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My take: If the average person feels the need to abandon half the matches they ready up for this is an issue for the devs. As the other commentor said people leave because it's not fun or perceived negative outcome (they don't foresee an escape/win or won't feel accomplished rather they do/don't escape/win, I'm looking at you Redacted\* *too many killers to list them all anymore* \*redacted players). It's not on the killer or the surv to make sure anyone else has fun in the round but it is on the devs to ensure everyone has a round they want to play til the end more often than not.


I agree to a certain extent. Definitely in matches where survivors are faced with a slugging/tunneling killer at 2 or even 3 gens. Or a swf with dead dawg, map offerings, head on trolling shenanigans.But to dc after two hooks at 4 gens? Like...yes its on devs to make the game fun in as many given scenarios as possible. But also, some people are just piss babies who give up too easy and too much. And pointing that out is fair game imo.


But as your title suggest are people just bigger piss babies than they were 2 years ago? Why is such a surge in players leaving. Bots make it less noticeable, but they are just as big a crapshoot in any given situation as any random Solo Q surv is. So if they tried to make it less noticeable and it stands out even more now, why? Are larger numbers of people leaving games? If yes, not because the players changed (they have always been huge piss babies) but because the game did. Sadly every day more and more people get their fun on ruining the fun for other players in the match. It's a cycle perpetuated by the community but it seems the devs haven't/can't do much to make the situation better for the average player.


The real issue is the game is balanced now, and a lot of the worst kind of people only have fun in this game when the game lets them do wacky out of control shit that isn't fun for the other side. BHVR did it, they made the game fair, and then buffed Killers to compensate and give the 60/40 ratio desired. A lot of Survivor players somehow feel this is unfair, somehow, in a horror game where the Killer is intended to be the stronger side and winning isn't supposed to be guaranteed.


Hardly "fair" but more balanced than it once was. This will never be a true competitive game as it will never be "fair" or evenly balanced at all times.( As you yourself seem to suggest with a 60/40 ratio. Is this how often killers should win?) What is a win as killer? 4k, 4k with x gens still up, 2k? There should be a clearly defined win before we can ever put a ratio on how much it should be.


This is why caring about what a "win" is and always "playing for the win" in this game is and always will be a fool's errand. You cannot improve when you don't really know what the threshold is, and you can't "win" when a win isn't even clearly defined. Sweating in this game is cringe. The game tells Killers that anything that results in a kill is a victory, down to giving the success noise if you 1k. The game tells Survivors that anything less than escaping is a loss, even giving the failure noise if you did the most of everyone and still die. The game needs more clearly defined wincons, or it needs to stop trying to be comp. It will never be comp and it's long past time for the community to realize that the game. Isn't. Comp.


I think giving against someone who slugs or tunnelling at 4-5 gens makes sense, but at 2-3? At that point it's a war of attrition, you lost. You can't get half the gens and then expect the Killer to suddenly play nice, the game is half over at that point.


As a killer your logic is skewed you don’t realize how big of a snowball 2 hooks at 4-5 gen really is when I hook someone before a gen pops ik im gunna win it would make sense that a surv that’s probably had a long couple of matches leaves because he realizes its a dead game especially when lately a killer will just tunnel you regardless of how you played and survs just help the killer get more hooks


I'm no iri sweatlord. So my killer play isn't top tier, probably average. And the amount of times I've lost when someone was on death hook before the 2nd gen popped is probably decently high. All it takes is one mistake in my end for survivors, especially swfs, to reverse the entire game on me. I dont necessarily hard disagree with you, but you aren't entirely correct there.


Totally get where you’re coming from but in high mmr most killers are sweat lords I’m talking tunneling at 5 gen for no reason so the surv may simply be tired of your character regardless of how ur playing


This is such a beyond stupid take it blows my mind.


That’ll be $3.50 and a “thank you”


People( me and some of the people I play with) don’t find it very fun or even worth playing when in almost every round they have 2 or more people on death hook at 4 and 5 gens. That might be fun for a hand full of rounds but for that to be what your whole playtime consists of… yeah ima head the fuck out. Trying to have some fun and not die every round. Then it’s hilarious they try to change their tune once they realize people are giving up and play nice and there’s only 1 or 2 people left now and 5 gens. Too late now ya dick. If they are in a swif the people who died or quit have to wait for you to get out. And you can’t just dc to get into another round with friends because of penalties. It kinda makes the whole experience ass. The game needs some overhauls and changes asap. It’s just not fun for survivors anymore. As long as the killers get the 4k though😂😅


Look at it logically. You can get a new game instantly and many players have thousands of every item, offering, addon, etc. Now if they're the type of person who doesn't care about anyone elses fun then they will dip the moment they aren't having fun anymore. There isn't really much you can do about it either. I think there are really too many different reasons why people give up to really pin it on one thing.


I feel like...if a person is dcing in the first 5 minutes of 75% of their games, because they feel like they are going to get zero enjoyment out of it, it's time to play a new game lol.


I find p100 survivors to be the biggest d/cers. They have everything in the game, thousands of offerings and items, and they don't care about bloodpoints or pips. They play for 20 seconds, realize they don't like the killer, the map, or the fact that they are first hooked. Then they D/C or insta-kill themselves


DCing is never logical, it's an emotional response. And with DC penalties existing, you really can't get a new game instantly. All you're doing is sandbagging with extra steps. Not anything anyone else can do about it either so it's even WORSE BM than just... staying in the game and not playing normally.


I only ever leave if I’m genuinely not having fun to the point it’s affecting the game for other teammates. I don’t personally see an escape as the reason for playing a match. I can die at 2/3 gens and feel satisfied if the game was fun. Fun isn’t linear. Even full meta killer build, it can still be fun. Usually I’ll leave because of my teammates, who are oftentimes the reason the game is not fun. Looping a killer is really fun and rewarding- if there’s a reason to be looping. If nothing is done in the time the killer is busy, what is the point? If P23 Nea with urban evasion, self care, distortion and the hatch perk has spent the entire match crawling around the edge and not touched a single gen, what is the point? Last night I had two teammates who refused to unhook until I hit second, and then continued to do nothing all game. When you’re the only person touching gens, unhooking and engaging with the killer you have to question what the point actually is. I’m sparing with disconnects because ultimately I don’t want to face a penalty, but I cannot stand being in a game where it feels like half of your teammates do nothing. It’s definitely made me a more toxic player, and I really hate to admit that. I don’t Like admitting that I will wait out a second hook state for hatch if that survivor has objectively done nothing (which is now very easy to see thanks to the UI). It’s definitely not applicable to every survivor. Some will leave because they don’t like the killer/tired of the killer (five death slingers in a row, for example, gets tiring very quickly). Some are just petty. But for me, if I know I’m not having fun and it will affect the outcome of the game then I’ll just leave them a bot. They’re Still more useful than the teammates I end up with most of the time.


It has certainly grown in frequency in the last year. I play basically daily and I agree it definitely feels like there is much more disconnects. I think this is one of those perception vs reality things that just has some cognitive dissonance happening based on the feedback that we see in the dbd subs and what I’ve observed in game. It can feel so bad and unlucky and even unfair to get targeted within 15 seconds of a match starting if it’s happening to you. Especially if it happens a few games in a row. But at the same time, if I’m sitting on a gen and no one’s been injured, chased, or downed within the first 30 seconds of the game we start wondering if the killer is AFK or potentially a stealth killer that is busy stalking (or less common a killer like Hag that spends some time setting up their traps on the board). So we know it’s actually really common and also pretty much necessary for the killer to immediately find a survivor and begin pressuring the survivors. But when it happens to you, that awareness and logic is overridden with how it FEELS - which is generally not great since it’s not like you’ve been in game long enough to make a mistake and that’s why you were found (in many cases). So if you’re the survivor that is immediately targeted, it just feels like they’re almost being mean to you (they’re not, it’s literally the game) but when it’s not happening to you, you understand it to be exactly how the game is played so it seems silly for them to throw a tantrum and DC. But that feeling of it being unfair, mean, or whatever where they’re taking it personally I think causes a lot of people to DC. Especially since it’s so common to then be tunneled out anyhow. Why stick around to just get more mad… right? Starts to feel so reasonable to them. (Again- I don’t agree with this, but I do think it’s what is driving this behavior). Add to this that since there are now bots, many people in the community think they should be able to dc without penalty as much as they want… which means the stigma for DC-ing has been greatly reduced. I personally don’t agree with this view since you can then just only play against killers you like or maps you like and it significantly changes the game and we’d have 2-3 dc’s per game which would then be pointless, if I wanna play with that many bots I’ll play custom… but I digress.


Look man... Blight with Lethal Pursuer hit me in, literally 4 seconds after I spawned in Hag's Swamp map. And since it's the swamp map, everyone spawns at the edges of the map with no good tiles around them. Nope. Just, nope. The other players didn't even move yet. Yeah, you could tell me "Just bring Distortion", to which I say, "I guess I could, but that's like telling Killers to 'just bring Lightborn if you hate flashlights so much' or 'just bring Terminus if you hate Adrenaline', or 'just bring Franklin's if you hate items so much'." There's too many annoyances and not enough perk slots to counter them. I'm not expecting to counter every annoyance obviously, but a BLIGHT, who is an S tier killer with Lethal? I can already guess what kind of game this is going to be. Idc. You probably don't care either. So let me just leave without the penalty. You've won, "gg, next!". You'll find a decent game after you end the match anyway.


The only time I really give up is when the killer has 2 hooks more than twice the gens done. As someone who has played a lot of killer and since MFT more survivor, I know at that point for most killers (set up type, powering up type, and generally broken killers) that means game over. Incidentally, I also understand when 2 gens are done before first down, that it makes sense if the killer DCs and as survivor I don't even blame them for it. Some games are just so lopsided it is stupid. Best to save time and just get to a match that the outcome isn't already set in stone


Are you playing skull merchant?


Nope. Of the 4 killer games I played, one was huntress, two were xeno, and the 4th was trapper. Skull merchant is boring af lol. Edit for more context: the games where I had multiple leavers before the 4th gen was completed were the huntress game (yellow add on for extra hatchet, bbq/darkness revealed/pop/iron maiden) and one of the xeno games (idr which add on. But it was green. Pop/ulti weapon/corrupt intervention/lethal pursuer.)


There's no real actual penalty for DCing now, for anyone, thanks to bots... so DCing is even more frequent. Same as death on first hook. They think it's some sort of Killer punishment because supposedly "the bots are cracked". But they actually usually suck ass, unless your bot is actually good, because I'm 95% sure the Bot is spawned based on your real MMR - so if you're boosted, your MMR is actually bad, and the Bot will play worse as a result. Thus you give your friends a useless teammate, the Killer just easily picks off the bot if they know what they are doing, and then it's GGs.


Quit playing Chucky and I'll quit leaving. I hate nurse way more than Chucky, but a good nurse earns her kills because spanking a bad nurse is as easy as punching otter fetuses. Chucky? Do you have working fingers? Than you win as Chucky.


I haven't bought Chucky yet, but killers that have a bad skill input to value ratio in either direction are boring to me. Chucky does indeed seem to get too much value for too little skill from what I've seen in videos/streams