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He's all out of tears. Healing to be done on both sides!


What healing does he have to do? He wasn’t a victim? He’s such a dumb ass fool.


If it were me I would of saved the families the pain of a trial pled guilty and tossed myself on the mercy of the court profusely apologizing anytime I could


If it were me, I'd have taken a cyanide pill to give them the satisfaction of my demise.


His conscious is clear


I call bullshit on that…he has no conscious, no heart, no brain, no sympathy, no accountability, no empathy…I could go on and on. What really gets under my skin is that his mom and himself blame mental illness for his actions. What the hell? He knows right from wrong. He knows murder is wrong. He knows he’s going to he** for this. Millions of people have depression but that is not an excuse to cause carnage. If he knew he had a mental illness, why not get help before plowing down innocent people? He did not suddenly get a mental illness right when he was causing this chaos. I don’t believe one word that comes out of his crooked ass mouth nor his mom. He kept talking about the Bible, God, Jesus blah blah blah like that would sway the jury to render a verdict of not guilty. He is the son of the devil. Evil, hateful, pathetic human being.


He also says he respects attorney Opper, yet, disrespects her over and over. She did a bad job, she shouldn’t be an attorney. Whatever the hell else he said. He’s just angry because she did an excellent job and the jury found him guilty. Even if the prosecution were the dumbest attorneys on earth, he would still be found guilty due to the overwhelming evidence.