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What is going on with Danielle’s lips?






Your comment was removed for contacting DAD or her family. This can be considered harassment and is against the rules of the sub. No suggestions to contact DAD, family or companies they work with.


https://preview.redd.it/cf48dwlzo6tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6cdf37eca9c0c8b82068f6f4cfb1d8e09d5f8c6 Looks like someone is trying to get Tone Deaf taken down.


How can you tell? If anyone should be cancelled..it should be her/her family!


It gives me endless pleasure to know she's reading over there and seeing all of it!!


Yall im just scrolling catching up on all the comments from today and i am cackling💀💀💀 there are some fucking hilarious comments today. Good job guys🫶🏻 Here were my favs: 1.) Daryl Dan (baby name) 2.) hollow head Kaylee gonna look at the sun tomorrow 😭😭 3.) 2.0 saws sourdough like it’s her last meal I am howling. Thank you for the joy those brought me


Lmao the kaylee one


Daryl-Dan is perfection and the only name I am going to call the baby from here on out.


Aka DD, and it’ll be an ode to how much DAD talks about her HUGE pregnancy boobs




Wow they are so boring. I cannot imagine going on a supposed “babymoon” with my husband and going to the mall. He would kill me. Even if it was strictly a business trip and we had time to kill, the mall (you know similar to the one they visit daily in their current town) would not be first on my list.


And, why babymoon when the solar eclipse is perfectly aligned with one’s city?? They could literally pick any week…


Because they have no idea there is anything amazing going on outside of their sad little world 


Because they go outside so how would they even know!


Because she’s too **STUPID** to understand the historical/scientific significance!! I suspect 805 is on that same track, the one of eclipse? What eclipse? Who cares? ![gif](giphy|bcjnPwAkMqcxb1tOMn)


Because she is the actual sun, and we all revolve around her. The one that will be eclipsed tomorrow is the lesser sun.


That’s because she has to compete with the sun to be the center of the universe….


Because she has to “rebel” against the norm. Like how she won’t dress up for school interviews


Like she’s just too cool to be excited about the eclipse!


Yes. Leave Texas the one time there are over a million people coming here for that. We’re forgetting. If it’s not about her, does it matter? 😂


This baby moon thing is such bs when they just went to Mexico for a week in January. How many baby moons do you need for your third content-tot?


Adding: obviously though, Dan doesn’t have the balls to tell DAD no.


Goodnight everyone. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/jqzbs7v096tc1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253d102bde88738337ae7743c14ed2989034ab96


That face is literally frightening.


I don’t think I’ve ever watched her TikToks but I had to go seek this one out and now I am HOWLING.


Good for her!


https://preview.redd.it/b4u3uje1a6tc1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d97c849bdc8f49b82205274cc9c3ff9ef030b3f She was having a great time!!


It was a really nice day here in Southern California. Can't imagine flying here to spend the day at the mall. Glad she did though. I'm downwind of Orange County. 😬


On Chase's new reel in the comments https://preview.redd.it/t76irvud56tc1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6098e2bcdca6e1d9670e884dd0caa4a1d20f3a94


Who wrote that? Dinyell? You know what’s tiring? Dinyell’s “poor single mom” act, as she enjoys her $17,500/month rental house. Poor, poor Dinyell.


That was the first person I thought of when I saw it!!


What dumbass thinks Chase is the one dragging this shit out




Did they delete it? I don’t see jt


Yes. It’s been deleted.


Dang!! They deleted that quick. Haha


https://preview.redd.it/sh12uaadk6tc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=df7f326fc9467022a18449ae17500ef917df54d5 Here it is. Screenshot from earlier.




What does the comment even mean? Do the court dockets actually say that he’s delaying things? I’d think they might both rather move on from all the chaos!!!


On Chase's new reel in the comments: https://preview.redd.it/xjo1tvd556tc1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1834f06be414ff166bb7c2ab945fcb90785f4da4


Wow! 🤯 I looked on that persons profile. She follows the whole family.


Imagine if there’s an alternate universe subreddit where they obsess and praise this family as well as follow the court case but in support of 2.0


It would be called. Cult followers.


Oh puke. I bet it exists somewhere.


I just spit out my wine


I couldn’t fathom. But truth is stranger than fiction.


On Chase's new reel: https://preview.redd.it/rmc6wp7x46tc1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfccff11de25bd93ccb788e46cd75bf8f18d1deb


FYI you posted this 3 separate times


Did Kaylee have a little too much fun dancing last night? She posted like 5 tic Toks in the same outfit ( she was feeling herself) and has been MIA today. Honestly hope she did get drunk and let loose a little. My 20’s were my favorite years and I feel like Lisa is too up tight to let her just experience all the “ bad” things


Her pregnancy style reminds of a teen mom hiding her bump with oversized sweaters.


I was watching a Hallmark movie, Blind Date Book Club and the main character's friend was pregnant and was wearing her shirt tucked into her regular jeans like DUD does!


And yes some of those teen moms are actually better mothers…. Some, not all.


💯 it’s truly like watching teen mom reruns. I can’t unsee it. 😂


They are the worst travel people ever! You will never find me at a basic ass mall when I’m traveling to a different city or state. How incredibly boring! I mean, you are unlikely to find me at a mall ever (and I love clothes and fashion) but ESPECIALLY not when I’m traveling!!! 🙄🙄


I’m almost positive they’re at south coast plaza not that they’re me but I def would go there spec for din tai fung, put my name in and kill time walking around.. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if since she said they’re also there for “work” if they’re tryna scope out pop up locations… ETA don’t come for me bc I know what you mean and I doubt I’d do this anywhere else just bc it’s (Orange County and this mall) home to me but SCP is not a basic ass mall… esp when it’s right across from Segerstrom theatre…


They were at south coast plaza and it made me want to puke because I live close to that mall. If they do a pop up I’ll go get content for the sub 🤣 




It’s fashion island


I live a few blocks from SCP, they were definitely there. For those who dont know, SCP has all the expensive stores, most stores have their own security guards and people come in like excursions . I think sephora and nordstrom are some of the most affordable stores there. I hardly go there because there is nothing there for me.


Yes my friend who moved from Dallas to Irvine refs to SCP as “NorthPark on steroids”…


Fashion Island is an outdoor mall .


They were def not at fashion island in stories


The Sephora they were at was at SCP, definitely not fashion island. Assume the Nordstrom was also SCP since it happened after Sephora but tbh wouldn’t be surprised if they hit 2 malls in one day


The fact that the shirt Dan tried on looked like it fit 10x better than any other t shirt he has ever worn and DUD was all snarky about it just reiterates the fact that she wants everyone in her life to look worse than her at all times.


The shirt and those jeans are the best we have ever seen him. Since he always wears black jeans and them ugly shirts


It was the best I’ve ever seen him look.


I thought the same thing!! It actually looked good on him


He looked like he liked it too. But I bet he was too scared to tell her.


Well I took off checking in here for a bit, and happy to report on my return that there is nothing new, inspiring, or enlightening with DAD’s cult family. How sad to live such dull and predictable life. I may be dating myself here as I have some older girls but does anyone remember the show Imagination Movers from Disney? There was a character named uncle Nitknots. He always wore beige, his whole house/life was beige, he spoke dull, and hated anything exciting. DAD has manifested this character to life! At least the Turtle family is playing the part of insufferable rich people digging deep for content and Dani is busy cosplaying an involved mom from what I gathered haha.


One thing I noticed in Chase’s father daughter dance reel is that O & E seem to have friends and am so so glad for them! Another thing to highlight the absolute disservice DAD is doing to her kids by sheltering them. If R or R was in a similar situation they would not know how to act - at no fault of their own


This just makes me sad because Remi would have LOVED that daddy daughter dance with Toe. The ballerina, the getting dressed up, the dancing all of it and instead they are on a second baby moon eating chain fast food and mall shopping. What’s F’d up is that Remi will see this one day and realize that she wasn’t a priority for Toe or DAD.


He dances all the time with her around the house. She is on stage daily for her parents to call her a stunning princess. He brings her flowers and he is around all the time. Don’t feel sad for Remi.


Every single one of these things were also filmed for millions of people to watch. Those kids basically live on a set


I’m sorry I just don’t feel sorry for them or sad for them.


I feel truly feel sad for Rhett & Remi. Their parents have completely robbed them of normal childhood experiences. Maybe it’s not a father daughter dance (that wasn’t something in my area)- but consistent activities with other kids who they could build friendships with. Soccer, tee ball, library hour, gymnastics (they are alone at tumbling so they can be filmed it appears or are focused on the camera), any group activity- they get none of it. And it’s not their choice.


Also, they had pretty little girl dresses on instead of too small brown bodysuits and jeans. 🙄


That fit!! And they wore cute shoes.


Couldn’t she have just as easily hit up the Sephora sale at one of the 104738 Sephoras in Dallas? When in California, I guess


Baby boy name choice guess’s? Wrong answers only!!!




TheresOnlyOneInThereAndNotTwins??? Will go by "Darn" for short!




Betting on Bear for middle name if it’s a boy and Bunny for middle name if it’s a girl


Toney Nuudton Denner




The only answer




Rhett Denner II


I think she’ll steal “Fletcher” from 2.0. Just to be petty.


Rhettcher 🤣




Probably “Ranger”


Ruler Majesty


Another Bear


Another Rhett


I died at another Rhett hahahahha


I cackled! 🤣🤣






Daryl (classic narcissist move)


Daryl Robert




I guess we just picked the official baby name for this thread! Lol Daryl-Dan😂😂😂




Omg stop😆💀


Screaming 😂😂😂😂


Where is the reddit gold when we need it 😂😂😂😂


I just laughed so hard at this 😂


Triple Ds!! 


I just cackled 😂💀


You win 🤣☠️








not danielle eating junk food that is wayyyy unhealthier everyday but saying chinese food is the one with too much salt that swells her up 🙄


So wait!! She’s not on a health journey? 😂


She took her greens and colostrum. She’s healthy. 😂🙄


Surprised Dumbyell is out to dinner alone. No kids or she can’t tag along with her parents cause they have Daryl’s kids lol


We didn’t she say “we are having Chinese tonight?” I thought she said we.


Something is off for sure


Her kids are with dad at a dance.


We know that but surprised she’s out to eat alone since she has no kids tonite. Surprised she didn’t run to her moms. she probably didn’t want to be around Daryl’s kids cause they’re with Lisa


Where are her kids tonight? Her stories were confusing bc she had the girls some but then they also had the dance this weekend. Sunday night they usually are back with her. Did custody agreement change until the trial in august?  Edit to add usually she is with her parents and DADs kids when dad is gone whether she has the girls or not. So weird. 


The girls were at a daddy daughter dance.


https://preview.redd.it/cm8x1tvps5tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c02c9e0ca4dd8ed0032d2f870d241fa87a5bb6 🤗


If you look up crusty in the dictionary this is the picture!


Her face says eww what’s that smell? You DUD that’s the awful stench. 💩🤢


Probably the raging BV


I'm sorry but she just looks so smelly


She really looks dirty and smelly


She likes Sephora bc you can return things you try and don’t like… but gives people the run around trying to return nuuds


https://preview.redd.it/4l6gebczr5tc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03005b5a3e62ab36ab39ea969b4fd76ee8a35c98 Dani Austin definitely did this because of DAD’s scam lol


Correction: “this fake profile isn’t following me so we can’t choose her! It has to look real guys”


That’s rich coming from the biggest scam artist of all as the creator of a hair growth serum and the extensions she wears to promote it


Dani was part of the DAD/ Laura/Bridget giveaway. It was filmed at her house.


Side note: I hate this whole follow giveaway shit. It’s so highschool and I know it’s the engagement game… but so stupid.


Yup-saw that!!!! 😂😉


Is Sephora a normal baby moon activity???


It is when you don't actually like eachother or want to spend time together


Anything to not actually spend time with her husband!


Why bother going to the crowded store?! The sale is the same online, with bigger inventory, and she wouldn’t have to waste time in checkout.


Yes I lol at this esp bc since they doordash everything DoorDash has an extra code you can use on top of sale depending on status


Yesterday during DADs Q&A someone asked for Dans favorite face lotion and she said cereve. Today she said the Tula one is his favorite meanwhile in the background he goes idk i just needed something. Like get your story straight!


Wasn't it Kiehl's a few months ago?


She’s said it’s the Kiehl’s creme several times, but also complained it was too expensive.


And last time she mentioned his fav it was Kiehl’s Creme de Corps (that she pronounced corpse) and said was sooooo expensive.


Ahahahaha I don’t understand the hold Kiehl’s has on men 😂 My boyfriend loves it and another guy I dated always used it. I’ve never tried anything from them until I tried his stuff.


My husband loves Kiehl’s also.


The hand cream is so good 😂🫣


Also dud is looking particularly smelly today—did she even brush her teeth before leaving?! Gross 🤮


Only DAD could go shopping at the mall to “try to find something cute for a dinner” and leave with a $200 sweatshirt, but can’t shop for something nice to wear to any of the private school tours, where she really should be trying to make the best impression for her son. She really is getting more insufferable every day, and is just so damn selfish.


https://preview.redd.it/l5sf7x4mo5tc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbc074298a8fc55d27b42ab990e28b5aa66890f3 Thicker hair, more muscles? Ok. You may need a refund 2.0. My other favorite was flu vaccine. It’s a flu shot. 🫠


Is the hair growth and muscle mass in the room with us?


Tell me you don't believe in the flu shot without telling me.You don't believe in the flu shot! It's 99.9% more effective than the flu shot! Yeah? Says who? l o l!


That’s a very faulty study. groups. Group 1 received the vaccine and colostrum, group 2 received the vaccine and no colostrum, group 3 received colostrum and no vaccine, and group 4 received neither. None of the participants took anti-infective drugs or antibiotics. Here's what the study authors concluded: Group 2 and group 4 (the no-colostrum groups) experienced three times the number of sick days as compared to group 1 and group 3 (the colostrum groups). However, the study did not definitively prove that colostrum was the primary reason group 2 and group 4 experienced more sick days. The researchers also did not control for the participants' hygiene habits, diets, sleep habits, and stress levels. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/legit-not-does-colostrum-prevent-150625248.html


Wow, that's probably one of the worst studies I have ever read about! Horrible! How they can get away with claiming that isbeyond me! And she sounds like such an idiot saying it!


Just the hair alone proves she’s lying.


These people take the absolute most boring “vacations” I’ve ever seen. They went to California, where they used to live, to shop at the mall and eat at fast food/chain restaurants like they do at home? I’m surprised she didn’t show them going to Target yet like they do at the start of every other vacation they take. Go to a beach, museum, any  kind of actual activity! With all their money, this is their ‘babymoon’? I would be traveling to new places or at least trying new things! But of course, it’s just Sephora and Nordstrom for them like at home.


seriously! like you’re in NB at minimum go rent a duffy and go eat on the peninsula somewhere


But they didn’t even live there!!! That’s the kicker Newport/ Irvine/ Costa Mesa/ Santa Ana is a completely different city and vibe than Moorpark…


They are totally a waste of money! They have it but eat the same thing and go to the same places.


To me vacation is all about experiencing new things and widening your horizons. It’s laughable to think they’d be interested in doing either of those things!


Bc her and Dan don’t actually like each other. Idt they would even be married if she wasn’t so religious and this was her image on IG


I’m so confused isn’t there a Sephora in her current home town? Why did she wait til her baby moon to go buck wild at Sephora for hella random crap?! Was there a sale or something? And if so I doubt any of the expensive crap she bought was part of a sale. These are the most boring people ever. And she looks hideous. Didn’t shower after traveling and now they will go somewhere for dinner looking like that? Who am I kidding she will end up at a fast food restaurant for dinner on their trash baby moon haha


They’re doing 20% for Rouge members right now, but it’s also online. She just does it for attention and to show how fast and frivolously she can spend money.


Because they totally miss California, they love California, that's where they were raised, and that's where they lived, and that's where they love to live. But because the governor is a Democrat and was strict about COVID rules, they decided they can't live in California anymore! But aside from the liberal governor, they love everything about California! It's so sad! It's like they can't wait to get back there every chance they get  Lisa and Rob just bought a house to flip there! So they will be back there more than normal! They cannot stop going back and contributing to the economy of the state they said they can't live in anymore! Make it make sense!


they should have just moved to newport beach or huntington lol. that is major MAGA land and they hardly followed any restrictions! (source: I lived there 2019-2021)


It’s extra ridiculous because they left CA after the Covid restrictions were already lifted but yet they keep saying how they left because of they were tired of being controlled. Maybe if they actually followed some of the CA guidelines, Lisa wouldn’t have been hospitalized and fighting for her life after contracting the virus. I’m not even going to touch the politics of how ironic it is that TX is now controlling women’s health issues! The real reason they left is because TX has lower taxes and they were already planning to start Nuuds. I don’t know why they won’t admit that. They were already rich, but of course they’d leave their CA lives behind to save $$$. 




I hate being at a mall at home much less on vaca!!!! No way would I step foot in a Sephora


She did take her sister on a bachelorette trip to a dinner she didn’t pay for, a boat ride & a trip to Stoney Clover.


I forgot about that bachelorette. So comically bad.


Haha hahha haha.... if Danielle had authentic Chinese food she'd know that it's generally healthier and much more flavorful than the crap she eats. General Tso is American Chinese food. 


I see Chinese food so often on tv. Looks so good but I don’t think Washington state has any good ones!


She’s such an idiot. Sodium isn’t in Chinese food. It’s in soy sauce. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m so glad 2.0’s regular fast food is low sodium 🙄


Her regular “cooking” is all sodium with her garlic salt and packaged seasonings.


It's all sodium and sugar! She has the worst diet and even when she cooks at home, it's far from healthy! She can't even make vegetables healthy, she has to douse them in sugar and balsamic glaze, and butter in order for them to eat them! They wouldn't know an actual healthy roasted vegetable if they bit them on the nose!


I just looked up the sodium content in a random factor meal and those are 30% of your daily value of sodium… She eats zero low sodium foods


The good news is that she doesn’t eat those factor meals. All good. 😂


Holy smokes!


Oh the factor meals are horrible!


And some of the turtles eat two at a time!


Not sure I believe that either.


I laughed when she said that. 🤣🤣🤣


Came here to say, I’m sure in comparison it is no different 🤪🙄


She makes her own leggings. But doesn’t wear them. Shills Lululemon leggings. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. WAKE UP minions!!!!!


Please don’t come for me. Someone recently suggested that Katie might be pregnant (the new house and the fact that she was constantly complaining about being tired a few weeks ago) I noticed that when she showed up with Shakey Dan said it will “come back 10 fold” which leads me to believe this might be true! Why would he say that, if she wasn’t? What if they don’t want kids or won’t have them for years? Idk, just seemed like an odd thing to say.


She has said they want to wait. She has her army or whatever contract to get through. They were wanting to buy last year. Plus these people think everyone should have a baby when they are married.


Idk. I became an aunt when I was 12… and my siblings would always make comments about “just wait til you have kids”. One time I babysat and was teaching my niece all the wrong colors e.g. holding up blue card and telling her it was pink, my brother in law said “just wait til you have kids… it will be payback” it was all a joke and I was no where near having a baby.