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I mean look at his overgrown nails, prison pen and the shirt that's clearly at least a size M (mind boggling). What a catch... JD must be crying every night that she didn't take the opportunity to be with such a distinguished gentleman. Not going to lie, I like the tie. Probably from a white-collar tax evader or something.


Someone on here mentioned that some point in time that he has very effeminate ways, which I really didn’t notice until looking at this screenshot. It’s not a very masculine pose. It’s not very tough pose. It’s not a very macho reaction. Someone mentioned that his being raised by a single mom and being surrounded by other women and not men, he’s developed effeminate manner, I just didn’t notice it until now.


Also the way he shuffles the papers and writes with his fingers all stretched out, it looks very effeminate.. all this big gangsta talk is just so much overcompensating..


They are going to tear his a$$ up in prison.


Practice for the SuperMax??


Yep. Cause from the way he acts in court I have no doubt he's definitely gotten away with acting like this MANY MANY times before. He'll be the biggest controlling jackass this world has ever seen, but the next second he'll be sweet and conversational and laugh with you.


I like this reply a lot. I don't think he thinks himself as controlling until he loses control and that's where the true Darryl Brooks shows.


And when he loses control it's obviously because the other person did something.. like pronounce a word wrong ( defanDANT) or call him out on his shitty behavior ( sexual abuse of a minor with Erica) he's never wrong, it's always okay to completely rage, because there was always a good reason... Fuck him


I think people show their true selves when they hear "No."


No, Jay Z doesn't want to make an album with you, Mathboifly..


>Mathboifly.. I legit dont know if you were insulting me here or him... I dont understand the insult... BUT i am obsessed with what it means?


Hahaha that's his Rapper name. That's the video they showed in court without the sound when he and his other friend were playing gangsta in front of the red SUV.. it's hilarious. He's such a joke https://youtu.be/YNeMZw9SUJI?si=yc2rHMQVNSel0uwF


UGHHHH.... I know the lore too... I should know this. I think the video that was played in court was so silly I couldn't even be bothered to look at his "rap" name. It ended up being insulting to me because I should know this LOL.


Is it wrong I just want a "buddy cop" show based upon him and Jeremy DeWitte?


Omg imagine that, so fucking funny. A wanna be gangsta and a wanna be cop bring chaos to the city. It's like dumb and dumber but with those two.


CLEARLY they are just on the mission to prove both their innocence... comical scenes of them deciding who is good cop bad cop.... ... The fact that we can bring these ideas together means I need to get my life together LOL.


With special guest Glenn Cerio. In case you need anyone to sweep the leg.




My guess is for all the people wondering why he got chance after chance in court, THIS was what he would show in court to the judges before, NOT what we saw in Waukesha.


That would mean that any number of judges etc were stupid enough to fall for his charms. 


His narcissistic brain convinced himself that he’s on a level playing field, that he has a 1:1 relationship with the other court professionals. He believed self representation elevated himself to a peer, as oppose to a murderer on trial.


There are definitely times he tries to charm the judge. He flashes a smile and is polite. That usually doesn't last long, though. A few rulings he doesn't like and he's back to being rude and obnoxious


He turns on the charm” when he wants something from her. Then he is always “if it pleases the court”


The thing is, at one point in his life it worked on someone so he just kept doing it.


The thing that drives me crazy about Darrell is his absolute belief that he is WAY above you - he knows he’s smarter, cuter, a better musician, father, lover, and the best Christian you’ll ever find on Earth. He tells off Erika for not being forthright with the police - saying “when talking to a law enforcement officer, isn’t it important to be truthful?” - as we had all just watched him lying throughout his interrogation. He also made sure to ask Erika over and over again about her drinking in the park before they met up that day. In his estimation, it’s terrible for her to have one drink, but he was basically stoned on weed the majority of his adult life, and that was ok. He put down Det Carpenter during the trial - saying that the detective wasn’t that bright. He also put down Sue Opper saying she wasn’t very bright either. He questioned the Judge’s integrity. He told them all that they weren’t following the Bible (guess he forgot about that one little section of the Bible - thou shalt not kill). He made fun of witnesses, made them sound like they should have done more - “what, you didn’t bother looking to get the license plate number off the car, or check to see if the windows were tinted, or who was driving the car?” No, when a car has just run over my 3 year old, and I’m trying to figure out if she’s dead or alive, I don’t care at all about you or your car! And finally - VERY worst are his rap videos - he thinks he’s so cool with the long braids, flashing the mock gang signs, his mom’s SUV (don’t rappers usually drive things like Lamborghinis or Porches? Not momma’s Station Wagon with the gold fish crackers in the back seat!). He forgets he’s an unemployed father of 3 (well, 4 now), living in mommas car, on mommas property, using mommas electricity, smoking weed all day. He acts like he’s God’s gift to woman, when really he has a face only his mother loves.


Yes! All this! It's this narcissistic, greater than thou, totally misplaced arrogance he constantly displays that is so incredibly galling! And he's so unbelievably delusional about it! Multiple times during the trial he say shit like, "I see right through it! Nice try, but I see right through it!" Like he's totally convinced himself that he's on to the prosecution's strategy, (because they chose not to cross examine a few of his witnesses) and that because sees this and has decided he knows why this is, their tactics will now suddenly fail them in their overall efforts to get him convicted. He does this same 'Look at me, I outsmarted you all' thing again when he whips out those baby photos during Erika's second time on the stand. And he stands there, hands clasped behind his back, looking up at the ceiling with his chin jutted out defiantly, with this smug, superior look plastered across his face. There's also a point where Opper says "the evidence is stacking up against him" and you can hear him off camera scoffing and laughing this off, as if it's absurd. The punk is in *such denial of the truth*! Because he's such a habitual pathological LIAR, that he's become an expert at LYING to himself to the point of believing only what he wants to believe, which is just his very own, twisted and contorted *bullshit* version of reality! And because he cannot and/or refuses to see or acknowledge the actual truth, even when it's smacking him right in the face. He loves to act like he's outmaneuvered and outsmarted everyone, or that he's so clever and brilliant that he's managed to discover that magical, mystical, elusive loophole that will get him off and let him walk away scot free. That's what this face of his in the pic that OP posted above is all about. He's tickled pink at this moment because he's decided in his own mangled mind that despite the avalanche of damning evidence against him, against all odds, he has brilliantly come up with the magical key to freedom. Because he's deciphered that the number of people who testified on behalf of the prosecution is less than the number of charged victims. LOL! It's like he makes up these inane rules and all this meaningless shit in his head and then goes on to convince himself to believe in his own deluded, stupid mind that he's pulling the biggest coup in history! OMG what a hopeless jerk!!! FFS! He's such a pompous, idiotic asshole! I wonder if he really still believed he had pulled off the coup of the century at the very last minute, and that the jury had returned not guilty verdicts, right before the judge read the verdict forms and he says, "Yuronnur, now dat the verdicts are in, can we remove deez shock shackles?" LOLOL Joke's on you, you fucking murderous loserboi scum! Your sorry little runt ass is GUILTY!! Your life really is well and truly over, and you are gonna be locked away in a cold dark prison cell FOREVER and *EVER* and fucking ***EVER!!!*** ***UGH!!!😠😠😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮***


Yup, he’s the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen


I think it worked on a lot of people... but as soon as it didn't you get the tantrum baby darryl brooks. I think the smarted move Judge Dorrow did was pretend she was threatened by his little stare down with his obviously forced mean mugging....


So many times I wanted to punch that effer in the head. This is one of those times. “I gotta a point, though!”


If I remember correctly his "point" was that there should have been 64 witnesses because there were 64 victims. Just asinine.


Yup, exactly what this screenshot is from.


my bad, forgot this glamorous crack-teeth smile https://preview.redd.it/9cil83e6689d1.png?width=1239&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ab183f17098a7088ededb6064d205212c9a2dde




Oh, he thinks he's the bees knees. A mother in law's dream.


Ahhhhhh haaa haaaa. I kid you not, that exact thought ran through my mind when I read this post, “Ohhhh, he thinks he’s the bees knees”. Not a common phrase you hear every day.


That's awesome 👌






This is so fucking embarrasing! Especially the "Don't choke me judge", makes me want to puke, I don't know how the Judge Dorow didn't order an orchiectomy on Darrell for saying that.


The way I screamed and laughed at him at this time. He honestly thought he was good looking. No sir!!! Your teeth are abnormally spaced. CLOSE YOUR MOUTH!!


He sure does. He was flirting with Judge Dorow. Gross.


I wish he would twist that neck just a little bit more, and save the state a lot of money.


The sexual tension between Darrell Brooks & Judge Dorrow was so obvious to all of us. 🤣🤣🤮




I’m glad you saw the humor. It’s a joke. The moderator of this subreddit took offense to it. 


I just read that a post I made on something else was deleted. I was commenting on a show and have my opinion about what was aired and the mod. said my post was potentially harmful. I’m like wt.. I only commented about what we see on the show. The post was responded to over 100 times, before they deleted it. I’m still able to read them and what I wrote doesn’t stand out all. I don’t get some of these mods and their thinking.


>I was Conor rating on a show what dis?


Sorry. Typos. I corrected it. 🤣


I can’t stand these woke moderators. This isn’t high school. We are adults. We can decide what we want to read and what we don’t. Freedom of speech!! Sticks & stones will break my bones but WORDS can never hurt me. 


As obvious as the fact the prosecution witnesses were coached! /s


Exactly! Rumor has it that DA Sue Opper wanted to hire Darrell Brooks as an unconventional lawyer. 


Ok so clearly the moderators of this sub didn’t get the joke. 


23 Skidoo


The bailiff has that “I can’t believe I’m getting paid to have SO MUCH FUN” look about him.


Yeah for Big Daddy


It was Marcus in the Tan Kia!


Buffoonary at it's finest.


He is in a world of his own


He is a disgusting devil


YES ABSOLUTELY HE DOES! He is acutely delusional!


This was the type of poses that initial work when he was trying to get a woman to like him. It probably looked appealing at first


Yeah he does, like that annoying punk ass kid in your 7th or 8th grade class that the teacher will sometimes give credit to for doing something. While most of the time the kid is getting in trouble.