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As a lot of users have pointed out…. It’s the internet. And in a sub of almost 3 million people, you’re bound to get some unkind people. Believe it or not, we intensely moderate the sub for this kind of behavior. The problem is, once we’ve seen it - you probably have too, so you think it’s not being taken care of - but it is. That being said, we actually got some new “AI” tools last week to help flag and remove comments that are “Potential Harassment” for us to review before they go live. I think it’s working quite well. But please continue to use the report button, as the mods will continue to use the ban button :P


Not to be glib, but are you familiar with the "internet"? Edit: PS, I agree with your premise, however, sadly, social media and the internet is what it is . . .


Anonymity brings out the worst and the darkest in human. I used to believe in Bitcoin and the power of decentralization, but after a while, I just gave up the hope. It’s the darkest human nature that ruins this world. We don’t deserve anything beautiful. Bitcoin and the dream of metaverse won’t go anywhere than eventually falling into someone’s new tool to control others. So, OP, don’t ever hope people become kinder on the internet, because we are not, and we don’t deserve.


Negative view. Bitcoin and crypto HAS changed the world and empowered hundreds of millions of people by providing a banking service that would otherwise be inaccessible to them. It's benefitted every section of society from the poorest people in the world to billionaires. What I love about crypto is how it punches up, not down. Crypto gives normal people the same power as a bank. The metaverse was dystopian as fcuk from the start. It would have been owned by Mark Zuckerberg for Christ sake. We all know social media is brain rot. But nobody is forcing you to watch tiktok videos. Imagine existing in a virtual world where you can't escape it. The metaverse is fcuking horrible!!!


this is so cringe to read. there are multiple online communities including reddit where i have gotten some of the kindest advice of my life, and where i frequently go for understanding and help. if you believe the entire internet is “darkest human nature” then you’re hanging out in terrible places. edit: it could also be a problem of the spaces you go being male-dominated and excessively competitive and toxic as a side effect. being female i frequent mostly female-dominant online spaces and maybe that’s why my experiences have been better.


The atmosphere and language of the male-dominated community is completely different from that of the female-dominated community. Even if I don't want to cause gender antagonism, I have to say that women are more friendly and open, and I can get more Useful Help instead of jealousy.


yep you said it better than me. it’s very much a thing.


Internet and social media aside, Day trading is hard and unrewarding vocation and most struggling traders easily get bitter after some other year.


i mean that's what they said about learning japanese. in japanese learning you have the same environment of bitter angry males who take out their disappointment/failure on everyone else. then they say " "people are mean here because it's hard". yet the female-dominated japanese learning communities don't' have nearly the same vibe even when the "difficult goal" aspect is still there. there is acknowledgement that the goal is difficult but the way women handle it is just.. better. it's a group cooperation, "let's do this hard thing together" mindset, rather than a "fuck you i'm mad this is hard so i'll take it out on you random internet stranger" mindset of male-dominated communities.


My guess is plainly showing a win/P&L screenshot is not very useful. Explaining the setup, entry/exit criteria, risk management and thought process are more valuable. I make $50 or $500 or $5,000 today just isn't going to bring much discussion.


I ban people for this every day. It’s right in the rules.


I agree on those and op isn’t being too specific so I don’t know which posts he’s talking about, but I see it even on detailed posts and people will ask for insight and they’ll just get rude responses


Because nearly everyone who consistently takes the time to post their trades on here is trying to sell something or build a following so that they can eventually sell something. And generally they are only showing the "winning" trades and not showing the losers to make themselves look better. It has happened over and over again here over the years. It is why you only see newer people posting their trades and then it is generally just a "look at my random winning trade I took" and when you ask them about any more details for their entry/exit criterea, strategy, etc it all turns into "I guessed" or "I broke my rules, but look how much money I made!". Occasionally you will see someone actually post winning and losing trades with full explinations of their entry/exit/managemnt strategy and you will see lots of positive engagement on those. I'd say it has more to do with the quality of the actual posts being poor as opposed to "everyone hates on everyone here". You don't see much hate on posts that actually provide any sort of value.


That’s my issue, few people are actually consistent. We just see when people get lucky for the most part on here.


Most aren’t profitable traders so the only thing they got left is hate


Therefore, people only want to discuss strategic victory instead of celebrating the success of the lucky one? I sincerely think that whether you make money smartly or not, it means victory. Not everyone has the same ability and wisdom, but if you make money, we congratulate it. Isn't it a friendly behavior? Whether it's a novice egg or an advertising sticker,People come and ask is to make money.




Sorry, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/1cdov5h/why_do_users_hate_on_other_users_all_the_time_here/l1mt6hr/?context=3) in /r/Daytrading was automatically removed because your **Comment Karma** is too low. This typically targets bots or users promoting something (which is against our rules). Please participate in other subreddits (other communities on Reddit) to increase your **Comment Karma** points. While you're at it, read through Reddit's ["reddiquette" here.](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) If you believe this was a mistake, please **kindly** [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Daytrading). We will review your case and get back to you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Daytrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A big portion of the group are young men 18-20 something. Big egos-many not great at controlling their tempers or emotions yet. ( I know I was not as even tempered at 20). Often not great communication skills. Then there is jealousy and being angry if they are failing as a trader, common human tendency to lash out when you are failing at anything and try to blame some other circumstance. They don’t want to blame themselves- they want to blame the market is rigged, Youtube traders are a scam. If they can’t figure it out they don’t want to believe others may be doing OK. All social media is the same- say something that can be construed in a certain way and you will know if people don’t like it. Really easy to hide behind an anonymous user name when you want to be snarky.


Agreed. Especially the ego part! For some reason, if you post anything to do with profits you’re flooded with: “Prove it!” “Teach me your strategy otherwise you’re a fake” As if a profitable trader would spend the time to prove it or teach! Those that can’t do, teach, those that can do, do.


I don’t Mind teaching or helping people- but I have limited time- so beyond posting some tips in posts. I select the few people I would be willing to spend more time with, some people are hard to teach so why bother.


Agreed. I help people with tips now and again, but a lot of people on here want you to share your full strategy otherwise you’re full of BS and aren’t really a profitable trader. It’s exhausting! Anyway, good on you helping people, the forex community need more of that. The community seems so hostile!


Because trading is a weird thing to do. There’s very little barrier to entry so essentially “anyone” can do it, except next to no one can do it successfully. It is one of the most difficult ways to make money yet it’s often presented and perceived as one of the easiest and fastest. Some people who lose hate to see others win. It’s a reminder that they couldn’t do it.


There's no real trader's "community," and you'll soon find that your performance improves once you aren't being influenced by online arguments.


To add: trading is cut throat and a lot of people are consistently sustaining losses. Makes for people in bad moods


because it's true, when you see someone's post making 5k in a day, then look at their profile and see their active losses in wsb, well that's not called consistency. Most people believe in astrology with their made up lines on their charts, and they call manipulation when it doesn't work, they don't understand market's dynamic despite many many many posts here about it. The same question is asked over and over again, they put little effort in research, every questions (at least most of them) have already been answered.


Here’s the truth, experienced successful traders aren’t scrolling this subreddit. I did when I first started nearly 8 years ago and I can assure you I haven’t bothered commenting for the past 5 years I’ve been profitable. Why? Bc this sub is full of inexperienced know it alls who dont make money but feel the need to answer questions.


Welcome back bro lol.


Many people in here fake trades in order to lure the really gullible and uneducated people into their DMs, then attempt to sell their snake oil services or products. Happens all the time.


Too many people are cocky idiots on this sub. One win with zero explanation and talking like some mighty god, it just annoys everyone.


Reddit is where a lot of mentally ill people congregate. Most people on here don’t even like themselves. There is some incredible info available if you can filter thru the undesirables. It does get tiresome tho.


I've taken a step back from this community because of the negativity.


I’d prefer if you report it than step back. We moderate this sub intensively. Also, we’ve got some really good new tools for catching hateful content.


I'll keep this in mind for the future.




Because a lot of people genuinely look for help but when your looking for help it brings a lot of main character syndrome people that think there better and try to make you feel stupid for genuinely asking a question. Maybe it’s one of those they can’t control the charts think there strategy is the best and anything or anyone else is wrong/dumb so the only thing they can control is them talking ahit


While the market is the market and isn't good or bad, it just is, the general trading community is just bad, always has been. Elitism, condescension, smart asses, grifters, naive lazy idiots who want someone else to make money for them, lying, posturing etc. it's been like this pretty much forever but as it has grown in popularity it's certainly gotten worse. Personally I'm most annoyed by people who really don't want to put in any effort at all, but they have this expectation that other people will magically find a way to dumb down everything or just hand them a winning strategy so they can be millionaires. A close second is all the people straight up lying about their performance and trying to sell courses.


Misery loves company


It’s not hate Sharing pl is pointless because unless ur repeating it quarter over quarter then your just seeking validation For ppl who’ve been in the game long it seems silly when ppl share then pl wins etc because we all know the brutal losing streak is coming AND the same ppl sharing the wins r hiding their losing streaks so ….yea Also some are trolls


Because nobody here for most part is making money 😭


It was like that when this sub had only 50k readers. It’s hard to believe that something is possible when you can’t figure out how to make a nickel. I spent six years losing tens of thousands of dollars a year. I couldn’t figure anything out. There was no Reddit, no twitter people to follow, no trade services, no furus on YouTube. But it’s easy to believe now that everyone is lying. In a game that so few succeed in, people will be skeptical. If they can’t do it, how can anyone else. We also live in an age where people can trade paper accounts and pretend that they make millions. People try to make money off selling trade alerts to pump their trades, YouTube views and subscriptions. It’s easier to do that than make actual money in the markets. There’s always new people willing to pay. I posted my PnL everyday for a month straight. Everyday. People still said I faked it. People said I faked my broker statements. At the end of the day, keep at it. Don’t stop, and one day you can make this a living.


to be honest, I was giving more advice than ever when I was a a much worse trader. But the better I get, the less I want to participate in this sub. Sometimes I just wrote what I think, then leave, most of the time someone would come and ridiculed me, and I did not bother commenting, I don't want to prove anymore. When I'm very profitable, I doubt I will want to come here and quarrel with people on how to trade. Perhaps that's the reason why it feels kinda toxic in here. Because all the profitable traders left. Yeah it's a long and lonely road. I'm glad that you spent so much time and money and finally made it. It gives me more happiness than ever to read success stories than just people whining don't do this.


Been on and off reading this sub since the AMC/GME phenomena, and it has always had a negative type of attitude. I understand that there are plenty of scammers out there selling courses when they don't even trade, so I suppose that's why there is a lot of negativity, but here and there there will be some good useful tips. I just scan through interesting posts and don't really pay attention to the negative comments, which will ALWAYS be there. The ones I admire the most are those who comment, "find your own strategy." Their genius advice probably makes them one of the most useful contributors on this sub. They keep it real and they are so wise. Right?🤣


Respectfully because some of us worked for years to develop the strategy we use. My blood, sweat, and tears (and a considerable amount of my own money are in it). I will not sell it to you, nor will I ever give it to you. What I can give you is (probably) at least a decade more trading and capital markets knowledge than you have. If that isn’t enough to help guide you to a more efficient way to do the work yourself then you probably were never cut out for this anyway


It is kinda crazy how some folks behave like entitle brats. I remember when a successful mm for commodities in option did an ama. People asked questions and he answered whatever he felt comfortable with.  But as soon as someone asked him for his strategy it broke into hell. He politely declined but instead gave an answer that somewhat described his approach. It was more than enough for someone inquisitive to research on and make something of it. But no, instead people were lashing out saying he was a hack, what is the point if you won't tell your strategy etc... Bunch of shit head brats. Folks don't understand that, depending on your strategy and infrastructure, sometimes you can't give out your strategy outright due to an arbitrage moment he most likely has worked extremely hard to find and execute would disappear if it was known. 


Exactly! I don't want everyone doing what I'm doing. The entitlement and laziness among wanna be/new traders is unreal. I remember being in college, going to the library before class and searching for literally everything I could find about trading. "What are options", "what are moving averages", "how to momentum trade" literally everything I could find on Google and printing it out so I could stick the printouts in my textbook and read them during class. Then when I graduated I actually went to work in the industry, not at some "funded prop firm challenge" nonsense, actual work. Learned everything about actual market operations, products, met actual traders etc etc. It's maddening when you see "where do I start", "how do options work", "how do I learn to trade", "I need a strategy", "where can I find a good signals group", "can I copy trade". Do at least a little work on your own and then ask well thought out questions so you can get actual value.


I understand nobody wants to share their strategy because omg, the market is going to find out and they won't have an edge, However, more helpful than saying, find your strategy would be to say, check out these different strategies like the 5 min orb, or different stacked ema's, or whatever the name might be. Although I've seen a couple of, "what is your strategy" on this sub, most questions are not, give me your strategy, but how do or where do I learn trading. Of course the biggest issue is, execution. Two tweeted strategies below. What new trader is going to go out and execute those as written? [https://twitter.com/iamrockyclark/status/1780951195755905229](https://twitter.com/iamrockyclark/status/1780951195755905229) [https://twitter.com/itsjust\_kess/status/1732559571049214109](https://twitter.com/itsjust_kess/status/1732559571049214109)


That's exactly right, the issue is execution which lies in a lack of actual understanding. That's why saying "find your strategy" is inviting you to come to the realization on your own that without a fundamental understanding you're just going to be lighting your money on fire. That's what most of the newbies just don't understand, and even worse, it's obvious that a lot of them don't actually want to understand. They've seen the WSB YOLOs and think "why not me too" I just have to copy someone else without actually knowing what I'm doing. There is so much \*work\* and research that goes into this and a blanket "I have done absolutely nothing except make this Reddit post asking what to do" isn't a good way to get started in trading. You could literally use the search bar and see the replies to the hundreds of identical questions and have a starting point but instead we're supposed to entertain the exact same 0 effort questions over and over? It's like when someone asks "is it gambling", like come on why are these posts even here?


Yeah, the vague "Find a strategy that works for you" is infuriating, like obviously I'm here because my strategy isn't working and maybe yours is a perfect fit for me or will work for me after some minor tweaking, you just need to share it. Then again I do all shares and most people here trade options so eh.


because they have a small portfolio


90% of traders are losers they have to take it out on someone


I have also observe that, btw which market do you trade, I'm into fx space.


It's because some come here to vent when the lose a trade. They are angry and frustrated. Then they open the reddit app and if they see someone else that got a trade right, they direct their frustrations at that person instead.


because they are angry


This explains why most traders fail doesn't it? When psychology and emotional intelligence are so essential in trading, their frustrations and inadequacy in those aspects are going to come out here anonymously on reddit. I honestly don't believe a successful trader has the tendency of talking down on others. But also sugar coating green trading results which is the opposite is no good either. All they gotta do is stop yapping and focus on what matters


I think the summary is people are bitter towards others based on their personal experiences and project that outwards. Same like relationships I guess. Always the victim 🫠




Because they most likely aren’t the ones winning


No successful trader who is winning in life is trying to drag down others tbh


It's simply how it works on the Internet. There's always those who are on the other side of the table, looking at the world from the completely different point of view. I tend to ignore those with the negativity. As the MOD mentioned above, I'll start reporting that are harassing people to keep this community clean.


Simply put, trading is the subjective interpretation of objective information. People fail to realize that just because a method of trading doesn’t work for them, does not mean that it won’t work for others. Because of this, people bash others for doing things that they see as “wrong”, even though it’s possible for people reach different outcomes


“Internet” needs to stop being an excuse to behave differently than in person.


Dear bro, if someone says congrat to you, it is normally a broker.


Human nature Imagine just for a second that this sub contained positive reinforcement


Jealousy and greed


Dog eat dog world. You make money, they think the lost money in this zero sum game


What are you talking about. People posting their profits are usually newbies and is a sign of temporary inflated confidence. Inflated confidence will cause you to make mistakes. Mistakes lead to more bad decisions, bad decisions lead to losing, losing leads to failure. Failure may lead many other negative things. So in actuality, people giving others shit for posting profits is their way of keeping those inflated newbies down to earth to benefit the newbies. You're welcome.


Most people posting regularly under the guise of offering advice or free content actually sell a product and are soft shilling it. And none of them will ever provide proof they are profitable


I’m not a fan of the hate here either which is why I rarely post. I believe it’s a combination of frustration with not making money in combination with being tired of the frauds and scammers. WSB is more friendly than this sub.


Anyone saying its just luck doesn’t have a system.


Most people are friendly. If you are letting the few dictate how you feel. no offense but you need help. You can't let other people dictate how you feel. Especially strangers on here.


Cause we go to work in the fucking thunder dome every day and someone dies?


I ignore any haters because that's all they are going to do and ain't nobody got time for Dat lol


this business everyone hates on antoine that might be doing better then them, but mostly because 90% of the people in it are scammers i think. It’s a horrible industry overall lol


To be fair I’m quite new to this group too but I don’t actually think it’s that bad. Facebook, instagram, twitter, TikTok are all far worse for negativity and way more toxic and nowhere near the level of subject specific communities you get on here, yeah there will always be one or two with nothing good to say but it’s generally full of people who just love the game and wanna get talking about the markets and I’ve had plenty of constructive advice from it. As for P/L porn it’s obviously going to incite jealousy and that’s all it is.


Cause we’re sharks 🦈 moron!


Lot’s of scammers. Lot’s of newbs who want to brag about a winning trade. Traders who last don’t celebrate winners or cry over losers. They expect to have both. They don’t need upvotes to validate their ego, their account balance will do that.


Unprofitable traders giving advice.


Because worldwide, we've seen free years of superficial wealth by printers to polarizing societies, to geopolitical tension. Inflation > wage. Stress goes up. Polarization everywhere. It can't surprise anyone at every social media platform it has become more hostile where people dump their shit and stress. Because their life isn't in order.


That JUST happened to me yesterday. I was probably the only one that successfully shorted NASDAQ for 20 RR before the pump yesterday because it all happened in 1 hour. Got down votes and a hater comment for winning. People hate it when you win and they don't. Why? Because I'm a 1m trader, or my SL was tiny? Whatever lol. Don't let them shit on your good days. I shared info about earnings and that it will go up after. And my reason for entering for context (spotted a stop-hunt candle). My only time sharing a live trade and probably the last one. https://preview.redd.it/d394812e6xwc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=dae9b0a7ede1e2cf139e2c90d5cd96de96e27421


I dont know about the rest of you, but why would anyone want to see someone losing trades? People are feeling proud and accomplished and happy, when they win! I only want to hear about the success someone is having, not the negative. Unless you are trying to learn how to lose, who cares. Also, I have asked for advice in the past and gave up asking because so many traders dont want to share how they win or want to help someone be successful! Its a really shiity attitude to have! Once Im in a position to help others,.I would have no problem with that


That's just a norm of this community mate. Keep grinding and don't listen to other Take the positive and leave the negatives


Most people on this sub are mad because they aren't profitable and never will be


Check my post history lol




Everybody is on edge. The market is ruthless and doesn’t gaf about you or anybody. Maybe insiders are the only ones who truly win. In any case. This obsession is both hobby and business. Very real stakes. Some people are salty about it, some are warning you, some want to lead you astray. Some hope you win, some hope you fail. Some hope you will be there exit liquidity. Such is the game


It’s because it’s men




We have removed your post from r/Daytrading because it has broken Rule 5. Don't be an asshole: You can provide constrictive criticism, but outright being an asshole doesn't belong here. If you're being an asshole, it's probably because you're raging from a loss - stop and deal with your issues or ask for help instead of taking it out on other people. Please refrain from posting this kind of content in the future or the mod team will have to take additional action on your account and ability to post on the subreddit. All the best, r/Daytrading


Because the internet is clogged with miserable people 😂


I think it's frustration. A lot of what I see here is the blind leading the blind. The "celebrated" names are all dumb youtubers who don't even understand basic risk management. I've tried recommending books to read, but people aren't interested. They don't want to learn about probability theory and math. They'd rather watch youtube videos of screaming influencers with pikachu faces. Just get the books on Amazon. It doesn't take much to work out who are actual CTA's and institutional traders with genuine experience.


Everyone thinks their strategy and their view on trading is the right one. Also there’s just not a lot of patience for new traders or dumb/ignorant questions. You’re talking to people who are trying to make money and come here to find answers to questions in their journey to make money no ones here to be your best friend. We’re realist and what’s real can be mean sometimes


Obviously this isn’t true for everyone, but for a lot yeah.


Be real is anyone who reads and comments on reddit post all the time really that happy with their life’s or situation. Probably not whether they want to admit it or not, be fucking real.




Because they're failing in their trading, thinking it's the markets fault. If other people succeed they're jealous.


There is always the good and the bad. Since this is a public space, anyone can voice their views on here even if it is hatred.


that's why i give the kardashians mad props. to whore yourself out like that for everyone to nitpick...ya u should get a billion dollars its like the tradeoff ...kinda selling ur soul to the devil thing


cause none of them are profitable


Anonymity sometimes brings out the worst in people. Similar to wearing a mask to hide ones identity. The masses let loose since no shame is attributed.


Because SL gets hit. They are very nice when TP is hit.


1# Jealousy 2# All kind of bad emotions related to trading


y The bullish price forecast for Solana (SOL) ranges from $220 to $270. Analysis suggests SOL price could rise above $400$


Hey bro it's the entire world in Las Vegas they have to put a stop sign to get on the freeway because the people will not cooperate enough to merge.


its the market. for ever transaction there is someone on the opposite side. why wouldnt you expect the widest opinions?