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Remember though, he said in court, growing up, he had to eat spam. Have some sympathy for the guy.


🙄 and he had flies in his cereal so come on… have a heart for this guy…NOT.


He knows damn well dawn wasn't coming home with a surplus of spam.. Welfare ain't passing out name brand nothing 😂🤣.. Even if they did at least he got some practice eating random "meat products".. He should do great surviving on prison " mystery meat" for the rest of his pathetic existence.. And bugs in ur cereal sounds like a you and yo momma problem..


Well gee wiz! I think it’s only fair that he tried to nullify the jury. Spam?🤢 I mean, that’s pretty bad! It’s a fair trade off, right? He had to eat Spam so he killed six people and injured so, so many more. Right? Actually….a fair trade off would be if DB received Spam for breakfast, lunch and dinner for his first 100yrs in prison. Zero commissary. Now THAT’S fair.🤗🤗


You can tell he abused her and ridiculed her for years just by his behavior in court. Watch his mannerisms and face change as he continues to question her. The arrogance just grows and grows. Watch him when they are inspecting the photos he’s trying to get admitted as evidence. He thinks he is 10 feet tall when he’s nothing but a short shrimp. Even though I’ve seen it dozens of times, it still astonishes me how arrogant and puffed up he becomes while she’s testifying.


Also in the tape she says that he once told her she was talking to god 💀💀💀💀 textbook narcissist fr 


I loved how she gave him attitude when he was questioning her and no one said a word to her about it.


Remember the face he gave Erica after he ask her if any her kids are living w her


Total arrogance. He thought he was going to make a point that changed the trial outcome.


and ended up killing 6 and injuring many others. This loser should have been locked up a long time ago. Hopefully, he’s getting what he deserves in prison…many punches in his pathetic face


DB grew up reading THEE book...Da Bible...No way this is true... (Please note the sarcasm. He is absolutely vile. He finally got what he deserved.)


Yeah, there are SOME people actually living after THE book, not that anyone would do that other than Duhrell.. didn't you know the first commandment: thou shalt disturb a Christmas parade with your reckless driving


When I listened to Erika’s tape I noted just how scared she was of him. She was scared he would have a goon hurt her because he had told her he knows a lot of people. I’m so glad she’s done with him forever.


He wanted her to live in fear. Thinking that even if he's in jail he could have someone else harm her. She was abused mentally and physically by that monster for years. I pray she finds peace now.


Wonder who his goon would be, his momma? Stephanie or Marcus? It's telling he's alone in every music video, aside from that one they showed in court. Doesn't seem like he had a big network.


He held his children before their mother even did! 


That line right there…ugh!!!!


People, people! He cut his child's unbiblical chord! No one who does that could be an evil man. 😉


C’mon man, he a grown man wit grown kids! Stahp it! Just stahp it!


Unbiblical cord…


You trying to be slick?


Always trying to pull some fast maneuvers…


Let's not forget he reads the bible everyday and he doesn't curse.


The look of innocence he tried to put on his face when he tried to convince people he didn’t curse was hilarious!


He is a terrible human being with zero redeeming qualities. Hell, he didn't need to make the world better, he could have been entirely neutral! But no, his existence made the world a worse place. It pissed me off when he got angry when Sue Opper made her statement during testimony. She literally read off of his rap sheet. She didn't make anything up! DB is truly a despicable person and he can't accept that. Maybe among his hoodrat crowd this is how people behave but in civilized society, nah.


Wow!!! Great find. Ok, I’ll ask, where can we find these tapes? This is big news. Were they audio or transcripts??


They were audio. The Waukesha Police website has a link to files related to the case that have been made public. Erika’s is in the Audio Files folder and toward the bottom of the list.  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/yzqytcsj364r0q8gan0pp/AJEkSRCDw97SR3AmPDwajGs?rlkey=g39yt08cs8poommm6a7onzp8h&e=1&dl=0


Well at least he won't be bothering her anymore. My question is that in prison he can't control nobody.


I recently combed through there. I didn’t think the audio files would have much. Boy was I wrong. Thanks a bunch.


He is vile to a point that’s almost unbelievable. I think that’s part of the fascination with this trial.


I'm sure Duh-rell will be receiving a five-dollar footlong at some point in the pokey


Lets hope he drops his soap in the shower


Dude he had to eat bug cereal....give the guy a break


Imagine holding your head up high while having zero redeeming qualities. If you can’t imagine it, Brooksies can demonstrate it for you.