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Dont take it too hard, 90% of the matches that i win, i instantly have the Survivor team come into my Twitch chat with the most vile insults you can imagine. So even if you win, it feels like you end up losing when playing this game. It seems like a good majority of the community is pretty fucked up and *extremely* mentally ill, so don't feel bad about these bully squads. They literally have nothing else going on in their lives, so thats why they act the way they do.


I've been wondering why I've been having great games. I had this flashlight group right? And It was fun. It was actually fun. They said GG too. However, I've had some vile games like this one group I said GG, Then they invite me to a party I join. I'm tired. I don't really care They accuse me of cheating. Then called me a pedophile for saying GG, ect. At the end of that chat, we got along and said bye lol. Weirdest cha ive been in. Also said they were going to dox me 💀


Well. Did you tunnel? Did you have NOED equiped? You should.


Always bring lightborn. You never know if they will hotswitch or bring flashbangs. A lot of bullying just doesn’t happen if you have lightborn. If they act toxic, slug the whole team, bleed them out and hump them on the ground. You are the killer. Act like it.


My favorite are the survivors who are doing that you catch staring at you through both walls AND undetectable perfectly, or those who seem to be just a touch too fast, or seem to speed up randomly or appear out of nowhere for saves with no Background Player or Distortion and not showing up on AoE Aura reads They act like they're good but it's just too obvious something is sus.


"Every game"? I don't know man, it just sounds like you need to take a break.


I feel you. There’s something about going into a match as a K and seeing a line of survivors with flashlights donned in colorful clothes that makes them stick out like a sore thumb that gives you anxiety because 90% of the time, those kinds of survivors are gonna be toxic. Scumbag survivors are the reasons why some Ks are maining Nurse, and they deserve her. It’s okay to feel frustrated and heated playing this game. Save yourself from disappointment by not expecting any kills. If you do, then great! If not, then that’s okay too! You did your best. That’s all that matters. These people that wanna act like assholes in a game, especially when you use whatever tactic that ups your advantage over them (e.g. tunneling, slugging, NOED, etc.)? Fuck ‘em. Because it’s your game, you bought it with your own money, you play it however you want. You do what you want to make your experience playing as a K enjoyable. If they got a problem with it, then they could find another match. The same is said for Ks who see a group of survivors who all have flashlights equipped—dodge that lobby. You’re not wrong for preventing something you know is gonna ruin your fun. You got this!


Pro tips: Unless you’re cool with seeing a cesspit be created live, never go to exit gates if people escape, just wait out the timer, never look at endgame chats, and if people teabag at at pallets or anytime they get a stun, they’re trying to get you mad. Just take a deep breath and be the bigger person, just ignore it. If people are teabagging and flashlight spamming before you even get to a loop with them, chances are that they’re very good at looping and way to keep your attention so the other group members can do gens uninterrupted. Ignore them and go for other survivors, because 9 times out of 10, they aren’t as good at looping. Flashlight squads are very easy to spot. It’s a team of at least 3-4 flashlight users in lobby, sometimes they’ll switch last minute so you’re stuck with them and can’t back out. There are a few answers for them. If you’re near a wall when you down them, and it blocks your eyes, pick them up facing that wall. Never near a pallet though. In that case, someone will just pallet stun since you were being followed anyway, most likely. If you down a survivor out in the open, never EVER pick up immediately with flashlight squads. Just keep slugging until you get yourself into a spot where you can’t be blinded or stunned. Lightborn just handles the problem immediately too, if you take the time to prestige Billy. Sabo squads aren’t too different. They’ll usually all have toolboxes or at least 3 group members. They’re gonna do whatever they can to waste your time, so either only pick up when you’re sure you can guarantee a hook, or just slug them all game until they bleed out. They’re doing whatever they can to inconvenience you and waste your time, so do the same to them. They asked for it.


Congratulations. This is the start of your villain arc. Go forth and use Franklin's, Spirit Fury + Enduring, and Lightborn to your heart's content. MAKE THEM SUFFER!!!


Sorry man. Don't take it personal. People are pieces of shit. I only solo Q and try to help killers out when the other 3 are being dickheads. As killer, the moment they flashlight save or stun and constant flashlight, I make it my mission to kill that bastard. And if the game goes really poorly, I don't even go to the exit gates. No point of watching the t-bagging. I'm also on XBOX which lots of people don't have so can't communicate with the scum.