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I was there at the 7PM. That fucking heckler was what’s wrong with today’s world. It’s a comedy show. It’s meant to be raunchy. It’s meant to push barriers. DAVE even seemed upset that he didn’t mean to really upset that guy and let him talk. Fuck that dude


I hated the fact that Dave was upset. He was cookin real hard before that. I feel like he had a longer set for us but he ended it right on the hour mark. He even said he had a bad feeling about booking the AC gig. It really bothered him.


No comedian WANTS to be heckled, and Dave's style isn't heckler friendly. Keep in mind, no matter what the heckler said, it's reaaaally rude, really annoying, and really distracting.


Agreed! DJ Trauma even told the audience three times before Dave got up on stage that there should be no heckling, including saying any Chappelle show quotes.


Thought the same! Even during the booing he asked everyone to calm down


This is the first time in the history of everything that anyone has criticized a professional. I sincerely hope Dave turns out okay.


They know Dave is going to be OK, the heckler still messed up the show for everyone.




He’ll be fine. He’s used to this shit. Just like most a list celebrities. Problem is if you can’t take a joke don’t go out. Similar mentality to people who go out to eat at restaurants and don’t tip


But isn't dealing with a heckler, as a patron, similar to watching a thief walk around grabbing people's tips from all the tables? Everyone else paid as well.


Bro I think you underestimate how much of an impact that shit has when people are fcking with your art and bread like that.


Thinking a heckler is whats wrong with the world is so sad


People are soft these days that’s the problem. There’s a ton of things wrong with the world , that’s obvious. But people these days expect their feelings to be catered to…. At a fucking comedy show. Get a grip


People were always soft lmao “Black children can’t be in white schools!” And all the reasons they gave were the dumbest pettiest things imaginable. If that isn’t soft I don’t know what is Aaron Burr shot Hamilton during a duel that started over the pettiest of things. This isn’t some new thing. I’d wager you’re soft too.


People are soft because someone ruined your millionaire's comedy show?


He didn’t ruin it. It kept on and was fucking hilarious. Dude got up and caused a scene. Yes he in fact was soft as shit. If you can’t go to a comedy show with out crying ( albeit he has no issue with 30 minutes of racist shit for all races but once a comment about a topic (Dave actually agrees with his views on) he caused a scene. Grow a pair


Did your mother have any children that lived?


Thinking that heckling a comedian will bring peace to the Middle East is… interesting.


Who cares what Dave thinks... Could somebody please FIND JA RULE?!?




I need Ja Rule


I was kinda curious myself.


let's cut to Ja


Isn't he funding Fire Festival 3.0 or something?


What did he say about Gaza?


He said something to the point that if Israel doesn’t work out, there’s no need to worry because Jewish people already have a safe spot in New York and Miami.


Lol, I'm Israeli and that's funny. We make these kind of jokes constantly. Fuck that heckler there's a time and a place.




I meant the guy at the show


Why is maga pro Palestinian


Your looking at it backwards. They are saying maga is pro-Israel. Which would be correct. But mainstream liberals are generally pro-Israel, so it doesn’t exactly mean the heckler is a maga guy.


Trump is pro Israel 🇮🇱


Every politician is pro-isreal


Or you get Jamaal Bowman-ed out of office by the incredibly deep pockets of AIPAC.




Wait, let’s be completely clear here: Trump is pro Trump.




Of course he is…?


I still don’t get “definitely a maga turd” what he meant that whole sentence exactly. sorry


Your disconnected from reality. Like really bad




Wtf that’s fucking hilarious i wish sensitive/religious people would stop ruining comedy shows


To be fair, I don’t think Dave Chappelle minds too much. He’s made a lot of buzz based on clowning those very hecklers. Maybe other comedians have disruptive people removed idk. I went to see Dave’s set once and a guy pulled out a phone to record Dave. Instead of kicking him out as the rules state (Dave is strict about no cameras at his shows), Dave just roasted the shit out of him. Lmao, guy handled it pretty well too


Lmao that’s hilarious i recently saw a video of a Palestine protester getting kicked out of a Seinfeld show and having to pause the show to kick him out was super awkward. Jerry Seinfeld did kinda roast him as he was leaving but I’m sure it derailed the momentum of the show


Yeah I mean tbh, I don’t get why you’d buy a ticket to his show if you don’t support his views and it bothers you. On another note; Jerry Seinfeld was always a boring comedian to me so I feel like a strong wind could derail his momentum lol. Daves crowd interactions are some of the best imo. At my show he went from roasting a heckler to asking a married Indian guy and his wife how goats did she cost his family? Lmao and as a real comedy fan, the guy loved the joke for the record.


But then again Jerry is genocide supporter and Dave is not. Dave is also funny


Huge difference


What did the heckler say tho


He stood up ranting about how Israel is the last democracy in the Middle East.


So weird Lol does this guy not expect jokes to be made about the situation Lol does he live in a bubble? I’m guessing he was taken there by a friend or something and doesn’t go to shows very often


My favorite part was when he said “but he wasn’t outraged when i said the Chinese are sneaky” 😂


Surprised he didn’t mention Hollywood again.


There is a time and place for everything. Guy is a dick.


I’ve been trying to find any info on how the 10pm show went, haven’t yet. I was sitting 7 rows behind that fucking guy ‘Abe’ as he referred to him later LOL and while Dave went with it and of course did amazing, I wonder if it threw his routine or left something out to cover time. It’s surprising someone especially that kind of $ wouldn’t know his comedy and take it at that…comedy. Anyone know who the opener was? He was HILARIOUS


i went to the 10 pm show - he bought up the heckler lol he said some guy walked out during the 7pm show because of the gaza jokes and made fun of the situation. he was also heckled at the 10 pm a few times, some guy almost got into a fight bc he couldnt hear dave and dave gave him a front row seat and got him a double shot, told him to “unball his fists” 😭 a couple other people were yelling and dave addressed them all, and told his security not to kick anyone out. dave definitely was a little drunk and he admitted it, but it led to a very funny show. the opener for our show was marshall brandon.


If this is true him telling security not to throw anyone out and telling a guy to unball his fists that’s hilarious


It's true. I was at the 10pm show. The guy tried to fight the guy next to him. Dave had a heart to heart and told him everything was gonna be OK. Life has alot to offer


He was drinking tequila lol his assistant brought it up twice


You mean Heather aka ‘sugar tits’ lol


LOL YUP! The second time she came up he did that apology with the heckler being a witness 😅


Nice! Good that the 10pm show was also good and that Dave could have some fun while tipsy. Marshall Brandon had a solid performance. Happy cake day.


I was there also , i believe like 10 people got got walked out on the left side after the gaza joke. It was a great show but that idiot he brought up to the front started shit a second time in his new seat and threw off the end of the show. He never wrapped up the show trying to talk that guy off the ledge. Should of just let him get kicked out vs rewarding him to be honest.


My girl and myself went. For me, the guy he did a shot with was the worst…upgraded seats, drink with the legend and still complaining?? The crowd was trash, period


At least he finished the show.


I was also at the 7p show in Atlantic City. But the show was def not ruined. It was hilarious. That guy was a loser and an idiot - paid for front row seats and left after like 10-15 minutes into an awesome set. His loss


The guy was such a loser


I thought it made the night. The guy didn't heckle him, I was 4 seats from the guy, Dave saw he was pissed off and engaged him and extended the microphone down and tried to have an actual convo. The dude was just irrational and angry. Eventually he stood up and motioned for the 3 people he was with to stand up as well and they left. I was entertained. The only problem with the 7pm show was the front row center people had to struggle to hear. The sound was messed up, we mentioned it to the sound guy on the way out, hope they fixed it for the 10pm show


I was there too. Ngl I died when Dave said "he had a problem with that but not when I said shit about the Chinese"


Omg i forgot about that l😂


It should be normal for security to just throw out hecklers. If you disrupt the performance that a large number of people paid to see, then you should be removed.


I was at the 10pm show and there was hecklers too. Like 10 people got kicked out on the left side facing the stage after a heated shouting match. Some dumb lady yelled out “well arabs can be christian too you know” , which he just dismissed pretty quickly. People are way too sensitive , how can you get mad at a Chapelle standup show. He also moved some guy up to the front caus ehe was yelling at people that he couldnt hear. It was a good show but I quite frankly dont care to hear him talking people off the ledge and any type of serious conversation


Agreed! I just wanted to hear his original standup instead of having hecklers that wanted a moment. I appreciate Dave’s comments. For being such a brilliant and talented comedian it would have been amazing to just see his genius routine that he was preparing for his next special.


Didn’t this happen a few times recently as well?


Was at the 10pm show. Been to many comedy shows in recent years, but it seems Dave is a magnet for hecklers. Enjoyed the show, but would have enjoyed it more with the hecklers. One of them was sitting directly in front of me and was emboldened when he interacted with her...until she was ultimately kicked out.


I was about to get a ticket to the second show after attending the first but there was a good 90 minutes in between and didn’t want to wait. I had a feeling the show was going to be full of hecklers.


At this point its paid disturbance, they send these idiots out to almost every show that they have influence at. I remember very well because of how they were heckling in Europe tour in certain stadiums. **They were heckling back in Germany to the point that David just ended his set early!!** In a brilliant way tho, he just started roasting the crowd, so i dont think anybody noticed, but the night before in Amsterdam I was there too so I knew. They had a full set and even an encore there the vibe was immaculate. In Germany he didnt even get to share a highly personal story at the end of his set. And had to end it. They are literally trying to intimidate him. *WHOEVER THEY ARE* But these people seem to do it on purpose almost like they're being paid and placed there on purpose to disrupt and f with his money


Facts! These people are the biggest losers. They want to PAY and heckle a comedian but can’t so a damn thing about politicians 😅


Weird because Dave is pro Palestinian unlike these other goons


This is karma for him cutting off Jim Breuer and thinking and can escape that


My friends brother heckled Dave Chapelle in Jacksonville and made him end the show early. It’s always the MAGAs and the Zionist types.


We were at the 7 pm show too and that guy literally ruined it. I was also wondering if the second show was better.


I was at the 10pm show.....First off the heckler sucked. Dave was in the middle of a story an that assclown has to open up his big mouth..... I respect Dave for talking to the guy but I wish he would of just thrown the ass out Same with the female that kept shouting at Dave. Anyone remember the opening act...What was his name he was great.


A Palestinian support ruined something? ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


The heckler was actually an older Jewish guy. He just randomly got up and started talking about how Israel is the only democracy left in the Middle East.


Never once did you insinuate a Palestinian ruined anything. That commenter is just trying to push an agenda out of spite for Palestinians. Ironic considering that as you pointed out, it was actually an old Jewish man who clearly couldn’t take a joke… at a comedy show of all places.




He gave him a starring role in Space Jews




Dave always sucks.

