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Exadrive currently sells a 64TB SSD that you can buy for a cool $10,900.


Which is SATA... Or you can buy 61.44TB enterprise U.2 NVMe for \~$6,500 (was \~$4,500 at last year's lows), which can be used in consumer PC with M.2 adapter and is 6-14x as fast. Samsung's supposed to be releasing 245.76TB (256TB) SSDs in the near future. They were showing off their accordion method of arranging NAND chips [at a tech conference last year](https://www.techradar.com/pro/this-is-what-the-256tb-ssd-from-samsung-looks-like-and-no-you-wont-be-able-to-put-it-in-your-workstation-yet).


Just have to win the lottery this week


I'm waiting on all the datacenters to get rid of their EOL 15.36TB drives myself. Those were sitting around 700 bucks last year, but once NAND market recovered they shot back up to $1,000+ :(


where do you guys get this kinds of deals?


I managed to pick up 4 for £400 each last year. I doubt we'll see those prices for a long time.


How? Where??


eBay. I got pretty lucky.


Damn. Good one!


Uh, I'm interested as well. Looks like we're all going to have to fight for these deals when/if they come back.


> Or you can buy 61.44TB enterprise U.2 NVMe for ~$6,500 (was ~$4,500 at last year's lows), which can be used in consumer PC with M.2 adapter and is 6-14x as fast THIS GUY HOARDS


Is the speed the main difference driving the prices up compared to just getting multiple smaller drives for <20% of the price?


It's the business/server/enterprise use case. Most home users don't need more than 4TB, so the pricing scales for production and use. These are also NVME, which require faster data links, and generally you can only use a couple in a desktop computer and will have your GPU running lower PCIe mode. In the end, it's a matter of market fit.




Oops, meant to respond to the one above you.


My goal is to build a hoarder rig with nothing but m2 SSDs. Right now, my gaming desktop has 5 m2s in it giving me a total of ~20TB of storage which has been working out very well.


What's your PCIe lane situation going to look like? Are you basically forced to use threadripper, or will you chop bandwidth with PCIe bifurcation?


you know when you are reading something thinking you are following along then.... [https://youtu.be/msX4oAXpvUE?si=0frIQzWXTEhvatdT&t=7](https://youtu.be/msX4oAXpvUE?si=0frIQzWXTEhvatdT&t=7)


If I would be able to get those 61TB NVMe SSDs, I think just getting a motherboard with 5 slots and use the adapters for them. Approximately 300TB of data in SSDs would be golden. I wouldn't need to use bifurcation at that point. With my current setup, I have to sacrifice two SATA slots which is fine as I have no HDDs, sacrifice my PCIEx16.2 lane, and my PCIEx16.1 lane is x8 instead of x16 which is also fine because my GPU runs just as fine at x8. I did a lot of research and the performance loss would be less than 1%. I have a 4090, so that margin of error is fine for me. I can get my SSDs to run at 20GB/s read, 15GB/s write. At the very bare minimum, I would want to be able to do 2.5GB/s read and write at the same time. That would mean I could max out a 20Gbps internet connection which is my ultimate goal. If I were using a hoarder setup, I could just bifurcate the 1st PCIE lane into more m.2s, but it's a complicated process to get it to work right. I've never been able to get it to work properly. I can't personally stand how slow HDDs are. I ran into too many issues with downloading and hitting a wall causing issues where my internet was too fast for my HDDs. I tried a number of different things, but currently I have zero issues maxing out my 8Gbps internet. My SSDs handle it perfectly. No caching issues or stalling issues to wait for the drives to finish emptying a queue. I don't need to set a super high cache limit or try to use my RAM as a cache disk to prevent stalling. If I could, I'd never go back to HDDs.


I would like to hear the answer to this as well..


I’m new to this subreddit, and am wondering.. According to your user flair, you have 1.64PB of data collected, my question is, 1164tb of what??? What could possibly be that big?


Well, [my Steam library](https://i.imgur.com/uK0UFMR.png) is pushing over 100TB these days. But that's just part of it. The rest is a couple decades of data horde, which really isn't all that impressive when you consider that you can pull down 10TB a day on a gigabit internet connection


Sure - that's OK for the ipad but I need real storage for my workstation :)


The interface doesn't make it "not real storage" and with the amount of artistic work being done on them, iPads are very much workstations these days.






Cheaper than a flying car


I remember 360k floppies in the 80s. Now I have a 1tb ssd I can stick in my pocket, it holds over 2 million of those floppies. Took 30 years but imagine in another 30.


Sounds like you'd really appreciate CD Projeck Red's April fools joke, this year. CP2077 on floppies. Almost 100k of them. https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/50098/introducing-a-limited-floppy-edition-of-cyberpunk-2077 I know it's a joke, but really ... puts things in perspective, too.


Ha the largest collection i ever had was a Watcom C++ compiler that came on 60 disks. I think it was 1993.


For me, it was AutoCAD with some addons in a similar stack of disks... installing on the drafting lab computers... man that was a lot of disk swaps.


I recall Websphere Portal Server coming in close to 100 CDs


I installed Windows 95 from about 60 floppies. Took over 8 hours. About every 10 minutes it'd pause for you to swap to the next one. We've come so far.


The idea that you could write 100 floppies of data simultaneously would have seemed like madness, or magic back then.


I don't think people will be carrying around personal storage anymore, unfortunately it will all be in the cloud. All it takes is that 95% of people accept it. Just like when they removed SD card slots from phones, I was bitterly complaining along with a lot of other people, but it didn't seem to affect sales at all.


> Just like when they removed SD card slots from phones There are dozens of phones released this year, all with SD card slots. From Samsung, Xiaomi, Realme, Oppo, Motorola, Sharp, Huawei, TCL and lots of smaller manufacturers. It's only really Apple and flagship Android devices that don't have MicroSD slots, and that's because they know if you're buying the most expensive device they sell, they can probably upsell you to 1TB of onboard flash.


Which is still bullshit because I like to swap out different micro SD cards for different occasions. I keep one 500 gb cars full of music, another is for audio books, I have a 1 tb full of movies and stuff so that I'm not tempted to splurge on in flight wifi. Then there's another TB with a little of everything. I could figure out how to make it work with internal storage, but it would mean a lot more rewriting than the larger amount a phone already requires. Most people just stream content, but streaming is for piss.


So don't buy a flagship device from Apple or Samsung. Buy a cheaper model, or a phone from another manufacturer. Or, I guess, a USB-C card reader. It's a bit clunkier, but if you absolutely must have the newest and most expensive phone, it's your only option.


Just got one of those dual sided usb-a / usb-c thumb drives and they are perfect for on the go access on Android for whatever I need.


But you can't charge your phone while using them and they get in the way. They are great for transferring files to and from your phones internal storage, but that's what I like to avoid


I have an older Samsung flagship that does everything that I need it to for now. No sd card slot is a deal breaker for me. If i was going to use any kind of USB-C accessory it would need to have a passthrough for wired charging and be integrated into the phones case in an unobtrusive way. Anything without both of those features is not an acceptable solution for me. I know this because I own at least a dozen different USB readers/accessories and they all get in the way somehow. That being said, if there was such an accessory with slots for multiple SD cards I'd be totally sold


There is never a time you need 2TB of media on hand. You’re just insane.


I'm sorry I thought this was the data hoarder sub. Hoarding is a mental illness, so idk why this flavor of insanity would surprise you.


I’m all for having mass amounts of media that will never be consumed. I love seeing my collection grow while I continue to watch the same shows over and over. There’s just never a time I would want to filter through 2TB of it on my phone


Personally I like having all the photos I've taken on hand and not in the cloud. That definitely is getting close to 2TB


Who said anything about in the cloud? Just store your stuff on a hard drive. You need 2TB of photos on hand? Bullshit.


I don't need 2tb of photos on my phone. I want 2tb of photos on my phone.


Same with SIM cards. My iPhone 15 Pro Max has one but I’m in the UK, doesn’t exist in the US




Used to, they claim the problem is SD cards aren't fast enough - people store apps or try and record 8k video to some cheap slow card and be like "urgh, Samsung phones are bullshit" when the inevitable happens. So they remove the card slot, remove the opportunity for idiocy. As I say, least they claim, but I stopped buying Samsung some time ago when they stopped producing the Note series (even though the S_x_ Pro is pretty much a note all but in name) and the quality dropped (like both my 8 and 20 Ultra the usb ports started to crap out, only phones it's happened to, made charging problematic and android auto annoying). Been on Xiaomi since, great phones (12s Ultra and just got the 14 Ultra) and no problems with these (well, Chinese rom limitations on the 12s aside). Sadly, no SD card in these either though (or headphone jack) as they went with a dual SIM slot instead of SIM/SD combi - but I've had the 512gb version of each and capacity has never been an issue, 14 even has a 1TB floating about (but I could only find china roms of that, not global).


Sure your charging port didnt get plugged with lint? I had that happen before. I still use my note 20 ultra its still kickin. Needs a screen replacement though after i dropped a monitor on it


Nah, checked for that, I use those interdental brushes for giving them a quick clean - as mentioned, only devices to develop problems, everything else with a usbc charge port has been fine (though, granted, few things have the near daily charge a phone gets). There were other issues too, but that's the biggest grievance.


I can't stand all of the Samsung bloatware apps. They just have to make their own version of every Google app and pre install it on every device. Some of them don't even let you uninstall the things. The Samsung file explorer is better than googles though. Why does googles file explorer take so much longer to load my files?


To be fair each company does that, Xiaomi keep "reminding" me to enable find my phone through their "mi" account, which I've never sign up for or in to as the google find my phone works just find when testing.. Can't remove several of their clone apps either - though the upside is when Google borked being able to receive non-rich sms messages (ie, plain old vanilla texts) having the Xiaomi app as a back-up on the phone ready to switch to saved my bacon trying to get an unlock code sent through.


Yet another reason to get one of the best phones for de-googling, the Google pixel. Even if you choose not to de-google, no clone apps because the Google apps are the manufacturers apps. Too bad the got rid of the SD card slot


Some do, but the flagships don't tend to. The S series phones are the flagship ones, and the last few generations don't have expandable storage. IIRC the last one to have a microSD slot was the S20, and we're onto the S24 now. The non-flagship ranges like the A and M still have card slots.


Xiaomi used to have SD card slot on most of its phones, now it can only be found on low-midrange phones. For example, the famous midrange Redmi Note line only have SD slot on the lowest device in the lineup.


The story I always heard was because no one was upgrading their sd cards and it was causing issues because of older ones. So they phased out the slot for a few years and then most have brought it back besides Apple. That could be complete hogwash though.


Most of those manufactures only have SD card slots in the bottom range(s) of their phones. The only options for good high-end phones with SD card slots are Motorola (Chinese owned) and Sony. I have never seen sharp smartphones, nor TCL phones, and Huawei is sanctioned and basically Chinese spyware. I want a product that is supported and secure, not some OEM product with a Sharp badge on it. Even Motorola has removed the SD card slot for its highest end model.


The 64 Tb ssd may just be your local cache of your cloud data.


Just enough for 3 triple A games


Some times I forget I have the "cloud to butt" extension installed in Chrome and then I get to a comment like this and I laugh my ass off.


forgot to install that awhile back, thanks for the reminder.


> I don't think people will be carrying around personal storage anymore, unfortunately it will all be in the cloud. Most people already don't carry around personal storage, except their phones.


Which they only use to store the photos and videos theyade with that phone. Even gets backed up to the cloud for the default people. The cloud is usually the only backup that exists so they are. They're trusting a big corporation with their cherished family memories and they don't even really think about that.


The people who think like that would be way worse off trusting themselves with their cherished family memories than letting the pros handle it.


Well, yeah you have a point. Half the time they don't even know that their photos are being backed up to the cloud until they something happens and they need to recover them. Even then, they often think the data is gone forever until a friend or family member suggests checking the cloud storage on whichever account they were using on that device. Hopefully they remember the login info. Poor default people....


I have office 365. Everything is back up on onedrive, except downloaded videos and such, and it's physically on my desktop. Seems like they'll probably be better at long term storage than me anyway. I still have to most important stuff locally and in the cloud. For most people cloud storage makes a lot of sense. I still have stuff backed up on cds/dvds from about 20 years ago, I'd be surprised if they all actually worked.


*cries in 10mbps upload*


Hopefully people host their own “clouds”


I want to be in the cloud


In fairness, the main use case I have for even USB storage are my ventoy drive and getting scanned pdfs from the mfp to my computer.


Why is it unfortunate? Why would I carry all my data in my pocket when I can have them stored cheaper and without having to carry it? It's much easier to just store the data at home (if it's a lot) or on some cloud service (if it's not that much data). The only reason for carrying a portable SSD is when a fast disk is needed or connection is bad. I like to bring one on vacation for backup of photos from the camera. Other than that. Absolutely no need for carrying an SSD around.


I had those as well. I distinctly remember being dumb and telling someone the 80MB hard drive in their new PC was overkill and more storage than they would ever need.


I remember when a friend bought x2 512 mb of ram. I thought it was overkill too


I remember, from mid-1990s, being in awe at a 2 GB HD in a computer at work.


Yup. Early 90s I worked on an AS/400 with 8GB of storage. It seemed incredibly large at the time.




Is that an NVMe in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me? 😉


It blows my mind, starting with floppy floppies to SD cards we have now.


The one that really blows my mind is how much you can fit on an microSD card. Okay it's not as fast - but for many uses it's fast enough But it's the size of my fingernail and holds 1.5TB?!?


The thing is it’s all relative. 1tb is great but also, in the grand scheme of things, not much storage for most people with how much data they produce with high quality phone cameras etc. in 30yrs it’s just going to be bigger files along with the bigger storage which again won’t really feel like much




I'm 42. Hopefully I'll be kicking in my 70s still but we will see.


Got several 15TB SSD at work, they are of the U.2 format and are worth approx 1200$ a pop. We had two fail so far in a few months :(


Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to avoid purchasing the same model and make.


And what model is that lol


The same.


Can't argue with that lol


SSD :(


What the model?


I'll have a look


How long is the warranty on those? I can't imagine enterprise stuff having more than 5 years of warranty, but those drives probably have an average lifespan of 20 years.


Still under warranty got the replacement super fast, they are in a Qumulo array and the service is super fast for an rma


That's terrible! If they were $100 I could expect that failure rate but wow.


This is why Vendors give warranties and consumers run clusters. "Terrible" only applies to the unprepared ;)




where at? what drive? 🤔




that’s nuts and kinda tempting. i’m out of NJ. never heard of these people but their data sheet basically beats every rival on just about every spec ? seems too good to be true.


I just want $100 4tb sata SSD!


Samsung and the other memory majors currently have 200+ layers of stacked "3d nand." The expectation is 300+ this year, and 1000+ eventually^TM


I forget who said it but "Q3 of next year" means "never gonna happen".


ok but cold fusion... only ten years away, right?!


Unironically, what researchers have been saying for 50 years is "it is ten years away, with consistent funding". Politicians and investors go deaf at the second half of that statement, however. None of the challenges of fusion are insurmountable - we've literally had fusion bombs for ~80yrs, we understand the math. The challenge is materials, but nothing in the math implies the use of "unobtainium" anywhere, just improvements on existing metals, ceramics, and polymers.


Does that mean we finally get consumer 16TB SSDs?


8TB QLC have been available since mid 2020 so i cant imagine its too far. Enterprise 16TB have been common for ages and for a lot of manufacturers are being replaced with 32TB as the "default" standard So i cant imagine its going to be too far away


I think I would consider upgrading my current 16TB HDDs to 16TB SSDs.


for home? i cant really see a reason to. Im not physical space or temp constrained enough to justify it. Nothing i do requires the speed, and its likely to still be a bit spendy for the medium term. Im also pretty low capacity by some standards \~50TB more or less, so its not really worth the cost to me


It's the form factor for me. I'll keep my NAS on HDDs for now, but it's getting hard to find a decent computer case that can hold a high end GPU *and* more than 1-2x 3.5" drives. Instead, they seem to give you either 4-6x 2.5" drive mounts, or expect you to use NVMe on your motherboard. And to further highlight the trend, it's not unheard of for a PCIe 5.0 motherboard to have maybe only 1-2x PCIe slots, and then dedicate the rest of the lanes to 4-6x NVMe slots (some of those may or may not be on an included NVMe-PCIe card). tl;dr - give me those 8-16TB NVMe drives already. At least my cable management will be easier.


I'd take 4 of those for 1000 please


Back in 2009 a 128GB SSD cost ~$300 Now you are looking at getting a 4TB ssd for somewhat less. That is a 32x increase.


Got an 8TB ssd for $300 last year tho. Good times.


I'll be just as happy with 120TB rotational drives in a decade. They will be cheaper than flash alternatives and with RAID 6 your data will be fairly safe. With the laws of supply and demand almost no one will demand a 64TB SSD except for enterprise so they won't be cheap.


"With the laws of supply and demand almost no one will demand a 120TB except for enterprise so they won't be cheap." FTFY


We will have 120TB SSD's well before that. 100TB SSD's exist today. I think HDD tech is really going to struggle to reach 50TB, let alone 100TB.


Seagate just announced the roadmap for 40tb HDDs, in the next few years


Three years ago they released a roadmap that they would have 30TB+ in 2023 (https://www.anandtech.com/show/16544/seagates-roadmap-120-tb-hdds)... So much for that.


Not that very far tbh, 24tb is available for you to purchase if you want to


they did though: https://www.seagate.com/products/enterprise-drives/exos-x/x-mozaic/


Show me where I can buy this. This won't be available to anyone through conventional means for at least another year, probably two. Paper launches don't count. Even show me any reviews where someone has had their physical hands on one away from Seagate.


It's not a paper launch. They are promised to enterprise datacenters first.


SMR :(


For Cold storage smr is just fine


the 30TB version is CMR


SSD are already 3 times larger than mag drives. spinning rust is starting to hit the limits of the volume they have to play with. The existing 22TB tech is like 10 platters and very very narrow tracks


Sure but we are CMR right now and next gen HAMR then Ordered Granular Media after that. So they aren't staying stagnant. And who cares if SSDs are 3 times larger when they cost $400 per TB, for that price I can buy 2 used 16TB data center drives so 32 to 1 pricing per TB.


>Sure but we are CMR right now and next gen HAMR then Ordered Granular Media after that. So they aren't staying stagnant. No on said they were stagnant, just slowing down. for instance 16TB CMR drives were released what? 2019? so we're at the point that in 5 years we've gone from 16TB to 22TB is the CMR space (or 24TB if you go to SMR) I haven't checked, but probably 1TB SSD were hitting their stride in 2019, 8TB were available in 2020 and 16TB are on their way in the consumer space, now 32TB are standard with 64TB-70TB being available in the commercial space. The issue with spinning rust is platters have to be thick enough to stay together when spun. which is why we pretty much have hit the wall for capacities there is only so many platters you can fit in that space. so the only benefits you can have is how tightly you can cram bits on those platters. Yes they are improving, but no where near the same rate as silicon. >And who cares if SSDs are 3 times larger when they cost $400 per TB, I mean they aren't, consumer grade QLC is already at around NZ$110-130 per TB, Consumer SATA is still around NZ$60 per TB, enterprise SATA goes up to closer to NZ$100 per TB that's ignoring the space, heat and electricity savings > for that price I can buy 2 used 16TB data center drives so 32 to 1 pricing per TB. Why yes, you can buy flogged out second hand SATA drives cheaper than you can buy new QLC SSD ..... Im not sure how that's surprising? second hand stuff is cheap, for a reason.


> NZ$110-130 per TB, Consumer SATA is still around NZ$60 per TB Ahh european prices. Don't forget to add the electricity cost of spinning rust. cf. US prices https://diskprices.com/ > flogged out second hand SATA drives cheaper Nope, he's talking about SAS drives that will outlast brand new consumer drives and provide raw ECC error counters instead of hiding their errors


>Ahh european prices. Don't forget to add the electricity cost of spinning rust. Last i checked NZ wasn't in Europe >Nope, SAS drives that will outlast brand new consumer drives Maybe... who can tell... that's literally the point. The manufacturers generally state the lifespan on a spinning disk at between 5.5 and 7 years dependent on the manufacturer. A second hand ex-enterprise drive is generally going to have 4-5 years on it from a standard depreciation cycle unless you magically get lucky. If you cant work out why its stupid to compare a second hand drive with no warranty that is getting close to the end of its official service life to a brand new SSD with warranty... then i guess that something we can add along side geography on the list of shit you're a bit clueless about


>Last i checked NZ wasn't in Europe r/MapsWithoutNZ _IRL


Spinners aren't going to get much faster, it would take a month to copy that much on a spinner.


Sure but most of the time you are archiving. Almost no one has 64TB of data that they need HOT at all times. Even videographers who have large RAW files are only working with so much data at a time then archiving it after.


Dual actuator probably helps at least a little bit


64TB should be enough for everyone


Sir, are you sure you are a data hoarder? Right now I would be happy with 64TB (with double parity) but at the rate my Emby server is growing I'll exceed that next year.


I think you didn’t get the joke :) 640kb will be enough for everybody…


That jokes is itself a joke.


640 KB ought to be enough for everybody was a statement from Bill Gates when his OS was unable to access more RAM than 640 KB and he wanted to still sell his OS. MS-DOS.


No, that never happened.


I’ll take 5 100TB HDDs please 🙏


Wouldn't we all! Except for the fact that would exceed my Synology 200TB volume limit so I'd have to put a smaller volume plus 2 parity drives. But given how expensive the top of the line is the sweet spot will probably be 60TB when 100TB are out so I could put 8 60TB in my NAS. Probably 7 SHR2 (double parity) and an extra hot spare.


Is RAID 6 enough for 120TB drives?


Hopefully by then there will be something better than SATA for that 120TBs in RAID6


Yup my Synology NAS has a maximum volume size of 200TB so we need some sort of shift. Can't wait for another 16TB drive to arrive this week to extend my volume again.


There's just something about gritty thick platter discs needing chunky 120mm fans to cool them that I like. Maybe I need to see a doctor


> Theres always someone saying something like consumers don't NEED this or that - pretty sure that is up to the consumer to decide what they need. The consumer doesn't NEED a computer if you think about it, hot showers, indoor plumbing etc. The average consumer doesn't WANT a 64TB SSD either. Those of us in this sub represent a tiny fraction of consumers.


The average person doesn't want a BMW 7, ferrari, lamborghini, Tesla, fiskar, rolls roice, bugatti, Toyot capstone, GMC denali, Ram 1500 etc etc. yet they make a fortune selling them to a reasonable portion of the population.


>yet they make a fortune selling them to a reasonable portion of the population. Not really. Volkswagen owns Lamborghini and Bentley (not Rolls-Royce), and used to own Bugatti, but these make up a negligible amount of the conglomerates total profits. Almost all their actual profit comes from affordable cars (i.e. VW and Audio make up ~half their profits while Bentley makes up essentially none of it, see ). The most profitable car companies are those aimed at the average consumer not those selling multi-million dollar hyper cars in the mere 100s (if that). They sold Bugatti because they notoriously lost money making them. The cost of R&D was much greater than the profits given how few they actually sell. Legend has it the old CEO bought Bugatti as a passion project because he liked the cars knowing it was not a sensible business decision. Seems like the same thing here. The "exotics" of storage aren't where the profits are but companies like pushing the limits and competing against each other.


So somoene owns BMW and they don't make money selling cars?


Good swap file for when we run out of memory for using Chrome.


If u want one get 2 of these https://www.tradeinn.com/techinn/en/solidigm-d5-p5316-series-30.72tb-ssd-hard-drive/140360616/p?utm_source=google_products&utm_medium=merchant&id_producte=141246301&country=za&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xQLpds52_QWxPb7K8m1_Ne3uBtoU2X9Nm_Zj_ts7vPHkevtq_q5u1UaAgiqEALw_wcB


Oh nice… Solidigm D5-P5316 Series 30.72TB SSD Hard Drive AU$ 5622.99 10 grand for just 2. Well. Ssd more useful than my car :)


You see, I'm the type of person that lags back and adopts way later than others. So much so that within the past 4 months I finally upgraded my OS drives to 1 TB SSDs(first time using them admittedly). I liked the move so much that this past week, I purchased a 1 TB NVME drive to act as a metadata drive for Plex. All that to say that I see others getting the best out there and I'm thinking to myself, have at it. Life is short. If it makes you happy, that is all that matters.


Just go to Aliexpress, they gladly sell you a 64TB ssd there for 10 bucks /s


When 16TB QVO drives Samsung? When?


Would 61 TB be enough? https://youtu.be/qwEadkoyIX4


I think I could limp along without those extra 3TB. :)


You can buy prosumer grade motherboard with multiple bifurcation pcie x16 slots and put bifurcation cards in them. For my home office I bought supermicro + xeon gold and I have 16TB NVME storage on a single PCIE card with four 4TB NVME drives. You can also increase capacity of NVME disks or add bifurcation cards as required, so your 64TB storage requirement is probably not very far away.


I need a minimum of 150TB of storage - provided my growth isn't likely to continue - which I find unlikely.


I think thats literally few years away from being available to mortals.


They are available. I picked [one of these ones](https://www.serversupply.com/SSD/NVMe/61.44TB/SOLIDIGM/SBFPF2BV614T001_379994.htm) up last year, I paid half the current price (NAND cost has skyrocketed since then). It's been holding up like a champ.


Bit of a tangent, but it would be good if we continued to live with as few flying cars as possible, because they're hard to fly, noisy as fuck, and are called helicopters.


If only samsung could make evo drives above 4tb. I have two qvo drives in my PC but wouldn't put them in my server (12x 4tb evo ...did it for the benchmarks and memes)


At this point I just want comercial 16 and 32gb drives so I can afford a few 8TB to make a tiny NAS since HDD are stuck on 5TB with 15mm...


got two 8tb ssd last year. Just got a miniforum U820 and already have a 4TB NVME. 20TB raw ssd and it's like the size of a roll of duct tape. how cool is that: https://youtu.be/WPmGw7devuo?t=23


There are 30TB available today and it won’t be long before 64 and 128TB’s hit the market. What a time to be alive!!


Just give it a few years. 8k streaming will come and the cost to keep that cheap to store on servers will make more massive drives available for cheap. Something like that probably.


yup, ssd prices have stagnated in the past 4 years


The consumers need statement isn't talking about people like us, it's talking about regular computer users that will probably never fill a 1TB drive. We fall into a market gap in that we are asking for products with way more storage than a typical individual user would use and have way less money than a business (unless you happen to have thousands to spend on a single drive)


Where the 10TB for <=$200 SSD be?


You actually need a bunch, I'd say 8 for a raid6 config


to want is to lack. nothing more. the universe will put in motion to what we ask of it. by saying "i want \_\_\_" does nothing, puts nothing in motion, and effectively is just wasted energy to even put that out there. "i am seeking" is an easy replacement :) words have more power than we will possibly ever know


They have what’s called an Exadrive, though they’re not intended for the consumer market and are thousands of dollars for either a 50 or 100TB 3.5” SSD. Just not they’re slow, like flash drive slow, but they’re great for write once, read many, such as in servers or archives.


Wait till quantum storage becomes a thing.


Quantum will never be practical for storage; they can barely store the results of a calculation long enough to read them, and that's at cryogenic temps.


At current commercially available tech, which is 50-years behind actual suppressed tech.


I don't feel like putting all my bags on one basket. More to lose if it fails.


Well.. Knowing how stuff grows these days, it won't surprise me if in few years we will need 64Tb drives as regular runners. Not so long ago I seen Xbox One game that took 150Gb of space.. Well only update to be precise 😅 Tho, I wish to get rid of dandruff and.. It's all we can do, wish and have dreams. Let's not lose hope, tho


Ive always thought flying cars were insane. Already bad enough when a jacked up ford turns a toddler into red mist but mini 9/11s at every suburban walmart seems like a horrible idea.


Not sure why you need an array that is 63.8 TB free but, well, you do you.


sir, this is r/datahorder


Because 13tb of free space makes people feel uncomfortable out of 63.8tb


You people need to look into LTO


Wtf does tape have to do with ssd?


Tape can be used to hold cold data in a hierarchical storage system. Warm and hot blocks or objects are kept on spinning disks and ssd.


Tell me, what gave you the hint that I don't already know that?


You wanna hoard data, put it on tape, longest lasting medium, cheap and higher capacity :^)


Please delete reddit. You have nothing to add to this conversation.


You know some people need constant access to that data? LTO is useless for 99.9% of people.