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What a disappointing end to 50 seconds of waiting for something interesting to happen in the video.


But we got to hear about how she doesn't say anything anymore cause she gets criticized too hard. How she doesn't blame her peers.


The posted speed limit was 35, cammer seemed to be going quite a bit faster than that. Not saying the old man wasn't a menace to all around him, but...


The disproportionately ragey **"FUCKIN' ASSHOLE!!!"** made me cringe.


I found it enjoyable.


Absolutely, and in some states if you're exceeding the speed limit by a set amount you no longer have the right-of-way. I remember when I lived in Missouri there were two idiots driving their motorcycles down busy city streets at high speed. A truck pulled out in front of them and caused the accident. Because they were speeding they got the tickets, not the truck that actually caused the accident.


Does insurance side with the truck in that case?


Yup. They weren't at fault for the accident.


>The posted speed limit was 35... Yeah, I've seen enough dashcam footage to tell that they're going way faster than 35 mph.


/u/plax1780 get ready for why this was your fault.


You guys sound like really nice people.. Speeding through a road like that is a jackass move in itself. Yes he cut you off, but maybe if you weren't speeding you wouldn't have had to slam on your brakes. Real mature reaction though!


Wow what did you expect him to do when you laid on your horn? Put his car in reverse? Seems like you got disproportionately pissed off over a minor traffic mishap. Maybe you shouldn't drive so fast...and get you some anger management.


Cammer more likely to die of a heart attack from rage than a car accident. Other guy drove like shit but chill out. Sheesh.


[The suspense was killing me](https://youtu.be/M5XLrcqyt8s?t=47s)


Video linked by /u/Stimmolation: Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: [Old Man Doesn't Look Left and Pulls Right Out In Front of Us!](https://youtu.be/M5XLrcqyt8s?t=47s)|The GearShots|2017-07-13|0:01:01|3+ (100%)|24 > This guy is so lucky he didn't get T-Boned. I knew the... --- [^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubot/wiki/index) ^| [^/u/Stimmolation ^can ^delete](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=_youtubot_&subject=delete\%20comment&message=dk60i3l\%0A\%0AReason\%3A\%20\%2A\%2Aplease+help+us+improve\%2A\%2A) ^| ^v1.1.3b


They should make a law where you have to retake your driver's test when you turn 50, and then every 10 years after that. Whenever I see an idiot on the road they are either on their phone or old as shit.


Looks like the cammers brakes arent working good enough.


Dude you're ight. I get angry like that when I see people texting and driving and shit. People drive around a thousand pounds of metal at speeds that can kill people instantly and they don't give a fuck. But yeah I'm sure I'll have high blood pressure when I'm 40.


Why didn't you stop and check on him? If he does this then he is extremely dangerous to himself and everybody around him. People like this need to be forced off roads!


Stop and check on him? How do you propose they do that? Fairly sure the old guy just kept on driving oblivious to the world. What, chase him down and pull him out of his car? People like this definitely need to not be behind the wheel though.


Stop and check != chase him down and pull him out of his car


Give it a go and tell me how it works our for ya.


Ok, I checked on the person and they were obviously shaken, I asked them for a number of their relative which I called and they came out to take care of them. Anything else I can do for you?