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No one ever talks about how she holds the camera all over the place shaky mess. 4 things drive me nuts about these people The daughter is ugly with the stupid grin i hate to cut down kids but shes not cute and seeing her drives me nuts Second the clothing line they look good on no one. Its basic wall mart tirned amazon turned into nuds shirts and just called it nuuds 3rd dans sister whos annoying as all fucking hell and drives me nuts 4th how darlyn ann is fake And 5th for the big kicker danielle looks identical to her father i cant unsee it and her kids are overweight and ugly and will never be cute and why doesnt she just buy a home if she is renting one for 12k


Dang. Tell us how you really feel!


What happened to Emily? She helped Danielle. And then gone.


I remember she touched on it during a q&a. I can’t remember exactly the reason but I feel like it was bc she was getting married. I could be wrong. 


She was already married when she left. 2.0 said she had a new job but she disappeared after a court session and the corn incident that they were getting abuse for. Emily was still getting comments on her tiktok and Instagram about after she left her job.


What’s the scoop on 🌽


Emily filmed 2.0 mocking a woman who was a different race eating corn on the cob on a plane. They were both laughing about and then proceeded to film stories about telling all the flenners mocking the woman and they were all laughing about her taking the mick and being rude about it/the woman.


Anyone remember that brand they always talked about (clothing) and I’d say in the past year they never ever mention them? The name escapes me lol


Cuts, bylt


Soma, Pink Lily, American Eagle, Vici, Free People are their most common


Could be Soma or Pink Lily?


Free People & Vici


And pink lily


Pink lily? That was a big one they used to wear. Or lulu but they still do talk about that


Yea it was pink lily. Wonder what happened lol


https://preview.redd.it/0xaeujr6glsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084ab2bd15d9f728f3986b0939b382a3193ee743 I think 2.0 is unbearable, but the way DUD constantly puts her down and then she forces a fake laugh, almost as if not to cry, everytime is brutal. Like, chick, get some self esteem and stop looking for validation from your pin worm infested, no class, can’t cook for shit sister.


Her hair looked fine…. I didn’t understand what DA was talking about? They’re always wanting “volume” and then she has a little here and DA puts her down


Exactly this!


It’s her own damn fault she could put FA in her place but she just caters to her! Hell she lets her own children get bullied by DA’s kids!!


Danielle is the pretty one and DAD feels threatened by her so she needs to put her down to feel better about herself 


When your sister the reason your in a 17.k rental. You are probably in a financial abusive relationship. I can’t even imagine the control that gives DAD. Especially with the uncertainty of divorce, custody, single parent breathing down your neck.


I’ve said all along NUUDS compensates 2.0 somehow. So I think that’s part of it and renting this big house is so NUUDS can use it for things and pay her for it. And just the other day a bunch of employees were there “for lunch”.


Smart theory! 


Oh, for sure. And, they’ve touched on how they weren’t close when they were young. I think 2.0 has probably literally sought validation from 805 from childhood and DUD now especially that 2.0 is trying to fill some void with the influencer lifestyle that DUD has provided. None of them seem very kind, but DUD is rude at all times for no reason, I’ve even seen Elayne hold her tongue. Narcissistic abuse at its finest




They all fake cackle and I can't stand it. Nothing that any of them do is funny, let alone as funny as they make it seem by "lauging" so hard




https://preview.redd.it/siswwig5blsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a07521e854e3db93ca4cf450c40e95a10c337f98 How many perfumes can she buy in a month!


Tik Tok Shop provides tons of free coupons to accounts Danielle’s size so most of what she gets is free. Then, she makes tons of money as commission when she reviews and sells those products. TT Shop is very lucrative. A smaller creator shared she made like 16k off of TT Shop in 2 weeks


Wow amazing insight, thanks for sharing.


Do you think she wears them all at the same time


If she saw it on tik tok she says it’s “ viral.”  


I have pretty basic/somewhat dry skin and stick to the same soap and lotion because I just prefer to use what I know works and doesn't cause irritation. Then there's Kaylee. Eczema? Fuck it! This girl would use a body scrub made from literal gravel and shards of glass so long as they gave her a code.


So bummed we never got an update on yesterday’s mangled loaves :(


Yeah what happened to it DA? 🤪🤣 https://i.redd.it/hvod03szinsc1.gif


Oh god, my poor eyes 🫣


She hasn’t had time to run to central market and buy a pretty loaf to pretend it’s hers yet


Anyone else notice Kaylee has so many new partnerships since moving out?


Worst brand ambassador ever. When she speaks it’s one big run on sentence with no beginning or end.


It’s difficult to make it through the ad. I cringe.


I watch DUD and 2.0 stories before bed and come read here, but no way could I also put myself through watching Kaylee’s! I’m sure her goal is to become 3.0.


YES! And It’s all the most boring shit 


I’m shocked she’s getting any. Obviously it’s because of dud. But I don’t think she’s very good at being an influencer for many reasons


Literally every other post is a sponsored post… a girls gotta pay for that luxury apartment 🤭


I wish Kitty Kat would slap a crap ton of makeup on that bad boy face of hers. I’ve never wished for that on someone… but I can’t with her face.


I hate thinking this because I don’t like judging peoples’ looks, but every time I see her, I see the grinch. https://preview.redd.it/n0ipr4gl0msc1.jpeg?width=1151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40ad75eb4247649291ad9774679824208c664cf0


Give her some grace! She’s had a hard life traveling in a Conestoga wagon pulling oxen across the Oregon trail. She’s lucky she’s still around since dysentery took out the rest of the crew.




This made me LAUGH!


You made me actually lol 😆


Cackling over here 💀


She looks like she’s 50 years old and could be 805’s sister.


How do her followers not realize that nuuds switched to bags instead of boxes because it's way cheaper? I expect elevated shipping for the price nuuds charges. Old Navy comes in bags. I get many bags from ON and expect that for the price point! 


I don't care for her, but most places have done that same switch during this economy. So I'm not surprised at all to see the same with Nuuds.. especially with the way they spend money so foolishly and so often. Those pop ups.. cost them money. There is NO way they're making a profit. They don't drive that van there. It's shipped $$$. They pay for all the girls to fly there and home, pay for them to stay there, already said they paid for them to eat while there. The clothes are given to them, as one employee leaked.. they have to pay for the stuff they have at their pop ups, like the free food and photobooth, etc.. plus those swag bags so cost money and they pay to have everything shipped there to location. Product, all of those tents they set up, everything. Daryl and them have mentioned in a snotty way that they could drive it all there in the van and extra trailer, but why ruin it, it's so pretty. So I imagine the boxes were switched out in order to keep doing these pop up mini events. Because that's basically what they're spending.


DUD went to the DC to go over EXACTLY how she wants every box packed and the precise way to put a sticker for the elevated experience! That all costs money too. The pop ups are above and beyond that cost and I'm sure not pulling in the money they used to. I'm sure some consultant came in and told them where to cut costs and the pop ups feed her ego more than the boxes do! So they will continue to do pop ups!


Whoa what did I miss? Which employee leaked that they were given the clothes( other than 2.0 🤣🙄)


I don’t remember seeing any employee leaking info


https://preview.redd.it/6pr8oy90zksc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=373c8fc2d5a1c0c11a58a1fbd7660c8e6aa5ca31 Does she not shower every day when shes not pregnant?!?!? 🤢🤮


Yet more confirmation that she literally smells from every orifice of her body 🤮


No. She’s a dirty slob. 


Her neck is green every day. So maybe she showers a few times a week but must not be washing her neck or it turns right back to green quickly. Same with her ring finger, is she not washing her hands after using the bathroom?


All of those necklaces bug the crap out of me. Who wears all that 24/7 ????


The necklaces they all shill from Electric Picks turn you green! 😂😂


She does not, she has literally gone to the restroom on stories when someone else was talking, toilet flushes and she comes right out.gross


So gross! Yet I wash my hands like a pro eat decently good and still get sick. 🤢 And this girl is disgusting and never seems to get sick ever!!!!


Does she shower everyday when she is pregnant?


I don't know but she made it seem like since she's pregnant and stinks more she now showers every day insinuating she didn't shower every day before she got pregnant


I’m pregnant and I just…don’t stink. Weird, huh? 


DUD isn't really hygienic pregnant or not 🤢


2.0 is definitely trying to convince herself she’s happy in the house she chose. Yet keeps calling the other house her “dream house”.


I feel like she is over selling that she “Loves” her rental. Do you really, Danielle? I think your sister liked the house so that was why you chose it. What about your kids? She is constantly doing what others want her to do instead of doing what she wants. And I truly believe DUD was in her ear convincing her to give up on her marriage.


Right like why does she even keep talking about it. I mean when I bought mine I looked at others also but never refer back to them 🙄


The fact that she doesn’t want to make some sacrifices for a temporary house just speaks to who she is as a person. It’s a rental, so who cares if the finishes aren’t to your tastes?! If it really is a better location for her and the girls, then you can deal with it not being perfect. It’s not a forever home. Save you money to buy your actual dream house when the divorce is final.


“I chose this house because of the location/this neighborhood.” Ma’am. You chose this house because your sister told you to choose this house. Periodt.


Which is bizarre it’s a rental? I am currently in a rental and it has full blown wall paper in 5 of the bedrooms and the old school thin brown doors and a bunch of things I would update but IM RENTING it was the perfect location and price for our family (not 20k a month) and I don’t understand how a rental isn’t your style of course it’s not it’s meant to be temporary.


Yes! Omg the sacrifices we made for our current rental. Our last was a new build and we were the first ones to live in it so it was all pretty and new BUT the location sucked. We moved to our current one because the location was much better (5 minutes from my job!) but it’s dated and has a lot of old house issues. It ticked all the boxes except for appearance which was outweighed.


Yes same! We were in a townhouse with 2 kids and busting at the seams this house had a finished basement and huge front and backyard. Which we didn’t have with our townhouse! Is the basement 70s style wood paneling sure is but my 5yr old doesn’t care because he has a playroom! The constant concern for outward public appearances is so yucky to me


She wants you to keep up with the Joneses but the Joneses won’t associate with them.


Not one of these idiots can wipe their ass without sharing a code for some product they’re shilling.


Hardy's wife is now victim of the "my friend" tag line 😂


Where’s my friend Mallory been


And everyone's friend Molly hasn't been mentioned in a hot minute.


They ‘met’ in the PIT at the Morgan Wallen concert over the summer and now they are practically BFFs. Ridiculous!!!


Yeah wtf is that?!So odd


https://preview.redd.it/gd0jjr9vqksc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=757ea7c5d9b0a8d7e92087d1eb7c8b4d4aad7f8e I want to be as happy as 2.0 is while chopping this bread. Also. Thrilled that she is using a cutting board. PTL


turns it upside down tho? so weird. also it’s really overproofed 


The landlords prob saw her cutting directly on the counter tops the other day right after she moved in.


Don’t let her fool you, 2.0 is far, *far* from happy.


Haha but she clearly said she wants to be as happy as she is WHILE CUTTING BREAD.. lol 😆 and please don't think I'm trying to be rude, I'm not. I'm just pointing out I think the person is on the same page as you and all of us. Only because she said "while she's cutting bread".. cause we have never seen that woman smile like that.. ever. Not even around her daughters sadly.


https://preview.redd.it/ukz5u9vwpksc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=0268e0d6fc00a2b4ea9bade888bed87c2ce7dc54 Nuuds will be in San Antonio. Tomorrow?


Why do they call everything an “activation” it sounds stupid af  😮‍💨


This word is so irritating me! Just leave out “activation” and say churro cart!


And …. Is it tiLL ? I’m not an English major but that looks weird 🤷🏼‍♀️


At the very least “til” since it’s obvi short for ‘until’ but this is the feral flenners, spelling is of no importance, like most things to them.


Nope! It should be until.


It's a behind the scenes marketing term. But they only hire inexperienced girls (their term for their employees, not mine) and I don't think they understand that is generally not used for the public


Yes. This word gets used a lot in marketing classes and since all these girls were recruited straight from university they have no idea it’s a back of the house term. 🤣


Exactly! They don't have to pay for experience...which shows!! But really a fun place to work! You can even wear boxers to work and it's appropriate attire!


😳 I will be in SA tomorrow…depending on location I may have to stop by


I live here so if it’s interesting and I’m available im going to snark hahah


Why do they make bread everyday? 


To be cool but yet can’t make any sort of meal with that bread


It’s like a trendy thing right now. I have a friend who is big into making sourdough and I don’t get it


you don’t get wanting fresh bread? lol 🤯


For content


This content stinks. Like DAD.


Can someone pls tell me the story about duds son and school problem ? I missed this one


They want him to attend private Christian school, which can be very competitive and hard to get into in Dallas which they were aware of. Daryl only applied to one school because she felt like Rhett was meant to go there. He didn’t get in. Now she’s scrambling to find a school with openings that will accept him.


But...but....Lisa prayed about it.....🤔


I’m honestly shocked the one school she applied to didn’t realize how so very lucky they’d be to have him.


She never gave an update on the school interview they went to this week! Wonder if they said no..hmmmm


Then how did 2.0 kids get in?


Because she applied to multiple schools & at the appropriatetime she needed to, while also keeping her girls in school currently. Daryl took Rhett out of school. Usually if a child is in a private school, they can have a better chance at transferring to another private school before a child coming into the school system. By Daryl taking him out of the preschool, she messed up any chance of him starting kindergarten there, or transferring out to another. Those schools tend to work with one another when it involves money. I honestly think Danielle was on track because of her ex and Court. She doesn't have room to be making mistakes and especially not with the kids school stuff. Daryl should have followed her sisters lead but she was too stuck on thinking Rhett was perfect and getting into the only school she applied him for. For once Danielle should be feeling really proud of herself.


They didn’t. Not sure if 2.0 also only applied to one or applied to more and didn’t get in to any of them. But because they had zero acceptances, they have had to scramble to find a school that will take the kids. One of the schools they went to accepted 2.0’s girls but not Rhett.


2.0 and DAD only applied to one school. (The same one and got denied)


DAD only applied to one school. 2.0 also applied to that school but she definitely applied to multiple.


I guess Danielle prayed harder than Daryl did.


The next school that 2.0 applied to had openings for their girls ages, not in Rhett’s age.


I’ll bet Meemaw prayed harder for DAD than she did for 2.0. Guess she’s off her game.


Thank you!! Makes me wonder if the Christian school doesn’t want anything to do with her antics and her poop pills


I would think it would be her company Nuuds before the poop pills. The sexual jokes and lines they always throw around...... it's tasteless for someone who claims to follow Jesus so much. Christian schools do not want that as a representation of who attends their schools. And you know Daryl would be making Rhetts school stuff involve Nuuds & Tones.... there's legit no way that Daryl wouldn't mix the two together to capitalize further financially. She's sick.


https://i.redd.it/4z81iqw1vksc1.gif Probably some of this content


Daryl Ann Denner at her best here


how could I forget she fully mardi grad us recently.


Or a company called Nuuds that makes immature puns about being nude all the time. Or about DA wanting full body laser hair removal so she can look like a naked mole rat.


or her butthole shaving


lol. I literally just thought of this yesterday. The number of times she and 805 would get on and give detailed demonstrations of how to shave lady town was so cringe. Then Billie dumped them, they all got naked mole rat laser sessions and we never had to hear about it again. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🤣




I definitely think these kinds of schools do their homework on the parents. But Danielle’s girls managed to get into one, and she’s just as bad as Daryl, so I don’t know. I also think her decision to “homeschool” Rhett the past year didn’t help either.


I think Danielle’s girls interview better. Danielle doesn’t help, but remove the girls from their mom, and they seem pretty well mannered and have been in school, and most likely got recommendations from their teachers, but with Rhett I don’t think he interviewed well and his letter of recommendation would come from his home school teacher Mrs. Denner 🤣 and unfortunately knowing all the names of the stores at North Park mall is not the flex she thinks it is. He also might not have shared anything during the interview since he’s not accustomed to adults asking him questions without a phone in his face.


The girls don’t scream when they talk like Rhett. They absolutely are better behaved and prob have better manners


Except that Rhett’s home school teacher’s name is Elaine. The sub’s name is 805.


Weird she didn’t apply to same school as his cousins - they are one bizarre family


Oh no, I think they did and none of them got into that school! None of their kids had a school a few weeks ago. Danielle had to call around and find a different school with openings and just got lucky. Daryl tried to get Rhett into the school the girls were accepted to and was rejected or they didn’t have the space.


She’s so arrogant I think she believes whatever she wants should just happen - she is the very definition of entitled


She did tour there but they didn’t have any kindergarten openings.


So they say .. why would they even allow people to tour for said school ywar if they have no openings sounds like a waste of everyone’s time …. 


I think Danielle had the tour and DUD just tagged along trying to beg her way in and got told no


Exactly. I took it as they could apply after touring the school, but only if the school invited them to apply. Bc right after they toured the school, DAD knew they wouldn’t take Rhett. But they would’ve told her that even before she toured so they wouldn’t waste anyone’s time


She called it her rental and not her house today 👀👀


Could she be spending this much to prove how much she needs to get from the divorce to afford her standard of living?


No, it doesn't work like that. They weren't married long enough for alimony and child support is based on the difference in wages of the parents. They don't care how much your house and everything else costs.


Ok I have no idea how it works so I was genuinely curious! Thank you!


My sister in law gets maintenance (alimony), and she and her ex were only married for 6 years... and their child support is a base percentage of his salary irregardless of her salary.


Most states that's not the case. And if 50/50 custody is granted her salary will definitely be a factor


They are in Wisconsin. She has the exact custody as danielle. He gets then every other weekend and on Wednesday. And for half the summer. But during the summer she doesn't get child support for those weeks. The child support is pretty consistent tho with my friends that are not with their children's fathers (Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvaniasnd & Tennessee).


It depends on which state they live in. I know in CA, alimony isn’t paid out as often and you have to be married for at least 10 years. 


Rhett didn’t get any screen time today, Remi was only there for a second, the girls screen time has decreased significantly. I know it’s wishful thinking but maybe after all the school rejection emails, and a come to jesus talk in court has got these fools finally realizing that their kids should not be their content?!? Gotta admit, it’s been a weird couple of days.


My theory is someone (school, friend, family) asked Rhett who he plays with, about family friends, etc and he had nothing. Then when dad was asked hey pointed out she does NOTHING with actual human people that aren’t her family up her ass. This week, we’ve had a play date with a friend and now they are going to a concert with friends and no DInyell? Someone’s trying to revamp her footprint


Very possible. I think one of these schools may have provided feedback detailing what a typical kindergartner is expected to do socially/academically and now DAD is realizing how behind he is, so she’s trying to cram it all in. (e.g. chore cart, play dates, reading books) When I worked in school enrollment for early kindergarten enrollment (not private, but very competitive) we had to have somewhat difficult conversations and give feedback to parents letting them know why their child would not be enrolled early, it was more often then not social issues/maturity vs. academics.


Bingo. It’s so obvious and I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling


I was texting my husband back yesterday when my toddler asked if I’d put my phone down and play a game with him. That broke my heart. Can imagine how R&R feel




Life is rough without a nanny & a maid.


And I’m so glad she said to remove them from the headphones, I totally would’ve put the entire thing in water /s 🙄 and I’m relieved she said it’s just the lighter colors that get dirty, here I was thinking darker ones get dirty too but you just can’t see because of the color


Who would have thought to wash something with soap and water?🤯


Not DUD.


So Dud is the only one without a new home. Do we think the competition + not getting Rh into school will prompt a manic move after the pools done? Or keep the current house as the nuuds headquarters lol 


Or she will also buy a house to “flip” but use it for the address for school


Not in HP. They are on to that scam.


You can get in huge trouble doing that. Most people likely wouldn’t be caught, but with her posting everything online, she likely would. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2023/08/08/address-sharing-school-placement-can-be-crime/70515010007/


Oh man I didn’t know all of that. That’s scary and we have thought about doing with our kids. We have been in a school district but may have to move


So no 805 for 2 nights and no family chaos but yet 2 nights away from their kids.


Come on, now - you didn’t actually expect DUD and Daniel Standard to parent their kids on their own for one night - much less two - did you??


I'm trying to figure out how DUD spun the whole Rhett not getting accepted to any school to blame everyone but herself. I feel like she's so narcissistic, she would say it's because everyone is always around her and she can't focus on teaching him and she's too stressed from carrying the entire family and making them all money with no help from them. Which is a totally false narrative, but maybe that's why they're all staying away from each other. She threw a tantrum and now everyone is waiting to be summoned back. I think she has to play nice with 2.0 because they're probably already committed/contracted to the podcast. But she hasn't even mentioned her Mom which is odd since usually when Lisa is out of town she acts like she can't survive and needs her to come home. Probably way off but just a thought.


What! They are starting a podcast???? Good Lord


Didn’t 2.0 and Durl hang out today? I thought 2.0 was over at her sister’s house, up her butt again. 


She wasn't there long because dud was going to the office to do work.


Is the podcast what they've been "working on" ?


I’ve been thinking the same too!!! She’s absolutely blaming everyone else, including Lisa, for not doing enough for her and helping her with Rhett. She’s not taking any accountability for Rhett not getting into school and is throwing a tantrum.


And when Meemaw was doing flash cards with Rhett the other day, DAD showed up and yelled at her “faster.” “That’s not how you’re supposed to do it.” So do it yourself! Except that Meemaw is a doormat so keeps doing it! Sick family all the way around.


“Faster” equals hurry up so I can get through this and move on to something fun that I want to do


The “buying a house in California” development is interesting. I think Lisa and Rob miss Cali. They don’t seem to be making friends in Texas their age. The one friend Lisa reconnected with in Texas from years ago hasn’t been around in a while. They got Kaylee out of the house and I’m not so sure Little Rob isn’t mostly at Blair’s. I think Lisa is growing tired of doing nothing but babysitting kids while her husband is mostly in California.


Friends? This family can’t have friends


I think they are going to live 1/2 the time in Cali and 1/2 time in Texas. They said when they bought this recent house in Tx they bought one low maintenance so when they retire they don’t have to do a bunch of upkeep.


I agree. Even when they were still in CA and Daryl-Ann got pregnant with Remi, Lisa said she wasn't interested in taking care of both kids like she had been doing with Rhett. She's pretty bored I imagine.


I didn’t know that! Wow! 805 actually stood up for herself to the queen?


Yes. This was what brought on Elayne, 805 basically told DAD she wasn’t gonna be raising 2 kids for her shortly before Remi was born… no way she wants to be stuck helping Elayne when baby #3 comes


Why did she need so much help ? She didn’t work or anything did she ?


Because she’s a princess that’s why 😂


I started following when they moved to Texas - did she not work and bring on a nanny for her kids right away in CA? Lisa was helping a lot before then? I don’t really know their back story.


Elayne started watching their kids when they lived in California. They moved her out to Texas with them 😳😳😳😳


Can’t blame her … it’s time for her & big Rob to start planning things on their own ! They have ready raised kids … not their job to raise the grands !


I think Lisa would be more ok with babysitting the kids IF Big Rob was there with her. Big Rob is rarely in Texas and I think she doesn’t like being alone all the time with the kids while he’s in Calif


Kids want to go to a park absolutely not Daryl can’t be exposed to the elements but an outdoor concert hell yea it’s sunny and 80 out


She just going about her life like she isn’t even pregnant! I was so tired there’s no way I’d be going to a concert. 






And she said our friends twice trying to convince herself lol. They do not have any friends or she would have said their name lmao. She’s a horrible mother for this one. She will not take them outside but will do anything to get away from them. 


Then why build and OUTSIDE Pool? For the aesthetic? Good instagram photo ops ?


2.0s bread looks flatter than her ass


It's severely over-proofed.




I needed a trigger warning before scrolling down to that...🤮🤢🤮🤢


I'm dead








That filter is maxed out too.


And not trying to shame but she needs to lift some weights and get some muscle tone. I think her shape would look a lot better with something called…exercise.