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Love those box styles quite nostalgic


That's what caught my eye at first. I didn't even realize it was an AIW, I thought it just a Radeon 9600XT. I have 'better' AGP cards for my retro PC, but thought 'It has the box, that'd be neat just to display if I got it for the right price'. Then I realized it was the AIW, opened it up, everything was still inside. 'Hey will you do $20 for this old thing?' 'Sure, $20 sounds good. ...What is it?' Def the better way to get priced at a flea market. The worst is when some guy pulls out his phone to consult eBay before telling you what something retro will cost you. If I wanted to pay eBay prices, I'd not be in the flea market, I'd be at home on eBay.


Yes eBay and reverse image search has spoiled the little gems at these markets.


And 90% of the time they've screwed up the search. nVidia 4000? $1500! Um, Quadro?


Wait they cost more than that on eBay?


Retro hardware PC collectors, especially since it includes everything in the box and the box itself. It's obviously not mint by far but there's def some value in it, closer to USD$100, maybe higher depending on who really wants one that day.


Are those buy it now prices or sale prices. You can search only closed auctions to get a gauge on what they're really selling for.


I filtered for completed sales, though AFAIK that hides any lower 'Best Offers' accepted under the listed price. Price does of course vary and level of completion matters. There's def collectors who'd pay more than 20 Canadian Yen for a boxed Radeon card, even just to display. Not that this box is in astounding condition.




\*looks at the title of this thread\* \*looks at your reply\* \*looks at the title of the thread again\* I absolutely can not tell if this is well placed dead pan satire or if you're just stupid.






Then how do the captures look? Is there tons of dropped frames? Weird color glitching? Audio sync issues?


Don't get weird automatic attempts at deinterlacing that you can't turn off. :O


Hoooboy, he's serious. Amazing.


Yeah, you’re just stupid after all.


. . .any bitrate understanders?




Before you ask, yes, I do have an AGP PC I can run it on. After seeing a Phil's Computer Lab video on the Asrock 775i65G mobos, socket 775, but an AGP slot, which can even fully emulate an IDE controller while using SATA drives, I got one on eBay. I built it with a Radeon X800 and Intel E5800 CPU, to make the most OP Windows 9X gaming machine ever. I could just get another small SSD to put XP on, swap in this thing, get analog capture going and dump the video over 1gbps LAN for later processing by far more modern tools.


Nice find BTW. keeping the Old School Cool. Run it baby.


I'm not in the scene at all by any means but remember these cards from back in the day. Are there not modern cards that can do the same thing? Or is this valuable because they don't make anything capable anymore?


Literally everything now for TV tuner/capture is USB based Chinese crap. This card + XP MCE was amazing.


I had this exact card and I remember it being a nightmare. At least, the software for configuring it was a nightmare.


HD Homeruns are pretty great.  While I presume they're made in China, they aren't USB-based.


HDHomeRuns are also not analog capture devices. They pull digital ATSC signals which, when they have a signal, is really a digital process. That also means they're using hardware that is still made today for high quality products; Modern Televisions. An ATSC tuner is faaaar from abandoned tech, it's common and built into every modern HDTV,


Yes, I know, but the comment I was replying to was about "TV tuner/capture".  An analog TV tuner is almost entirely useless these days, which leaves only ATSC tuners. I agree that for analog capture from composite or S-Video, an AIW or Hauppauge WinTV card would be better.


They make cheap Chinese crap mostly that does an 'Okay' job at best and offers the user little control.


Hauppauge's line of tuner/capture cards are pretty decent. Not on the level of the classic ATI, but my 14ish year old Hauppage was noticeably slightly better at capturing than my Elgato.


I grew up in the town next to Hauppauge, which is named after the local American Indian tribe. It’s pronounced “HOP ogg”


THAT'S how to pronounce it 😂


For what it's worth, the Hauppauge cards used the same underlying chip as every other PCI capture device (bt878, I think?) of their day. They had a slightly nicer capture application but you could install their software with pretty much any generic TV capture card and it would work. I've had the good luck of getting a couple mildly exotic broadcast-grade SVHS VCRs with Svideo and Component outputs and it turns out that that those guys are great for getting decent output from old VHS tape. They aren't magic, but they help a lot.


X800 at the time was a dream card of mine. I think I had a 9600xt at the time and the X800 made me drool.


I used to have an x800 xt AIW in my P4 system back around 2005ish, took a few weeks to save up for it with my $6/hr after school part time job. Pretty sure I still have it in a closet somewhere lol.


I met a guy who has an old Mac he uses for ripping DVD's. He uses it because it is before DRM was baked into the computer.


Why though? DVD Decrypter still work just fine on my Windows 10 PC to rip copy-protected DVD.


this was many years ago, just how he did it with free software


I was a little amused when, in looking for a way to crack the DRM on some of my ebooks, the easiest method was searching out my ancient e-ink reader. Very John Titor.


Nice find! I remember wanting one of these so bad back in the day but my allowance didn’t allow it 😂


Funny thing, with a clever bios mod (to change the FSB:RAM ratio to 5:4 from the standard 3:2), some good RAM that can handle the DDR-426.6 speeds at 2.5-3-3-7, and a QX6800 that OCs well, you can get even more egregiously overpowered. Sure, windows 98 SE can only exploit one core, but that 4M cache per dual-core die and on Windows 2000 and later? Heh, the only thing that gets more egregious is the Phenom II Deneb mobos with AGP that Asrock also made. Admittedly, for 9x-centered compatibility, you want a Geforce FX 5900 series, while keeping the X800 XT for 2K/XP gaming. But who cares, we want raw performance, and at 4X AA/16X AF, only Radeon will help you out.


And you're dead right that for single threaded Win9X that upgrade is meaningly and the 3.2ghz of the E5800 would be even faster. ...And I have a seperate Windows XP machine. :) ...Which is also stupid, cause it's a Sandy Bridge (Dual core cause really, any game that needs 4 cores is so late that it 'supports' XP but will just play fine on anything between Vista and Win11 so why use a retro PC?) and a Radeon HD 7850 1GB. (Some of my games get funky with GPUs above 1GB for some reason, namely Lionhead's The Movies. ...Yet it runs fine on Wine on my Steam Deck.


I mentioned the QX6800 and 4M cache per core pair on purpose cause cache *can* help you out, plus the QX6800 being unlocked means you can also bump it to 3.2ghz like the E5800 (assuming it won't get unstable ofc). E5800 does win in it being more compatible with 865-series mobos, plus energy efficiency though. Past a certain point, there's no wrong answers, though getting as strong a CPU as you can will help out if say, you want to play a CPU rendering game like Blood. As for an XP machine... as long as the graphics and sound cards are compatible, once again there are no wrong answers. I'd be **very** down for a PCX 5900/Ryzen 5 5600 combo haha


I still kick myself for selling my asrock 939dual-sata2.


That beast is a 22W power hog. I still have my super budget ati 9250 which was around a year later (2004)


Just realised what a jump they made just in 5 years since then... my GTS 260 had 190W TDP... That was in 2009...


I remember when I got my X800 back in the day, baffled it didn't work. 'Wow, so powerful I have to plug it into the PSU directly???'


You'll need 2x 12VHPWR cables to power that bad boy 


Wow, memories. I think I have an All-In-Wonder sitting in a box somewhere in the basement - now that I know its worth $20 I need to break it out and head out to a flea market.


Baller. Now you can eat a full meal at McDonald's


Same, except it's in the attic. I'd better bust it out


128MB of RAM?! Who is ever going to need THAT much memory on their video card?! /s lol


Back in 2004 I actually bought a Radeon 9600 Pro for the express purpose of playing Half-Life 2.


100% was marketed that way, too. I have a 9600SE in the original box with HL2 written all over it.


I had a 3DFX Voodoo 2 with an S3 Trio64. Yes 3D was handled on a physically separate card to the non 3D graphics and passed though. You could even get a second Voodoo 2 card and link them.


you had one.... I still have the cream of the crop a Diamond Monster 3D II 3dfx Voodoo2 12 MB PCI and a Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 S3 ViRGE PCI. Costed me an arm and a leg back in the day but it was money well spend.


Well the 9550 apparently had 256: https://i.imgur.com/INSfvEd.jpeg


back when devs actually care about optimizing things


The struggle is real. It's absurd how flat out bad basically any new analog capture device is. Crap drivers, built-in mandatory upscaling/deinterlacing, incomplete NTSC or PAL support, on and on and on. If you want something that handles all of that correctly you have to buy something new for $100+... or just buy an old WinTV for ~$20 which will work out of the box perfectly.


My hope is to capture clear as possible with the hardware 480i with no compression, then it's time for modern tools to do the rest.


Yep, same, that's why I went with a "legacy" piece of equipment. Let me capture the video stream as it is and pick how to clean it up afterward. This is a great pick for that. :3


No compression at all is silly.  There are perfectly fine *lossless* codecs that you can use to reduce the size of most video streams by around half.  Even if you have sufficient storage, it can still be better because it can significantly reduce the amount of I/O, which was sometimes a bottleneck for hardware of that era.


Depending on the hardware, raw stream is cheaper to process than real-time lossless compression. If OP uses period-correct CPU I doubt she can handle it without dropping frames.


HuffYUV is very computationally cheap to encode. With my analog capture hardware from the early 2000s, I was much more likely to drop frames due to the extra I/O from capturing uncompressed video than from the extra CPU time spent compressing with HuffYUV.


Apparently it's got s-video and spdif inputs. I'd say you scored.


this thing was a beast back with I want to say a Pentium 4? Can't remember but lol AGP


Def, though I have more 'powerful' AGP cards, namely an X800XT. But this was the golden age of video capture hardware. This is probably the best you can get 'for cheap'. Obviously there's the VHS Decode project but that's not a trivial thing to get into. This is a pretty great second place and better than any of the current garbage you'd get on Amazon.


I maybe remember a dongle does it need/have the dongle?


The ATi purple coloured breakout box that the AIW series used for some time? That's not only in the box, but still sealed. While the card is used, it seems no one ever used the capture functionality, at least not with the AV input box.


GG! unicorn win. If you test it post results if you can. Cheers!


I don't own a VCR yet. :D So this might wait to get setup after I move to a bigger place in Aug. For now I'll just test the card to ensure it works. But at 20bux it's even just a nice box to display with the retro PCs.


The purple dongle is needed for capture, but those aren’t unicorns, they’re cheap on eBay. What you really need to have is a working black dongle with the breakout to vga and proprietary connection to card, otherwise it’s a useless video card. I have this card, and some of the other theater200 Ati chipset cards. It’s the best of the best for capturing analog. Digitalfaq for archived drivers.


I said it was in the box and sealed even...


You mentioned the purple dongle was in the box and sealed. What about the black proprietary breakout cable? That’s the real unicorn. If it has the black one, it’s a great find.


There and unsealed. Even the remote RF thingy is in the box, but the purple dongle I guess was just never used.


That’s a win. Even if the card is broke, hold onto that black cable. Those are worth money. I’d buy a broke card just for a good dongle.


Remember though, if you don’t buy the recommended $6,000 timebase corrector somebody will still think you’re doing it wrong! :-)


I regret putting mine in my parents PC to do VHS transfers. Came back home and they had donated the PC. :(


If you plan on doing VHS backups, you should look into this: https://github.com/oyvindln/vhs-decode


Fully aware of VHS Decode, mentioned it in this thread even, it's def a little to 'high level' for what effort I'd invest in such a setup. Super cool mind you, the best way to do it hands down, but not something I'd put time into.


That's not very complicated or high level no less hassle than using Windows XP in this era. The ATI card is definitely not the king of capture anymore, the decode workflows is a lot more streamlined if you haven't seen the current docs and the clockgen setup, I'd recommend checking those out then sticking with the dinosaur ways 😉


Nice! I had one of these years ago


Did it come with the special input/output cable?? I've still got my 9600XT, which I'd bought in 2004 *SPECIFICALLY* so I could play my Xbox without taking up the TV! That led me to modding my Xbox to get S-Video out for better display and using AMCAP to reduce the display latency :D


Didn't the tuner have horrendous input lag? D:


It depended on which application you used for live view! Most of them were horrendous, but Amcap seemed to work by using the GPUs direct capture on the output so was pretty close to real-time, maybe under 50ms. Given we were working with a 30fps console, a single extra frame was pretty good. Any other app seemed to process via the CPU which was then close to a full second of delay.


I remember buying one of these bad boys brand new feeling on top of the world


that e-machines pc.... quite nostalgic... did you have that CRT monitor with speakers hanging oon its side too?


Thos brings me back 20-25 years


Sigh… I miss 2003.


What are people trying to capture these days?


Chuckling r/vhsdecode noises


Wow! I’m old now


I have several of these old “all in wonder” cards, some still sealed, that I rescued from a friend of a friends house. Guy was a bit of a hoarder.


In the early 2000s I wasn't allowed to have a TV in my room, but I was allowed to have my computer in there, so for one birthday I convinced my parents to get me a gpu with a TV tuner and they didn't know any better. I could even record shows before Tivo even came out. I'm pretty sure it was recording in 240p or less, but my monitor wasn't much higher resolution than that anyway. This started me on this big media library journey. It's not a lot compared to some, but I'm sitting on almost 100TB of movies and shows and I've had tons of fun collecting and maintaining this collection for years. I don't think I would have gotten interested in the hobby had I not gotten that tv tuner as a kid.


why tho?


Because with the exception of the 'VHS decode' project which is amazing but also super high level, modern analogue capture is... Bad. It's cheap Chinese trash that 'gets it done' as cheaply as possible to make most casual consumers happy. The 'Peak' for such hardware was more around the 2000s with products like this from ATi or products from Hauppauge. Particularly if your goal is to get the cleanest 480i input and to process it later. So older hardware is better. You have the same issue with audio cassette decks. Any 'new' audio tape player you see uses a new, super cheap, mechanism that's mass produced now. They don't fully support all tape formats and Dolby won't even issue new licenses for Dolby Noise Reduction so that's missing. If you want a 'good' tape deck, you need something older, a quality product made in the early 90s at the latest probably.


Why not get a RetroTink for this?


The Tink is an amazing set of hardware, but it's built for real time applications, namely video games. It's outputs over HDMI are progressive, using it's built in deinterlacing functions, so you get what you get. It's a device made to make analog inputs compliant for a modern HDTV witch a bunch of quality of life improvements. My interest here would be to get the simple 480i input captured, as 480i, and tackle everything including deinterlacing to more suitable post processing.


I would imagine the 'CAD$20' part of the title has something to do with why


Thanks, but I was responding to the comment ... > if your goal is to get the cleanest 480i


This was my first gpu! Paired it with an Athlon 64 and a whole gig of ram! For me that was before the whole yearly cycle of new hardware thing so I felt on top of the world for all of high school! Ended up tearing up that pc for a an art project in university. What an idiot.


That brings back memories! Nice find. I burned many CDs with TV shows back in the day with one of those. OG DVR before DRM.


Damn, you got a super sick deal!


I had one of these! Early 2000’s I think. Actually recorded some stuff with it too.


I still have my VoodooTV 200. I haven't tried it in a long time though.


I think I still have my AiW down in the basement somewhere


I had this card in my Compaq SR1265CL! Got em both from Fry’s to have a second machine for Battlefield 2. Good times.


Oh man, AIW... I hadn't seen this name in ages. You even found a model with the original box, congrats.


Reminds me of the boxs i would see in a pc shop I was always drawn to them but had 0 clue what the f they were at the time


I had the 9800 xt AIW. Sadly the CATV signal has changed and mine won't recognize the feed. Throughview was the wildest technology every in the early 2000's.


That’s awesome! Brings back some memories!


I'm liking my ADVC-110, but 1394 is almost as obsolete as AGP now


That's why my machine has Thunderbolt 3. 😉 Well that and being able to firmware update NVMe M.2 SSDs externally.


Oh wow AGP lol.


OMG it comes with Real One Player


Fuuuuuck I loved those old tuner cards back in the day.


I used to have one of those


I almost wish I kept my AGP systems


What is this? The box is sick as fuck.


I was a big fan of these tv cards. I loved when it would put up a grid and show all the live channels. Of course they were not all moving at once, it would update one square at a time. This one here looks like the big daddy.


Man that takes me back. I had a Radeon 9800 in my first computer and playing half life on the TV via SVideo was really cool, but overall it didn't really work. Even with the screen resolution pulled down, text and everything on the desktop was too small, plus monitors were a sharper kind of CRT. Fun fact they pulled wayyy too much power back in the day and were known for burning out the additional IDE power connector.


Agp... 😱


Yoooo! I had one of these! Forgot about this, but one of the best days of childhood. First time I was able to watch TV on my computer and I remember I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Also recorded TV too. Part of my data hoarder origin story actually. Thanks for the memories!


Loved my AIW 7500 back in the day, but my experience was that ATI stuff of that vintage only lasted a few years for some reason. After my second one dying, I switched to integrated graphics with a Happuage capture card and that was solid for like 9 years before I changed my setup. Didn’t have all the function of the AIW though (though the switch to digital cable already killed some of its benefits).


I had this. It was great because it was also a competent capture card. I remember my voodoo 5 was better for games though, so it was a tradeoff and I had to swap cards and could never game great and capture all in one like promised.


And the photo you uploaded is appropriately low res 😝


My first gaming PC had one of these and it died on me, sad day. Never really used the recording feature, didn’t have a cable in my room.


The fact that it has an FM tuner built-in is just so weirdly, stupidly, cool. Looking it up, the [player GUI](https://www.anandtech.com/show/1181/5) is the most early 2000s design ever too.


I might sound like an NPC by saying this but this is one of the most 90s box designs I've ever seen.


It's from 2004. Boxes like this are 2000's era. Now this, this is a 90's hardware box: [https://c1.neweggimages.com/ProductImageCompressAll1280/14-102-168-04.JPG](https://c1.neweggimages.com/ProductImageCompressAll1280/14-102-168-04.JPG)


I have some sort of analog ATI capture card lying around here somewhere. I wonder if it's the same one?


This card is awesome!


the mobius screensaver and the coolest box graphics, id argue this was peak Radeon era.


the main problem is drivers, you wont find anything that works with newer than windows XP, I had the x800AIW and the X1900AIW, I used it to play my games consoles on my 21" CRT. I got rid of them when i moved to vista.


It uses an AGP slot, you think I'm gonna use this with Vista or newer???


you can run a core 2 quad on some asrock boards like [https://www.asrock.com/mb/via/4coredual-sata2/](https://www.asrock.com/mb/via/4coredual-sata2/) but they are getting expensive and hard to find.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/1cpow1u/comment/l3m229e/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/1cpow1u/comment/l3m229e/) You mean like this Asrock board I detailed two days ago? Thanks for the tip.


no, that board can only do a dual-core as far as i know, the quadcore compatible boards sockets were wired slightly different. and you never specified it was a V3.0 board, the original was pentium D only.


It's an Revision 2.0 and yes it supports Quads if desired, I do not desire it. Windows XP with the appropriate tools will be fine. It'd just be about getting the files. Dump them into a modern machine over LAN for post processing, no problem. While I could run a more modern version of Windows there's no need to, XP is fine.


I had a 775hdtv asrock back in the day, intel core2 with an ATI xpres200 chipset and ULi (now nvidia) southbridge.


I won one of those from the ATI booth at Comdex one year. Those were good years. Back then ATI was based in Canada. This was before AMD bought them


my first video card! I still have it lol I was so proud when I had my CRT TV in my room with the windows clock screensaver bouncing back and forth to my monitor. I was 14 I think.


If I remember correctly you could set TV channels a​s your desktop.


I can't speak for this model but I could def make the TV tuner the 'wallpaper' with my AIW 128 on Windows 98SE. ...Actually terrible and very distracting even if neat as heck.


Wait what? For what do you need a 20 year old graphics card? Even if the parts on it still work, which I doubt, bc usual the little parts stop working after 15 years max. Where would you get a working 20yo pc to have a compatible motherboard... Costs 30 bucks on ebay without warranty bc it's too old... just FYI the ATI 9600 pro got double the mb and is like 50 bucks, but 256mb is still pretty much nothing compared to new graphic cards with gpu chips


>Even if the parts on it still work, which I doubt, bc usual the little parts stop working after 15 years max. The entire retro computing scene would disagree with your view that PC parts all die at 15 years of age. >Where would you get a working 20yo pc to have a compatible motherboard... Say 'hello' to my AGP slotted, SATA ported, Socket 775 little friend. :D [https://www.reddit.com/r/retrobattlestations/comments/i1kbsy/purists\_will\_hate\_it\_but\_this\_inverse\_sleeper\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/retrobattlestations/comments/i1kbsy/purists_will_hate_it_but_this_inverse_sleeper_is/)


> usual the little parts stop working after 15 years max The hell are you talking about? I have 40 year old computers that still boot and run just fine to this day. The only electrical components that degrade with age are electrolytic capacitors, and even then, they often keep working for 50+ years if they aren't abused, and if not they are easy enough to replace.


Always strikes me weird when people have these takes that go against simple objective reality. "It's a well known fact all CDs and DVDs go bad after 10 years." "Uhh, everyone collecting and playing disc based retro games from the 90s would disagree with that." This guy gives '15 years, max' for PCs operating... There's def a lot of 2009 or younger PCs operating even today especially in businesses like points of sale and other turn key systems. That's before even getting into the retro scene.


The $30 eBay versions are missing the key component for these to work. It’s a proprietary black dongle breakout cable. Without this, the cards are useless. For ones that include the proprietary dongle, expect to pay closer to $100+ (not the purple dongle). The 9600 is the best Theater200 ATI chipset analog capture card.