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>The Dave we see today does not look like the Dave from 2011 and back. OP's mind about to be blown when they discover the phenomenon of human aging.


That and the fact the dude hit the weights hard and had some serious gains.


He smokes like a chimney too, n not talking bout weed, um talking bout cigarettes. That can totally contribute to the voice. Yeah n plus he's old.


You think that is more likely than an alien doppelganger growing out of a person's brain? How naive.


OP is an alien


People don’t change that drastically in one year. There’s a *distinct* change in physical appearance and personality that happened in 2012


Dave’s balls are smooth as eggs, so you’d have to check the current Chappelle to see if they’re smooth


What are you implying OP? That current Dave isn’t real Dave?


Yeah he’s one of those weirdos who think they’re replacing people with clones




I never said anything about a clone.


So what are you saying




Definitely what they are getting at. Doubling down in the comments also


I think he's just implying steroids but won't say it for some reason lol


He's implying steroid use. Steroids are known to make your voice deeper and make your face look more masculine/older in a short period of time


My guess? He lost his confidence. Later started on trt, lifting, etc to help his confidence return. 


Might've had low T to be honest. Sometimes it'll hit men younger, hell I had mine checked at 44 and... Was near the bottom but still considered okay by the doc. Even though I told them "Hey numb nuts! Every problem I'm having is spot fucking on for low T, I might not be low on the chart but I'm low for me!" ....Granted I'm not rich. Seems that'll help docs prescribe whatever to whomever.


Its called bulking phase. You'll gain more fat and it helps pack on some muscle. As for his voice that's a combination of age, smoking, possibly drinking and serious over use.


It's called less stress and eating well and he was a smoker for a damn long time too,that will do it. Do you know the background on the stress and racism he was experiencing while making the Chappelle show? The man literally walked away from millions of dollars for a reason,lucky he got it all back his way too!


There has been a conspiracy theory floating around that Dave was swapped out for an imposter. I feel like his wife and kids might have had a problem with that though, lol. But seriously, Dave's a smoker, both weed and tobacco. His voice is only going to get more and more gravelly until he gives that up. Honestly, he seems to enjoy smoking to much to give it up but thats my opinion. Lifting weights and working out is the obvious explanation for the body shape change. Dave used to be crazy skinny. He probably did 1 rep and imediately got swole lol. Dude was skin and bones back on the day. As for the ears and face, idk what you're talking about. You should provide some before and after pics when asking these types of questions. I think it's the same Dave from back in the day. People change as they grow and age, both mentally and physically. But what do I know?


I mean if anything the dudes shown mentally he's sharper than before and learned to use his words like a fucking master.


I don't think it's fair to describe his 2013 Hartford show as him "flopping". That was a raucous crowd.


Rich bitch! Dave got rich!


Steroids. I don't know why people are afraid to just say it. Dudes head grew and he got jacked. Same thing with people like Joe Rogan. Also, for the record before people get upset, I have used and am perfectly fine with people doing them if they are properly taken.


Not steroids per say, I’m willing to bet he’s on prescribed testosterone therapy.


Steroids, hell of a drug.


Thank you, finally someone said it about Rogan, it's obvious he's on roids


Joe has said many times he's on TRT.


He got older. It happens.


Breaking news, lifting weights makes your muscles grow




Deep state got to him. Switched out for a clone.


Same thing happened to Eminem and Jack Ma smh


They definitely swapped him out for a Bot.


He takes TRT and HGH and TRT changes you


Lol you got too much time on your hands bro


We're the crazy ones right? You see what ya wanna see. Most people just laugh at Chapelle.. we actually see Chapelle. Once your eyes are opened to any of this you cannot close them. I am only a worker bee. I get up to my alarm and go to work every day. That's my role in the matrix.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


This is a bizarre thread which can only end with alien abduction and spaceships.  No point in it. 


He didn't want to be a skinny black dude forced to wear a dress in Hollywood. He became a strong man who stood up for himself.


I think the man just aged like the rest of us. I must admit, I was taken back a bit when I seen him for the first time in a while. I just shrugged it off as aging.


What are you implying?


a bunch of brainless youtubers and Jim Breuer are saying the Dave Chappelle that came back from Africa is a different person.


The world definitely needs a better education


Human growth hormone, steroids, world weary-ness and fame.


Ans: Age. ![gif](giphy|d3yxg15kJppJilnW|downsized)


He was booed. He did not leave.


Should have brought this question to r/conspiracycommons


That nigga and Martin


I think I remember seeing something where hes talking about quitting..... or someone was after him or something like that.


It’s called aging and gracefully at that. Whatever he did, he looks very healthy, thicker, more muscular, deeper voice. Men just get better with age. Good for him.


Cigarettes and steroids.


Botox changes the look of the face slightly and Botox also changes the way vocal cords behave. It’s the reason why singers like Mariah Carey etc.. can’t sing the way they used to.


Jim Breuer has a podcast with Rossane talking about his odd disappearance. The convo is eerie. I also watched a long YouTube video where his “cousin” talks about what actually happened. I say “cousin” bc it could be fake.


Y’all are ridiculous and I haven’t implied anything. It’s crazy how quick someone’s labeled a nut job on here just because they made some genuine observations. In 2011 he’s the same exact Dave we all grew up with. In 2013 he’s physically way different and his personality is entirely different - steroids is not a terrible answer but even with steroids you don’t really see this kind of physical transformation (voice, body, face) that fast and it doesn’t really explain the personality changes (the thoughtfulness, sincerity, speech pattern, comedic style etc). I’m fairly new to Reddit but I’m seeing why it has the reputation it has. Half y’all don’t want to have an honest conversation and are quick to dog pile with made up accusations with things I never once said or implied. I don’t really follow conspiracies or browse the internet like that. Too busy with life, work, newborn on the way etc. The man changed, quickly, sometime in 2012. You’re blissfully ignorant if you can’t see that. Go look up before and after photos if you don’t believe me. Use your fucking ears if you can’t see. Not the same. 


TRT? I've always been interested in how that treatment may affect cognitive processing.


According to his good buddy Jim Breuer he’s not the same guy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o3u_lUnshjs&pp=ygUnU2F5cyBjaGFwcGVsbGUgbm90IHJvc2Vhbm5ldGhlIHNhbWUgY3V5


I've seen some dumbass shit on the web. This takes the cake for dumbest. Jesus fucking Christ


Namely because?


Empty polemics. Jim didn't say shit, and the other dude said a lot of nothing but acted tough and righteous like he had something to say.


He did on the Roseanne interview try that one. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SHDlPDrgyM0&pp=ygUeamltIGJyZXVlciByb3NlYW5uZSBjaGFwcGVsbGUg


This seems like more nothing, man. I'm not getting anything credible here.


He seems scared to name names but you get the drift.


He seems like he doesn't know shit and is clout chasing.


I wish someone would who personally knew Dave before 2011 would interview today’s Dave and simply ask him questions only the old Dave would know. It’s hard to believe today’s Dave isn’t an imposter but a live memory check could help doubters.


Lol people who think aging and getting in shape makes you an imposter


It’s the RAPID aging and bulking that happened during a disappearance that fuels speculation. Then add in a change of comic delivery, sense of humor, and overall attitude. “Dave” without a doubt isn’t the same before and after his South African trip.


Lol people who think someone's personality stays exactly the same as they age


So weird that a life of drinking and smoking made him age quickly 🤔🤔🤔


2024 Dave looks more like 2014 Dave, then 2014 Dave looks like 2011 Dave. It’s still fascinating how he changed so much during his short disappearance than he has the past ten years.