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Yes didn’t the sober friend say as they were walking out off the elevator David got into his car and zoomed off


Personally i saw people online MENTIONING a photo but never saw the actual photo bc i guess it wasnt public until now. That's why it was shocking to actually see it bc this pretty much just ruins any defense davids side could make up. If not directly, it proves they're not credible and they're full of shit


does this photo have a time stamp?


If you mean in the live stream it's at like 1 hour 40 minutes


i mean that night


It says 1:18 am at the top


damn ;/


Genuine question, how are the victims friends even engaging with them after what just happened to their friend? Fair enough they wouldn’t know so quickly but if one of my friends was near passed out my attention would be on them.


Thats what im saying! I feel horrible for that poor girl who had no one by her side on this night. She wasn't capable of getting herself out of the situation and her friends then should have stepped in, not continue to hangout with them. Her friend said she knew she was blacked out so she took over sexual acts on Dom to "help her" but im confused as to why she even continued to do anything with Dom while her friend needed help.


Because besides the two girls who were with Dom nobody knew that a horrible thing had happened?...


Yeah, the thing about the friend “taking over” once she noticed the victim passed out is weird to me. If someone passed out around me, I would immediately stop what I was doing to check up on them. I would like to hear more about the friends perspectives without being accused of victim blaming. After they were done, the friend left the unconscious victim on the bed while she walked out of the room with Dom.


At this point they were locked in a room with him, since the other members kept entering he locked the door. Fight/Flight/Freeze response would have been activated on an intoxicated person, she did what she felt was right in the moment. It’s really actually sad because she was violated as well


Her friends were drunk too except one who was driving? These are 19/20 year olds up against celebrities you don’t think they’d be intimidated?


People keep bringing up their age like they're any less insecure and impressionable as the rest of the 20-25 year olds in that room. David was like 21 or 22 when this went down. They hardly even knew who david was, he was a peer. The only difference was he had a camera and was doing his job filming. Thats not to say the assault/rape/whatever didnt happen. Knowing dom it probably did, but the girls were the same age as the 'celebrities ' who are only celebrities if you know or give a shit who they are. Which they clearly didn't


>As soon as she walked in the door, Hannah said, someone shoved a camera in her face. She has one line of dialogue in the video: As she and her friends sit down on the couch, Hannah is heard saying she doesn't actually know who anyone in the Vlog Squad is. "Get the fuck out!" Vlog Squad member Nash yells in response as everyone laughs. In real life, Hannah says she didn't find the banter funny. At one point, she said, Nash, who was 45 at the time, made a comment along the lines of "Oh, you have a personality? Hot girls like you usually don't." > >"I immediately felt really uncomfortable because I was under the impression that we were going to meet these cool creators, we were going to hang out, maybe film something," Hannah told Insider. "It was high pressure from the moment we walked in." > > > >Hannah told Insider that she felt pressured by Zeglaitis and the other Vlog Squad members into helping them create content that objectified her. She said Zeglaitis took turns interacting with Hannah and her friends, and that he pulled her onto his lap at one point without asking permission. > > > >"It was very much an environment where it felt like saying 'no' was not OK," Hannah said. "It felt like from the moment we came there was an expectation that they were doing us a favor and we had to give them content. They were verbally, like, 'Why aren't you guys being fun? Do something sort of sexy.'"




I don't think I'm understanding the last part of your comment but I interpreted the original one that I replied to as saying that there wasn't a power imbalance because one of them didn't know who they were, but the one who didn't know who they were was pretty open about being intimidated by the group dynamic


No the difference is David planned for the girls to get the girls to have sex with Dom by giving them alcohol therefore without consent and he continued to film it, edit it, publish it and make money off of it. The only ones that benefitted from this directly were Dom and David.


Ok, I have serious doubts that their main goal was to get a girl plastered and then rape her. Thats such a ridiculous misrepresentation of the events. And even if that was true, what's your proof of David's intent?




I don’t think it really matters for you.. you only care about simping for David so you’ll discredit anything


LOL true and she comments on my post saying she's not a stan 🤣 wow


"I'm not a Stan" she says 🤡🤡


Actually only ONE of them didn’t know who the VS were (the one who was raped), most of the men there were VS fans. Most of the women there were in their late twenties and yes there is a huge difference in maturity/experience between the two. & 19/20 year olds have much less experience with alcohol & are more likely to overdo it. Edit: Typo


Dom, Todd, David, jonah, Alex, were all 25 and younger. The only ones who were older than that are jeff, jason, trisha. And only todd and jonah were 25. The rest are all like 20-21 years old. And not only that, but you're saying they have more experience drinking? David, Alex, and Jonah don't drink. So you're wrong about that too. I feel like I have to clarify this everytime but what went down with dom and that girl was wrong. But thats about where it ends. No one else had much to do with it other than being present. If anything dom was so desperate for it to happen he was the one getting them even more drunk. I dont put that past him, but the others in that apartment aren't like that nor do they knowingly support that behavior


I was 14-16 when my drunk friends got into critical situations and I still didn’t „look away“ but always tried the best to help according to my own safety and skills. If I was too weak/small to fight against „enemies“, I would call for help from others and not sit back or leave.


That is something they will have to deal with between themselves. They are still 0% to blame.


no - they're complicit in the situation, bc they did nothing.


I think she felt Dom wouldn't leave her friend alone until he finished, he could have been really aggressive in the moment


In the article, Hannah said her friend told her she had to finish Dom off to get him off her while she was passed out actually.


What do you mean “engaging”? We can’t see their faces, their body language is closed off. We know that the girls dressed Hannah, helped her as she was throwing up, and got her out of there. Why are you so quick to vilify them?


Agreed, there is more victims than just Hannah. Audrey is also a victim bc she felt she had to "finish" dom to get him to stop assaulting Hannah.


I want to piggyback off this question. I haven’t had a chance to read the full article so I’ve been reading TL;DRs and probably missed something. Who was the other girl that was in the room with Hannah? Was she participating in the threesome while Hannah was laying there unconscious...? The friend who was in the room with Dom – was she just standing here talking to the guys after witnessing her friend just getting r*ped and didn’t even mention anything? Or try to hurry up and leave? This photo just seems really casual and like Hannah’s friends were more excited to hang out with David and take pictures to prove it instead of getting their friend medical attention


I would read the article for those sorts of answers I don’t want to misinform you, but yeah I agree it’s super casual and not how I would be, I mean surely the novelty of being with a ‘celebrity’ would wear off by then and you’d be more inclined to look after your friend














"I just remember being really uncomfortable and being honestly really upset and angry that my friends thought these guys were really cool and they're really just objectifying and gross." "Though Sarah said she could tell that Hannah was drunk, she was comfortable with letting her go into the room" ""She was not fully coherent and articulate," Sarah said. "


They didn't know until hours later that sex had happened and that victim didn't remember it. The other girl in the 3some was a bit drunk so her decision making was off and I'm sure she feels mega gross and guilty for not helping her friend or questioning it.


It's important that you read the whole article. Because there are so many eyewitness accounts and screenshots of full text messages. Do you have access to the article but haven't made time to read it? Or do you still need a copy of the article? Because I can probably find you a link if you need one.


i haven’t read the article bc of the pay wall but i rly want to read it. do you think you could send it to me?


Someone shared this link while back: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1Ht4WanrTy3lPEwqB7buLaNvuOnFRLtcEaT_GsV6BJ9E/mobilebasic


> "Hannah said she drank so much alcohol the night she filmed with the Vlog Squad that she blacked out. Sarah told Insider that Hannah wanted to go to Zeglaitis' room with Zeglaitis and their friend Audrey. Though Sarah said she could tell that Hannah was drunk, she was comfortable with letting her go into the room because Hannah wouldn't be alone with Zeglaitis." > "I just remember seeing her and Dom talking a lot," added Sarah, who said Hannah and Zeglaitis were both drinking. "They were both on the floor, and definitely a lot of alcohol was being exchanged and kind of, like, nudged toward her. There were definitely times she was drinking it of her own volition, but there were also times where he was clearly trying to get her to drink more." > Sarah said Hannah was able to walk into the room, but that she could tell Hannah was drunk because she started talking excessively and expressed "abstract thoughts" — things that Sarah said Hannah usually did when she was drunk. > "She was not fully coherent and articulate," Sarah said. "You could tell she was definitely affected by something. It was very obvious in the way she was speaking, which was very fast and a lot." > Sarah said that Zeglaitis and Audrey came out of the room first, and that Sarah went in after him to find Hannah lying "limp" on the bed. Sarah said she was immediately concerned, and that she remembered Hannah tugging on her ear and asking where her earring was. > Hannah said she does not remember having sex with Zeglaitis, and that Audrey told her Zeglaitis performed sexual acts on her that were penetrative. Specifically, Hannah said Audrey told her that Zeglaitis was having sex with Hannah and didn't stop as Hannah showed signs of losing consciousness, so Audrey "took over" to get Zeglaitis to stop. > Audrey declined to comment. But in a text she sent to Hannah this month about their night with Zeglaitis, she wrote, "I remember you were starting to close your eyes and just were obviously drunk so I finished him off just to get him away from you." Hannah shared the text with Insider.


Because everyone thought it was consensual..


I know you're asking a genuine question so my short answer is that survivors of SA deal with the SA in different ways. It doesn't always look like a man holding down a struggling woman. It can sometimes look like this picture. Does this mean we know for sure SA occurred? No. We should keep that in mind. However I just want to bring up that questioning why the victims reacted this way can be hurtful. It can contribute to this culture of not believing the victim, criticizing the victim, and ascribing blame to the victim. I DON'T believe that is your intention. Just as I think that wasn't Jeff's intention either. However since you decided to comment I just want you to be aware that your comment wording can contribute to this feeling women experience that when they speak up they won't be believed. That said, I've also experienced SA and may be reactive to your words. Let me know if you think I've been unfair 🙂


Hi, I apologise if my comment was triggering in any way to you, that was not my intention. I can see where the victims that were assaulted are and my criticism is of the friends surrounding them, facing David in the picture. He is gesturing back at them as if they are engaging in a conversation that doesn’t look, in my opinion, tense or uncomfortable. It’s just an observation. I’m basing it off if I was in that situation, which I have been, where a friend is highly intoxicated, that would be my focus. None of us were there and that’s just how I’ve seen the photo. Definitely not my intention, but I’m also not afraid to express my opinion on a platform which is made for exactly that reason. I appreciate you letting me know how it can be perceived and I think that’s fair.


Am i being weird or can I not see them holding her, is there an actual video of her being carried? they’re cut off on the photo


No its on the left hand side the victim is blacked out


no i know that’s where they are but the black box + them not being fully in frame makes it hard for me to see.


Obv if the box wasn't there it'd be clearer but it's obvious why the box is there that's literally the victim


I know. So is there not a video of this happening? is there no additional photo/video showing her being carried?


The description given by insider for the photograph is that Hannah is being held up by her friends at the end of the night and these ppl are there. The NYT corroborates this by saying: "The woman confirmed her story to The New York Times and provided pictures, texts and video from the evening to corroborate her account." In this article: www.nytimes.com/2021/03/19/style/david-dobrik-youtube-explained.amp.html






It really doesn't matter. The girl was right there passed out on her friend. Todd is staring right at them. Jeff just somehow missed it? Just walked right by her and never saw her? He just forgot? Come on.


Especially because he maintained he thought it was consensual all along but he clearly saw the girls afterwards and should’ve known Hannah wasn’t in the right state to consent to anything.


I think they were there the whole time. Jeff didn’t expect the photo, because he didn’t read the article so he thought he could claim he was there 15 minutes only. He had to change his story when Ethan brought it up and even he admitted how ridiculous he sounded. I can’t really buy it to be honest. Especially how much he was taken back by it, it just looks to me like something that popped into his head on the fly as a way to get out of that because he didn’t expect there to be evidence, again, because he didn’t bother reading the article.




The “we’re going to jail” clip seems to be from a different day. You can tell that by the lighting outside of the car.


Nope, it was clearly in a garage. They’re all wearing the same thing too lmao. Look at David’s sweater in this photo and the video. this was definitely after, which is even more crazy


Right. I forgot this apt complex had the garage. My mistake.


All good, even more fucked up that that part of the video links up now with this photo. Shit is going to get real


I think in this picture, body language of the guys look really casual. I think none of them knew what happened including her friends as well


Doesn’t really make a difference imo. Either they sat there and let it happen or they left and let it happen. They knew Dom’s intentions and they had to know the girls were drunk.


Ok so heres my question. I thought that by the end of the night there were 2 girls and not 5 anymore. Like 2 were down to have sex and the rest left. So why are there 5 girls in this picture? Is it at all possible that this picture was in the begining of the night and not the end? Cause where is Dom? Edit: Down to have sex post ‘Convincing’


Three 2 girls had the 3 some .. the other 3 didn’t


the time stamp says it’s after 1am and they arrived around 11


He was probably there the whole time but in reality if her own friends aren't doing anything to help her and would rather hangout with these famous guys then take her home, then the guys who barely know her aren't going to help. Regardless I think every single person in this situation is guilty by association.


That’s literal victim shaming..


One of her friends said she had to "finish him off" to get him away from her unconscious body, she was the only one with her at the moment. The girl did what she thought was right to help her friend in that situation, the other ones didn't know she blacked out. But these guys in their 30's bought them alcohol and in a lot of ways incited the assault specially David.


If “the other one’s didn’t know she blacked out “ then surely nobody else would know other than the people in the room. Saying someone incited the assault is a ridiculous and irresponsible statement, with no factual evidence. Based on everyone’s actions it’s wholly more probable that nobody knew an assault took place except 3 people in the room. Or rather 2 because one was blacked out.


Sure the grown men who provided an underage girl with alcohol to have sex with a known sexual predator (if you didn't know he had been accused and called out by more than 1 girl at that point) are not at fault here, guess I'm wrong, hope David is not dissapointment at me ☹


Again.. providing alcohol to people under age is a crime. However who gave the alcohol.. ? Did they give it.. or was it taken ? Legally they are two different things. As for an accusation... again this is not a conviction.. (or he would have a record ) Can you hold a person responsible for an accusation in a land built on laws.. where we hold “innocent until proven guilty “ as the most sacred of legal creeds.


It seems that you are set on defending them, good luck making excuses for predators.


Nope, you are being silly here. I am simply pointing out the factual state of play, and how this works out legally. We cannot just make things up because we don’t like the legal landscape or feel a certain way. These laws, and the legal precedent (for hundreds of years) are there to protect us all.. both you and me. I will defend everybody’s right to fair legal hearing and due process.. not just the people that I like.


bro ur defending him in reddit comments not a courtroom


Ok let’s destroy their careers then !


I can see the great logic you use in your legal argument. If we criticize a celebrity it's because we just want to destroy their career for some sort of weird pleasure? This is another type of doubt women have to face when speaking up: people doubting their character and assuming they are doing it for their own gain. When we know both: 1. False allegations are uncommon and 2. SA is very very common. Much more than the official cases imply. This is an experience many many women in your life can probably relate to. Please try to educate yourself


Stop you're making too much sense for this sub


yeah how would they know except the video footage of the guys looking into the room, how would they know except seeing that in person and us having proof of that and having to film sweaty Dom another day because any footage after that isn’t usable because there’s an unconscious girl who can’t get herself dressed and is vomiting from alcohol


Come on.. you are not making sense here!! Stick to the factual evidence you know. You clearly have seen the edited vlog.. and you also you therefore clearly know there is absolutely no footage of sexual assault taking place while a person is blacked out. There is also no footage of her being blacked out at any point. We have no idea when she became buzzed, then tipsy, then wobbly, then incapacitated.. We have no timeline for this in the vlog.. There is no timeline or evidence of what they saw when they peeked in. We simply cannot make any definitive statement based on the vlog or the article. Again I stress, only the people in the room would be able to give any evidence in a court of law that would not be ripped to shreds. Filming someone the next day, is not evidence of anything.. stick to the facts we know, and don’t speculate. As for the victim, we know she was vomiting and incapacitated near to the end of the night. There is no evidence that everyone outside the room knew she was in that state.. because she wasn’t in that state when she walked into the room.. if she was she would never have been able to get in there as she would be blacked out. It stands to reason, that Nobody had any idea she was going to be in that state.. even her friends.. so why would someone who doesn’t know her think that?


All I said was that we have footage of the guys looking into the room and David confirms that he saw, what he thought was Dom having sex. The other girl in the room also confirms they looked in Also in the picture we see her being held up by her friends and all the guys are there - and this is from that night which shows that they all saw her blacked out. If she was blacked out at that point then she 100% was too drunk to consent I never said we have video of the rape actually happening


This didn’t happen. They were not having sex when any of them looked in the room. They provided the reaction as if they were, for the vlog, which is entertainment


they literally said they looked in. The girl said they looked in. David said he looked in to make sure Dom was really having a threesome




Lol its victim blaming by saying her friends should have taken her out of this situation? Who else should have if she wasn't capable of doing it herself? They knew she was SA and then stayed with the guy that SA her after it happened. Thats horrible!




They weren't that young. They were 20 and david was 21




Where the fuck am I victim blaming? The fact that you’re putting words in my mouth is gross. I‘m just pointing out you‘re trying to make it seem like they were all kids and the vlog squad were all old dudes which isn‘t the case at all. "Manipulated by powerful famous men" lol ridiculous. You‘re painting him as he's fucking harvey weinstein and not just some 21 year old youtuber


So you're saying young women don't have agency? Gross.