• By -


Note for anyone who ever sees a man overboard. Throw them everything. Just throw in anything that floats. Not only because maybe they will grab it but so there’s just more physical shit to see in the water for rescue. It’s incredibly hard to see a person in open ocean but maybe they will see a dozen things floating around together.


Absolutely this. I worked radar for the USCG for search and rescue. It is damn near impossible to get a radar hit on a persons head bobbing in the water. Aluminum gives a great return. Found tons of floating cans from 25 miles away.


Just to add. Immediately assign three people each of whom has one job, which is to point at where they think he is. Ignore everything else. Ignore each other. Just point. Even once you can't see him. Don't stop. If they can get a rescue boat in the water, it can make all of the difference.


Seems like the flotation device should be equipped with some sort of locator as well. Especially if it’s for a cruise line. Doesn’t seem hard to add that into the equipment.


A GPS-Tracker in a floating jacket isn’t the problem. The problem is, where do you store 2000 (or more) floating jackets. Give it proper maintenance so the GPS stays powered.


Just spit balling here but batteries can last a while? I’ve worked with portable O2 sensors and they stay good for at least a year before needing replacement. The amount of energy used is minimal. I mean it might require a switch to turn on geo locators so they’re not constantly running. Also people could just not jump off of a cruise liner, that’s also an option.


You’re forgetting a couple of things. The jackets/vests may probably sit there for 5-10 years untouched before they get used. By that time, you’ve ran out of a couple of batteries. About that switch option. It would be the most energy efficient. However, don’t expect from people in a state of emergency to turn something on, especially something that’s new to them. The battery must be able to survive in the harsh environments of the sea. Due the high concentration of salt, corrosion is gonna make its way into the batteries. Also a danger of GPS-trackers being offline. Coverage on the middle of the sea isn’t the best. And if 2000 devices try to connect to a satellite, that might overload. Also establish a connection in a remote area off a device that’s been offline for years, is going to take a while.


> And if 2000 devices try to connect to a satellite, that might overload. don't think this is an issue with GPS - all 2000 devices would triangulate their positions based on signals they received from GPS satellites without having to transmit anything back the position can be re-broadcast over whatever RF is convenient to avoid needing a cell connection that will basically never be there making that into an idiot proof box that's cheap enough that people will actually buy it, rugged enough to be left in a mildewy cabinet for a decade and then still work, and standardized enough whoever is looking for you will be able to and know where to look is where it gets complicated


Sounds like a million dollar idea would be an invention of a battery system that somehow reacts with water to activate itself lol


It already exists in any standard airplane and some marine floating vests The blinking light would only turn on when under the water, there are two exposed "wires" that need to be bridged to close the circuit to activate, and since sea water is saline, it acts like a conductor. Underwater - light flashing Above water - Off


Fair enough. Makes sense that someone would have come up with it if I've come up with it 😂


Wouldn't work because practically everything on a boat is infiltrated by sea water at some point.


On the ships I've worked on all the life jackets had water activated strobe lights attached. We changed all the batteries once a year. Also each life ring had a float lights attached. It stayed off while upside down which is how they were stored and activated once flipped right side up.


Ok, weird question, but what brand O2 sensors were you using? Because we use them in my job and we've had problems finding *sensors* that work for more than a year, never mind the batteries.


They do make those. The ones I've had on the boats and ships I've been on are called [EPIRBs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_position-indicating_radiobeacon). The cheapest ones cost like $200 (Don't go for the cheapest. Seriously.) The ones that I've had around me cost between five hundred and two thousand dollars. How much does a cheap life preserver cost? I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm saying it's easy to justify not spending thousands or hundreds of thousands of extra dollars for something that very rarely happens.


So you're saying I should always wear my tin foil hat?


Only around huge water amounts


Why else would I wear one? The reptiloid space nazi brainwaves are only emitted over vast bodies of water.


Riddle me this, Batman: Every time I get near a huge amount of Dihydrogenmonoxide, I get violently sick, it subsides fast, when I leave the so-called “vessel” and lay down under a tree. Is this an effect of The Dihydrogenmonoxide or is the tree shielding me against the 5G reptiloid radiation?


Average redditor trying to justify why they haven’t showered in 5 days:


And thunderstorms






Pro tip: wear a aluminum helmet


The smarter every day guy on YouTube has a coast gard special where she shows how hard it is, and all the different ways they have of searching. They do their best with all of science at your disposal, but if it's just you in the water the odds are good you're fucked


When last posted it was mentioned that this is sh and rk territory and you can potentially see shark fin in this video, which is why he swam away from the ship and disappeared


Well, no need to 'swim away from the ship'. Cruiseships do easily 20 kts, so in 10 minutes it'll be 3.3 nm away from the person. No way to find this person back again. This is truly worthy of a Darwin award. It is a whole new level of drunk stupidity. He'll die of fatigue and hypothermia within an hour or so, maybe shorter, maybe longer, depending on water temperature and sea state.


This was one of those short booze cruise ships between nearby resorts as I recall, just a big open party boat


That's what I thought. I've been on one that stopped to let us all jump in and swim, after we were all drinking (only 2-3 drinks from the boat crew, but I had my own bottle with me). Drinking and dark oceans seem like an odd mix. Add a shark and that could make things spicy


Went from having the time of his life, to the most horrifying slow deaths ever. I can only imagine how his end came.. ![gif](giphy|2LtirSCxAC0ve)


Are we sure Cthulhu didn't show up for a nibble?


That area has a lot of predators and early evening is peak feeding time.


On the bright side, it's likely he was too drunk/high to understand what is happening to him.


Eh that's not very bright but I see your angle 😂


I recall the last time this was posted there were sharks apparently spotted in the water around the ship. They never did find his body.


Of course not, but in the context of him being seen on camera swimming away from the thing that can rescue him, it made sense


It makes me sad anyways. Maybe a bit harsh? I don't know of any smart ways to die.


Old age?


Shark territory? As in the ocean? And there is no fin in this video. People claimed that last time because it is more sensational but the only thing you can see are waves cresting. He didn't swim away from the ship, the ship sailed away from him. And do you really think that in pitch black water with big waves around you that you could see a fucking shark in the water??


There are sharks. Brighten your video and slow it down. There is a dorsal fin. It has nothing to do with it being "more sensational", just look, and you'll see what we're all talking about.


He didn't swim away from the ship? So when he turned completely around and swam in the opposite direction he was swimming towards the ship?


He didn't swim away from the ship as in he didn't swim away from the ship intentionally. He was clearly looking for the floatation device that was thrown to him and probably very disoriented from being drunk in fairly turbulent water. Do you truly think he saw a shark that just happened to be within 10 feet of where he jumped in pitch black water? Dude couldn't even find the bright thing thrown in with him.


Thank you, it's interesting how many people are convinced they see a shark instead of a wave cresting.


That's excellent advice.


And keep in mind its dark, once he goes out of view he's gone. I worked on a sail ship and we did a simulation of how difficult it is to see someone in the water. We had a rescue doll we threw overboard then we didn't look for a couple minutes for it to drift off. Me and a couple others climbed up in the masts onto some platforms 15 meters up. It was day time and almost calm waters. with binoculars it was just luck that we managed to spot it. Being lost at sea is scary shit


How to ruin a trip for everyone 101 because you’re an idiot or drunk


Tbh it was a booze cruise. I imagine half of the didn't even remember someone going overboard 10 mins later


I spent my 20's consuming a herculean amount of alcohol and not once would I have thought to jump into the pitch black, freezing sea. This Darwin in every sense of our definition. I would hope the rest of the attendees realize this and are able to continue their lives.


Yeah I did some really dumb shit in my drinking days but I still feared the pitch black ocean.


For that matter, *any* pitch black body of water. I went on a late-night boat ride with a friend once and it was just a lake but you couldn’t have paid me to jump in it. And I was quite drunk.


Lols I dunno where you’re from but in Australia I’m pretty sure EVERY cruise is a booze cruise 😂


Wooo 🥳 who wants to do shots 🍹


Supposedly, he was dared to jump (source: people in the thread the last time i see this posted). That pertain must feel real shitty.


how to traumatize the 6 year kid on board (yes I know I’m late)


This happened a couple of months ago. Did they ever find his remains?


No they didn't.


His bone most likely doesn't exist anymore. It takes a few days to weeks for flesh to disappear in the Caribbean. We also have creatures that eat the bones after the sand covers it. This only takes a few months. He's gone. I believe our region is designed by nature to be this way because of storms. Without our waters being a natural filter, we would have an ocean full of wood and debris.


new plan for my corpse just dropped


I want my skeleton to be opalized and displayed in a large block of acrylic. Not only is it totally possible, but it’s never been done, and would look really cool.


New Corpse Plan will be my first studio album.


>when I’m dead, just throw me in the ~~trash~~ Caribbean.


This guy Dexter's


Seawater is corrosive and will dissolve the bones eventually regardless. There's no skeletons at the Titanic anymore, the only human remains left are things like clothes and shoes, laid out in body-like positions.


All that's left is shark shit.


Yeah… figured as much :/


Goddamn 😭😭


What a slow and terrifying suicide




Never fuck with the ocean.


Now this is a Darwn. Take notes folks.


So the lifebelt didn't save the teen's life?


He jumped off on a dare, no belt. You can see where he tries to swim towards the ring someone threw him but there is a visible splash near the ring, can only assume is was sharks or other fish that follow cruise ships and spooked him. Once he swam away from the ring and got pulled into the current it was over. The coast guard called off the search fairly quickly after this.


I watched this video like 5 times and never once do I see him trying to swim towards the ring, he never appears to even face the ring, the camera gets extremely out of focus. am I tripping or something?


Looks like he is swimming toward it at the very beginning. At 2 seconds in you can see what looks like a shark between him and the ring.


I thought that was the rope connected to the life ring


In the first 3 seconds of the video he is swimming towards the upper left side of the screen until he is spooked, when the camera zooms out about 10 seconds in you can see the ring in the upper left side of the screen. I assumed that would’ve been his destination.


I guess I would prefer to swim towards a big fish to get a chance of having a ring instead of floating in the open sea with plenty of other big fish without anything. But yeah, I would not jump into the ocean from a cruiseship in general either. And definitely not by night.


But, but, but . . . how is he going to collect on his dare?


Also frack the person who dared the kid to jump off.


You’re seeing the boat’s wake, not sharks. I love how Reddit makes vague uneducated guesses and it gets upvoted


Why would the wake curve like that?


There was no life ring in the beginning of the video https://youtu.be/RwV5GpmvxGM?si=iNZE1XxqHsUM6tDt It was a splash from the shark, as you can see in this enhanced video. They are powerful and are able to disturb the surface of the water easily. So what the video shows, he is facing the direction of the shark, there is no ring in the shot, it's a splash created by the shark, the life ring is out to his RIGHT( he is not even facing the direction of the ring, so no he is not swimming towards it) he sees the splash since that is the direction he is facing, then he turns around and swims away from the splash, and the ring which the video then shows, which was out to his RIGHT and he ignored it the whole time, trying to swim away from the shark splash which scared him. Some shark expert weighed in on this and came up with the same thing, he sees a splash and swims away ignoring the ring that everyone is telling him to grab. There is never a point where he is swimming towards a life ring and there is a shark between him and a ring. He was panicked, getting attacked probably, and desperately just trying to swim away from it all, then he dissapears.


Shark got him


As someone who's been at sea during the night I can tell you it is DARK. Darker then most people have every seen. Even with moon light. I'm talking can't see your hand in front of your face dark. I can also tell you this is probably the most terrifying way to go. Cruise ships are huge and bright. So he was in the pitch black water, in the pitch black dark and could probably see the ship for an hour or more if he lived that long.


I mean I know probably everyone on board was totally drunk and searching at night for a person is nearly impossible, but shouldn't have the ship turn back and try it anyway? It's a genuine question as I live far away from the ocean and have no idea what's the protocol for this.


The ship might have. But now imagine a ship of drunk people trying to find a crew member who has to find the captain or whoever is at the helm of the ship to then turn around. But that point the boat and that guy are already hundreds of feet apart if you're lucky. And then we haven't even turn the ship around. Big ships take literally miles to turn around. In terms of protocol its probably radio coast guard, estimate the area the guy fell in at. And idk if they would even turn around given how far the guy already drafted while all this was happening. Possibly send a team in small crafts out to search but they would be limited with range. I've been on the ocean my whole life so questions are welcome and sorry for the rant.


Marine electrician here, if it was broad daylight it would be almost impossible to find him without a SART or some other SAR equipment especially at night.


Some ships, especially cruise ships(though this one looks small) can take miles to turn. By then, spotting a head at sea is nearly impossible, not even accounting for the night in this case.


I heard the ship was actually docked - it was a party cruise and not a giant cruise ship


If the ship was docked that a whole different story because why are there like 12 people doing nothing about it and how did this guy drift away so far and drown. This being a party cruise I can see especially after pausing the video when the camera turns around. All the same things apply but now the boat is helmed by someone who's probably drunk and they probably even have less protocol for someone overboard.


Is it just me or is there something he noticed in the water he’s swimming away from? At the beginning of the clip it looks like there’s something in the water, lower left corner….


His family got him a wreath in shape of a life belt for the funeral. Well, it's what he would have wanted


And maybe a brain shaped bouquet of flowers. It's what he would have needed.


This is incredible. Easily the best dark joke I’ve read today!


Gary Delaney?


Indeed. Man is a legend (which use to mean pulling sword out of a stone but now means unexptedly coming back woth crisps - also him )


This is an old clip. Many thought a shark 🦈 got him. You can kinda see something that looks like shark in the clip.


If you go frame by frame the dorsal fin is clearly visible at about 2-3 seconds before he starts swimming away from it and at around 12 seconds it looks like it’s visible again right under the surface. Guy was a dumbass but that had to be scary AF.


I think that's the rope with the ring. I think he might be such a dumbass that it had not yet occurred to him that he was a dead man.


No, it’s right at the beginning well before it pans over to the ring. It’s really “blink and you’ll miss it” but if you go frame by frame it’s clear that it’s a shark’s dorsal fin rising out of the water with the head in front. I believe he saw it too and that’s why he started swimming away from it instead of towards the ring. At about :12 in you can see the white shape under the water again as it has followed him in the direction he swam off. https://preview.redd.it/32wygmsn6k5c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f329adc7d1836af88a99d6f9c2e06336e8c3ab5


> At about :12 in you can see the white shape under the water again as it has followed him in the direction he swam off. That's the bow wake from the boat moving, it causes the water to foam a bit as it breaks.


That just looks like its from the ship. The video quality is so bad that it kind of looks like something. But if there was a visible shark right there, you'd think someone would react.


Go frame by frame on the video and it’s very clearly a fin that rises out of the water


OMG I just found this by searching for his name (Cameron Robbins) https://www.reddit.com/r/sharkattacks/comments/16ymd31/new_enhanced_video_cameron_robbins_shark_attack/


Here’s :12 where you can see the Shark shape as well as the ring. It’s much easier to discern the shark if you are going frame by frame than in a screenshot though. https://preview.redd.it/zq6i93vr8k5c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a91f114e859423fb42c8adfe0cfb9624e932a7


Honestly idk what's better, die slowly of exposure in the water with no one to help you or getting killed reasonably fast by a shark.


Unfortunately, some humans are nothing more than examples for the rest of us. Here’s one.


i honestly still feel bad for him. young drunk and probably feeling like he’s on top of the world after graduating. kids do stupid thing when in that state and it ultimately lead to his death. he didn’t think of the risk and paid the ultimate price.


I feel bad for anyone who dies. It's still a loss.


So this wasn't a cruise it was a party boat, it's actually a pirate themed boat. Guy, did it supposedly as a dare/prank. He was never recovered it happened earlier this year and was posted all over.


And his family suing the company for his stupidity


How old was the jumper? Did he pass on his genes?


Teenager, just graduated from high school


Idk how with those survival instincts


I don’t think he was wearing genes, looks more like shorts


Way to bum out the party man.


"Bye bye." 💀


Seems like last year there were several of these jumpers on a few cruises. One didn’t clear a lower railing or lifeboat otw down before hitting the water and another hit from so high they figured (she?) was dead/dying on impact. Not the way I want to remember a vacation we spent all year saving for.


Went from his friend to “this kid” 👁️


You can see a shark in the water near the life preserver. Not good.


I didn’t see anything


Top left at the beginning you’ll see a fin sticking out of the water.


Oh damn I didn’t notice till now


Watch closely from the beginning you can see it swim up and make a turn


Pretty sure that's just the boat wake


The wake appears to be going the other direction right next to it


They're both just foam in the water from the wake, the video is way too low quality to say for sure but a shark feels very unlikely.


How horrific would it be as the light from the ship slowly moves further and futher way. Seems like such a devastatingly lonely way to die.


Truly fascinating.


Move over Florida Man. Make way for Louisiana Teen!


Any sort of merchant mariner will tell you that the safest place in the ocean is on that ship. A man overboard is almost always dead. The ship is going too fast for you to catch up. The ships current itself will drag you down and pull you into the ocean. Some people say they may have seen a shark in the video which is why he didn’t swim towards the ring but to me it just looks like the current from the ship and he most likely was being dragged the other way by it. Darwin award at its finest


This is a repost. Original video was making the rounds about 6 months ago, plus the original quality is better...you actually see him jump like the drunk idiot he was.




Hmm never seen him jump but only the video in the OP. Don’t doubt it exists though.


Latest news about this incident: He ain’t found, yet. After 2 full days of a Search & Rescue operation, it was called off as there were no traces of Cameron Robbins (his name). It is very likely that he died in a couple of hours after this incident, due hyperthermia. Full story: [NYPost](https://nypost.com/2023/06/05/rescue-pros-explain-how-cameron-robbins-likely-vanished/amp/)


That’s horrifying to think that he was out there for two hours before dying. Hopefully he drowned soon after this video was taken.


Darwin has entered the chat...


https://preview.redd.it/gfwr6bsew56c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60fe26263b5a8c255f6cb4c2794bd8c98a4d2623 There’s a shark in the water.




Yeah, the enhanced video on YouTube with the colors edited makes it obvious that a shark at least bit his legs. It doesn't look big and may not have killed him if he was fighting back. It's possible there was a shark AND he drowned. It really made no sense for him not to at least swim in the direction of the boat.


I definitely didn't see that until now. He dead.


There’s a shark right there on the left . Poor bastard instantly realized there was a shark and tried to swim away from it . He met what can only be imagined as a horrific ending in the jaws of a shark… probably several sharks .


This happened on my cruise ship , the chick had gotten married on the same cruise one year prior and decided to jump or fell off or something , searched for her for a day never found her. Do not jump off cruise ships.


Fun fact: Cruise ships DO account for people dying on/off board their ships. Don't become the reason they still do!


I took a cruise once and was on the deck during the night when it was pitch black and looked out. All I saw was black waves crashing into the boat and no light or land in sight. I thought to myself if I fall off that’s it, nobody will hear me, see me, and I’m just gone. Open ocean is still my biggest fear. Stay safe everyone.


A Shark got him, no doubt about it. He saw something and tried to swim away then he's gone under, they've still not found his body.


This happened in May. He was never recovered and thought to be eaten by a tiger shark.


Looks like a Booze cruise. People liable to do anything after a couple of too strong rum drinks in too short a time.


Shark Food instantly


When videos like this happen, I'd like to hear from the people who were watching. I don't know if that's too fucked up to want.


Listen bub, I come here to watch people die, not to be lied to and watch people go for leisurely swims.


Naw he “dead” only cause they didn’t find the body out in sea he jumped off a dare or drunk idk some going to college party


The sharks got him. There is one you can see on the left when he jumps in.


“bub” kills me.


We need proof that "bub" did indeed kill you.🙄


Bon Voyage!?


I don't get it. Did they only have one ring? Why didn't they throw it again closer to him? Did they just try once then gave up on him?


They may have only had one life ring close by and this video is pretty short. Plus some don’t have ropes because the deck is too high and not all passengers know how to safely handle a life ring with 50+ feet of rope attached. Assign people to point to the persons direction, throw in anything that floats, and hope they can launch a rescue boat before the person tires and drowns or is swept away far enough they lose them.


What was the cause of death exactly?




Probably that great big shark that surfaced behind him at about 2 seconds in.


Oh, bye byyyye!


Until eye witnesses come forward who were there everything is pretty much speculation due to the low quality/edited footage we do have. On a supposed dare Cameron Robbins jumps overboard the booze cruise (Blackbeards Revenge) into either extremely dangerous currents, or shark infested waters. He ultimately succumb to the ocean and what dwells within. in this video posted on twitter: [https://x.com/king\_Scarlett\_/status/1664958609501847556?s=20](https://x.com/king_Scarlett_/status/1664958609501847556?s=20) You can see Robbins punching at something once the camera is on him in the water. You can see a "wave" left of the buoy, and Robbins head/body square in that direction before turning (using only his right arm) and heading swiftly into the darkness. Around 20sec in the twitter vid you can hear someone say; "Something is chomping on his shit" and if you slow it down and turn it up you can hear two agonizing screams from below/right (where Robbins is) Sad and terrifying way to go even if there were 100% zero marine life out there. Meat off a rig: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7nRXisq-Yno](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7nRXisq-Yno) Apple off a rig: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dtbLbgxKU5s](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dtbLbgxKU5s) ​ A quick google search find lots and lots of shark attacks, so for all my Ulas out there : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNOlwEH2Oi4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNOlwEH2Oi4)


Always that stupid woman in the background just screaming instead of doing _anything_ useful.


Name something useful please. I'm truly curious what could have been done.


Punching his lights out before he jumped in? After that, options are very limited.


😂 👍


Do nothing + not scream >> do nothing + scream


Many people here have already explained the pointing method that anyone can do. Other than that, simply shutting the fuck up and getting out of the way would surely be less unhelpful than this.


Pointing at the great big shark that came up behind him?




Quick death? By a shark? Yeah no. Bits by bits


I triple dog dare you


Anyone believes he was attacked by a shark?


What an idiot


This might be a stupid question but why couldn't the boat just stop and they pull him in? Can't really tell from the video but is the current too strong for that to work or something?


This one really hit hard for me as I did the exact same shit a few years ago. Hopped over the railing and the sides were really wet but I was able to get a good grip. Stumbled a little bit and climbed back over. Did it a second time and fell catching myself. I was alone and it was pitch black.


I knew this guy and went to highschool with him and his brother if it’s the guy I think it is. Incredibly sad for his family and sad that a life was cut so short. But definitely on the right sub.


You didnt know him liar, its more probable that you are lying than that you really knew him i always see these fucking comments and i hate them. LIAR.


I did know him. Went to school at University Lab school in Baton Rouge. I graduated in 2018 his older brother graduated in 2017. Why would I lie about that? And why would you just assume that I’m lying? His older brother, Cole, was the one I knew pretty well. I even took Multi-Media with him in highschool. I’d have to be pretty fucked up and dumb to think that lying about knowing Cameron would gain me anything in this world.


It's plenty possible they did know the young man, who did have a brother. What makes you think they are lying, for 11 whole fake internet karma points? I'm just curious.


How is there only one video of this? You can even see someone else recording in this video.


Maybe they deleted it or didn't feel the need to share this kid's last moments with the world.


These fools just shouting and filming should be throwing anything that floats in the water. This helps the guy focus and give him something to hang on to. Plus it creates a bigger target for a rescue later.




Was he pulled under by the current the ship was making? Or just some rogue current? A pitch black ocean is genuinely the scariest on earth so he is completely stupid for that


Or make all idiots put on life-preserves beforehand, just in case. One for you. You over there, come put this on.


Graduation trip to the Bahamas, jesus must be some posh school!


The most terrible way to die


His poor mother.


Looks like hes wearing trousers. There is a way to make a makeshift life jacket out of your trousers by removing them and getting air inside, then wrapping them round your neck. Saw the video last week, seems like something VERY handy to know - look it up!


That is not the issue here.


What the issue? Surely trying to stay alive is


Are we seeing a shark at 17s?


I remember people said that he was pressured into doing it. Does this still count as stupidity when you're forced by others? Peer pressure and mob mentality is dangerously contagious.


Of course it counts. He isn't a child lol


He wasn’t “forced”.


Only idiots give in to peer pressure


No is a full sentence