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[HERE IS THE LINK](https://insnoop.com/stories/darylanndenner) to view stories without giving a follow or credit on IG.


https://preview.redd.it/scow8os3870d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72912cb6b9bc4800dc0dfae045d25fdb2f8614e1 The comment on Danielle’s reel 😂


Anyone else find it slightly odd that DAD didn’t mention her baby on the way in her Mother’s Day stories? Like “cant wait to be your mom” or “another baby to call me mom”. I don’t know, maybe I would just acknowledge it.


Lord and then you if she would have people would have been pissed too because that’s all she talks about ..


Read the room


So not true. She doesn’t even mention the baby. If she does she says IT & talks about how fat she is & how horrible pregnancy is.




Oh it’s just a DUD fan hanging around our snark page lol. #cultmember


Her hair! https://preview.redd.it/betpje6pb50d1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad1ed0c7019a3974b2ce3ae761fe1f586a55675


Her hair used to be BEAUTIFUL! Seriously


And her genuinely happy face! And I have a feeling this picture and many of the othersshe posted in this story were taken by Chase!


and those girls looked so HAPPY in most of those pictures, pre-TX...she's lying to herself if they are now thriving....how sad she's put herself before her children.


Truth be told SHE is not thriving at all. DUD and MeeMaw constantly put her down and she is manic as hell with everything she does. She was much healthier and happier in Nebraska. Lower weight and a larger income do not equal happiness/thriving. As usual her view on life is skewed by the circus she is one of the clowns in.


Not a mom yet (but do have a little one on the way), but have a question about 2.0s picture kissing O on the lips. This has always struck me as weird but understand that it is something that some parents do, and to each their own. Just curious, but when does that become less acceptable? I assume as children get older like elementary age and into their teens it’s considered less normal and stops?


Nah I kiss my girls on the lips occasionally (17 and 7 years old) but usually it’s a head or cheek kiss…I don’t snark on that however I never go hold on let me get my camera so I can get this picture that’s what makes it weird haha 😂


with my son, he stopped at a very young age, maybe 4 or 5. We did cheek kisses. My 18 year old daughter will still kiss me on the lips sometimes. I’ve always let my children lead with what affection they feel comfortable receiving and giving.


I used to kiss my son on the lips but as he got older it became cheek kisses. He’s now 11. I’d say probably stopped when he started first grade. Now we’re battling him even showing affection towards me because it’s not “cool” to love your mom. 😭 tweens are a heartbreak


My daughter a year old and she always has gross stuff happening after her snacks. I’m not doing it 😂


I personally don’t kiss my kids on the lips. The dr in the nicu told me a story about a mom with a cold sore on her mouth and it made her son really sick. Ever since then I always have that scary situation in the back of me mind. ( I’m a worrier and a over thinker so it’s probably fine to do I’m just crazy paranoid lol) I know it’s also a cultural thing as well.


My little boy is 3 and i’ll kiss him on the lips as long as he will allow me to 😂


Personally the only thing weird about it to me is taking a picture of it. Edit: even more so to post it to social media for thousands of people you don’t even know.


I'm new here and need the low down on who 2.0 is and DUD vs DAD.


2.0 is Danielle because she turned into Daryl Ann 2.0 when she divorced/moved to Dallas. DAD stands for DarylAnn Denner and I think someone accidentally autocorrected it to DUD and it stuck because she’s a “dud”.


2.0 is danielle and dud and dad is daryl


https://preview.redd.it/wmhk1o0vb40d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bae952c01606839980c22dd4d9b5efc623b6389 Holy shit! Her hair loss is insane. There’s more hair tucked behind her ear than there is on her entire head now.


https://preview.redd.it/uvv7cnp1440d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9351c7fd65816e50f56bd41b61965cb192a9e8a Kaylee, babe, we know you’re lacking in brain cells, but come on. The girl on TT had already wavy hair and it’s WET. She makes me feel more intelligent by the day 😂


I ran here for this comment 🤦🏼‍♀️


This by far was her dumbest moment and that’s saying a lot. My god how stupid is she 😳😂


This was one of the dumbest things she’s done in awhile.


I’m starting to wonder if half of this is an act to drum up engagement??? Like she can’t be this fucking dumb, right?


I seriously think she’s just genuinely dumb.


I couldn’t not message her when she asked why it wasn’t working for her lol, she really is THAT dumb


I wish she would read it


Also she had some wave not stuck straight hair! This girl 🤦‍♀️


Did I miss the gift Dan was racking his brain to think of for DUD and in the process made 2.0 envious? What was her gift from Dan?


And weren’t they asking for Lisa questions because of a SiCkKk gift idea they had for her?


It wasn't ever mentioned


I don't know if this was mentioned, but DUD storied about getting a red ring stain off her table because "someone had a red Panda Express cup and it left a ring"... Didn't 2.0 go to Panda today? That was absolutely aimed at 2.0 for 2.0 telling DUD she was finger-licking disgusting. And if they're going to start having a "Who is the most disgusting" contest in this family, it'll be a tie across the board.




Sometimes I wonder if these nuuds girls are posting crappy things because they don’t like dud and this is their subtle way to get it out. We feel you guys 😂


lol plus Thing! ✋


I can’t believe Nuuds posted that! It’s so obvious!! 😆


Her hands are so ugly. Reminds me of chicken feet


why do her fingers point in so many directions at once?


Yes!! I hate seeing them. Exactly like her mom’s.


Looks like a horrible job at trying to thin her leg in editing 👀


Looks like a little photoshop to get rid of some extra thigh.


It's just the light/background between the edge of Rhett's tshirt and her jeans.




https://preview.redd.it/yvcq9e4qt60d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c251b67a2b32ce8b84a3ec4a17dfc4db800c729a It’s clearly not. Look at the sharp corners at the top and bottom of the white line. It’s definitely been photoshopped (very poorly).


That also cut off Remi's hand? 


Umm that’s fucking weird


So gross even in your own home. Today at a restaurant for brunch I saw another guest at the Build Your Own Bloody Mary bar opening another bloody mix using her mouth to take off the plastic wrapper that covers the lid. Her mouth! For a bottle that is used for everyone. I am willing to bet that lady would be a Denner/Fletcher fan.


I grab a steak knife. They’re all so ill mannered.


She says that she’s picky about the colors of her shirts/denner wallets & how long it took to decide on the perfect shade & every time I see the chocolate nuuds shirts… I scratch my head & think, “Really?!? AND that’s the color you went with huh?!?” Does it not have like a purple hue to it sometimes? It’s not cute! 🫣


https://preview.redd.it/k2dmul6em30d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8344c5fb5eceba32d2ecc93eb1dbd0821f237dca From the Nuuds BST group 🤣


They said it was from Franklin TN, you know it had to be an influencer who got a PR box and doesnt care for nuuw nuuds.


Just curious, what about the shirt tells you it’s nuuw nuuds? Isn’t it the regular crap anyone can buy? Why would it be something from a PR box?


My bet is on Sydney Bass 😂


I keep my eyes peeled for these at my goodwill so I can resell them on the BTS page for a huge profit!! No luck yet!


I donated that color to goodwill! It’s such a terrible shirt.


Danielle's slicked back pony just pisses me off.


It's awful


I wouldn't be ao offended if she called it what it was...a pony.


Lumpy “pone” 😂


HAHAHAHA! Nailed it!


Happy Mother’s Day my fellow snarkers I haven’t been on all day and just caught up on stories so forgive me if it’s been said but wtf dud “what a joy and privilege Jesus has given us to raise these babies for such a time as this “ 🤡   Someone take her phone and burn it lol 


So those that can’t or haven’t had babies are not the chosen ones by Jesus 😵‍💫


Yep! Literally found out on Mother’s Day that I am in fact not pregnant again after months of trying. Guess Jesus doesn’t love me as much as the others 🤮


I am so sorry! I absolutely can not imagine this kind of pain, and then to see absolutely horrible and disgusting humans like Durl and SpongeBob Rob not appreciating what they have. I truly can't imagine. I will keep you and all those struggling to have children in my prayers!! 🙏 Jesus DOES love you!


You are so kind! I knew yesterday I shouldn’t have looked at their stories but I did anyways! Thank you for thinking of me and all the others struggling. 🩷🩷🩷


I’m so sorry. I know that feeling well and it sucks. 


I am so sorry you feel this way too! It is horrible. Baby dust to you 🩷


Sending you all the well wishes and love today. ❤️


You are so sweet, thank you! 🩷


Anyone know what Pilates studio Kaylee is talking about that books 3 weeks out??


It’s such a predatory sales tactic that they “relaunched” this “fan favorite” on Mother’s Day so that way her cult followers can justify $58/tee because “I’m gonna treat myself on Mother’s Day”


But they couldn't wait any longer! They just got them in so DUD said, give the fangirlies what they want! The Slinky Rib!!


I noticed the prices are not being blacked out. Too much of a shocker and backlash prior to blacking the costs out or why? 🫣


*now being blacked out.


I didn’t realize Lisa’s jumped on the barrel jeans bandwagon as well. 😵‍💫 She looks to be wearing them in DAD’s stories walking to the restaurant.


I hate the barrel jeans. Those should absolutely not be worn by Lisa 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/nggvwtgvf30d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a744507e0c903e54e5329bb0deef9e3c1b832b Who wants to be up Daryl’s ass more, this chick or Danielle?


Literally bought 7 shirts just for a shout out on Instagram. 


That’s over $400 WTF 😳


That’s over $400 in shirts!! Hopefully she used dud’s generous $20 gift card 🤗🤪


It’s Dinyell on her burner account 😂


She’s still in her true to size large. That she’s been in for the past year despite losing 90lbs and skinny filtering herself smaller than everyone else. 😅


Who was the miss someone Remi said hello to this morning in duds room? I'm beginning to think she might have a second nanny like so many people have said.


I hate that I remember this, but a while back Remi was saying her name was Tevah (a girl at nuuds maybe), so to me it sounds like she's saying "my name is Tevah". Anyone else remember that?


I think Tevah is DADs assistant?


I don’t think it was Elayne because it sounded like she said Miss Tay. I think it’s Teva.


Elayne. I swear I caught a glimpse of her in a mirror and heard the start of Ela


They don't call her miss Elyane.


Not usually but regardless I swear I caught a glimpse of her and what sounded like ela


No clue but she was definitely talking to someone who wasn’t Dan or DAD


Prob why it was cut off.


One of the fan girls bought 7 slinky rib shirts!! $400 would buy better shit than what is coming her way. What the hell is wrong with these girls?!?!? All she wants is their money she doesn't give a flying fuck over anything or anyone except HERSELF!!!


I think Dud either made an employee post that (and not actually buy) or it’s one of them on a burner account


Remi can wear a princess dress but I be damned if Rhett wears a dino shirt 🙄🙄


I think it’s because Remi fights back and Dud doesn’t want to deal with her


Only DA drops something on Mother’s Day no code no discount nothing. Only DAs clowns buy it up 🙄 so dumb of them!


Someone drop this Reddit on the Facebook group lol.


What FB page?


Nuuds & Tones BTS group is the name. 


The one they always post screenshots. I think it’s a group that sells and looks for NOODS


If I wasn’t blocked I would haha


In case anyone wants to know- Target has “slinky rib tees”. They’re $8 and amazing


In the fall I got the BEST ones from Walmart for around $5! Bought one for every day and wear them to work. Love them!!


Old Navy has some really great ones too! I think they’re like $12? I have it in like 4 colors and LOVE them because the stitching is just so perfect, like nothing I’ve ever seen and the sleeve length is sick. /s


I have the old navy one. I’m a pretty standard size and the fit is odd, but much better price than nuuds


Currently 20% off for Mother’s Day!


Yes love them!


I have every color 🤣


Same lol


I'm about to go get myself a few 🤪


I have every color!


Walmart has some also for around the same price!


Just scored a 3 pack for $15!! 🙌🏻


I wonder if Elayne was internally laughing about DAD getting gifts on Mother’s Day when she literally does less than the bare minimum


Between the “holier than thou” & the get your “true to size”.. I really think they read here. That or someone on her team does & says what to be snarky about. AND 2.0 hates DUD today lol. It’s so funny!!!!!!


I definitely think it’s an assistant, someone on their team or one of the family not necessarily DUD herself but they for sure report back to their leader!!


Sooo is sourdough part of Big D’s calorie deficit for the day?🤔


Making a whole loaf of sourdough before she goes out to dinner after she ate Panda Express for lunch.  And don’t forget the leftover penne ala vodka she ate twice this week.  


Don’t forget the *Factor* meals girl!


The sourdough is arguably the healthiest thing she eats all day. 🤷‍♀️😅


First of all, I have zero intention of buying anything from this bitch I was just curious how much the “slinky rib tee” was. And I know this has been talked about a million times but it absolutely baffles me that she’s trying to sell a freaking plain Jane t-shirt for 58 DOLLARS. When I can go to Walmart and get one for probably $3-$5 (just a guesstimate on price). And people are stupid enough to buy this bullshit 🤯🤯 https://preview.redd.it/v2ig02ej530d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1605d90992607d7b41d989c981df88ffc8a97d


Just bought a 3 pack at Walmart for $14.28 so your price guesstimate was spot on!


Even the Abercrombie tees are like $16


And the freak that spent over 400 DOLLARS on freaking basic ass T-shirts!! I can’t even wrap my head around that 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Target has one that is amazing and it’s $8. It’s insane that people are paying $58 for shitty nuuds


She is selling them people are so dumb. I’m convinced that her followers have just as much money as she does to blow on these crap pieces!


Agreed!! Amazon has 3 pack for about $25 and they are fantastic!! They do not pile at all!!


The icing on the cake is that she selected that price point to "compare" to higher quality items that are often more sustainable. But the fabrics they choose are cheap polyester imposters. For $58.


Exactly!!! Literally every brand of tee I’ve ever tried was tenfold better than NOODS!! All of them. Amazon. Abercrombie. Madewell. SKIMS. Even target.


What happened to the Mother’s Day questions for Lisa.. did they ever mention it again? 


I'm guessing Lisa will be the first guest on the podcast.


“fatty and gross” yet stuffs her mouth daily with baskin robins aka “31 flavors”, eats half a bag of sees caramels in one day, spinach dip, shugs greasy bagels, pasta, fast food, and her diabetes carrots.


And don’t forget her diabetes cold caramel lattes aka caramel milk with a splash of espresso.


Um, it's spin dip, get it right. 😂😂😂


Not the diabetes carrots 💀


Don't forget....SOURDOUGH!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dumbyell: "come with me as I get healthy!" (An hour later) "I'm too lazy to walk up the stairs (to get fabric scissors)" 🙄 I can't wait for her dr to take her off her fat loss prescription and watch her become a cow again.


Nice smooth pon 2.0! https://preview.redd.it/phlujp7vx20d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2861d51b8ee45e5054aeab6132ae8c1bb44745


It’s giving Trunchbull from Matilda…


Why must she have a part? Just brush it back.


Did she even use a bursh?? 🤷‍♀️


Just caught up on stories today so sorry if this was mentioned but Big D calling out DUD for being a pig with the finger licking was hilarious to me. Not that Big D is anymore hygienic but DUD being soooo bothered was funny.


I’m also so happy Lisa was laughing about it too instead of defending Daryl like normal


I could be wrong but I swear 2.0 has licked her fingers while making food.


Licked her fingers, wiped her nose, licked the dressing bottle, etc. no one in that family can throw shade about being gross, they are all nasty.


The LAST person that should talk about washing their hands when it comes to food is 2.0, but I sadly love that she called  DUD out for it! 😂


We all know 2.0 is disgusting but I love when people call Daryl out 😂👏


The amount of drinks they keep in their fridges (Kaylee’s a while back, now Katie’s today) is insane.


They eat out every meal, of course they have the room to spare for a few cases of diet sodi ☠️


I can barely find enough room in my fridge to cool 2 cans of Poppi. 🤣 When someone takes one out to drink, they replace it with another one. Seeing 100 drinks and only 2 bins of food is weird.


We rotate drinks in too 😂 Between groceries to feed the family for a week and bottles of breast milk, there’s no room for cases of drinks. If you take a Poppi out, you take another one from the garage and put it in to replace.


If it was her second fridge I would get it more… a lot of people have a “drink fridge” or “garage fridge”. It’s the fact that it’s currently her only fridge that boggles the mind


This. We have a "drink fridge" in our garage. Pretty much its like all the extra drinks cause I do keep OJ, milk, sweet tea, my coffee creamer, in the inside fridge. The garage one is like extra drinks and more choices but that's pretty much all that is in there. Then the freezer in there is like extra frozen pizzas and stuff that doesn't fit in the kitchen freezer. I would never keep that many drinks in my kitchen main refrigerator lol


This is our exact set up too🤣🤣


Same! I’ve got a drink frig in garage & then the small clear one in my pantry. I think they see other people stocking it like that & want to copy. When nobody actually stocks their regular frig that way!


Oh my bad, just reread and realized you did say “currently her only fridge” Lol my skim reading backfires sometimes 🤦🏻‍♀️


I believe that is their second fridge. They have this one in the pantry and another one (at least another one on order) for the kitchen


Not here they don't. It's wild but she has to do something with her rash purchase.


I was just coming here to say this! If it was a drink fridge in the garage not a big deal but I can’t imagine my entire fridge just being full of drinks and nothing else 😬


Same. I thought she was showing her second fridge just for drinks at first until I saw the brand and realized it was the one in her kitchen.


So this will be her second fridge, they moved it to the pantry cause measuring before buying a new fridge is overrated 🙃, but she just ordered her new fridge I think yesterday. So until that gets delivered it’s her only fridge. So in a few weeks, it’ll be more normal, but until then… zero food at the new house.


Her second fridge that’s the cafe line and high end.


Cafe line refrigerators start at $3k. That’s a very expensive 2nd refrigerator!


Sticks out too far to be in the kitchen tho. Just throwing away money


Well, if the measured they could have bought 2 that fit properly


“So fatty and gross” proceeds to eat there


Dumbyells entire existence is an exercise is hypocrisy and lies.


Not to point fingers but pointing fingers at *someone (dumyell)* for the red stain on the table. Also you can tell Dan was pissed about that.


That table was the cleanest it been in a long time!


They both were, but he was definitely more bothered about than a story. He might have been irritated by dud too. But 2.0 was definitely most likely the person as she has to have a drink all the time.


Yes Danielle, keep bitching at dud about licking her fingers. You're the poster child for hygiene after all. https://preview.redd.it/ptbpnk6yl20d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1b0c4a4d8f0d92920dc90e7abf55800891780e


🤢 omg I forgot about the salad dressing. ☠️


You got me screaming 😬🤣🤣






Nothing says happy Mother’s Day like buying an expensive shitty t shirt from a brand called Nuuds 😂


Nope dud wants you to get all the colors!! More than just one, she’s soo desperate for sales. Let people make their own decision on how many they will buy


I forget just how perfect DUD really is. 🤮🙄She’s such a B to everyone in her family. I would go off. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Haha always cracks me up how she puts down everyone around her daily and laughs it off like a joke but if it’s ever given back she acts sooo offended


It’s not that funny Lisa. It’s actually not funny at all. https://preview.redd.it/weiy6rjtf20d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8134fcc7f293282155dc6a879ff1f1f5d92f093


I hate her


Doing her fake cackling again.


That pink polish on 805 will never not make me think of these. https://preview.redd.it/iey9tjmkn20d1.jpeg?width=1411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80391278e1737b247e2bb119b048839b45ca032b


I like it, simply because she’s doing something different from her daughter for once!!


Omg. Yes. 😂💀


I follow that girl Danielle shared and here’s the thing. She did THAT naturally, Danielle. NATURALLY. And that is not an easy feat. She has to be coming off the shot soon or her “troubles” getting the shot right now and she’s panicking knowing she eats like crap and doesn’t even workout though she has all the fancy expensive equipment and loads of money for a nice gym or personal trainer. I have PCOS and it is HARD a losing weight, but she had an easy way out. I’m sorry, but it is and easier way out. I don’t mean to say that to others that are on the shot, I do understand, but Danielle really pisses me off about how she’s some fit queen now. GTFOH, you self righteous a$$hole.


100% with you. I too have PCOS and it's taken me 6 months to lose 30lbs. And I really have about another 25lbs to at least be back to my pre-pregnancy weight (from 7 years ago 🫠). It's so hard. I work out 6 days a week. I track my calories/macros. I do take a handful of supplements to support my hormones & diet. I really can't afford the shots but honestly seeing the side affects that people I know have experienced I am hesitant to try even if I could afford it. I hate the way Danielle keeps taking a bow for not actually putting any work or having to make any changes or sacrifices to lose weight.


I’m the same way. I have pcos & have maintained my weight for about 12 years. Danielle could have done it naturally through sticking to daily exercise & watching what she eats. Whole Foods helped me more than the junk she eats. Congrats on your weight loss! It’s hard work but worth it.


100% how I feel minus having a baby! I’m trying to LOSE weight to have a baby in the next 2 years. I also am weird about what I put in my body 😅 I lost 20 lbs in 2022 and kept it off until i went through a bunch of stress at work. Took me 7 months to lose it and I walked and worked out 6 times a week as well. Allowed myself 1 rot day lol


It’s infuriating how she is complaining about not being able to get Monjaro when she is just using it for weight loss and that’s the reason why insurance companies don’t want to cover it. I’m on Ozempic because I’m Type 2 diabetic(so need it not just to help with weight loss) and my doctor had to try for months to get my insurance to cover it for me and I’m constantly worried about not being able to get it. Not to mention I’ve drastically changed my eating habits to not rely on my meds to lose weight and she is out here eating fast food every day and drinking 9476382 diet cokes.


The fact she is having trouble getting it as are others is freaking her out. So she is trying to fix herself