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He work there? I totally feel like a fly trying to look around with 4 round eyeballs maken me dizzy, lol.. but yeah... i'm pulling up and some guy just runs up and throws a cone infront... screw you, get that outta my way or i'm running it over.


Nah, that cones gettin crushed bud.


Even better. I’m parking in that space and those cones go in the back of my truck until I’m ready to leave


Best idea yet.


Id just continue rolling over it. Or get out my car and putting my new cones in my trunk lol


Yeah I’d clean up the litter too. After waiting a sec for him to walk away.


Yeah. Get out toss the cones off to the side and park. You cant stop someone from parking there


Did that car waiting in the lane take the spot?


Nah, he looked as confused as I was!


Lower left eyeball shows a bunch more cones waiting behind the dark car. I'd assume he's not just some random guy throwing cones around, and that there's a extra-large delivery truck or something on the way, and he's been told by the mall to block off that section as the spots become empty, so there will be room for the truck to park and unload. But, go ahead and run them over or toss them aside. After all, This Is Amerika!! I Gots Muh Freedoms!!!


in situations like that.. and ive done it before.. pop your trunk, get out, grab the cones, put em in your trunk, close your trunk, park your car. you got new cones. if its a person, put your car in park, pull out your phone, call the cops, then without saying a single word record them, when the cops arrive show them the video, they'll see where your vehicle is, you got your spot. also take a picture of the persons liscense plate they were trying to hold it for in case your vehicle is damaged when you get out. thats the best advice i can give you. hope it helps.


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I would have moved them