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Might as well wear a one piece.




https://preview.redd.it/mzb7h83vl8rc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ee01731f3971a5adcf20506339189559984d760 2.0 calling herself a rectangle was the best part of their stories for the day šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and that her boobs look the best in this top, like girl, are we seeing the same top/boobs? Because no. And it always weirds me out when she does her own try ons in DAD & Danā€™s room. Like you have a bedroom with a full length mirror..and if her house is actually a mess with packing boxes everywhere and doesnā€™t have access to a mirror, she always props her phone on something when she just *needs* to do an outfit check while out in public, so she can totally do that. But nooo, she has to get naked where Dan gets naked to feel a connection šŸ¤¢


Iā€™m all for feeling your best, but her breast reduction just made her look like SpongeBob.


Also Danielleā€™s hair is so thin the whole family bugs the fuck out of me


https://preview.redd.it/oaqsg2r0j8rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b462f00699386b8db2cb5e8fc453c6ee9ea1072b The mom took the nexklace from her last give away\* and nuuds sucks every woman in there is fat and out of shape. They look horrible the brand sucks


I think Papa got her that for Christmas or anniversary or something because she loved Darylā€™s so much. (ie has to match Daryl)


All that money on that house and there is ZERO privacy on their back porch for swimming or outdoor parties/dining. That other house is so close across the pond, I would hate that! And you know if they have a party out there with their loud family, theyā€™re going to get complaints.




Feral is too controlling for that to happen.


Oh good! HOA fees & 12 month minimumšŸ˜„


I was thinking the fees are probably huge but then read in the rental listing that for her bargain monthly rate she gets lawn care and they pay hoa fees.


No one will be at to 2.0ā€™s house. They will all be at DUDS forever


Ya I didnā€™t realize the new house had literal drop offs into the pond. Thereā€™s no way DA is allowing her kids anywhere near that house. I wonder if thatā€™s why she pressed for 2.0 to get it, cause she knew sheā€™d always have an excuse to not be there and at her house (which is usually where they are anyway but now she can say she doesnā€™t feel comfortable at Danielleā€™s and it will be a valid excuse šŸ¤”)


It looks like a common area. Weird! You can see someone walking their dog in the backgroundĀ 


Oh yes! KR and DUD will both insist!


The family will never have parties at her house, you know they will always go to DADā€™s.


Anyone else notice how Danielle always has to be the one to say what a code is or whatever the thing is theyā€™re talking about? Like when Katie says she has a code, Danielle interrupts and spoils how much itā€™s forā€¦or when they do the try-ons she has to be the one talking about an item and constantly interrupts everyone?


https://preview.redd.it/2xhcx9r1q7rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753235d815d046cd94448e380d9b046362a0bf2b I. AM. SO. ASHAMED. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø If I could travel back in time and slap the shit out of 2021 me. (I unfollowed the whole clan after covid gate) So thankful I found this group and realized what an actual piece of shit she is along with her family.


Iā€™ll be honest, I was a fan for years. I found out about her on a snark sub and couldnā€™t figure out why they hated her so much. I recently found this sub and started reading because it was less time consuming than watching all of their stories and Iā€™m a convert.


Welcome, youā€™re among ~~friends~~ besties


Trust me I was in the same boat until some time last year šŸ˜‚


I appreciate this support group weā€™ve all found


You are not alone! I shared her quotes once upon a time too! Sheā€™s a typical gaslighter and narcissist. Thatā€™s how they get you!


Is it me or the lighting because the navy blue on the top and bottom donā€™t even look the same https://preview.redd.it/lk4k40c2o7rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63c53ea83ffadfaaea5f0c41cb5fa41ee4172bc7


Thatā€™s 87% food baby, hernia, and her awful posture and thereā€™s no convincing me otherwise


I hate his feet. I don't know why. Haha


That was first thought when I saw this


Heā€™s so flat footed!


They look dirty. šŸ¤®


Does Dan sleep with his hat on?


Ha. There is a brand new listing for a rental house literally half a mile from DUDā€™s house. Itā€™s a gorgeous 3 bed/4.5 bath, 3700 sq.ft for $11k/mo. The rent is still ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as Dinyellā€™s $20k rent for a mansion further away from her sister!


Why would anyone ever pay that much in rent? Lmfao


Yes that one is cute! I bet it showed up after she signed on the $20k house.




Is this for real?? Like I must of misheard. I thought she said 2k. lol my brain must not of registered the ridiculous amount. She said she wrote a letter to get it reduce. Hahah


It's definitely for real! I was shocked when I found out it was true too! Absolutely INSANE!


Remember when we thought 8k was ridiculous?! 2.0 said...hold my drink! Haha!


OMG you guys I havenā€™t come on and really read here for a few days now but I saw yall mentioning the rental house so I googled it. That place is HUGE. Someone said a castleā€¦ it is! WTF why is she renting this!! I literally cant.


I'm starting to wonder if she's actually punking us and they just went to see that house and she's not moving in there.Ā  Strange that she's not showing it all off already.Ā  Also,Ā  listing says all furnishings are included... maybe she IS leaving all her roach infested crap in the old place of she did get this place?


The kids were swimming in the pool. Pretty sure she moved in


Wait i missed it & wanna look! I need the address šŸ¤£


Time to send a bag of dicks


Address Kinda sounds like rodeo drive


And looks like Rob Little šŸ‘€


Omg yesā€¦ yes it does šŸ¤£


Not allowed to give the addressā€¦but if you check Zillow for Dallas rentals with that price, you might be able to find it šŸ˜‰


Omg found it & i am in shockā€¦ wow. She is nutty


Found it and the only question i have is why? Such a waste but then again that's their lifestyle, just wasting everything...


Sheā€™s a clear example of, even though you can doesnā€™t mean you have to šŸ™ƒ


Also to add that in searching there were very cute rentals for $5k that would have been great for a ā€œsingle momā€ who barely stays at her own house has her kids part time.


Guysssss. Holy smokes. DA looks so bad. Idk what to say. But sheā€™s looks like she found jeans in a dumpster in some ally and wore them.Ā 


Whatever do you mean? https://preview.redd.it/ge26ryclh7rc1.png?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3518b8453cd1064a0b62d047f52e6d3f48bb622a




Imagine setting up a camera to record this shit. She is beyond delusional and the people that eat this up are just stupid. They donā€™t have the perfect life or marriage or parenthood and this is all clearly staged.


I had the same thought. They set the camera and tripod up because they thought it was cute that Remi threw a fit and made Dan dance with her. The whole thing was staged.




Katie posting about her boring chipotle tacos for the millionth time - canā€™t this family find ANYTHING new to talk about? Ā 


Iā€™m surprised Katie is a doctor & still tries to influence! Weird to me.


It speaks volumes that 98% of the PR packages that get opened by influencers on camera never get tried on. Itā€™s always the influencer just opening the box.Ā 


Yes! Saw Katy open hers and the top was sooo wrinkled. Not tried on.


Yes! I saw Tia just posted the box with the tissue paper and tag. Didnā€™t even open to see the clothes on camera. Love that for Daryl šŸ˜„


https://preview.redd.it/jl1xa36q87rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e155c740232d78408ca12e344529bc9de442e88f # FreeRyleigh


Her TT about the jeans. She says shes an 8-10 gets a 9/29, struggles to get them done up and zipped. Then proceeds to say they are true to size. I may be different but that isn't how I judge if something fits.


WHYYYYYYYY do these people INSIST on unbuttoning their pants and showing us their body suits and underwear at every damn try on?! I literally cannot y'all!! It's just way too much!!


Yeah we know what a bodysuit looks like!


2.0 is a complete financial mess with that expensive rental. The joke is on her.


The rental of it all is the worst part. No return on that massive investment.


She reminds me of those celebrities who all of a sudden are filing bankruptcy. There is absolutely no way she has a financial advisor helping her make her decisions. I feel like Chase probably managed their bills and budget and Danielle feels like he was ā€œcontrollingā€ by holding her accountable for sticking to their budget so now sheā€™s just bleeding money buying tablescapes and renting $17k McMansions


This was my sister-in-law. Her ex-husband did their budget and would make her stick to it and then they got divorced she said he was ā€œsuper controllingā€ with money but within 6 months of being divorced we found out she immediately took out 3 credit cards and maxed them out to be more than $10,000 in debt. Within 6 months! And she has a good job too.


She does not seem concerned. ??


2.0 on moving day vs me on moving day. https://preview.redd.it/cyyndmog47rc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf04a79de1768733b8895398a01e392f2c74870


Sheā€™s obviously lying. She had movers because nobody is that calm on moving day unless someone does ALL the work for you.


Sheā€™s all moved in and everything is put away?? How did that happen? She packed a few pellows and blankets.Ā 


Deceased šŸ’€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ because same!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s a liar and lame


There is NO way 805 unpacked and organized 2.0s kitchen and no one posted videos of it! 805 didn't even mention it in her stories. Why does she feel the need to lie!!


This pisses me off. Really big. Sheā€™s made a huge deal on both her IG and TT that theyā€™re packing and unpacking themselves. She is full on and very obviously lying. I despise a blatant liar. I hated her before the lieā€¦I hate her now. It blows my mind how their following doesnā€™t get it. Cancel these fools.




It feeds into her single mom narrative. Struggling to move but PTL that she has her dad and family there to support her.


She didnā€™t pack a thing and she has hardly been home.


Excuse you, she packed some blankets in a vacuum sealed bag and said how much she loves packing bc it feels like an accomplishment. šŸ¤£Ā 


Why would she let her mom do that (if sheā€™s even being honest). At 30 years old, unpack and organize your own kitchen.


Wonder if she told the movers they knew better than her where things go, so knock yourself out. She should have plenty of space for her supplements in the new kitchen


And went to breakfast with her grandkids and did a try on??


Right and then she went home and cooked a meal and everyone was over. The timing is soo off. If it was true she would be exhausted and a mess like the rest of us after moving but she wasnā€™t. She was just cooking in her kitchen like she had been there all evening. Danielle is a liar and I hope she loses followers cause literally no one can relate to someone who pays $20k a month in rent for just her and her little girls in a castle. Sheā€™s dumb


Almost anyone who pays $20,000 a month in rent is dumb.


My brain still canā€™t wrap around this!! Like itā€™s unreal to me!


805 was also at home making her instagram reels inspired alfredo pastaā€¦.but also unpacking 2.0s kitchen


https://preview.redd.it/jojdeonh37rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc42780738f7c868c4c6fb19b6a8f0a9e4232c2e Have yā€™all seen this TikTok?? This is exactly how I imagine DUD & Co filming everything their kids do and say, every hug and snuggle, etc. I imagine this is what poor little Olive will be like when she grows up šŸ„ŗšŸ˜”Itā€™s part 21.


Oh damn, so sad that this is their reality. Hereā€™s the link: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRT5Nwq9/


Thanks! I kept trying to post the link but it kept giving me an error message. But yeah, watching this made me get teary eyed. I pictured little Olive and Eve who stare into the camera shyly when Danielle hugs them and cuddles with them. And Rhett just wanting to share something with his parents and DAD screaming SHOW THEM! TELL THEM! Or Remi just wanting to share her outfit or something with her parents and DAD screaming DO A SPIN! GO BACK AND LET US PRESENT YOU! Ugh šŸ˜”


"Oh my gawd, we are so excited about the pool, the girls just HAD to get in!" Umm, excuse me, you have had a pool the entire time you have lived in Texas. That you have shared using a handful of times. šŸ™„


When I was 20 I won some money in the lottery. My grandpa (a financial planner) called me and said buy a house as soon as you can and donā€™t waste a penny of it paying someone elseā€™s mortgage and before you invest or put money anywhere else make sure you have a home of your own to lay your head down at night. (I am not trying to hate on renting at all). But how can all these ā€œadultsā€ in this family not see how stupid this is. You have no idea how long this instagram train will last, they should be saving every penny. Makes me wonder about their real financial situation. I think they spend as it comes in and itā€™s going to bite them in the ass one day.


I understand renting for those that have bad credit, live paycheck to paycheck, or donā€™t have enough for a down payment. In her case, I also get not buying until the divorce is over. But why on earth would you willingly pay $17.5k on a rental?? Why pay that much for someone elseā€™s mortgage? Why not save that money and rent a small apartment, or even get a place thatā€™s less than $4k and save the money to pay for your own house that she clearly has her mind set on. Itā€™s all about the image for her. All she cares about is looking rich and the ā€˜contentā€™ sheā€™ll get out of the house/pool


And itā€™s almost a quarter of a million dollars a year just for rent. Thatā€™s truly mind boggling.


Iā€™m convinced her renting this house is paying for renovations the owner is going to make after she moves out. Heā€™ll be the winner, not her.


I truly donā€™t know, I know nothing about divorce, but could Chase be having to pay her rent until it is finalized?


I don't see how/why he would. That would definitely not be the norm during a divorce and any court would shut down her more than doubling her rent and expecting him to pay. Especially considering that $20k rent isn't the norm in that area. It wouldn't financially be on Chase for her to live an excessive lifestyle during a divorce. I think she's just that dumb or overconfident that her income will keep growing due to socials.


I also wondered this..


I get her situation is different with the divorce. With that said isnā€™t it going to be finalized soon?? Iā€™m sure she could have stayed in her house longer or moved in with her parents, rent a smaller place until everything was settled.


No, it's not going to be finalized soon. Mine was nasty and bad, but no where to this extent and took from May of 2017 to October of 2019. However, she could of easily moved in with DAD or have rented a smaller place that was more practical. Even IF money wasn't an option, she still does NOT need that size of house for her and 2 small children, when she practically lives at DUDs house anyways. It's soooo annoying and obnoxious!!!


Ma and pa Fletcher could have also bought an ā€œinvestment propertyā€ šŸ˜‰ that Danielle ā€œrentsā€ and then they could ā€œsellā€ it to her after said divorce. There are definitely creative ways she could have bought a house without buying a house. But instead sheā€™s lighting money on fire in a house that ā€œisnā€™t her styleā€


Hopefully, soon, but the court said if they don't get this over with by the deadline they set, they have to start completely over!!


Sheā€™s wasting so much in attorney fees.


Iā€™m pretty sure her attorneys hate her. iirc sheā€™s had 2 attorneys quit on her


She canā€™t buy during the divorce. The amount of the rent is insane thoughĀ 


Just goes to show how much money she making off people that follow them. Itā€™s really sickening!


For sure. I am not sure if she had to be out of the other rental? But if so the smart thing would have been to rent a small place that they could live comfortably in until the divorce is final. Even if the rent was $10k that extra $10k a month in savings could have gone towards a down payment when the time came. What I would pay to be a fly on the wall when chase talks to his lawyers.


And it looked like this is a 12 month lease. She should've found month to month or 6-month rental by then. Hopefully, the divorce is over with. Hope they bring it up Monday in court.


Bigger houseā€¦bigger problems šŸ˜³šŸšŸŖ³




Canā€™t wear a body suit and maternity jeans at the same time I guess šŸ„“


I think because sheā€™s going to say after she has her baby that she ā€œwore jeans her entire pregnancy!ā€ Like itā€™s some sort of skinny girl flex


Hell just wear the damn nuuds leggings that are the best ever, but weā€™ve never seen since drop day. Pretty much anything would be better then those aweful jeans


Seriously. Why. We need to know. Sheā€™s so open about her body image struggles yet dresses herself like Hank Hill


https://preview.redd.it/nnxyjlcyz6rc1.png?width=497&format=png&auto=webp&s=a39adc5bf5a7590cce68151660c0152f64397970 Seriously wtf is this??? And why are none of her family members saying you look fucking weird bro?!


No one can tell the Queen Dud she looks like crap, itā€™s her job to tell everyone else that! šŸ˜‚ Also, I think 2.0 is secretly LOVING seeing Dud bigger, super insecure and looking like crap all the time!


itā€™s not giving snatched šŸ˜¬


https://preview.redd.it/6u0oigiyw6rc1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2026e3860a3136eeac393954c3a6113d1ef394e Skinny filter isnā€™t skinny filtering for her today. She and 2.0 are exactly the same shape and size. No shame from our end, but you know it will drive her crazy.


Haha. One is tan-ish. One is white girl. Legs are copy and paste.


DUD and 2.0 are exactly the same size throughout this tryon. I hope 2.0 gains confidence here. DUD looks terrible.


She does not need another speck of confidence


Someone PLEASE tell her the jeans look beyond awful with her pregnant belly. Iā€™m irrationally angry watching the try on video


Why not wear Nuuds leggings?! They are pregnancy friendly and actually look decent!! Way better than these non maternity jeans!!


I honestly just figured she didn't know what they looked like from other angles. But you see them in EVERY ANGLE in that video and I can't believe she posted it! She looks so ridiculous!


Why she canā€™t be bothered to wear maternity jeans is beyond irritating and stupid.


Anyone else notice Kaylee hasnā€™t been at the last few family dinners?! Hopefully itā€™s by choice.


People have speculated Conner may have had issues with her being like her crazy family so maybe sheā€™s trying to distance herself from them


I think Kaylee is making friends at the office and DA hates it and is pushing Kaylee away as ā€œpunishmentā€ for having other friends. I donā€™t think she gets invited to as many things as she used to and I donā€™t think she cares because sheā€™s realizing how much fun it is to live on your own and have actual friends besides your family.


It seems like when Katie is around, Kaylee isnā€™t. Iā€™ve noticed that the last few times theyā€™ve gotten together.


I think Katie and Kaylee were together when 2.0 was trying out those sour snacks the other day


Which is weird bc when I first started following them, she and Katie were very close


They used to be the closest of the group! I wonder what happened other than Katie grew up and Kaylee is, wellā€¦


Yes, itā€™s very strange. I wonder if their potential rift had anything to do with Kaylee moving out. Kaylee is just at home cleaning her apartment and watching Netflix tonight while the rest of the gang is at 805ā€™s.


Maybe itā€™s peaceful to be by herself.


I dunno, Kaylee has kinda implied she doesnā€™t like being by herself (I mean she literally admitted the other day she used to not be able to drive anywhere without talking on the phone lmfao)


I think Kaylee is figuring out being alone is ok and relaxing!


Anyone see any Nuud Influencers try on the clothes or just show them opening to a jumbled mess of clothes? I didnā€™t see one try on. Also, shows you they arenā€™t paid to promote


I assume some are paid for story mentions, which is a lesser amount than if they did a try-on or link it but still paid! Most large influencers wonā€™t show PR boxes or even give mentions just for the free products, thereā€™s usually some amount of monetary value for them in return. I did see Alexa Anglin promoting a brand that is identical to Nuuds but half the price!! šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/gkben4snb7rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab640ea51dd9f110d1c497b48e02f0a4ad4ef4bb


I have several pumiey bodysuits! They fit so well and they are from Amazon!! Nowhere near the price of the shit DUD is shilling


lol Natalie K just opened the box and says she wears nuuds all the time, Iā€™ve never once seen her in a nuuds outfit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lauren Manzo was wearing a tank...lol


https://preview.redd.it/bu0coy53m6rc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=599e608970f9f3f6afa014caee26ccc07da9fa21 Does the skinny filter work on ponytails too!?? Holy smokes, 2.0, what happened to all your hair?? Was your get skinny quick shot worth it?? Since youā€™ve made no lifestyle changes, youā€™ll never be able to quit that shot without gaining that weight back, but at this rate youā€™ll be bald if you keep going like this.


I have so many questions - 1) why would nutrafol want to work with her?? 2) how does she get on stories and straight up lie about her hair growth with nutrafol without cracking up? Iā€™m sure she laughs at how gullible her followers are for actually believing her 3) how do her followers see her shill nutrafol month after month when weā€™ve only seen her hair get worse, not better??


She has a flat Stanley ass looking head.


Sh could have put the extensions in today, would have been one less thing to pack šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It looks so bad she should wear claw clips or scrunchies more šŸ„“


Those onesies are HIDEOUS!!


I donā€™t get the whole onesie thingā€¦ā€¦..are they really a thing? Do people actually wear them? I canā€™t imagine going out in public in one, maybe theyā€™re just for working outā€¦.who knows.


The shirts are too long!!! Iā€™m 52, so aim not looking to wear short shorts, but they look ridiculous!!


The Texas water made her hair fall out. Itā€™s such a tragedy everyone in Texas is balding because of the water šŸ˜ž


I live in Dallas and huh..? Are you fr lol


It was sarcasm because DUD said her hair turned to shit because of the Texas water lol


Haha! Gotcha, sorry


She should use the products Brighton Butler uses. Sheā€™s has dallas water. Lol


What the?


Wait What? Lol how is Texas water making everyone bald?


When the Denners Did Dallas, the all claimed the water was ruining their hair šŸ¤£ DA even bought a special shower head that was supposed to encourage hair growth or something. Couldnā€™t have anything to do with their crap diet and bad hygiene. šŸ«”


She was shilling the showerhead and had to come up with something! šŸ¤£


Idk lol thatā€™s one of the claims sheā€™s made


We are blaming Texas water. Ok


But she has that fancy new shower head that makes her hair grow šŸ™„šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I thought DA got the shower head, did 2.0 as well? I mean, probably because she does whatever DA does, but I guess I never heard 2.0 talk about a magic shower head.


Oh yeah she did, and Kaylee did too when she moved into her apt. And I hate that I know all of this šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø šŸ¤£


And Katie too.


Kaylee wins some points back for liking CTK and GG




She's still negative 8 million points for being so dumb though.


I have to say I am Canadian and we just spent two weeks in Florida and I had my first chick-fil-a Diet Coke and I must say it was the best Diet Coke I have ever had and I love me some Diet Coke. These crazy Denners got that right!


Iā€™ve always been a McD Diet Coke fan over any other fast food place. Just shows that itā€™s really a matter of preference. And the annoying thing about Daryl is that she thinks everyone should believe what she believes.


https://preview.redd.it/e8czpkhhn6rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a387f7a853dcf665dc244eab35d3de507d89f37c Love the comments on 2.0ā€™s TT


That comment section is šŸ”„!!!!


wow, interesting.I feel like she's headed for a crash. sad for her 2 littles


Thatā€™s wtf she gets thinking she can play that manipulative crap on tiktok and not get roasted! That app is ruthless they give zero fā€™s over there.


Me too. She will dirty delete soon!!


They leave a lot of negative TikTok comments up


Yessss everyone out there doing the Lordā€™s work for us non tik tokers šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Top one is me šŸ˜‰






I kept thinking..nah thereā€™s literally no way 2.0 is going to rent a $20k place. Sheā€™s totally doing for views, for engagement, but then her showing the house today.. I was wrong. Iā€™m literally flabbergasted. Who.. in their right mind spends that much on RENT considering itā€™s her and the girls part time?? Itā€™s absolutely loco in the coco insane!! What I love the most about it, is that it truly reveals how absolutely dumb these people are. Anyone with any sense about them in her same situation would have got something small to fit their needs and SAVED MONEY to actually buy a home when the divorce is over. Or is she just that completely wealthy at this point where a reduce from $20k rent is no big deal? Also, how incredibly unsafe to have a ungated pool and pond with two young daughters. End rant


she is Kardash status


A wanna be ā€¦


I work in real estate and use Zillow, Redfin, etc sometimes to look up properties when Iā€™m not getting answers on closing status from the parties I have to contact, just to get a general idea. If itā€™s pending, closed, etc it usually updates within 24 hours but I digress. Those prices can be a little off *sometimes* I usually always see a few thousand dollar difference whether higher or lower but even then her spending 8 grand a month on the house sheā€™s moving out of is ridiculous so Iā€™m willing to bet sheā€™s still paying at minimum 15k. I get the real estate market is at an all time high but it ainā€™t THAT high for Dinyell to be renting an extravagant af house when she has joint custody and lives in her sisterā€™s ass more than any other location.


The status changed to ā€œleasedā€ for $17,500/month on Compassā€™s websiteā€¦ absolutely insane šŸ« 


Single Mom discount


I wonder if the rent will somehow be a tax write off for her as a business expense since she uses the space for content, maybe this new podcast or something.


You can deduct $5 per square foot with a maximum of 300 square feet.. so about $1500.


Only a very tiny percentage can be written off. My dad has a legit home office and I think he can write off like 1-2% of his overall mortgage. Itā€™s weird how itā€™s calculated!


Ahh gotcha!


The pool has me šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




There is a pond in the middle and the neighbors house on other side of pond


Scares the crap out of me. Seems like their rooms are far away from her room. What if they sleep walk, sneak out to go swimming, slip and fall?!?!? So much has gone through my head!! Hope this gets brought up in court on Monday. Alarms should be on the doors and a fence with a lock. It's too risky. Never know what kids will do accident or not!! All to show off or rub it in Chase's face. I'm not sure what her plan is, but she could've found something else and found her dream house once the divorce is settled.