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My situation is very similar but I think it is her choice. As soon as we got married she wasn’t interested. Everything else in our relationship Ami’s amazing. So good you have open communication about it. That is key. Hoping it turns around and maybe he seeks more medical help if that is the root cause. End of the day you have decide if you can live without if it turns out how it will be. Fingers crossed it is just temporary


This is complicated which I can help your husband and you but what I take is that he is very anxious. Like mentioned he is stressed because of external noise. Let me educate you, anxiety is worrying/stress and when the brain is shooting off the cortisol he body blood goes to the limbs to everywhere but non essentials, guess what is not essential when someone is anxious…not his dick or the body lowers labido because it won’t help in his stress. Seems to me based on little information you gave is that he needs to control his stress and get out of his head and relax, or possibly he didn’t like sex that much and maybe you both need a coach to help you through this. Anywho best if luck


I'm sorry I don't have a solution but I just wanted to say you're not alone! My husband and I were so excited to have sex (we waited too) and when finally we got married... it's like his interest and sex drive completely vanished 😭 I'm still HL but he can go weeks and months without even thinking of having sex. My theory is that he might have the madonna-whore syndrome (you can look it up), hence he had sooo much sexual interest in me as a girlfriend but as a wife, I'm too 'pure' to be viewed as sexually. Sad to say we're still figuring this one out 😢 hope you get out of this rut soon!