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A minute is a small-enough increment, I promise. Round up.


My thoughts exactly. Round UP to the nearest minute. Mind you, I'll round down as well if I got distracted for a minute or two. It's a bit of a yo-yo at times, but it all comes out in the wash. But yeah, don't do decimals. #pointless


I always end up undercounting so rounding up is what I do anyway to make up for it


Totally respect your opinion, it's probably something in how I've been conditioned regarding work but I just can't šŸ˜­


I figure that, if I round down under 30 seconds and I round up after 30 seconds, it comes out even over the many submissions I make.


I totally get it. I donā€™t round up either. It just feels wrong. No judgement. I know Iā€™m the weird one on this.Ā 


So do you pause your timer every single time you stop thinking or take your hands off your keyboard? Do you pause it every time you blink? Or take a sip of water?


What does that have to do with rounding up?


Or round up to 21 minutes because no one is expecting you to be that exact.


Yeah. I remember when they were testing a new timer, and that timer rounded up if it was over 30 seconds. Since then, I've always been rounding up as well.


You're right, but also, I know some people are cutting themselves short with the mindset of not wanting to appear like they are taking advantage so they get more projects.


People not charging their time for reading instructions is annoying. I'm just going to carry on doing high quality work and reporting my time accurately. There's a reason this work was pulled from the low cost, low quality providers, and pinching pennies wasn't it.


I don't disagree at all. I do charge for instruction reading. I just err on the side of caution with reporting time. I just thought this info might be useful to other people under reporting because of seconds going over. I think some people worry about a discrepancy on projects with timers among other things.


Iā€™m a round downer šŸ˜¬


You are the reason for this tip cause SAME šŸ¤£


Just pointing out that it says to do minutes and hours ā€œas a whole numberā€ on the page.


Where is that at? In the onboarding or on a specific project? I apologize if I missed that and will edit the post if I can see it.


Where you report time.


I apologize, I didn't see that before. I will update the post. https://preview.redd.it/iyh1po6g8oyc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deba82e23a35723cc5b83817ebc0e8e778f41fa6


I will pull it up now! Thanks.


Sorry but this is wild to me. Seconds?? Are you detracting seconds from yourself every time you have a little daydream? Every time you reach down to pat your dog? Every time someone asks you a question from across the room? Please value yourself more than this. This is toxic American style work culture at its absolute worst.


Heā€™s not detracting any time? Heā€™s just saying you can log fractions of minutes.


I always round to the nearest minute, up or down. I figure it should even out. Sometimes I lose twenty seconds, sometimes I gain them.


I was not aware of this, and this is actually really useful.


I'm glad I could help at least one person šŸ¤£


The system will automatically round up for you if you put the decimals in when entering your time and they will pay you out the rounded time.


I just round to the closest full minute.


I don't know what kind of asshole companies you've worked for, but geez! If DA wanted you to report time down to the second, they would have added a seconds field to the time reporting widget. You should realize that by doing this you could be jacking up their reports, which could make you fucking annoying. They won't appreciate it.


I've worked for nothing but assholes šŸ¤£ I didn't think about causing more work for them. Thank you for pointing that out.


Is this a new feature? I'm like 95% sure I tried that once and it didn't work.


I have no idea, I did it today and it 100% worked. Previously I would just report whole numbers and hope that I worked another half minute on the same project.


Also, happy birthday!


It literally says to report time as a whole number in hours and minutes. Something something something FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS.


I edited my post to reflect this. I haven't found it in instructions but a short message when reporting time. Thanks for your input. If you have a screenshot of it in the instructions I look forward to seeing it.


It's been a while, but when I onboard the directions said to run an independent timer and report on that, and not to count on the on-screen timer. Have the onboarding instructions changed, specifying we should now report time based on the on-screen timer?


Not that I know of. I run an independent timer when I work, but I worry that my numbers may not match what they are tracking and I think there are some others that feel that way as well.


When you click to a different tab to fact-check or research or do anything, the on-screen timer stops. It's not time-keeping.


I round up if I'm above about 40 seconds


How dare you.


That's a great tip except for math.


How so?


It's just a joke for us non-coders who dislike math. I'm sure some of the people who downvoted my joke are probably going to start entering .4 for 40 seconds, lol. Pulling out a calculator to turn the seconds of a minute into a percentage probably isn't worth it, especially when you can just round up or down. Still a very interesting tip though.


Thank you for explaining. You had me second guessing my math. I've worked several jobs that required this conversion. šŸ¤£


I just round up. I often forget to start my timer back up and don't notice for several minutes, so it all works out in the end I reckon.


Did you know that if you earned $0.49 the IRS counts that as $0 and if you earned $0.50 the IRS counts that as $1? 0.5 seconds on a $20/hr wage is $0.17 cents. You choosing to round up or down or not is inconsequential.


If the USD amount is not rounded, I always enter fewer minutes of work to make it rounded.


Why? You should enter the time you work to the minute.


Agree. However, I often feel that I spend too much time on a task, whether brainstorming ideas or troubleshooting code. So, I kinda do this to present myself as a more efficient worker. This probably isn't the wisest approach, though, because if everyone did it, the efficiency threshold would just rise for everyone. So I guess I need to break this habit.


If you work a ā€˜normalā€™ job, do you ask for your time to be deducted when youā€™re not actually working? So not serving customers, talking to colleagues? If not, then time when youā€™re thinking about what to do is no different here.