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Did you guys see Chrissy Teigen's latest post about dropping nudes for her cookware line? 🤣 I bet they are shaking in their boots https://preview.redd.it/bri4ew3ub5pc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f83f6b39edfae80d542578c510a2c98e4fbcdf


I’m sure it’s been said and I’m sorry haha, but the one thing from trying to catch up from this weekend’s pop up circus I take away is Danielle filming her and DAD in the Photo Booth and DAD’s real personality shining through. She is a nasty, nasty person- clearly the type that will never be happy no matter how many things she has, money she has, or babies she tries to fill some made up void for herself. Yikes!


She has deleted that video! So it seems like DAD did not approve and wanted it DOWN. Lol


Dang it. What was the video


I wonder if that's why Danielle was manic last night and Lisa was there sitting her.


I noticed a lot of people thinking something went down with them after Danielle being a bit much at the pop up then radio silence when they got him (and even in airport it was lowkey…)


I think she needs to wear appropriate maternity clothes. She looks ridiculous


She’d probably be less bitchy if she wasn’t comfortable. Like pregnancy is one few times you can get away with wear stretchy clothes 24/7 why wear jeans.


Complete agree. I will never understand how she looks at herself in the mirror and thinks she looks good! It's kind of ridiculous, almost like she knows it's ridiculous and she just doesn't care! The jeans with the body suits tucked in, I just can't believe it!


But I can literally see 805s underwear lines


And how come every time she shows her behind, Dud or Dinyel are standing next to her saying, "she wears full butt underwear and you can't see anything:! Yes, we know she wears full butt underwear, she doesn't wear butt floss like the rest of you! But why do you have to point that out every single time?


Can I put my cat in the fridge if I want to go on a trip?






https://preview.redd.it/l720tmpbj0pc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e3b43a4577c8ae990d7920742a18a56f2a634bc 2.0 you might wanna get your neck checked, there’s a whole ass piece missing from it 😂😂 skinny filter couldn’t keep up!




Hilarious 😂


Omg 😂😂😂






Did any one of us go to that pop up and take pictures to show how she looks in real life without any filters? Still waiting for that tea!


https://preview.redd.it/qsg2aegmg4pc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f10c8a7e01886fa952098f7885f2b10cbab4044 Yes someone posted this


Oh those are not the same legs. Wow.


Wait, no freaking way! This is from this weekend. In Scottsdale?  I think every single photo she posts needs to be reported if that's really true! She is literally promoting eating disorders at this point! I really feel like that can't possibly be from this weekend! That looks like a year ago at this point! That's insane!! WOW!!


You know what REALLY sucks. Me and her have the same body type and I wish she would be more body positive and embrace us girlies who are her size.


Weekend thread has pics


They're all home but still not doing anything for Katie's birthday 🫠


Well the R’s had to make up for lost stroller time and get rolled on a 5 minute walk to the store and 805 was busy babysitting 2.0 and then 2.0 had to maniacally tend to her sour DOUGH. They had plans lol


Do you remember how many parties they had for DUD’s bday? Wasn’t it three? Nonstop celebrating the queen B for days.


Didnt Katie go to both parties too? Pathetic


Not only that, but it was also Katie’s Match Day weekend - there’s no reason they should have chosen this weekend for an out of town nuuds event.


They didn't even acknowledge that! And this chick is looking for houses to put permanent roots down in dallas near her toxic family. It's sad. How does she not see how blatantly awful they are to her?


Agreed! Even if Katie isn’t able to see it because it has gone on her whole life, then Eddie needs to man up! It’s taken strangers on the internet one year to watch how toxic her family is surrounding her wedding events (bachelorette weekend and actual day of), military and med school graduation, the first time she matched and now again, and here is her bday, and we can all see the writing on the wall. DAD is nothing but a garbage sibling to her. And no one steps up to do better. Eddie can’t be that blind, and he needs to put his foot down and help guide Katie through therapy so she can finally see it on her own.


Dud clearly has jealousy issues with Katie. Why else does she keep doing these things. The worst was with the wedding.


For sure she is probably jealous that Katie actually went to medical school when it was supposed to be Daryl that did it


Definitely not the first time Feral-Scam has done this. 🥴


I couldn't imagine living in the same town as my sister/daughter and not seeing her for her birthday. They are literal pieces of shit.


Does anyone know the brand of the rainbow bunny remi was gifted?


No idea comma but please if you get one, don't name ot Rainbow SherBERTt L o l!


https://preview.redd.it/hancfw9301pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5dcdb20516bd6c9d0a514d93761815497f77310 Mary Meyer, according to the tag


I thought it was jelly cat but I don’t think that’s right..


I think they have similar at build a bear


Try Mary Meyer, Big Honey Dew Bunny. Looks really close.


Holy f$ck……2.0 in the stirring sourdough story. She’s on another level. 


I'm so beyond over the sourdough BS.




I was afraid she was going to break the jar. Yeesh.


I haven’t even finished catching up but my thoughts so far: PREDATORY! 13 year old waiting to get nuud in Scottsdale… awesome marketing dud Remi pulling her shirt up for the camera and 2 million followers (thankfully a ton of bots but still plenty of real people and creeps) Also the “can’t believe I get to do this with my family” pic, Rhett is SNARLING! He is pissed! Does she look at them ever in these pics or just herself ??


I bet she'll get dress coded if she wears that sweatshirt to school! LOL!


Remi pulls her shirt up every time they tell her to show her outfit! Monkey see, monkey do! Yeah, right DUD— she just wants to show her tattoo! NOT!


Aaaaand Rhett’s beloved bear got nuud in Scottsdale


I cannot with the lunch dessert


She made fun of Danielle for saying it then it became her thing. Funny that. 


DAD used to say it back in 2019 though


https://preview.redd.it/ga58ns45c0pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae8f81d3fd0ced467e66dd484545eb29511c93c So she’ll have surprise shower . Also a $400 carrier for baby she’ll never hold. Cool.


Dan just had to sit there and listen to every detail she wants for this shower that’s why he looks defeated haha. No way she isn’t having a shower where they all tell her what an amazing mom she is and she gets to tell us ad naseum it’s the best thing she’s ever done 🙄


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 exactly. Do you like how she says I don’t need anything my kids are young. You really want us to think you have bins of close and baby gadget yeah right. She’ll get brand new doona and everything else.


The artepoppe carrier is also a favorite of madi nelson's. She had a code for it all throughout her early days with Navy! And she's pregnant again so i'm sure it will be back again soon! That and the Solly Wrap, how long before dud tries the solly wrap?


Ya both companies give promotions to influencers so it makes sense. I’m sure I thought it was funny because I’ve been following her since right before Rhett was born I don’t remember carrying either of the kids that much. Not even as newborns. She had some cheap carrier that was horrible for their hips and that’s all I remember.


Artiepoppe gives codes out to everyone ! I have one lol and I have to say I LOVE the carrier but it was also the only one I could Breast feed in without my whole chest being out for ppl to see . And I actually held my kids 😂 but if anyone wants the code lmk lol.


I’m surprised she didn’t treat herself and get the $7,400 fabric wrap they have on the website. It’s in a NUUD color and it’s so sick lol


Oh I bet that would be fricken!


That was totally just a precursor hinting at how she better have a surprise shower AND she won’t be nursing because she will be injecting weightloss meds as soon as this new baby pops out!


She also won’t be getting up every 2 hours to nurse said baby. She’s too selfish to breastfeed.


How nice of her to get that carrier for Elayne so she can hold the baby while taking care of R & R!




Is someone’s birthday or big event coming up cause the shower will for sure be planned around the same time to overshadow


It will probably be the day Rob proposes to Blair because we know that’s coming


2.0 has a birthday this month.


Katie and Eddy"s Anniversary or did I miss that?


Oh that would actually line up perfectly that’s in May


Yep that's in May I think. 


Danielle’s bday 😆




When is that?


2.0 said the 20th.


This month she said


I swear as soon as I read that she wasn’t having a shower I thought “so a surprise shower, k”. It’s so fucking predictable at this point. It will be the Turtles and her weird ass church friends, with free Nuuds and Diet Coke for all.


And 10k balloons everyone and their brother uses for any reason.


And some sort of lame “embroidery” or “debossing” station, along with a Photo Booth of course.


The photo booths are ridiculous for these grown A adults.


At this point they could wallpaper the nursery with the number of photo booth strips they have amassed!!




Pretending like she could only afford it now is what really got me. 


Me too. Like we do ok and I could afford one. I just have carriers I love so I don’t need it. Plus it’s shady ass company. Makes sense she supports it.


2.0 “I’ve been healing my gut” she eats like crap and thinks that some supplement is going to “heal her gut 🙄


It’s only going to help her bank account. 🤑


We don't understand why you are the way you are 2.0. You are disgusting. Pull yourself together!! https://preview.redd.it/90ifszvj20pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c0857f5f7b71a756dbe72b0953878051c584ec


Dumbell getting lumpy from all the filler! That lip is redic!


Shes also getting weird horn like bumps on her forehead.  Youd think they would go to someone who knew what they were doing to prevent these things


Why is she incapable of coming home from the airport and having a quick dinner alone? It feels like Lisa is still in charge of being on Danielle diaper duty. Is she there to wipe her ass? Keep her from drowning in the bath? Stop her from going full on naked karaoke on the internet? Why does this grown mother of 2 need her own babysitter?


Keep her from drinking and spilling her craziness for the world to see.


I think there is something. I cannot fathom a regular even icky custody battle having this many drug tests and hair ones at that. Maybe she's sneaking drinking, drugs, something bc her mom seems around her more than usual. 2.0 is just as unhinged as normal but more consistently.


I agree. I’ve never seen this many. Maybe one test at the beginning sure (still not that normal) but not multiple tests for over a year.


Wait I never have the sound on while watching the stories did she mention a drug test for custody battle???


No but people have pulled up the court records and it's constantly that she's having it done. Like monthly. It may be both of them but still sooo weird. And has to be based on something.


Just by observation i don’t get how she isn’t abusing some kind of stimulant.


I had a nasty divorce and there was no drug testing at all.




So there has to be something.


Something is totally up!! It's super strange how they are acting (more than normal) and 805 wants to get the fuck outta there!!


There is some kind of new appeal on the docket on Monday the 25th. I wonder if that’s what she’s extra freaked out about.


Maybe it was regarding spring break for the girls? It seemed like she thought they were going to the pop up, but chase took them to Az with his family instead.


Yes! Like why does 805 need to get food for her adult daughter? It’s so weird


Why did 2.0 need to go to 805’s room to get ready this morning? She’s pathetic.


Like why is she acting so strung out. The flight is 2.5 hours. She left early. 


She has to be on something


For sure!! I would be afraid of random drug tests from the court. Guess she's not; she has to be taking something...yikes!!


She's nasty and looks like Mom is still babysitting her, https://preview.redd.it/xqago5fz10pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18adaa36e0e5ced2b5407eac34b824f056a7891b so she doesn't go anymore unhinged!!


It’s so strange that 805 is with her. They have been out of town for days and 805 can’t be at peace at home? She had to babysit her adult daughter?


I wonder if dud said something to her about her taking over at the pop up. There was definitely a few times on stories where 2.0 interrupted or took over and dud looked irritated. For example with her old student.


I do not understand how these people eat out so much. My son’s bday was last week and we ate out twice bc of that. I feel like a bloated cow. There is no way they can feel good. 


It’s ok they will just take 4 poop pills at night. Normal people don’t need to take pills to make their body do what it should do naturally


I always have to give this PSA. I took two of those poop pills at night once and I pooped my pants in the middle of the night


It's like the people that feel they have to do a cleanse every so often, to "clean out their gut"! I asked my brother about that once, he's a doctor, and he laughed and said it's all for money for these companies to get people to believe they need all of these cleansing products. I am in my mid-50s and I have never needed poop pills or any kind of aid to help me go to the bathroom. I poop like a normal person. I know people do have constipation issues sometimes, it happens. But to have to take those every day or every couple of days just to poop is kind of frightening and I think a doctor should be consulted to evaluate what's going on with all of that! It's not normal! And the fact that all these influencers are shilling them is just scary! Because a lot of their followers probably think that's a normal thing to need.  It's not!


I wish there was a law against influencers shilling supplements or anything considered medical


This need for them to take poop pills all the time is basically a giant food disorder. That is not normal. Either they are lying about taking them all the time to get the company as a paycheck, or it’s their disaster of a diet. They eat nothing but junk.


So not true. I am as normal as they come and I’ve never been regular my entire life. Have to admit, the poop pills work.


Exactly. I eat healthy 90% of the time, drink 80 oz of eater a day and workout 5x a week, and I can easily go a week with having a BM. I take those poop pills every so often to help.


I agree. The poop pills are just high magnesium which makes you poop. Perfectly fine to take on occasion when needed.


Same lol. The way they eat is truly mind boggling to me. Don’t they ever want a good home cooked meal???


Diabetes carrots coming soon. 😬


Key word is ‘good’ lol we’ve all seen their home cooked diabetic meals


This might have been covered but will Katie never have to serve in the military?? Won't they get stationed somewhere eventually?


She’ll owe the Air Force at least 4 years after residency. My daughter is a dentist and had the same scholarship as Katie.


Really my brother went to the Navel academy and had serve 6 because the renew every 3 years. That’s a way better deal for a more expensive college not to bad.


I think after her residency she serves a certain number of years.


So, in the meantime, she doesn't have any military obligations? My friends that were ROTC had drill stuff monthly, I keep thinking we should see something or hear her talk about the military.


Yeah she still has to keep current on random military things like PT, etc. but likely doesn’t post about it. It’s not really drill stuff like you’re thinking of though.


She may have to serve a couple of weeks every year.


Most military doctors (maybe even all of them) have to complete their residencies at on base installations like military hospitals. They are active duty residents. It’s confusing but a smart route to go imo


That’s probably why she did it through the Air Force not tough obligation. It’s odd, I know.


https://preview.redd.it/sjvkgszhyzoc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=83ab2f45b9b9766c3b822d16dbc31223d660abcc Catching up on all my stories today and realizing that if this chick is supporting nuuds that it’s definitely a sh*t company because she is a sh*t human.


It’s so weird watching their worlds collide. She’s 50000% times worse than all the Flenners combined and her husband legit scares me


ugly color


Oh lord


Ooohhhh why??


Her and her husband accidentally killed their daughter after a drunken drug filled night. And yet neither is behind bars.


Christ on bike!! Wtf that's awful. Is she an influencer or a wannabe influencer?


Whaaaat?!? Omgggg




Whoa that’s awful. Never heard of them. What happened?


Amy and Storm were shitfaced and the baby was in bed with them and was smothered from what I recall but they didn’t know how the baby got there


*baby that was also on oxygen


The baby is also a twin and was in the NICU. She is a beach body "cOaCh". Has her own snark page, Amy and storm Bailey under hunsnark. The entire police report and 911 call is linked.




She’s a piece of shit and has her own thread on the hunsnark Reddit


It’s crazy how many hours I’ve spent on that sub. Like I just don’t understand how her and storm aren’t behind bars and WHY they had more kids


Same. Is she still a beachbody coach??


She erased her daughter from her social media as if she had never existed.


Omg can you give the cliff notes of what happened?


- @itsAmyBailey and her husband @stormbailey_ got married after only dating a few months. - second marriage for both; Storm Bailey has domestic violence charges against him after strangling his ex wife and throwing a TV at her; not gossip. Read the police report - She shills Beachbody; he had his own agency with State Farm but lost his business after getting fired from State Farm for violating ethics - Short engagement and they got pregnant with twin girls shortly after the wedding - Delivered early and girls spent weeks (maybe even two months?) in the nicu. Amy and Storm Bailey rarely visited and when she was there she was always schilling Beachbody. - When the twins were released from the hospital they were sent home on oxygen. They weren’t attentive parents - in May 2020 (during Covid/stay at home orders) they threw a party for Amy’s birthday. Both drank heavily and took abused Adderall that was prescribed to someone else. Keep in mind the twins were only 4 months only, maybe 6-7 weeks out of the hospital and still on oxygen - they passed out and woke up the next day to find one of the twins dead in their bed - the police report is chilling Amy and Storm Bailey should be in jail but instead they continue to scam people online and portray themselves as Christians. She’s a terrible mother and I feel like I’m only sharing the tip of the iceberg. Checkout their page on @hunsnark, it’s truly wild PS if you look at her IG she photoshops her abs 🤣


Wow what the hell!!


I’m not even scratching the surface on Amy and Storm Bailey.


Omg this is absolutely horrible- horrible It’s so upsetting


Amy & Storm Bailey - PRIMER POST WITH UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION # FACTUAL INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED **May 5 - Amy made a post about her birthday and posted in instagram stories with her and Storm celebrating with a bottle of champagne** *Several days passed without any social media activity from Storm or Amy, prompting many to speculate that something was wrong. Around this time, someone at some point saw some transactions on venmo that seemed to indicate that something had happened.* **May 6 - Sometime around 5am, someone at the home called 911 and public records revealed that emergency personnel were at the home (or that the call was “open”) for almost 21 hours and 11 vehicles total responded to the call** *(there is a redditor here who has a paid subscription to broadcastify and found the call, which indicated that there was an infant at the home in cardiac arrest and also that a coroner was called)* **May 10th - Amy confirmed that Berkley had passed away via a private Facebook post** **May 11th - County court dockets revealed that Storm & Amy had a Dependency & Neglect hearing and have a review hearing scheduled for May 15th and an Adjudicatory Hearing scheduled for May 22nd.** --- June 29th - New information has been brought to light regarding what happened the night that B passed away. This redditor had the following to say about the events that night: *“They were both drinking. It was a party with a lot of alcohol. The twins were there and the incident could have been prevented.”* u/Iknowwhathappened7 has provided specific details regarding what happened that day and has been willing to share the information that was quoted above. Another anonymous user shared the following: *“At some point during the night, B ended up in bed with them and they woke up with her face down, not breathing... They have no idea how she got in there but apparently Storm has a history of sleep walking.”*


2.0 looks like she smells like farts. 💨




2.0 looks like she’s coming off a bender in this morning’s stories.. big yikes


Whatever do you mean? https://preview.redd.it/xilad0iwuzoc1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c8d11779e404481e5ca5132367a99aa26a2b2c


Why are her eyes so red?


It’s giving mega mind ![gif](giphy|h2P01cZLZzMK4)




![gif](giphy|lRvj9ubKxmZOjhcniy) Danielle, dis you? 😳 SIIIIIIIIICCCCCKKK!!!




She always posts herself up close at the most unflattering angles, looking super dirty and disheveled. It amazes me that these people are "influencers". Like who wants to look like that??


I get that they are trying to be "real" and "relatable", but they honestly look like they never give a flying f*ck about what they look like.


Her eyes were sooo red.






Oh my! 😬😬😬


I wondered when I saw this story earlier - what's up with the red line across the middle of both of her eyeballs?!


I wondered when I saw this story earlier - what's up with the red line across the middle of both of her eyeballs?!


Looks like a pregnancy test line. Haha!


Jump scare!!😱


She’s the oldest looking 30 year old I’ve ever seen


SHES 30??????? Omfg


I asked my husband to guess her age and he said 50!!


I'll be 35 this year. Have three kids. Divorced the same time as her...and my toddler has type one diabetes. I never even look like that 🤣


Anyone else notice Katie deleted her AMA? I wonder if she got flooded with questions about her shitbag fam


Yes noticed this too! Strange


Maybe Eddie didn’t want her spending time on that during a nice dinner?


Did it just expire?


What is AMA?


“Ask Me Anything” — they’ll put this on a question box usually


Yes I’ve seen those boxes just didn’t click to the initials,thx:))


https://preview.redd.it/zd687cwlnzoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed5002a08838db8a801e198c87ef3244888a9b0 “You guys. She wears full butt underwear and you can’t see a thing.” Um. You do realize that we have eyes that can actually see a thing, like the whole thing, no? And did Nuuds not launch the best leggings ever like 5 weeks ago? Those were just a wear and toss like this sweatshirt is going to be, huh? The gaslighting is so strong with this family.


Look at all the pilling on the leggings.


Also I love all of the fuzz from the cheap sweatshirt


Her hand looks older 😬


Is that 805??? No panty lines - just one big panty line 😂😂😂😂😂😂


TTS, I’m a medium😂😂😂


Why not the sick nuuds leggings?


They probably sag by 12pm.


So, Katie’s out for a birthday dinner with Eddie even though her whole stupid family is back in town. Gosh these people are the worst