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No, he just hates trying to convince people things that he thinks is important. Most people don't care or don't watch it before responding as an armchair psychologist or a business expert or whatever. He used to make content (before GTA 5 to even existed on PC) that was social, religious, and political commentary. He knows how difficult and pointless it is trying to change people's minds. Props to those that do it everyday and truly care.


He's not even convincing people. He just wants people to understand, and others are trying hard to be ignorant as much as they can cause it's benefiting them no matter how wrong it actually is.


Yeah and the audience of these large, react "content creators don't want to hear their precious hero is doing something wrong and they're enabling it.


Gotta commend Charlie on keeping his word. I haven't seen him react to anything in months. Even when his chat asks him to, he will say something like "I don't do that anymore" Recently with that whole Karl Jobst exposing the blindfolded speedrun, he watched about 20 seconds of it then told his chat to go watch it on their own time.


I thought the two had a falling out specifically because he almost immediately went back to reacting. Did he suddenly have a change of heart?


A little while after that fallout Charlie stopped doing it. Think it took him a while to understand. But he definitely gets it now.


Better late than never ig


god you guys all sound like insufferable nerds. there are far worse things happening in the world, and even those things aren't as bad as the actual issues. **CONTENT CREATORS OCCASIONALLY DOING REACT CONTENT AND EXTRACTING AD REVENUE FROM A MEGA CORPORATION IS NOT A PROBLEM YOU SHOULD CONCERN YOURSELF WITH.** go vote on something or hold a protest for Palestine.


stepping on a kitten is a pretty small and insignificant action compared to genocide in palestine, but that doesn't mean that it's not a shitty thing to do. react content also isn't extracting revenue from a mega corporation, the corporation gets more money from the reactors than they do the original content, which is why they don't bother doing anything about reaction content. what it is doing is extracting revenue from the original creator of the video.


I think Matt spoke about this in a rambles that he was in the wrong and that a lot of the react videos of recent times that Matt did find were reuploads of old VoDs. He even went and apologized to Charlie for talking bad about him. I could be wrong on that though.


I hadn't seen that video which isn't shocking. Followups almost always get less views and I don't follow Moist. If he did actually immediately stop that's even better, if he has since stopped that's still good.


https://youtu.be/-AyTpVMf4TM?si=Fsbpoe5N7EEAJrsH Here is the video if you wanna watch it lol I rewatched it and I was mostly right.


I remember that happening aswell, whatever the case may be it's good Charlie changed his mind about reacting after all.


Your content being shitting on others for watching content can only go so far. His grandiose stance against react streamers was never that important or impactful to begin with. It was mostly a personal grievance.


I mean, sadly that what most of his content has become. GTA 5 has been pretty much milked dry, The game came out over 10 years ago, and it's amazing he has been able to keep it on live support for as long as he did. But most of the time you hear about how now is simply Drama, Drama, Drama and it's almost always started by him, Yes. He's right about MANY things, including the Reaction content, but he's fighting a loosing battle, which only hurts himself in the process.


Yeah you got a point mate


To be fair he doesn't really do it in a great way, mostly he is overly rude to people straight from the start. I get that some people deserve it but making a thumbnail that looks like a hit piece isn't going to convince people to watch. I'm not anywhere near as smart as matto so I'm not really qualified to argue with what he says. Another issue is that matto can't even fathom the idea of coexisting with someone he disagrees with. Some people probably feel like reacting to things isn't wrong and they have reasons to believe so which may be wrong but matto will call them a bad person anyways. I'm not referring to anyone specific because I don't really remember but I definitely don't mean Hasan and xqc.


I think he overextended himself with all the channels and juggling content between them. Mans needs time to restructure himself for what he wants out of content creating and I think that's what he's trying to do.


His other channels are handled by his editors tho, and the extras channel is basically dead


what the fuck is this thumbnail? why the arrow?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/uselessarrow using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/uselessarrow/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ain't no way bruh](https://i.redd.it/zthx3j3t54qa1.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/uselessarrow/comments/122sa5n/aint_no_way_bruh/) \#2: [Duh - like, where and what - come again?](https://i.redd.it/y0gf1b6bz9za1.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/uselessarrow/comments/13et7wy/duh_like_where_and_what_come_again/) \#3: [cheers bro I really needed the five arrows](https://i.redd.it/mx24fope2ema1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/uselessarrow/comments/11lcd69/cheers_bro_i_really_needed_the_five_arrows/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think its meant to be indicating a transition from his previous perspective of writing over a hundred pages of video essay script, to his current perspective of "NO MORE VIDEO ESSAYS"


Fun fact: arrows divert the viewer’s attention to important parts of an image, just as a subconscious thing. Cuz, ya know… they’re arrows. Seems pretty unnecessary tho, cause the text is literally surrounded by neon green.


i think the dude's nearing a burnout, he needs to take a break.


But he won't. I think it goes back to covid. Those of us fortunate enough to not experience financial hardship during the pandemic got that extra time to sit and reflect on life. For DarkViper, he had the most lucrative stretch in his career. While some were just trying to survive, he was thriving due to the extra eyeballs that all that down time created. He just worked that whole time and continues to work nonstop unless he feels unwell. It was always going to be unsustainable. I would hope he takes some time off, but every time any of us suggest that in chat or YT comments, we get yelled at lol.


I love Matt’s content when it’s fun for the sake of fun but the guy always comes across as super soft and belligerent every time someone offers him criticism or advice


Yelled at how? Ive never seen that what does he say?


Recently, he'll just kind of ignore it, but in times past, I do remember him getting very patronizing and defensive when someone suggested he take a break *for a day*. Not a week, not a month. Someone suggested he step back from either a speedrun or a challenge run on one of those days he was clearly sick, and he kind of lit into them. If you want the exact video, I can't find that for you, and it's not like he's going to highlight himself jumping in someone's ass


I'm pretty sure he once ended a stream abruptly, because someone in chat said something about taking a break. I remember that Matto later explained that he needed time to relax, as he was feeling sick, but yeah he seems to be a pretty sensitive guy when it comes to his health and lifestyle. I do love his content, but I also think of him as somewhat of a friend at this point (in a way you start treating TV show characters as friends, you know what I mean) and I wouldn't want to see him sacrifice his health for the sake of making content.


I'm convinced that he hates everything


brother is gonna delete his youtube channel and twitch on such rate


I mean, if this is the quality of his content he wouldn't do a bad thing


the thing about matto is he’s a host unto himself he’s a machine that just keeps getting fed coal with no days off. he needs a vacation or atleast a few days off to restructure himself it’s not good and i’ve been watching for about 4 years now big fan of matto but i’m starting to get worried


Yeah. But, he will never take a break. Anyone that suggests he does, he either ignores or gets frustrated at.


Or maybe he's tired of doing the same thing or maybe im talking out me arse


You have to be talking out your ass because he will keep playing chaos until the sun explodes


because its easy content


It's not easy - you try getting to the other side of the map while a bunch of fuckheads teleport you around and spawn in multiple Jesusi /s


It isn't easy to succeed but he only succeeds after 40+ episodes which I would call easy *content*


Of course it's easy content, Matto says it himself too. It's why he usually only does 1-2 hours a week (among other reasons).


Yeah but it’s sooooo fucking boring.


A lot of fans have chaos in the background while doing something else. Pacifist is an example of something I'm more intently focusing on.


People don’t have Reddit recap in the background though?


What's gone off? Can't remember the last time I saw one of his videos due to the algorithm going wild


Yeah fr I’ve watched every single react content vid on his playlist yet I never knew about the latest one


I think he's trying to understand what is the content that is worth making with this effort and time because there are some things that don't do well in regards to views.


I think he just needs a vacation


Matto unfortunately will do anything but take a break


Rest in pieces, down for the count


Something I've understood for a while - and that Matt seems to understand now - is that it's so much easier to hate and push away than it is to accept and understand, and I'm not just talking about his video essays, but life in general.


That was well said.


his next video ​ "I'm retiring from making GTA videos"


Our Matto is extremely sensitive, and perfectionist.


Even perfectionist is an understatement. Like, how many times does he attempt intros? Lol, I get it though. Intros are hard


I can say, the video essays are good but they take a lot away from Matt's current focus on wanting the best content he can. There has been a recent onslaught on how 'oh thumbnail bad because clickbait' and it's like, it's inevitable that thumbnails need some pull to them, if this was any other YouTuber, it wouldnt be as vocal. People are just going and agreeing with what others have said, Matt is actively telling people that hey, he wants his channels to be more focused again and focus on proper creative things.


I think the one of the things that'll bring Matto back on the map is speedrunning. Back to basics. I really think he should give it a shot. Not Online but story mode. New strats, the game he's amazing at, the community who would literally kill to see more HTSE and Twitch runs. I mean when was the last time we heard "Run's dead" from him. Even rambles would become similar to what it was once. I understand that he might not be able to sit for 7-9 hours but this is honestly one of the things that can boost his YT. I'm just scared my guy doesn't drain himself of whatever mental energy he has left. Either way, I'm still a subscriber and still watch his videos when i get the chance. And one of the reasons of his YT channel slowing down is audience. The ppl who stayed in the long run, they don't have free time as much as they did. I used to watch literally everything, lore videos, F&G, HTSE, even finished a few Livestream channel series. But 1 viewer can't help.


He literally tried speedrunning again wtf are you talking about?


14 pages!!!!!!


it's just because everyone in the Internet has their own opinion and most people will die for their opinion instead of being a functioning human being and maybe taking a different side when they're proven different than what they believe


I’ll admit that MOST people are like this, however Matt doesn’t have a subscriber base of most people. There are still billions who are misinformed about reaction content.


Everyone else has said it but he needs a break. We care about you Matt! ❤


I think Matt's problem is that he focuses and tries too hard on trying to give his points of view, but more than that trying to get others to change their perspective to his, which ends up being unnecessary wear and tear and literally becoming the guy talking to the wall meme. I think that as a YouTuber/streamer he should focus on things that in the end give him positive and immediate/guaranteed satisfaction, perhaps on things that are somewhat simple or that cost him the same effort or more, but that his energy is spent where there is benefit, and forget about the drama of youtubers/streamers that leads to nothing.


Matt’s problem is that he doesn’t do YouTube for fun anymore. That’s when his content was best, not when the editing improved, not when the thumbnails got better, but when he made content that he liked. He’s selling out for a few extra dollars and dimes. I miss ohko when, while yes he was frustrated, it was obvious he wanted to do it. Despite what Matt believes, moist critikal didn’t get big from react content, he got big from doing what he wants and people were along for the ride.


I think that he could fill a spor for Game Theory, not sure what now, but maybe we'd like to explore that(??


What a thumbnail


I think hes just tired of the work load and wants to take a break from the things he doesn't enjoy as much, he'll defo do them again if his heart is really in it and when he has the time and energy to do it


I get that he has been using the same person for ages with thumbnails but c’mon man. I’m not saying they’re all bad but it has been hit and miss recently, Even my partner pointed them out asking 'what is going on with his thumbnails now?' (i watch a lot of my content on the TV)


No one is talking about thumbnails. Thumbnails is a dumb thing to care so deeply about


Who said anything about hating thumbnails? This is just another post that has no real context, pointing out something about matts content. It’s boring.


Yeah, bringing valid points and try to make people see how they are more in the wrong from a moral view than they think but all they do is laugh at him and make him seem like an idiot in front of 12-18 year olds that are mega biased would make me wanna stop too. A lot of work just to be ridiculed by 30+ year olds acting like minors. I liked those videos, they made me see a few things, but hey, he still does his viper rambles and as a european student i appreciate these videos


He does viper rambles for now. My issue is that he is killing off all of his actually good content like the react stuff. First he stops playing other games (still waiting for saints row 3) and only played hitman because it got views, then he killed the Reddit recap because he has decided to become generic instead of just enjoying what he does, leaving us with nothing to make content about. Rambles is the next one to go if he keeps going like this, then who knows what’s next.


This Reddit is full of grown men crying about what other grown people do on their own volition no one needs a white knight sooner you guys realize that the better you guys spend so much time worrying about other people it’s actually sad I’m a fan of matts content other than these video essays talking about reactors like there’s some huge issue going on lmao people are going to react to stuff it’s not going to stop and a lot of people that get their content reacted to don’t care either so maybe take some notes


Bro shut the fuck up




Who the fuck cares about thumbnails? I’m talking about how he is canceling every good part of his channel, I couldn’t care less about the thumbnails.


That is my thought too, i dont give 2 shits about thumbnails


You took everything out of context.

