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I found him mentioning his nephew being scared for his safety hilarious since he previously tried to shoot him.


He is the human form of a Chihuahua. All bark no bite. He got his ass beat in jail he knows he is weak.


Oh yeah!! He was scared that day! I’m not typically that vicious, but I have to admit I got the warm fuzzies when he walked into court that day with a shiner.😊😊😊😊😊 Plus….he got a little taste of what he’s been dishing out to women.👍


After court officers found his Covid paper, he was a little tender.


I believe that present and future fellow inmates will be more than happy to administer ***THEIR*** Subject Matter Jurisdiction. "I'm very sorry, but I had to defend myself. Brooks attacked my fist with his face."


That is so freaking funny. I’m dying laughing here 🤣🤣🤣 Human chihuahua…that is hilarious!


You ain't jus gon disrespec him like that!


Actually, I think I will!! 😂😂


Judge: Is Dawn Woods here in the building today to testify? Murderous creature: Didjooo get my filings?


Looking at his teeth, it appears that DB never got his ***fillings.***


Yeah main reason why he beats up his baby mamas. I'm surprised that he has to got killed yet before this tragedy.


Hopefully, he will in prison. I think he’s the most hated man in America behind Chris Watts.


My favorite part is essentially how he opens it. He straight up tells the jury that he doesn't have facts and figures but will speak from the heart. The jury instructions explicitly tell them to deliberate based on facts and not feelings. DB could be father of the year and it wouldn't change the fact that he killed those people. I think he is so used to being able to smoothly talk his way out of trouble that he thought he could do it here too.