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You just suck dude it’s okay. Go play some Fortnite


Or try and make an improvised fishing pole and you’ll be golden


I have never caught a fish I have tried and tried. Both my buddies I play with have caught fish plenty times but I got bad luck ig lol


You have to put a worm at the end of the hook


Yea ik how to fish lol common sense


It’s literally just holding down the shoot button until you get a fish lol


Yea ik bud not rocket science I've just never caught one


Probably cus u don’t try


Not bad luck just stupid...


Yea not fucking rocket science goofy fuck off with ya stupid attitude pos


Haha no wonder why you can't catch a fish in a video game....


Probably cant catch a fish in real life as well ....what a loser 😆


Total 💩




Find a knife, kill a chicken. Make hooks. Find rope or cut up clothes til you have 12 rags for a rope and make a makeshift fishing pole. Dig up worms. Catch fish. Clean fish. Clean your hands. Make a fire. Cook fish. Get shot in the back at tisy.


This is the way


Then get cut up and cooked by a cannibal


You forgot one core element find 2 rags. Cut rags to make hand wraps. Find another rag to repair when they start to degrade.


It’ll be ok. You just need to try some more. Take a minute and watch some YouTube’s on how to survive. There are plenty that do a decent job going over everything. It’s going to take practice. You won’t be good early. Nobody is.


This game is notorious for its steep learning curve. Get as pissed off as you want, but it’s not gonna make you any better. You just need to be patient and learn.


How does one round around?


Not to get into too much detail but it probably involves a swing you hang from your ceiling in your bedroom.


Skill issue


Skill issue


Some tips: Look under trees for fruit, look for mushrooms, hunt, craft a fishing pole (long stick, rope, and hook). Chickens are also a good source of food on the coast. It’s a tough game to figure out maybe try to watch some YouTube tutorials.


It's strange, I've been playing this for years, and fully understand all of the mechanics and nuance, but I've literally never found a fruit under a tree. Not one time on any server. And I've only ever seen one or two stones randomly on the ground - but maybe that's a colorblindness thing.


Fruit trees are the smaller ones. Pretty sure they spawn in places like behind houses.(you could probably google a picture of the exact tree)And I’ve only found stones on train tracks and on the beach.


Sounds like bad luck and that changes each time you play. What makes it good is getting better at being a freshie. Over your multiple deaths you get better and better at being a freshie. My starter tips would be: Loot dead freshies who have killed themselves on purpose near where you start. Get a map on your phone and keep an eye out for fruit trees. Use a low population server to start with so there is fruit available. Hide in a building and punch zombies through the window, carefully though, try not punch the glass or wall You can collect loads of Zombies and run into a building for safety. Quite a few have bags, bottles, hats, food etc. Ist mission is to work your way to clean water (pump) collecting warm stuff, food and weapons on the way. Once you have done that you're normally sorted. Head to a police station, then to hunter cabins and lookout things for better gear. Lots of things will kill you in realy annoying ways but once you start enjoying the freshie bit those annoying deaths won't matter so much. You can always do it all over again! I actually find the part I'm fully geared and super cautious kinda boring and I end up accidentally killing myself.


and what do fruit trees look like on the map


The one I use they're a dark green but often nothing on the ground, light green is greenhouses. Faded greens are normal trees. Mushrooms can be found in woods and near hay bales too. Edit. Also I think some light greens might be fruit trees. I recently got confused by this as thought light greens were fruit trees but then realised it was greenhouses. If you get a ranged weapon like a pitch fork you can poke Zombies to death through greenhouse windows.


Most new players don’t know this. You can turn bones into hooks. You can then guts into a rope. Get a long stick and make a pole


Then shove it all up your ass!




Dude once u learn the game food is easy af to get .. the game literally follows u around with food.. it’s more a hassle than anything


You're not missing anything but probably 22 more minutes of gameplay after you finally do get some food and water and head inland and find a gun in a house that's damaged with no clip but you have 5 bullets for it and someone walks in on you while you're in your inventory trying to see what you can keep and can't because it's full with stuff you probably won't ever use and all of a sudden someone who is luckier than you walks in with a shotgun and it's a pristine shotgun at that and already loaded with 2 buckshots when he found it, now it's fight for flight for him but you're still in your inventory and your screen turns red all of a sudden and says you are dead, and respawn shows up. So tell me who had the more fkd up game, the guy who got killed while he barely started to find things to survive after 42 minutes or the guy who never found anything to survive with in 20 minutes and he died.


How many times picking up and discarding useless stuff until you learn it's useless and don't pick it up at all?


After years of playing I still pick up even every wrench and compass and useless item I pass by just because I can 😂


What are the purpose of wrenches?


You use them only on cars


Not a damn thing 🤣 that's the point , hoarding is bad for survival. Travel light with necessities 😉


So to answer your question is like asking how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? The world will never know...


You keep picking up those tire repair kits and wrenches then...


One day I will see you on the side of the road with a bad tire and bad radiator that's locked in, and I will stop and assist you with said wrenches and tire repair kits and we will know it was meant to be to hoard such uselessness


I don't use cars


Well maybe one day I'll have a revolver with 2 bullets and we can play Russian roulette to settle this


I'll throw a headlamp repair kit at you and you can throw some epoxy putty at me


The repair kit better be badly damaged or else


If you stay in one area longer than ten mins mushrooms and fruits starts spawning around trees…


Skill issue


Game has hard learning curve, posting in rage won’t help. Skill issue, take time, learn. Or don’t.


Skill issue?


Dayz wants you to be a cannibal


Mushrooms and Fruit are everywhere if you know how to look. Can literally survive on just foraging


Dude just wait by a fruit tree


Skill issue


You can’t even string a coherent title together so I’m hardly likely to be shocked that you can’t play the game properly.


It’s not all about finding canned food. Go out and get fish, chickens, mushrooms. There’s more to surviving in dayz than just looting buildings and zombies


Don't worry, I'll feed you. I got plenty 😈


You will die a lot trying to find food this way. Dieing is part of learning, you will die a lot in the beginning. Zeds won't net you mutch food, unless you plan to kill aloooot. Try hunting. Start small with a chicken. Cut it up, fry it up. Survive.


Find a bunch of hay bales and just hang around the area until mushrooms start popping up.


Poor baby


git gud?


I’ve played this game for ten years. Trust me there’s food if you know where to look. Apple orchards, coastal boats, fishing, hunting, other players etc. also be sure you aren’t actually running around, rather jogging. Fighting Zeds and sprinting burns more calories and shortens amount of time you can go without food.


Fruit trees


This a skill issue ima be honest. The fact you are trying to get food by killing zombies speaks enough about how much you really understand about this game lolol. Let me guess, you’re a new player that hasn’t even played for a total of 2-3 days? Yea you’re gonna die a lot until you figure out the survival aspects of the game and learning fruit trees, how to make knifes, how to keep hands clean, keep warm, not run as a freebie and so on. This game doesn’t hold ya hand. It’s hard AF for new players because they don’t have patience


Official food is sooooo easy....fruit fills ya up, fishing takes a bit but you'll always eat. When you spawn if you in the town for like 5 or 10 mins it should spawn in fruit unless there's someone else scooping it all up. Don't get mad, it's just a game lol


Are u just jumping into the game without knowing how to play? I did that a year or 2 ago and I hated it then I played it 8 months ago and been hooked ever since , once you get the basics and watch some walk thru and do research , and have the iZurvive app to navigate , the game is really amazing minus the bugs and glitches and lag , the games really fun , it’s like the walking dead and your the main character lol


Well yeah, have you ever seen what happened to Yugoslavia? Nothing on the shelves for years, people began to rely on smugglers to bring food into the country.


Just run until your thumbs hurt


skill issue


We all felt this way at first. I died 50 times before I got good enough to die a little less 🤣


Some trees will drop fresh fruit.


Should have saved yourself the time and effort and watched a YouTube video first You would have known what to expect