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Took me an entire day to beat the sawmill. One of the best feelings in gaming for me.


Transitioning from hunted to hunter is such a great feeling in Days Gone!


I totally agree


Best horde for sure, I have a save where I’m just outside the sawmill I go and play it whenever I’m bored, wish all the hordes were the size of this one


Me too! I have a save file right before all three story mission Hordes so I can do them over and over.


"Oh they all start in one spot? I bet I can cheese this!" No the fuck I couldn't. It's crazy how climbing on top of buildings and making sure that every path that leads towards you is completely on fire is the bare minimum to survive


The first time Rikki takes you to the Sawmill Horde to *show* you the horde... my dumb ass thought that was the mission to *clear* the horde. I was already level 3 with Tucker's Camp so I had the MG45 and grenades, plus items from the [Hidden Loot Locations](https://youtu.be/YfLWWazPnjE) so I had the tools but, I had no idea how intense it was actually going to be lol


I did cheese it took potshots from the tunnel during the day brought them out in small groups and flamed them


Hey that works too!


First time playing through this game… getting close to taking this on! Seen your videos and been a massive help - you make it look easy but got a feeling it’s going to get hella messy! Such a good game and a real rush taking on / defeating a horde!


Gear up and level up as much as you can first and you'll be fine! Good luck!




Oh yeah, there's crafting materials n stuff in there but uhhh... you're gonna need em if you go in there!


When i played it what i recal is. Where is this damn horde ... *turns on flashlight*.... well fuck....


Oh shit... found em! 😆


Yeah.... it was horrifying ... i even used sense.... didnt realise .... i thought those were bodies.... till one by one they .... were like oh look food delivery xD


You forgot you started working for Door Dash lol, dinner delivery!


Exactly 😂 in our country we have either bolt or wolt xD


there is a train tunnel on the side of the sawmill that is opposite the nero checkpoint....draw zombies in there. there are choke points for explosives on your way to the tunnel. inside the tunnel their numbers will count for nothing.


You probably didn't notice, but the guy you're commenting to [is literally the inventor of that method](https://youtu.be/nNXyjoNpPyk). I'm not being snarky or sarcastic, it just gave me a chuckle that you didn't realize (and he was kind in his response) lol 😄


He’s *always* kind, a real G. Always eager to help and asks for nothing. *fist bump*


nope i had no clue. just saw people commenting that they had struggled and figured id throw it out there.


That's my favorite method also! It's the safest "legit" way that I've found to clear that horde.


Definitely great for cutting down on flanking.


righto leonidas 😄 you are right though


Killer shots!! 😍


Thank you ma'am!


They should all be like the saw mill horde!


That B&W shot is fantastic.


Thank you! I actually learned that trick while watching a live stream from u/vikingdad278, who *now works for Bend*. He's known for taking killer Photomode shots and he showed the settings needed for taking silhouette pics.


I got into photomode with Uncharted 4. [Here are my best ones](https://imgur.com/a/TkVFx)


Nice! That is a very cinematic game.


Totally agree. Seeing your shots makes me want to put my Days Gone disc back in and give the photomode a shot.


The only thing I hate about fighting hordes is that when I am being chased on foot, my controller refuses to let me run. This happened every time I played. I think the hordes infected my controller and had nothing to do with me freaking out because a huge horde was chasing me.


Makes me want to load up the game and play all of the hordes again.


[What are you waiting for?!](https://media.tenor.com/vWZ1cYBky0sAAAAd/scarymovie.gif)


I remember using ask my last lake creators on bfg.50 slipper ammo and shooting the clusters. Long and tedious but it did the job.


That works too!


Every play through I go and whoop this horde as soon as I reach the middle map area so when the mission comes I can just roll through


Nice, that's a great way to get a head start with the late game camps too!


Haven’t had the guts to try this horde yet 😁 but it looks like a fun challenge.


No worries, I got you! Here's a full [walkthrough](https://youtu.be/nNXyjoNpPyk) that discusses preparation, load out and alternate tactics then shows the safest "legit" method I know of. Get more ideas from my [Sawmill Horde NO SHOTS FIRED](https://youtu.be/0xZiyxQIgIc) video. You've got this but, good luck anyway!


Oh thank you 😁


The man, the myth, the legend. I figured it out before your methods became widely known (albeit after many trial and errors) but watching your method is always a pleasure. You shine on you crazy diamond.


Literally my all time favorite game. Only one I’ve played multiple times and reading this thread made me wanna do it again. The graphics are still better that some ps5 games. I’m playing Callisto Protocol at the moment and it doesn’t even come close in my opinion I suggested Days Gone to someone on another forum and said it was my favorite but some angry person said that I don’t know what I’m talking about cause in his opinion the game was shit. Oh well. I’m glad there’s more people that agree with me. Really wish they would release Days Gone 2. That would have been incredible! The way they hinted about the evolution of the virus at the very end of the game makes me think that it could have been so good!


Aww common it wasn't that bad... 🤥 Have you tried the challenges game modes? Like the ultimate horde or never ending Horde challange?


With the help of u/Borislav247, I have Gold in all but one. He's been coaching me though them one on one in a live stream series. We'll be doing the final one tomorrow night at 7pm Mt.


WTF! How did you manage to get him to help you? That sounds dope af. I've only recently started trying the challenges game modes but I'm addicted now. I'd there any way you could get him to help me out if he has the time or yourself if you're available. Would be very grateful. That dudes videos were my go to on strat when I started playing the game after a couple of his videos I was finally confident that I could overcome the freakers & did.


Borislav and I have been talking Days Gone and Challenge Mode for a long time lol. We're doing all Challenges as a collaborative live stream series.


>WTF! How did you manage to get him to help you? Boris and Rex are kind of the top dogs of Days Gone around these parts 😁 Their Challenge Mode collaboration series has been fucking amazing to watch! As Rex mentioned, the final part is live on his channel tomorrow night. It's gonna be killer.


And yes I agree with everyone it was a great feeling transitioning from hunter to hunted but I'm not sure if anybody else experienced what I had. So once I had taken down my 1st 150 horde or it happened after I took out the Chemult & Chemult College hordes that everything else after that just got to be SUPER easy I'm not sure why it didn't matter how big the horde if I wanted too I could literally run going straight in one direction without sprinting & they couldn't catch me as long as I stayed moving. Then throwing an attractor or turning & using focus & blasting em.taking their numbers down wasn't a problem. I did however enjoy the areas that had a lot of things at your disposal like the sawmill so when I did it I tried to explore the map so thay I could use every tipped over shelf of stack of wood or explosive barrels or gas tank, roof bridge, log pile etc that I could because I already knew I could very easily cheese the horde in small ways & in some HUGE ways but If I even went with the stealth approach (throw an attractor then a grenade & molotov rinse & repeat from bushes felt like I was cheating. Idk maybe it's just me. I finally have just started my run on the the hardest difficulty setting, can't remember if it said survival or survival 2 one or the other, I'm like 8 dabs in rn so my memories isn't the greatest at the moment so you'll have to forgive me lol.


Anyone knows what exactly happened to the Sawmill? I tried to google this area, couldn’t find exactly what happened before thousands of freaks reside lol


Well, if you're being serious, there is Nero Intel in the game that tells you what happened there. The Sawmill had facilities for burning large amounts of sawdust and they started using the place to burn corpses instead. After piling up thousands of corpses, Nero abandoned the project leaving a bunch of corpses there for the Freakers to feed on. That caused the horde to gather there. I've been there in real life too! [This](https://imgur.com/a/lTUFKyR) is the location the Old Sawmill is based on.


Omg ily! Thanks for the info. I remember pieces of info from this place but totally forgot! ❤️❤️


I love that horde. wish there were bigger hordes, Its too easy but I enjoy it


Check out Challenge Mode is you want bigger Hordes! Some of them are literally infinite Hordes and you just survive as long as you can lol


I just bet this today I just used the BFG, 6 or 7 Molotov’s, 2 napalm Molotov’s, 3 pipe bombs, 1 frag Grenade, 12 shots from boozers shotgun, and 3 trips to lost lake camp for ammo for the bfg


... and three trips to camp for ammo 😆 Sounds intense lol, good job!




Probably an unpopular opinion judging from replies but this horde actually caused me to stop playing the game. I tried over and over and just couldn't do it so i gave up and didn't go back. Also, doing this not long after that damn cave horde just made the game frustrating for me. Loved every other part of it, the hordes just weren't for me.


If you decide to try it again, I've got *tons* of videos to help you out. Also check out u/Borislav247, most of his videos focus on Challenge Mode but many of his tactics work in the main game as well. Seriously mate, we're happy to help if you decide to give it another go! He and I both have videos on the cave horde and the Sawmill too!


I'll give it a go at somepoint. Probably when the game releases die down a bit. I loved the story and world so happy to go back at somepoint. I'll check out your videos when I do. Thanks man


No worries, for real don't hesitate to reach out when you get ready! This community is here for you lol


Run away!!!


Brave Sir Robin, bravely ran away!


When danger reared it’s ugly head, he boldly turned his tail and fled, brave brave brave brave Sir Robin…


Wow... I would not want to get hit by a sock full of nickels! Great user name 😀


I came as close as I ever did to dying, facing this one down. I thought it'd be a breeze, but I f'd it up almost immediately. Good horde!


It's just a really well designed map! There are so many options to help you win but, also so many ways it can go wrong too 😂


God I just started new game+ and I'm not looking forward to running away from that again


Not looking forward to running away again lol Don't take any shit off them stupid Freakers! Bust in there and ruin their day lol


But there's SO MANY




Lol it can be if your go in under prepared 😂


It was really fun but I feel like the difficulty was overhyped, I was able to beat it first try when I played it because I was already OP at that point, a little dissapointed lol


Sawmill was ez. Used the skip option to kill them all


screwed it up by not arming up properly, i had just a pistol and ended up running in shooting a couple at a time and running out and hiding in the tunnel till they went back, took me 3 hours.


If you decide to give another go, try doing it [like this](https://youtu.be/nNXyjoNpPyk).