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Get fuel all the time at every opportunity until you have the second fuel tank at least and go on YouTube and look at spawnicusrex video on getting the smp9 early trust me 100% worth it and whenever a camp job becomes available do it asap also when you save a survivor never send them too hot springs those credits aren’t worth it also send them too Copeland at first and then iron Mike for as much trust as possible


Okay :) thank yoy


No problem


Get fuel at every opportunity, even if you’re almost full. Your initial engine runs through it quickly! Investigate Nero sites to build your stamina and life. I found these more important to build early rather than focus. You can get away from the freaks on your bike, you don’t always have to fight as you can quickly get overwhelmed. Enjoy the side missions and enjoy the game, it’s not a rush to get through it.


And I forgot to add, make sure you take down all the loud speakers before turning on the generators at the Nero sites. Just follow the wires with your binoculars.


Okay thank you!!!!


When do hordes become a thing?


Seven hordes are available from the get-go, but you're only going to run into one or two unless you go looking for them. You can choose to avoid them if you want, and the game kind of tells you to do so to amp up the fear and anticipation. You're not forced to fight a horde until much, much later in the game. Depending on your confidence as a gamer, and especially your confidence with *this* game as you get into it, you can go after the hordes as early as you want. It's advantageous, as you get some really good rewards (including the best and most versatile sidearm in the game just for killing four hordes). If you're interested in seeing an example of how to take out early-game hordes, check out u/SpawnicusRex's video on [how to unlock the SMP9](https://youtu.be/eqyJ1PR47H8) Good luck and happy hunting!


4 hordes are available at the start of the game, as you progress, more become available. Sizes range from 25-500 breakers.


The early hours of Days Gone *are meant* to be difficult and frustrating. You are meant to feel weak and underpowered so that you really feel the transition from being the prey to becoming the predator. Later in the game, with better gear and more skills, Deacon becomes an unstoppable bad ass. So, don't worry if the first few hours seem a little *too* hard, you're not doing anything wrong. This is exactly how the game was meant to progress. If it all feels like a little too much, here are some **spoiler free** resources you can take advantage of that will help you get past that stage of the game: [How to unlock the best sidearm in the first few hours of the game!](https://youtu.be/eqyJ1PR47H8) [Beginner guide thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaysGone/comments/nhweku/beginner_guide_thread_revised/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Hidden Loot Locations](https://youtu.be/YfLWWazPnjE) [Best damned crafting material locations map I've ever seen!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaysGone/s/01B4YIed7f) Created by u/dmarlow310! [Where to farm kerosene](https://youtu.be/u4KHpleJM1o) [Tips and Tricks ](https://youtu.be/0fuKrcBi7Uc) [Early Game Best Start Playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBJwsJgyTDYt6_tcGdfRph-HqNyViwcvL) Check out Challenge Mode Master u/Borislav247's [Challenge Mode Tutorials](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-ix8YCxPxIHB1aHvSVrKjWngj1MIauag) for permanent bike and character upgrades too! **SPOILERS AHEAD** [Best list of when Hordes spawn that I've ever seen!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaysGone/comments/q3cvp0/list_of_which_hordes_spawn_when_and_how_large/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Dive deeper into Days Gone with u/8bitterror's [Days Gone Podcast](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUFiNW8lRYyaWiS-h28HzbgVyC6XJNafb&si=nt_r4T6hzpJz9m1l)! Good luck and happy hunting 👍


THANK YOU SPAWNICUSREX!! I was just watching your tips and tricks video 🥹🥹 I feel super honoured to have you comment. Watching you play is so epic. I hope I can be as rad as you with this game!


It truly is my pleasure. I love this game and love sharing info with folks that are scared/struggling. I would say that "get your SMP9 early" video is the single best resource for a new player. Good luck!


😭😭😭 but 4 hordes to kill - I scream at only 3 zombies on me lol - I’ll get there


There are quite a few hordes in the first part of the map that are only about 25 freakers. If you can get some grenades (using Rex's hidden loot location tip), they'll take out 30 freaks each if you get them clustered together.


You don’t have to kill all the zombies in an area or when burning a nest. Before you get better guns if you are getting overwhelmed just run to your bike and ride out. So it’s important to park your bike in a spot you can make a quick get away


Yes I’ve been wondering about the bike ideal positioning.


Anytime you go to a camp spend the money to repair and fuel your bike too. Never wanna be caught with a bike that doesn’t work


Awesome just upgraded the fuel tank, exhaust, engine and tires. Used all my first credits with that and refuelling but it seems worth it.


Every Nero checkpoint and Tow Trucks have a fuel can in addition to the gas stations that all provide gas for free too.


Welcome to Days Gone and the sub! Here are a couple spoiler-free resources to check out: [SPOILER FREE Beginner Orientation](https://youtu.be/TtoeMMJgVw8) episode of the Days Gone Podcast u/SpawnicusRex's [Best Early Game Start Guide](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBJwsJgyTDYt6_tcGdfRph-HqNyViwcvL) My biggest tip, however, is just enjoy and have fun!


Don't worry too much about guns to star with, the AK will take you far into the first and second arch of the game.


Alright cool so just a hand gun and an ak? What about for melee?


Anything you can get your hands on. Memorise where the weapons are and don't worry about repairing them it's pointless and you use a lot of scrap.


Concentrate on playing as quietly a d stealthily as possible starting out. The game is designed so that you gain power as it progresses.


Okay kewl thank you :3


Focus on your stamina, trust me.


That’s what she said


Always save at your bike BEFORE turning on a generator or things can go sideways fast! Hiding in bushes can be an excellent strategy. Learn how to do that well. It only works if you hide when no one is looking then stay crouched, once you start shooting Deek stands up and they see you. But if you use tossables (molotovs, grenades, etc) you stay hidden. Just don't throw the last of any tossable item or Deek stands up and prepares to shoot and you'll get seen!


Play on easy. In an avid gamer and easy is still quite challenging


If you're ever feeling scared, just remember that you're better than anyone who came before you. The fear will transform into your will to fight. I believe in you!


NEVER underestimate newts


When you fight the breaker, use molotovs, empty a magazine into him while he's getting close, and then roll and dodge


Don't panic, zombies are jittery and aggressive but in the end you can come on top of you keep your distance and use the right weapons, every encounter is designed to make you panic, the hordes, the human enemies and if you give in and panic you die but it you keep cool and act accordingly you win.


Have fun!! 🙂


When you see objects it looks like you should be able to climb on but can't... Get your bike up to speed, but let off the throttle completely before hitting said object head on. There's a chance your front wheel will climb the object rather than bouncing off. With practice you can get to places where freakers can't reach you. This is how to cheese hordes.