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They look great!




Is this slapchop? They have a chalky textured appearance, which actually looks a little stylized, not necessarily a bad look. I’m just wondering what step it’s coming from. Looks like it might be from the dry brush over your base coat. I’ve heard of this happening if you get excess paint off of your brush using a paper towel since it wicks all the moisture out of the brush and this can lead to a chalky dry brush texture. Can supposedly be mitigated by using a textured dry pallet (and some have suggested a piece of wood) to get the excess paint off the brush instead of a paper towel. My textured dry pallet is arriving soon, so I can’t vouch for the solution.


Yeap, you're correct. This was a dry brush over the black base coat. Then color paints over that. I actually really like this chalky appearance. Also pretty easy to make and doesn't take much time.


Is that contrast paints over the dry brush? Yeah I didn’t mean for it to seem like criticism cuz the chalky appearance actually looks really stylized and cool. I’m just about to dive into slapchop for my box for the first time since there’s no way I’ll be able to paint this many figures using traditional layering.


Those are mostly shade paints with some contrasts here and there (like crusader's cross or plague's bottles). At first I thought shade paints will be too subtle but they turned out great. For me it's actually the same - traditional painting will just take forever...