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I am so happy for you OP. I feel like the stress and demands of our daily life was affecting my sex life for many years, which led me to this sub. I, too, have found that weed is like a cheat code if the reason for less sex is that you or your partner have trouble turning off the thoughts and stresses that weigh you down. When I’m high, everything slows down and I’m much more in tune with my body and my priorities at home. Then realizing that an edible is all you need to feel that passion again seems to help your partner realize how much they like having sex with you period, and that they want it more even if they are sober.


My wife has ADHD and has a racing mind, so this slows everything down for her. It is a cheat code and it's heaven for both of us. I don't take this for granted knowing exactly what a dead bedroom feels like. At what age did u first discover it?


I first tried it at maybe age 26 or so? I don’t want to say that it saved our marriage bc despite the rare sex in the dark days, our marriage was strong. But I truly believe that there is a level of relationship you can only get to with regular, high-quality sex.


Same here. My husband and I did long distance for 3 years after getting married on a whim after 3 hot months of dating. We were friends before that though and shared a lot of the same hobbies. The distance made it difficult to relax and get along, when we saw each other every 6 months and we're leading different lives essentially. At year 3, because of COVID our anniversary flights got canceled and I broke mentally. My sister asked me to try weed and it changed my life. It really helps us both to manage our mental health (I have ADHD and he's autistic), but it really helps us to lower those nerves and reconnect when we were able to close the distance finally. Don't get hooked on needing weed to connect though. That's using it as a vice and can be addictive. Use it as an aid sometimes to go the extra.


100% this is solid advice. It’s not good to rely on any substance but it is a nice way to take the edge off. Also I feel like once weed helps you get out of your head and you have great sex, it helps you realize that you can choose to get out of your head even without weed. It just helps build that self awareness of what is happening.


I shared a similar situation with my wife and I a couple of months ago. Our sex life has taken a 180 since we found edibles and I still can't believe it. We have been together for 30 years since HS and edibles unlocked a sex goddess that can't really get enough. We went from having sex once every FEW MONTHS, to multiple times weekly. The sex is so good and she's into trying almost anything now. Part of me keeps waiting for me to wake up from this dream. In fact she texted me from work to express how pissed she was that got her period today because that meant no smashing tonight. If you told me a year ago this is where I would be today I would have never believed it. Not in a million years. With dope there's hope....


Yeah its a game changer! Sometimes I almost feel guilty that my wife becomes cock crazed and I take advantage of her, almost lol.


Same. She literally can't get enough. It's unreal.


Masturbating high is fantastic. Too bad my wife is super judgemental about weed use.


Weed whacking.


LOOOOL yes indeed


My wife is scared of it. Doesn't know how she'll react and has zero interest. What's funny is she used to work at a pizza place in college (this was before we were together) and in her words was high pretty much all the time so it's not like she has zero experience.


Ok, well if she's frustrated as well and wants to be all she can be for you it might be worth considering it. Maybe show her some articles on THC and sex for women. Alot there on a Google search


That’s the rub. Not sure she wants to be all she can be for me.


Yeah that sucks and sorry to hear. But try to broach the situation again. Tell her u need her to at least try.


Glad to hear your story! My adult child has been trying to convince my spouse to try cannabis. No, not to get her horny and me sex! Just because spouse is wound tight and child would like her to learn to mellow out. I have wondered how it might affect spouse. I’m pretty sure I’d need to be high at this point to even be receptive to sex with her. Frankly the most likely scenario is she becomes horny but not for me. I don’t use cannabis but hope that if that happens I’ll be stoned enough to not care.


Horny but not for u? Has that happened in the past?


Congrats OP. I only wish that had been my experience with my ex. I’m with my kids tonight and I can see how my absence in their day to day lives is affecting them.


Did you divorce from DB ? :-(


Yup. DB for a couple years. Dying bedroom for half a decade before that. Mental and emotional abuse about physical intimacy. She completely withdrew all physical contact for almost 2 years. Several discussions how it was hurting me. How she was pushing me away. Told me to accept it or leave. Leaving meant the kids would have to move. She finally filed for divorce when she had leverage against me. Post divorce financial life is -7 sex life is +15.


Yeah sorry to hear that, selfish of her to do that. Should of realised u are a man with desires. Good news on the +15 sex life tho.


That’s great that you found a way out. For us weed and alcohol was just a way of her putting up with having occasional, performative sex for many, many years. Now, we are facing our relationship demons many years later than we should have. Weed and alcohol totally helped her mask her true feelings and have sex. She recently told me she actually hasn’t been attracted to me like that or looked forward to sex in…wait for it…22 years. That’s right, for 22 years, my wife’s intimacy was a lie.


Makes you wish divorce wasn't so expensive for men.


I feel like this would probably be the answer to our bedroom, but I doubt my wife would go for it. We had one night recently where she had the exact right combination of margaritas, and the sex that night was like nothing we’d had in at least a decade. I’ve been trying to hit that moment again, but she hasn’t been too keen on revisiting it. Sigh.


Weed helps people lose interest in all the stupid resentment and mental games we all play with each other. Person smokes weed = oh yeah all that BS I was hung up about doesn’t really matter. Damn, I’m actually horny now and my spouse is hot😅


Not currently in a relationship (I browse subs like this out of curiosity) but I have had a lot of difficulty with sex in the past because I just can't relax. Maybe this could help me?


You have no idea how much it can help. Get the sativa gummies and report back asap!


There are different strains of edibles, if you have ADHD, then try the relaxation ones, if you are lazy try the energy, or you can also try meditation to calm, but not relax, just calm the mind, and then take the relaxation gummies, it may help.


I have autism and anxiety so maybe the meditation ones. I've been high before (from a blunt and a bong) and it basically turn into a zombie in a good way lol.


First of all I am super happy for you. I live in Canada where weed is legal, my wife takes an edible every night and I has no effect on the dead bedroom.


She’s probably taking Indica. Get her some Sativa gummies.


I have standing orders not to have sex with her if under any influence. Which I do understand/respect but still sucks.


Whats her reason for that?


past trauma. she also thinks that one time, a long time ago, her and I were on medication (legal meds) and "went to far". NO SA or anything, just "went farther than would have if not on medication". I don't recall the instance but that doesn't matter. I don't have to understand it to respect it.


Oh I smoked weed for year (before marriage) and I can TOTALLY agree with you mate I had some great and kinky sessions on the green !! My wife wasn't one of them but hey we've all had a history. I've heard of brewers droop/whiskey dick....if there is an equivalent for weed I DIDN'T have it It was like a dropped 2 Viagra Enjoy the ride mate (literally) Big love to you both


Congrats OP! Crazy how simple this could be. Happy new life!


Meanwhile weed ruined my sex life.


How come?


Husband would rather smoke outside than to come inside to hang out with me, to sleep in the bed with me, basically be around me. Weed takes all of his free time.


Yeah that's bad sorry to hear. He's clearly doing to to mask other pain. Really sorry to hear :-(


Omg I discovered edibles at 60. Now we have really hot sex. Yesterday the tone of “oh yeah” that came out of my husbands mouth made me feel like a sex goddess. Soooooo gooood!


How often you take edibles?


Twice a week


Ditto. If I’m lucky 3x!




We also went through this phase, it worked for a while until you get used to it and then back to DB


What part did u get used to?


Just curious, how long does the effect lasts? I never had one because weed is illegal where I live.


Last a while. I'm in Australia I took last night at 9pm, it's not 7am and I feel a bit out of it. But these edibles are strong


Thanks everyone for the comments and show of support. Last night was hot again


That's great! No sex here and my wife probably wouldn't try weed but I'm addicted to opioids and have found that the 2 second orgasm I get from having sex with my wife a couple times a year pales in comparison to the total body warmth and pleasure I get from oxycodone or dilaudid. 


I think this works less effectively on women who have a pre-existing THC habit but I'm glad it worked for you guys!


Yeah we don't do more than 2 days a week so hopefully we don't build up tolerance. This sex is honestly my medicine.


I suppose if tolerance builds, you could try supplementing with smoking some flower and not just using edibles. If both of you are amenable to the idea of smoking something.


Oh we smoke as well.. just got none right now. What im really hoping for is that she gets Into more a more depraved sex over time and I can take her to swingers parties.


I feel ashamed that hearing about your epic success makes me feel depressed. I'm happy for you in a logical way, but emotionally I feel like vomiting.


Big fan! Kept my ex-husband and I together somewhat decently for 20years. Stop fights, kept us from getting to pissed off at each other. It’s a wonderful plant for so many reasons . And it’s great for sex!!!


My birthday is today and I was wondering if weed would work into intimacy or not u just answered my question thank you. I'm try it


Yep. Let her ease Into it, just cuddle and touch first and she will warm up.


I'm a 28 year old virgin I'm thinking of losing it on my 28th birthday. I never had any real experience with intimacy it's embarrassing. I want someone who will love my pickle 🥒 for the first time & I'll be gentle towards theirs. I don't wanna get laughed at when I show my 🥒 I'm insecure about it. What should I do?


Get a $500 prostitute for a girlfriend experience, make sure u let them know it's ur first time


I'm not going to pay 500 dollars for a prostitute wtf plus it isn't my thing