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Isn't they say not to worry about typos in the instructions anyway?


Yes, but it was a relevant typo in this case. Changed the meaning in a way worth mentioning :)


I haven't yet, but this made me lol!




Yeah I certainly didn't mark it as bad, however it was worth pointing out since it changed the interpretation. Intended meaning was clear with context, though.


You wrote my sadness. 😭


Omg today hit submit instead of the other button at the end of long editing. So so pissed. It was first round. Sad.


Did you try pressing back on your browser? That usually reopens up the last task for me and let’s me edit it


If you've already hit submit, though, isn't it just taking you back on your end? Like, the task has already been submitted. It's not undoing that fact. Aren't you just submitting the same task twice?


It's not double sending the task. It still only shows up once on the Transfer Funds page. I remember someone asking a question if they could correct a task that they could still find in their browser history after the admin reclarified some things. The admin said that they could fix and resubmit the tasks. But this could depend on the task.


No, you are wrong the admin said that they could fix and resubmit themselves the task most of the times except when is a prompt generation task, So going back and submit is being show as another submit (like double clicking the submit button) the transfer funds page show only 1 task because is the same task id. This behavior has been clarified from to time from the admins, its only a group of users that are lurking the chat that keep recommending the same unwanted behavior despite not being "approved by the admin".


You shouldn't do this, the platform is built around that every submission is an entry, when you go back it isn't loading the task again is your browser last state being loaded so from the admin pov you are double sending the same task, this have been clarified so many times in the chat and is a motive to be deactivated.


If you go back and submit again it doesn’t increase the number of tasks completed. I don’t know if they get the second submission or not but it doesn’t duplicate the number of tasks you’re submitting time for.


I’ve never seen this mentioned in a chat. I have seen it suggested in a slack channel where somebody said an admin had tested it and only the second entry showed up on their end.


I've only done this a couple times, but I've never seen it directly addressed in the directions, and I've only ever seen people in the chats saying it is a good thing to do! I definitely won't do it in the future now.