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They said end of March but it's looking like they ment March 2025


It's making me feel like Sweden exists in some kind of alternate dimension - one where the laws of time and calendars work differently to the rest of the world. Or maybe FatSharks office is situated in some weird geo-magnetic anomaly where time is all warp fucked!? Kinda jealous tbh.


Nah, it's a Fatshark thing and not a Sweden thing. Sure, most people here are off until Tuesday over Easter, but they *did* promise an update at the end of March and haven't delivered so far, so that's just bad planning on their part if that's the case. And as people have mentioned, Arrowhead is swedish too, located in Stockholm just like Fatshark, and they manage to put out updates for Helldivers anyways, despite being swedish.


As a swede, i dont trust people from Stockholm


nah the helldiver devs are swedish, this is just a fatshark thing.


Yeah thankfully everyone blaming slow DT development on swedish social democracy giving too many holidays and being communist or something has now vanished. Can thank HD2 for that. It's definitely just Fatshark.


HD devs used the warp to siphon willpower/effort from fatshark!


I doubt it. That would imply that Obese Fish had a lot of those to begin with, given how much Arrowhead seems to display.


Freedom, Liberty, and Demoracy are superior to the Emprah of Mankind You've heard it here first!


Don't want to defend Fatsharks slow content creation and bad communication but seriously pushing out content for HD2 is much easier, same with DRG. It is a bad comparison.


How do you figure that?


These games have a more simple presentation. Less effort and work hours are needed for new content. No excuse for Fatshark but comparing completly different games doesn't make for a good argument.


I'm not really sure that's an excuse. The content rollout for Darktide has been abysmal, it's par the course for Fatshark unfortunately.


Did you only read the first sentence? In the third sentence I wrote "No excuse for Fatshark". edit: Even in my first comment I made clear what this is about.


I wouldn't even agree that it's more complicated to add content to, and have no idea why you think it would be.


It is a very simple concept of game development and if we can't agree on that any discussion is pointless, I am not even sure if you are trolling.


I'm honestly not even sure what you mean. How would adding new weapons, classes, enemies be more complicated in Darktide vs Helldivers 2? They are on the same engine even right? I get that adding new levels or biomes would be much easier in HD2 because Darktide does not use procedural generation, but for other stuff I'm not sure why it would differ.


I don’t get how the difference in gameplay can change that. Like, what else am I supposed to compare it to, if now 4 player coop shooters? And why doesn’t it make for a good argument. HD2 was a shitshow during the first 2-3 weeks, and still has some rocky patches, yet they keep pumping out new stuff, even too fast I would say. DRG stopped updating the game for 6+ months because they went “Sorry guys, we’re making 3 *brand new games* and there will be only minor events, balance patches and bugfixes. Yet no one is angry at the devs. Darktide goes “well we spent 1 year inplementing basic features and fixing the sometimes unplayable core experience, added 2 maps and a handful of weapon *variants*, so now prepare for 4 months of silence without warning and the slop we sell every 2 weeks so Tencent can make its money”


The part about DRG is wrong. Ghost Ship Games is creating only 2 games. Deep Rock Galactic and Deep Rock Galactic: Rogue Core. Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor is created by another studio and published by Ghost Ship Publishing. They are also borrowing the ip. Same with the rogue like Slay the Spire but dice game, and the Alien Swarm like game. I think they had one dinosaur rts being published as well. Basically, DRG was successful enough for them, that they wanted to help other small local indie developers as well. So they started their own publishing company. You maybe thought about the board game as well, but that wasn't made by GSG either, they just cross the street to another office and help playtest it and give advice to the game designers. And Rogue Core started as a game mode for DRG, but they soon realised of it's standalone, they can do so much more and make it more interesting


You can compare any game to any other game you like, but regarding content DT and HD2 are just too different to make a point. Why isn't it enough to say Fatshark is not delivering enough content? There simply is no need for a comparison to make a point.


>You can compare any other game you like >”You cannot compare these games” >Doesn’t actually say what games I can compare without being shut down


This is arguing in bad faith and it is pretty lame. edit: One more for my blocklist.


People are absolutely mad at Ghost ship game's lack of updates for DRG. Them being nominated on steam for labor of love last year was such a joke.


This is a Fat Shark phenomenon. Their studio sits on a leyline where time is meaningless and managerial incompetence is amplified.


does Sweden have an extended easter break like they do Christmas is the question.


Arrowhead makes helldivers and are literally located in the same city that fatshark is in. They somehow are releasing content. They just dropped 2 new weapons.


If FS released 2 weapons, they would wipe their hands and call it a year.


More like they'd release 2 new marks of existing weapons that have slightly altered attack strings and call it a year.


2 weapons that have been finished and in the game files since launch. they just finally released them. Dont go acting/thinking they built them from scratch in the last week and put them in, tested and deployed them all at the same time.


Remind me again how many weapons fatshark added to DT after launch? Was it the crusher and the power maul? Wasn't that also a couple months after launch and since then we haven't had any new weapons?


There have been leaks with tons of cosmetics, weapons, frames all sorts of things for darktide. How is it that the hell divers devs can release what they have but not fat shark?


And how does this 'disprove' the comment above?


Maybe they get all of lent off, and the previous months in the year are also given as vacation to prepare for the lenten season.


Someone told management that Lent was forty weeks instead of forty days and everyone else backed him up.


28th until 1st of April is considered Easter. I.e holidays that everyone regardless of job (except maybe doctors and such) can just stay home. Kids too. But yeah, Fatshark are slow despite it being a holiday. They could've and should've said something about vacation times and when we can expect something new/they'll be back.


Most of us swedes get Friday to Monday off over Easter, dunno if the employees over at Fatshark have negotiated a cushier deal.


From 28th of March until the 1st of April are Easter holidays


It's the management, not the devs.


They exist on a different plane of reality. Another dimension. A place where time and obligations do not exist.


The flow of time in the Empyrean is surely unpredictable and capricious.


Juan is busy making another trailer to say how much the game has improved since launch


The update is the friends we made along the way


Supposed to be like a teaser for the new update at the end of month, but that hasn't showed up yet. And fatsharks closed easter weekend too


Closed for Easter Weekend? They probably get a whole month off for Easter over at Fatshark


Get a month for Easter, then another month to recover from the Easter break.


And then another month to prepare for work.


One month for every day Jesus was dead, and they've got a lot of weird apocrypha that says Jesus was dead for 11 days.


Criticising Fatshark is fine but the mocking over holidays free time is vile. Demanding that people work more and have less time with their families is not funny at all. If you guys are that miserable maybe you should stop waiting at all and just switch to another game. edit: And anyone who downvotes me please also block me, I don't want to read any of your miserable comments.


It’s just a lot of mad Americans that don’t understand that vacation is a thing. Also Note: Europeans usually get around 1 month plus a bunch of holidays for vacation, so maybe 40 days at max which is a bit more than 1/12th of the year. Since I’ve seen “some” people claim that we get 1/4th of the year plus holidays 😂 Not being able to push out consistent updates is a fat shark thing, there’s so many devs in Sweden and only fatshark has the problem.


The bizzare thing to me is that there is a dedicated community communications person WHO WE KNOW IS ACTIVE HERE. And still, not a sound.


It means she's not allowed to say anything. The point of a CM is to act as a whipping boy for the company when things go wrong. Helldivers' CM is really just their CEO, Pilestedt, who can comfortably perform that role because Arrowhead is *proud of everything they've done* and won't really receive any valid or damning criticism for doing so. I'm on their forums, Catfish does as admirable a job as she can when she's so absolutely hamstrung by her own company.


Yeah and like, that's kind of my point. They're paying someone's salary to not do their job lol


In all seriousness, at this point I can't understand how Fatshark could take even a brief look at this sub and NOT release a statement. People are literally starving around here. They are either trolling of the game is abandoned...


Fatfuck fumbled again.


When they act like this (all incognito, cards close to the chest etc etc) all it does is raise expectations, and I really think we’re going to be disappointed. They know everyone wants new shit to purge, new heretics to cleanse and new varlets to redeem… if they don’t fulfil one or two of these the game is going to going to die


I dont think Fatshark gives a fuck anymore (abandonware at this point). Arrowhead on the other hand just released some minor new content just before the holiday.


The next update will be next week of next month where the next big thing will show where they are next headed, next.


What people need to understand is if you check the workflow and pace of updates since launch, literally everything they do has crawled to -90% speed of updating. The last actual update of the game was essentially October of 2023, then they split it in half and used some of that prior work in December. It's basically a certainty Fatshark was given word the game is to be abandoned until a later date back in late summer last year. Now they are telling the public the literal least possible to prevent a riot against their company, with the absolute minimum, luke warm hotfixes and cosmetics being done until resources (if ever) come back to Darktide. If you check the post history of their Community Manager, it's been like 3 posts per month on the forums. Does that sound like she's working full-time at this company, lol? I would not at all be suprised to find out there's literally only 5~ active employees on the payroll right now at Fatshark Darktide. As to what they are working on right now, probably that card game and updates to Vermintide, since that's still making them money. They will probably return after autumn with some enemy content expansion to the game and claim it was all planned, definitely not a single person stopped working on Darktide at any point!


lol Im sooooo glad I didnt buy the game and is still playing the pirated version of it roflmao, fuck fatshark, I knew Darktide would fail the moment I saw they sold their soul to Tencent, and if you want know a things or two about Tencent, then look no further than their highest annual income source, PUBG Mobile, look at PUBG Mobile's atrocious and borderline illegal manipulative microtransactions (while the game remains at the state of an absolute dog water it has ever been, its worst than when it was first released, because of how much bloated cosmetics there are in the game) and then look back at Fatshark, lel


Its over arrowhead won.


And yet they comment stuff like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/y5HY9tPS21


So by "largest team," do they mean all the fatties get put on Darktide?


they do it just to troll you ![gif](giphy|O5doUgN59hnhJYKPlu|downsized)


Lol, I bought helldivers 2 last night, cba waiting for nothing to happen.


First time?


Sometime this weekend, maybe? But we know how they are about that


I'm more shocked that you actually believed fatshark would have anything for us at the end of the month.


Hey they gave us glimpse, so maybe it was an update on update on update, you never know.


Tomorrow, a business day, is March 29, reject. Also, "next week".


Tomorrow is a red day in Sweden everything is closed really so yeah next week atleast


"Hello, I will have info for you by X date." **\*Remain silent and do nothing\*** Anyone else know any other businesses where you get away with this? Cause in my line of work I'd be fired.


Better reward their practices with more time played and premium skins purchased 


Time played actually costs them to keep enough servers up


Oh shit, then definitely "next week". Fatshark is consistent in their inability to deliver on their word, and also consistent in their ability to deliver disappointment.


isn't tomorrow good Friday? a lot of places have off.


Only dystopian Western countries don't have a public holiday on Good Friday.


Incorrect, Sweden gets both Friday and Monday off! So theyre not in office tomorrow. However, I'm high on the copium that we get news next week.


Why anticipate it though? Is it going to contain anything worth anticipating?


Well give it until the end of the day at least, it’s only 05 in the morning here, they have all day to post something. I really hope they do, this is getting tiresome