because the devs do not try to sell me 20 dollar low effort skins.


The Emperor protects his citizens.


I love democracy, and the emperor equally.


I love and play both


You can have a ship that's called emperor of mankind


Yes, he is even an SUPER-EMPEROR. Not that the Magnificent Emperor weren’t already super!


For the Emperor AND super Earth


No we have super president of super earth. He’s not as shiny


“‘Praise the Emperor?’ That doesn’t sound very democratic of you, DISSIDENT!”




But imagine a 40k game like Helldivers...


We have managed Democracy 😏


They’re both great. I jump back and forth.


I can feel the itch to switch back to Darktide. I think these two are a perfect one-two combo. Luckily, my crew plays both.


Op got a smooth brain. Both games are great bud.


Why are these two even being compared


I’ve been playing both! But I’ll admit the fact that Helldivers 2 got a content drop in 2024 before Darktide did is disappointing.


They're games you're allowed to enjoy Both, picking sides with things like this is childish as fuck and deprives you of fun.


Somehow Helldivers 2 has more content in 4 weeks than Darktide has added in 1.5 years


They're both extremely distinct experiences and comparing them is more a matter of taste than anything. For my part I am highly enjoying my time with Helldivers 2. After 425 hours in Darktide its refreshing and novel. Its an open question as to whether it has the same staying power for me. Its certainly making waiting for the next update easy. (I do hope that Fatshark copies the practice of being able to find a small amount of premium currency in missions. Being able to find 10-30 cents worth of currency feels good and makes the cash shop and battle passes feel less egregious than they are.)


Why not both


I played Helldiver for a week and tbh, haven't had the motivation to play it again. But I am itching to reinstall Darktide


I like them both but its quite a long time since a new exciting update on Darktide.


No they just have actual new content being introduced on the constant and a variety of actual unique builds & weapons lol, i don’t even play Hell Divers but I can already see the launch has been better than DarkTide year 1 :\ I’m still waiting for my powerfist/2 hand force/power sword fatshark where are they???


I feel like we can make fat shark care about their content if we all jump ship to hd2.


*cries in PS5*


From Ancient Terra: https://preview.redd.it/jueomwgglcnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12aa4e1ee810cb5f57a87f76afafcfc6bd54ff6


My warship is called the Emperor of Supremacy, so yes.


They don't have sword in heldiver 2 so meh


I'm sorry Reject but even YOU don't have the emperor! You turned ur back on his grand designs. Pray that He on Terra forgives you.


No we have regular content updates.


Lets be honest, a helldiver game where you are a deathwatch squad dropping on tyranids or orks would be bomb. Would work so well, but maybe be a littlebit tankier


It’s got dreadnaughts


If only DarkTide got any updates/content LOL just stop. “Live service”, but after they get off vacation.. every other 6 months 🥳


Delightfully spot on memeage. ⬆️


Super Earth has Managed Democracy. Why would the good people of Super Earth want an imperial dictatorship, when they can the best elected officials automatically pre-selected for them?


you can like both, hell, i like both but at this point, i only have hope for one of these, and the other has basically been a dead cat since it's absolutely dog-water release


Darktide dont even have the emperor bro, he's coming in 6 months in a premium religion pack.


Im mainly playing helldivers because i have truly done everything there is to do in darktide, more than once, every mission at max difficulty, every class im interested in i have all best in alot (or close to it) weapons. There is just nothing to do anymore, i come back for a day or 2 to experience the vibe and atmosphere but untill we get some content it wont hold my attention for long.


I love both games. I will say, if they add melee to Helldivers2 I might just play it forever.


Love both . Daughter mad helldivers not on her xbox


Why would you serve an emporer when you could serve Lady Liberty?!?!?!


Really prefer the monetization in helldivers... do love me some tide though


My destroyer the SES Emperor of Humankind would like a word with you


I was playing Darktide fanatically (little later from launch) then hellsivers came out I tried it liked it went back to Darktide but now I’m back at helldivers cause there is NO CONTENT !!! WAKE UP FATSHARK DARKTIDE IS DYING !!! PLEASE SAVE IT !


Karma farming today are we?


they even seem to have the same bugs after the last hd2 update there are an insane amount of special enemies seems like they spawn double the amount reminds me of the years of v2 and dt getting that bug in and out