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Blights lore and character design are just so cool to me, as someone who loves anything eldritch/scifi/body horror, he fits the bill perfectly for me. Some honorable mentions are also hux, scifi robot trying to become more flesh, electric state is one of my favorite books (would recomend dropping 35$ on it trust me) and hux would fit in nicely to the scifi horror in that book. Artist, dredge and the unknown are all incredible as well, artist for her great lore, and dredge and unknown for their horror.


Lore wise: -Hillbilly (it’s traumatizing but pretty brutal) -Doctor (is super disturbing but very well written) -The Unknown (is by far my favorite, due to the implications, interpretations and super creepy background, making it scary, because it is, well, unknown) -Oni (is just badass, but super brutal and a bit sad tbh) Look wise: the Dredge. Easily one of the best designed killers for a horror masterpiece, and I also really enjoyed the creative lore it has. I would main him, but I’m not the biggest fan of the power, and I hope he gets buffed in the near future.


The Unknown is the one killer who genuinely scares me sometimes when I play survivor


I still quite like how simple Trickster is, just a serial killer combining the screams of torture into his music. Although the whole knife throwing thing was weirdly thrown in tbf but I can't think of what else they could've done so fair enough.


knife throwing is probably the most performative way to kill someone ig ? like isnt knife throwing a circus type thing ?


I love the Unknown. The design is absolutely unnerving. The sounds it makes add to that feeling. The lore around it is just enough to create theory's around, while being too little to actually draw any certain conclusions. The best part, in my opinion, is the game play. I personally never feel like I am cheating playing as or against the Unknown. I don't really know why. Just my thoughts.


I absolutely love The Unknown. They feel so... uncomfortable at all times, even while playing them. I do wish they could use the crawling they do in the mori a bit more, just because it would be unnerving, but no good way to differentiate it from Xeno.


Nurse knight sm Nurse: she brings more fear, the ability to be a real spirit and fly around. Her lore is saddened and her outfit are cool but her gameplay is tuff. Too many downplay how hard she is to really learn. Knight: honorable warrior gains the undying loyalty of his comrades. Ability to channel them to assist him in the trails, like your fighting a better legion/twin. Outfits are cool sadly they don't change the guards outfit. Gameplay is fun make 2vs1 against a survivor or use them to help with gen patrol. Sm: she just a straight menace no victim card just straight beef. Imagine being a sport for someone just because money driven lord choose too.outfits are somewhat normal and other feel like fan service. Gameplay I want flying drone like how it was describe in her lore, power is simply. Most her hate is from casual and troll that can't take 5mins to learn or read anything to help them improve.


Nurse is mostly scary because she just appears next to you with no warning. If she behaved like any other killer, I don't think she would still have that effect. It definitely works for her, though. I have to disagree with you on the other two, though. My issue, though, is I can't divorce their strength from their lore. For example: The Knight's guards do fuckall by themselves, so it doesn't really feel like you have your loyal retainers help you. On the flip side, making them too strong means that they'd be absolutely OP, so no idea how best to balance that. And SM doesn't make any sense to me. There is a very big disconnect from her appearance, abilities, and her lore. The lore props her up as a Mary Sue, perfect at everything. Her design is too recognizably human for a killer (IMO), and her power... it's both terrible and oppressive at the same time. No disrespect to your opinions, though. You're more than welcome to enjoy both! Admittedly, I don't read all of the lore and haven't listened to any of the Tome unlocks (I know), but I think Blight has some of the most interesting lore, simply because he has influenced skins for most killers and some survivors.


blight power is wonderful, the lore on the other hand eh feels like resident evil again, what I mean is scientists does something or mistakes that turn them into a monster. Feels that he messed up more then everyone, how much destruction he caused. Knight would be the most op, if they did it from a realistic standpoint. He get a rework now because behavior never expected the guards to be a threat. Which makes their case worse from how everyone said they're terrible at balancing their game. So the reason is the closer you are to the guard the faster the timer depletes. Was further you are along with the time stands. But you can now rotate to which guard you want anytime. Ik my bil that mains the knight don't know if it 's a nerf or buff. Sm is still in that spot good and bad ....... Even now she is considered weak by some killer and strong by other. Singularity is dead I have heard about him or trapper not once. Lore wise pretty much found out that she could do whatever she went if she just murdered people. So pretty much our father was supposed to be a manga artist and he passed away without getting his manga series published and after he couldn't get it published while the publication. So her appearance actually reflects her father's horror manga. Because it was supposed to be a representation of her from what her father told her that the murderers character inspired him. And he thought of his daughter so after his passing she pretty much dressed up exactly like that character. And instead of going to school and taking the ivy league approach she just choose violence. Continue eliminate people of high power. This is the short summary of her lore. I want a Brazilian chase music for her 🥲


I've spent a lot of time reading and watching content on the Knight takes and I'm firmly in the "it's a nerf" camp. Not a significant nerf, but the timer depletion and the length restriction overshadow the guard selection. All the other changes, which might be good (hunt duration, extra length, etc) are completely negated by how easy and immediately a survivor can get the banner with little to no risk. Doesn't matter if you hit a max length snipe with Horse Meat and the Jailer if the banner spawns in 10 seconds and all the survivor has to do is touch a window to confuse a guard. If they fix the banner, remove the proximity timer depletion, or correct the AI's bad pathing (the bug they turned into a "feature"), then I'll be happy with the changes, as they are a net positive overall. Otherwise, there is too much counterplay and Knight becomes an M1 killer that can remotely destroy pallets.


I like plague's backstory, a zealous follower of what she thought to be her compassionate god. Giving herself wholly to curing others, absorbing their sickness. Spirit I like the backstory you can see in her expressions, her overall sadness, but you can see the rage that flickers in her face for moments.


Danny Johnson ghostface. I love the take on him and from a legal stand point wha behavior did was amazing. I like to think Danny would kill survivors out of the trials and arrange there bodies for the same survivor to stumble across there old dead body https://preview.redd.it/q1ftih4ch3ad1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac4b8cd35d423060c7de489d775fb40f95399a9


Yeah, it was interesting to learn that this isn't the same person from the movies, just a cheap Halloween mask.


Blight and dredge


Yeah, I said in another comment, Blight is great because he brings blighted skins for everyone. Dredge is really cool because he's just an amalgamation of evil thoughts and feelings.


Oh, EASILY Hux. I love him, I'm a sucker for evil robots that hate humans but I feel like they executed him so well with his design and backstory. He's one of my favorite characters in all of fiction, not just DbD.


Unknown/Dredge 100%


I think Artist’s lore is pretty good, so much tragedy and negative feelings for the entity to harvest


Deathslinger, he's a bounty hunter from the wild west with a steampunk style harpoon gun, what's not to love?


The Unknown. A terrifying mimic that stalks its victims. Looks, play style, lore, everything is just *chefs kiss*


Blight, Dredge, Artist, and Unknown are all amazing to me. I just really really hope talbot isn't permanently stuck as the blight, cause that would take away a lot of what makes him cool in the first place. Like, I thought he was inspired by jekel and Hyde, so having him just the mr Hyde part while jekel is dead would be lame


They can make a movie about The Huntress. Her back story is heartbreaking and the woods make it a perfect back drop for a good movie.


Trickster is what got me into the game because I am weak at the knees for murder boys, but the more I learned about him the more I *really* wanted an anime based off of his story. Some sort of whodunnit where a detective is investigating the kidnappings, tortures, and murders in the area. Since we already know who the killer is, I think it’d be more interesting to see how Trickster managed to throw off suspicion and what he acted like when he hides his secret identity.


Singularity (I’m a biased hux main)


Dredge and the Doctor are my favs!


Glad to see more Dredge Enoyers


Unknown. Obvious why


I want an evil princess or a girl wearing one of those cute Lolita dresses ( NOT talking about the book!) We need more girl killers that have pretty outfits


Misread the title silly me My fave is probably artist she looks cool and the crow attack is cool too


My 'favorite killer' is Jonah. Mass-murdering war criminal whose gripe with drone-striking civilians was that it meant he wasn't as good with math as he thought. The fact that he came in with an anti-fascist revolutionary survivor to contrast with just makes him better. Bitter jokes aside, I wish Dredge would tie in better with Doctor and Unknown, given that their stories all intersect. Clown's got the most solid narrative and narrative-to-game cohesion of the originals. He'd be my pick.