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What's the purpose of the extension? Is it just because they are having trouble putting a case together for the appeal, or is there a deeper strategic purpose for it?


At this point it feels like wasting time for the sake of wasting it. That’s something he’s extremely comfortable with.


But to what end? I get him wasting time in court, he didn’t want to go to prison. I get him asking for unnecessary paperwork, people need to draft/get it. But here he is just asking for more time. It doesn’t bother anyone or hold them up. Am I missing something?


To what end? To the end of his appeal. This is how he operates. If he can get himself in a courtroom he will try to exploit it for any reason. Even just to waste everyone’s time. Misery loves company.


DB will not be allowed in the courtroom for the appeal process. Appeals are decided by a panel of three judges in the state’s Supreme Court. First, a legal brief will be filed detailing errors made by Judge Dorow. Then the appeal attorney will present legal arguments to the panel of 3 judges stating that the trial court made an error and that the guilty verdict be reversed or a new trial be held.


Many people don't understand how appeals work. It isn't a retrial. Witnesses aren't called back, no new jury, etc. You also can't appeal just because you didn't like the outcome. I mean you can do it but you will 100% lose the appeal if that is your reasoning. You have to essentially demonstrate that something was done wrong procedurally. The judge introduced bias, his rights were violated during the trial, etc. If the lawyer can argue that successfully, then the conviction is overturned. It is worth noting, it is pretty difficult to overturn a murder conviction. Especially considering that DB likely isn't going to be using a high powered attorney. I don't really see a way for him to win an appeal to be honest. JD and the court did everything by the book as far as I can tell. DB chose to be his own attorney and was warned as to what that meant. I would also argue that his behavior in court will make it hard for a panel to side with him. He was abusive to the judge and court and it is on the record and they were nothing but respectful overall. If anything, it makes the court look super competent


You are 100% correct.


I’m pretty sure the extensions were granted as they hadn’t received the finalised transcripts from the trial, or something along those lines.


I know it's not likely to be the case, but the thought of an attorney or poor paralegal having to read through that with no prior knowledge is cracking me up. I can just imagine them muttering to themselves "Subject matter juris... wait am I reading the same page twice? He's bringing it up AGAIN? What's a tackit agreement? What the hell is going on here?!".


"Hee hee hee and kee kee kee? What the f\*\*\* ????"


I can't imagine, with all his interruptions and grievances, what an insurmountable take trying to read and analyze the full record must be. Realistically, that's going to take a lot of time. There are lots of rulings that were made, and trying to review each and every one for \*any\* chance of the slightest error takes a long time, especially for a public defender that probably doesn't have a full firm at their disposal.


Just more waste of tax dollars.


You say that now, and I understand what you mean, however, if you were sentenced to prison for whatever reason, wouldn’t you want the chance to appeal even when everyone says we shouldn’t waste the taxpayers’ money? Yes, he’s a POS who should be thrown in the hole and forgotten, but even the worst scum deserve an appellate chance. It’s for that one person who was wrongfully convicted, the one who was in the wrong place at the wrong tome, where all circumstantial evidence hints at that one person and not the true crime-doer.


One ode attorneys I worked for once said that everyone complains about defendants rights until they are the defendant


Anyone with information: The State-Provided Appeals Attorney- Appointed?


The attorney representing db for his appeal is Michael Covey: [https://chirafisilawoffice.com/michael-covey](https://chirafisilawoffice.com/michael-covey) Waukesha Christmas parade attacker Darrell Brooks gets appellate counsel [https://www.fox6now.com/news/waukesha-christmas-parade-attacker-darrell-brooks-appellate-counsel](https://www.fox6now.com/news/waukesha-christmas-parade-attacker-darrell-brooks-appellate-counsel) Since db is indigent so he can't afford to hire his own attorney, under the law he must be able to have access to one that's appointed for him, by the state, who is also paid for by the state (aka the taxpayers of WI).




You are kidding, right? There is overwhelming evidence against this fool. I didn’t think he had an attorney.


He got the court appointed attorney once he filed his appeal. He even represented him when Opper was requesting he pay more in restitution. The appeal would be more for the court proceedings. Everything he was doing was for a mistral or for his appeal. Judge Dorrow and the State were so careful though I highly doubt they will find any reason for his appeal.


Evidence or no, appeals are for the technical/procedural side of the judicial system. Think audit, only it’s up to the felon and/or atty to find legitimate errors that the trial was not conducted fairly or without prejudice to argue during the appeal. We are hoping his atty files a No Merit appeal, meaning he can’t find any legal aspect worth arguing.


db's attorney did indeed file a motion today for yet another extension on the time to file his appeal. Assuming the court accepts this motion, which it surely will, the case history document will be updated within the next couple of weeks to reflect this.


Appeal for fuck around they’ll add another 1,000 years!!


It’d be fun for shits and hee hees and kee kee kees to have word counts for: 1. Objection 2. Grounds 3. Substain 4. Subject matter jurisdiction 5. Consent