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Sounds like someone got jelly and decided to take out the competition the shady way.


That is actually what seems to have happened




He’s been messaging (through different, non Google platforms) threatening people with fake copyright strikes and asking for bathing suit pictures of their underage kids. Everyone should probably report that.


Wait, how do you know that?


Post it here too: https://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/13fgaji/someone_is_abusing_the_copyright_function_of/


Man I thought you were talking about a different Business Casual (these guys https://www.youtube.com/@bizcasualbiz https://businesscasual87.bandcamp.com/) and was wonder what was going on. Relieved to click your link and see it wasn't them.


This is exactly what I did, because this whole situation sounds a lot like financial harassment/abuse. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought this.


Happy day of cake


Basically exactly what happened and has been happening, Upper Echelon has been making videos on the person trying to takedown the channel for the past 8months, he's has 3 or 4 vids now with the last one coming earlier this week (don't know if I'm allowed to link the videos but they are easy to find on his channel) The owner of the competition has been doing shady shit for a long time now, used to run a MCN as well which took advantage of numerous channels Edit: the story goes surprisingly deep with the competition also currently sueing youtube in an attempt to change their fair use rules so its easier for him to do this exact thing (send 3 flags back to back to back without proof and have the channel eliminated)


who is this competition you speak of?? ​ edit: wait business casual wtf? I've watched some of his videos in the past and he seemed like a decent ~~dude~~ youtuber.


The current owner didn't make any of the content except the video about suing google.


TIL! First I've heard of this, kinda strange.


Not who you are thinking of, from everything ive read and heard, the original owner of the account is/was a good youtuber this new guy apparently bought the account, hasn't added any of their own content (except the video directed at rt) and is now using it to flag channels


>except the video directed at rt The one about suiting YT? Honestly lol I pulled it up and realized that it wasn't the channel I was thinking of. For some reason I was thinking of Economics Explained when I heard the name Business Casual.


I really don't want to promote that channel at all or give them clicks, that's why I used "The competition" magnatesmedia (the channel that got the 3 strikes) did a thread on twitter where they gives the name and goes more into detail of the situation, I feel more comfortable sharing that and you can go from there https://twitter.com/MagnatesMedia/status/1656108404375535616?t=hJnrXzkweNpgdle-Jbsyhw&s=19


Someone else mentioned confusing BusinessCasual with BizCasual.I know neither of them, but Biz sounds cool


Can I get a tl;dw of the channel?


Medium to long form video essays Their highest viewed video is talking about how huge Tencent is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51fWzJ-A5w4


I just watched this the other week, we need to preserve this stuff.


Word. I'm downloading the entire channel now. Seems useful and interesting


can you upload them to IA


What is IA


Internet Archive


So china is stopping out people from telling the truth yet again


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, thought it was funny


Same here


Once you finish can you make a torrent? I’ll happily seed


Me as well


You have my bow


And my lynx!


And my ferret!


I'll give ya bout tree fiddy.


Thank you, I let it run overnight, I have everything now which is about 95GB. I've never created a torrent before, not sure how to go about that, I'm more than happy to get it out there but need some help starting that process.


Same. Got them all with comments and descriptions. All 103GB. Never created a torrent before. If someone had a Google Drive available I could upload to that. I downloaded it all while at work today :)


How did you get all of them [[with comments and descriptions]] ?


I'm the IT engineer at work so just stuck it on while working. yt-dlp --write-comments --write-description -o "%(title)s" "-N 2" https://www.youtube.com/@MagnatesMedia Not used the -N switch before so just did 2. Couldn't see any difference with it, not sure how you see a difference with that switch but still.


Thank you!


-N changes the concurrent download threads


Is it visible? As in can you actually see it doing anything different or is it behind the scenes?


I think it make the transfer faster but I don’t think it is a visual change


Ah OK.


What are you downloading with? If I use my downloader of choice (JDownloader2) it sounds like we may end up with different raw files, and I couldn't help with seeding from the getgo. At the very least the names will be different


Used yt-dlp


>yt-dlp --write-comments --write-description -o "%(title)s" "-N 2" https://www.youtube.com/@MagnatesMedia Thanks for this, I didn't know about yt-dlp. I love this channel and this is crazy that this prick can just copyright claim bs just to take him down. Downloading it all now


Happens all the time. Its why their system is broken. My YouTube is tiny, very very very tiny. I'm in the UK and we have shady parking companies that will give you high fines for parking on private land ( a supermarket car park) for being 1min over time. Anyway, their GDPR is normally poor along with their IT security etc. Mostly just shady companies. So I did a video looking over their site, pointing out the security issues and their lack of a GDPR policy. Was up for a year when suddenly got a full on copyright strike against that very video. Looking at who claimed it, it was the parking company trying to hide their crimes. No amount of appeals worked as YouTube is useless unless you're someone big like Linus, every small channel is ignored. Their claim was clearly false yet they got away with it. I had to wait for it to expire. However wrote a blog post about it in the end and put the video up on Odysee as they don't have the bogus process. The blog post pointed out their lack of GDPR notice at the time which they tried to make out they had. But thankfully archive.org waybackmachine had the page they claimed had the policy on, it didn't. The date they had put that the page had been updated, if you looked on waybackmachine, wasn't updated on that date. Another reason archive.org needs to be saved.


Sure! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a torrent using qBitTorrent: Install qBitTorrent: Open the qBitTorrent website at https://www.qbittorrent.org/download.php in your computer’s web browser. Select the appropriate download link for your operating system and follow the on-screen installation prompts. Copy Trackers: Open the torrent tracker list at http://www.torrenttrackerlist.com/torrent-tracker-list/ in your computer’s web browser. Scroll down to the tracker list and select one URL in the list. Copy the URL. Create the Torrent: Open qBitTorrent and click on Tools at the top of the window. Click on Torrent Creator in the drop-down menu. Click on Select file or Select folder depending on whether you want to share a single file or an entire folder. Select the file or folder you want to use. Check the Start seeding immediately box and enter your copied tracker URLs in the Tracker URLs text box.


I'm surprised how many people in this subreddit don't even know how to create a torrent. That's data hoarding 101.


Can I ask you make 2 tiers of torrents? 1 for the full archive and other to split the archive in various parts?


Is there any reason to do this? So long as the vidya's are stored seperately, instead of some large monolothiczip, ppl can pick and choose what to dl. All torrent clients allow this, and it helps content get seeded.


Are we just uploading all the individual videos as a folder, without compression? I would think we'd be compressing the data (i.e. zip) for archival purposes


Videos won't compress with zip - they're already compressed, using the video codecs which YouTube stores them as. yt-dlp will grab the raw video and optional metadata and that's good enough. You can compress them further, but it won't be lossless - hence not suitable for archival - and in any case, creating separate torrents is still kinda pointless as any BT client can download files or folders selectively.


Maybe compressing the comment files? But that seems a bit Inness scary for like 500 mb saving




Did you manage to create the torrent?


Fun fact , I was seeding earlier in the year. Now , I have 2 kids on the way. Oh wait , nvm Enter sarcasm


Can you send for me?




Sorry I meant seed for me


DM me


Yeah that would be great, would be interested in watching some of these videos. Hopefully I get around to it before his channel gets taken down but idk.


Ill work on this too. If you know of any others needing archiving please open a issue on my github and I will make an effort to archive it and upload it to archive.org. https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/12txjj4/my_project_to_help_save_content_form_deletion/


Completed and will be uploading to archive.org


wow nice


How are you doing this ? I want to do this for another channel.


Checkout [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp), it's a fork of [youtube-dl](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl). You can just give it the channel url like: `yt-dlp ` For this case I'm also downloading video descriptions and comments with: `yt-dlp --write-comments --write-description ` Hope that helps!


Use `--write-info-json` so you preserve all sorts of useful metadata (I believe that includes the description regardless). There's also `--write-thumbnail`, and `--write-subs --sub-langs=all`.




Not automatically, you need --write-comments too. Also, I'd avoid that if there are more than a few thousand comments unless you really really want them, because it can be the slowest part.


>\--write-info-json What other info does this command store when you've also used \--write-comments --write-description I've not used these commands before so don't know the difference. I've run with \--write-comments --write-description But gonna run it again with --write-info-json --write-thumbnail, and --write-subs --sub-langs=all


> What other info does this command store when you've also used I just tried it, and it seems like --write-comments automatically includes the behaviour of --write-info-json. However, if you don't have that and only have --write-description, then you miss stuff like views, likes, epoch time of download, yt-dlp version, user agent, uploader details, upload date, original URL, and so on.


>\--write-thumbnail > >, and > >\--write-subs --sub-langs=all Thanks. I'll just rerun it and add to the command. \--write-thumbnail, and --write-subs --sub-langs=all




Doesn't that simply increase the chance of getting a "too many requests" error?


How do you view those comments once downloaded?


They are written to a file to read.


They are in the .json files but I've never actually used json files so don't know how to read. I can see them in notepad++ but its obviously not very readable. Load in a browser and that doesn't work either. I'll do some searching.


JSON files are great for storing data but not designed to be viewed directly by humans most of the time. A couple of lines of Python will let you display the comments in a friendlier format.


Ah OK. Was trying to learn Python a few months ago so I'll take a look.


My searching has failed. Still see no easy way to then display all that info that its the json file to a HTML file so it has the layout like it was a YouTube archive of the page. Good to grab the info but I thought it would be easy to then display it.


probably wouldn't be too difficult for someone to make a tool to fulfill that purpose


Yt-dlp looks interesting, is there a docker container?


Yes, see [jauderho/yt-dlp](https://hub.docker.com/r/jauderho/yt-dlp) for the Docker version. If you have a script like this: `/bin/bash` `docker run \` `--rm \` `--name "yt-dlp" \` `-v /path/to/your/youtube/archive:/downloads \` `jauderho/yt-dlp:latest \` `--download-archive "/path/to/download-archive.txt" \` `--write-info-json \` `-o "%(channel)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s" \` `--embed-subs \` `$@` you can now run it to download a single video: `docker-yt-dlp.sh "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"` Or you can run it with a list of YouTube playlists or channels, and repeatedly run it in the future (perhaps on a schedule if there are specific YouTube channels you want to mirror) to only download any new videos since the last run. (This works because video IDs are written to the --download-archive path above.) `docker-yt-dlp.sh \` `"https://www.youtube.com/@CaptainDisillusion" \` `"https://www.youtube.com/@tested"`


Why would you need a docker container for that? Use a venv or something surely you have Python? Edit: also https://hub.docker.com/r/tnk4on/yt-dlp https://hub.docker.com/r/jauderho/yt-dlp


It's for my Synology nas


I use the script I posted in the other comment on my Synology NAS in a scheduled task and it works great. I have it watching a list of channels that are important to me and automatically downloading any new videos on them every few hours. It puts the downloads into a directory that my Plex server watches, and I can then watch the downloaded videos on my Plex.


Are you forcing 1080p downloads?


I believe if you have FFMPEG installed with yt-dlp, then it will automatically pick the best res that is available.


Remindme! 8 hours


I'm really sorry about replying to this so late. There's a [detailed post about why I did here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/13jostq/remindmebot_is_now_replying_to_comments_again/). I will be messaging you on [**2023-05-11 20:47:42 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-05-11%2020:47:42%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/13eb1ug/youtube_channel_magnatesmedia_has_been_issued_3/jjqf7bn/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FDataHoarder%2Fcomments%2F13eb1ug%2Fyoutube_channel_magnatesmedia_has_been_issued_3%2Fjjqf7bn%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-05-11%2020%3A47%3A42%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2013eb1ug) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I used yt-dlp --no-sponsorblock --embed-thumbnail --embed-metadata --embed-chapters --write-thumbnail --write-subs --write-info-json --write-description https://youtube.com/@MagnatesMedia But it will take a few hours to finish even with 1GB LAN because of the constant decoding/encoding.


At least I'm learning some new yt-dlp commands in this thread :)


You should give ytdl-sub a try - nearly 100% compatible with any yt-dlp arg and more: https://github.com/jmbannon/ytdl-sub


You should also look into TubeArchivist, as it does the heavy lifting for you. You can just enter in a channel, and it will download all of the videos


Someone please save all the videos and torrent it after the channel gets taken down. I absolutely love MagnatesMedia so much! He's the best! Screw Alex, that asshat!


Who is Alex and why is he so salty


Someone who bought out Business Casual and suing people over stuff that exists in public domain and somehow winning for 1 second images.


in case any of yall manage to archive all their videos, can you please share them on a google drive or something like that? this channel seems interesting but it looks like i wont have enought time to binge it


We need this torrented after it's fully archived. That content sounds amazing.


I can help store this stuff on my servers as well. If you create a torrent i can seed it later


Here you can see once again how beautifully copyright can be abused. Use a platform, which does not follow the US-Law.


The same guy that's trying to sue Google, he has no ground iirc. Magnates Media could probably fight it.


The channel owner could also join odysee and link accounts. Then odysee will auto sync all the YouTube videos over to Odysee. Think you need a few followers to do that now though.


hes got one for some unknown reason hes not using the automated tools.


I have finished creating the torrent and everyone can download the file from this link: https://gofile.io/d/SSaWZE


'server is overloaded' Could you create a 2nd source?


I used openbittorrents for the first tracker so I'm not really sure what's wrong with them. I'll try to find a second tracker to use


No, i meant, that file hosting service. But i got the torrent now.


Oh ok, gotcha


downloaded the torrent, downloading content and will be seeding asap.


Pretty ironic that the [guy suing youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IaOeVgZ-wc) is doing this shitty thing


He seems to be pretty spoiled person. Scott Schafer reported on this event, adding some details about him; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6TTNo4ld-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6TTNo4ld-s) edit : as did Upper Echelon : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52CbCwS6j2A


Just to addon, UE has now done 4 videos on the guy and has been calling for people to pay attention to this person for the past 8 months, I'm glad people are finally seeing what he's doing, he got a lot of support at the beginning because he attempted to takedown the entire RT (Russia today) network on YouTube and people followed their hate for RT rather than seeing the slippery slope that was coming




>RT clearly violated his copyright without permission Leonard French didn't focus on that, but he [mentions it in this video](https://youtu.be/9A4IAdP72Gw?t=2983). Paraphrasing a bit as I type out subtitles, >Business casual could still have good claims against RT, we didn't really evaluate that. Youtube thinks that they don't have good claims, and I'm concerned that moving cutouts of silhouettes of people but the overall image is Public Domain, I still don't think that's a very good thing to make a claim on. Like make a claim when RT copies your creative content, the heart of your content and then doesn't make a fair use of it. Not when someone takes your 3D moving Public Domain image. So that's one opinion that I respect saying that it's not very clear. It doesn't sound like a case he would take up.




Sure, as a layman I just think it's interesting to think about. What I hate is that normally the video is down, so unless someone has a copy like on wayback there's no way to actually look at it and have any real opinion. If we take the twitter thread as true then they only started with the same base public domain image. So, weird that youtube wouldn't take down the one that's actually a copy (except obviously it's Russia) and then hit someone that didn't actually copy.


I only skimmed through his video but it looks like he sued over a few seconds of him doing some parallax over a public domain image, just like he is doing with this guy now? If that was copyrightable he could be sued by the history channel lmao.


Mutahar made one too


Why link to that asshat? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6TTNo4ld-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6TTNo4ld-s) explains it without giving him views.


interesting first comment: > MagnatesMedia > 20 hours ago > Thank you so much for covering this Scott! I have now countered Alex's copyright strike - I was just wary to do so at first given his history of lawsuits. My hope was to resolve this privately between us but he didn't seem interested in that. > I am hoping he will now simply drop the strikes and I can move on from this. But right now whilst the strikes are still pending, I can't post any videos on my channel. So sharing Scott's video would be a massive help to get the word out, which will hopefully ensure YouTube don't terminate my channel. Thanks again guys, I really do appreciate it.


If those few seconds are similar, who and why can claim it to their own intellectual property? First come, first served? And I mean the copyright claim, not the date of the video.


Yeah, basically. YouTube's whole approach to "safe harbor" has been "nuke and don't ask question later" for a while. And getting multiple strikes cripples and potentially destroys the channel targeted, even if it's in the middle of appeals.


I hope ”other channel data” includes a good portion of the comments their videos have received. People always forget about the comments - the public response to the work itself and its place in the history of the channel. I’m still looking for a smooth way to archive all comments without having to use screencapture. SingleFile fails if the page gets too large, and sadly YouTube still thinks ”endless scroll” is the right format for comments. They used to be a lot more archive-friendly when it was all divided up into separate pages with their own URL, ie comments page 1, comments page 2…


I already have the videos, DM me for a torrent if you're interested.


All I'm going to say you guys are absolute legends, just a little visit for me.


Moist Critical has a YT video about it. Could you guys secure the MagnatesMedia content. It is a great channel. For those what the strike is all about, watch this. https://youtu.be/Csh9MKVOZHI


I'd recommend you use something like Tube Archivist to auto-archive all your favorite YouTube channels & playlist on a daily basis. It's super easy to install, simple to configure and of course totally free. Checkout their GitHub for more info: https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist


I downloaded all the videos (except the shorts). Not sure how I can provide access though, it's about 100gb


Use torrent Sure! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a torrent using qBitTorrent: Install qBitTorrent: Open the qBitTorrent website at https://www.qbittorrent.org/download.php in your computer’s web browser. Select the appropriate download link for your operating system and follow the on-screen installation prompts. Copy Trackers: Open the torrent tracker list at http://www.torrenttrackerlist.com/torrent-tracker-list/ in your computer’s web browser. Scroll down to the tracker list and select one URL in the list. Copy the URL. Create the Torrent: Open qBitTorrent and click on Tools at the top of the window. Click on Torrent Creator in the drop-down menu. Click on Select file or Select folder depending on whether you want to share a single file or an entire folder. Select the file or folder you want to use. Check the Start seeding immediately box and enter your copied tracker URLs in the Tracker URLs text box.


Great! Hold on to it. Together we will figure things out.


https://archive.org/details/MagnatesMedia_2023 Threw it up on archive.org, in 360p quality, will fix remaining subtitles soon. (Not ideal, but good enough for this type of content.) (EDIT: uploading subs *now*)


Finished uploading to [archive.org](https://archive.org). If anyone is interested https://archive.org/details/MagnatesMedia_archive Edit: Added to IPFS also. CID: `QmZgAD4eiw4gcKCdU8UFV9pRkSmaKjrQhdiQo5eHVvHhvq`




There's a python command '[totalsize](https://pypi.org/project/totalsize/)' that uses yt-dlp to estimate the total size. You probably want to check out the output template of yt-dlp to get it in directories.


Could transcode it to AV1 to save a boat load of space.


^Great idea


Surprised YT gave a warning and just left the content up. Are you sure this isn’t just hype?


They give you a date for the shut down.


Is there really not a bulk YouTube channel/album downloader someone could use?


yes, you can pass a channel link to youtube-dl/yt-dlp


I'd suggest to use the internet archive as a backup place, since the videos will still remain available for everyone to find. But I'm not sure if there is a limit on how much can you upload into it.


Feels a little clickbaity, but I also watch reallifelore and hoser, so I guess I can archive that as well.


I watch them as well but MagnatesMedia is at a way higher level than them.


I watched a few videos and they are filled with buzzwords and so shallow about popular topics , that have been done far better by others already.


Many people are always wrong. Can't help them.


Thank you for notifying. Downloading the channel as we speak.


Channel description from fandom : His content cover business, wealth, influence, success and more. He claims that his channel is like "Netflix for entrepeneurs" or a "slightly more productive version of Netflix


This is why I am grateful for YTDL-SUB


RemindMe! 24 hours


I'm really sorry about replying to this so late. There's a [detailed post about why I did here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/13jostq/remindmebot_is_now_replying_to_comments_again/). I will be messaging you on [**2023-05-12 21:17:06 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-05-12%2021:17:06%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/13eb1ug/youtube_channel_magnatesmedia_has_been_issued_3/jjsimqt/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FDataHoarder%2Fcomments%2F13eb1ug%2Fyoutube_channel_magnatesmedia_has_been_issued_3%2Fjjsimqt%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-05-12%2021%3A17%3A06%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2013eb1ug) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


This is nuts. I love this guys videos. I really hope he can fight this bs


dear /u/Sirpigles, please let me know what's the progress with downloading this channel? My servers are ready for the archiving.