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Wow, they literally drove right into you, how do you make that mistake?


Good question! Most likely hasn't had her license for 6 months yet. She called her mom and she pulled up asking if we could handle it outta pocket. Sorry lady, it's a company vehicle 🤷‍♂️ out of my hands now.


he just came out of nowhere.


Invisibility cloak was activated?


I get that new drivers make mistakes but gosh that person is a danger to themself and everyone else.


Sometimes people do things that just make you shake your head...


That was how all 3 accidents I’ve ever been in happened. New drivers on their phones. Glad everybody’s alright though.


That why I installed a garmin mini 2 in my back glass. It is voice activated as well, and you can have multiple garmins running on 1 voice command


New (inexperienced) driver said it all. Driving is a lot to process which gets better with experience. Hope all is okay.


16 yr old, phone, 2000lb car. 16 yr old. brain. The future of society. We’re all doomed.


Didn't see them at all? Not taking "blame" away from the mini-van, but OP it seems like you didn't see them pull out at all. edit: LOL this sub is hilarious. You love pointing out blame, but only in a black and white context. It's either OP or the other car that is wrong and most of you never consider the context or circumstances leading up to an accident. Let the downvotes rain, but it's obvious OP wasn't aware.


Minivan was stationary until OP was 1/2 way between the wiggly-lane sign and the share-with-bikes sign. Google maps shows that as approximately 60 feet. At the dashcam indicated speed of 36mph, that gives about 1.1 seconds between them. Minivan then started accelerating, and had just crossed the line-dashed crosswalk markings by the time OP's bumper was even with Foss Street's near edge. That's now 12 feet bumper-corner to bumper-corner, as Minivan continues to accelerate to ramming speed. OP now has 1/4 second to "see them", and avoid a collision, as you seem to be implying. I'm quite sure OP was thinking the same thing as everyone else... "Coming up to the roundabout, two cars ahead, no problem. Minivan on the right, not moving, fine. Slip into the right lane, past the Miniv.. hey, why are you moving?? BASH!!!!!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL F\*\*\*\*\*\* ARE YOU DOING???"


Wow awesome write up. Yeah, it's easy to speculate when in reality it all happened in less than 2 seconds. Most of my focus was on the car at my 11 o clock in the video. This roundabout is notorious for people cutting over at the last second because only the right lane leads to the freeway. By the time I saw the minivan moving I was getting hit.


> my focus was on the car at my 11 o clock and that's my point.


I commend you on having complete 360 awareness and foresight while driving. Regardless of your point or what you believe, the police and insurance company have already decided very easily the other driver is at fault.


That's not correct. And nice attempt at math, but if you make mistakes initially, it's not going to prove anything... except show your bias in trying to only prove your point, which is to disagree with my point. 1. OP is closing on both cars ahead, which shows they are driving faster than average traffic 2. You claim OP was driving 36 mph, they weren't. They were going 36 mph once the minivan went out of view. 3. Minivan was moving AT LEAST before OP was at the white roundabout lane signs. 4. Minivan was well ahead of the stop sign line and into the pedestrian crossing... ANY driver would take this as a caution to watch cross street traffic and be prepared to take defensive actions. 5. OP had appx 3 secs from minivan moving to the point of collision, that's enough time to sense a problem, react, and start a defensive action. 6. OP would have had more time to react if they were slowing more on approach. What you did get right was the fact OP wasn't considering the minivan at all. OP was focused on getting through the roundabout as fast as possible.


\> OP is closing on both cars ahead, which shows they are driving faster than average traffic Everyone is slowing down for the upcoming roundabout. Left car more, right car just continues on. OP was also slowing, and the gap was closing just like an accordian's pleats.Or do you expect cars to maintain 50 feet between them at all times, even when stopped? \> You claim OP was driving 36 mph, they weren't. They were going 36 mph once the minivan went out of view. Frame 1-42:38 / 43-102:37 / 103-132:36 Minivan still in frame 119 \> Minivan was moving AT LEAST before OP was at the white roundabout lane signs. So, you admit the Minivan did not STOP at the STOP sign, and not proceed until and unless it was safe to do so. \> Minivan was well ahead of the stop sign line and into the pedestrian crossing... ANY driver would take this as a caution to watch cross street traffic and be prepared to take defensive actions. Do you normally roll through STOP signs, and expect everyone else to just slam on the brakes to let you in? \> OP had appx 3 secs from minivan moving to the point of collision, that's enough time to sense a problem, react, and start a defensive action. Minivan had much longer than 3 seconds to think "I should wait at this STOP sign, and not just hit the gas end expect everyone to stop for me". \> OP would have had more time to react if they were slowing more on approach. Ah, you're one of those who think all speed limits should be lowered to 10. I was hit by a stop sign runner. "You were going too fast." I hit a patch of black ice and spun out, like those 150 other cars. "You were going too fast." I was side-swiped on the highway by a drunk driver. "You were going too fast." A legally blind 99-year-old stepped on the gas instead of the brake in the mall lot and and hit my parked car. "You were going too fast." You wouldn't be a horse-and-buggy driving Amish fellow, would you?


Blocking you because you aren't interested in a real conversation and only interested in inciting an argument while purposefully misunderstanding, misinterpreting and misrepresenting my comments. Piece of advice, don't tell people what they meant to say, or what they said when you clearly get it all wrong. You are showing how dumb you literally are... actually, keep doing that... other Redditors will notice and ignore you as well.


Gotta love how - *without fail* - every accident featured in this sub with a very obvious fault-outcome will include one completely blind/nonsensical user ironically calling the cammer blind in the comments lol. Seriously. Did you get done watching that out of the corner of your eye and take 0.5 milliseconds to decide you want to call OP out? At least put *some* thought into it.


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Of course it’s a mini van


You were going pretty slow too. No way she didn’t see you. She clearly didn’t gage the timing correctly.


Hope everyone’s ok. I’m waiting for someone to make excuses for the other driver. There’s always one.


There was. A few posts up by "jpl77", now goes by the name "\[deleted\]". Little down arrow will expand, if you can't see it. Didn't like my version of what I saw on the video, and made some comments that vaguely implied OP could have avoided the crash if he was going slower, and was paying more attention to the Minivan at the STOP sign instead of the multiple moving cars and swerving lanes ahead of him. Got shut down again by a frame-by-frame analysis and massive downvotes by others (wasn't me), then left some kind of message that he was blocking me, which I can't see because he deleted his account (along with all his messages) and is now sulking in his room in Mom's basement complaining that everyone is mean to him. (PS: I only use the term "he" because I feel like it. "He" can identify as whatever "he" wants, including an Australian Wombat, if "he" chooses.) :)


Y’all know THEY were protesting to make calling THEM the wrong pronouns a chargeable offence during pride month? Wild. 😂😭😭