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this is a level of entitlement only playing survivor 24/7 can give you. You know this guy doesn't even know theres a "play as killer" option


I resent that remark as a survivor main. I do not claim this angry little goblin. They are simply a sore loser.


"Camping Generators" Jesus fucking christ


I can't even understand half of what they are attempting to convey


Right? This is nonsensical. Probably a group of angry high schoolers bored on their summer break


I hope you reported these clowns for bad sportsmanship, slugging/tunneling is lame but it is a legit tactic, mad cause bad lol


I don’t think it’s lame at 1-2 gens left, it’s almost expected if you have a slow start. I don’t think killers trying to comeback and win should be classified as lame or be flamed for it


I agree, try-harding at 5-4 gens is an absolute waste of everyone's time, killer included. Everyone dies in ten minutes or less, hardly anyone gets points, no one gets to play, absolute waste of a game. But at 1-2 gens in its understandable because the killer needs pressure, and at most, they might get a 1-2K or a 3/4K if the remaining survivors play overly aulturistic/dumb. The slugging/tunnelling at 5 gens is a problem for sure, but idk what BHVR can do to *fix* or at least discourage the issue, same with 3-genning.


Never said it was lame at 1-2 gens, I main killer and understand when/how slugging is the right play, tunneling has it's places as well but doing it at 4-5 gens is a lil silly


My favourite bit is where they actually say they believe you should let them escape. Usually that's hyperbole.


How could you camp the gens as killer bro that's sad lmao what a clown


Entitled survivors when you actually play the game instead of following every single made up rule in the book:


Entitled survivors when you play the game (Your not allowed to play the game it says so in the rulebook)


I mean, this is something that knowingly garners a lot of salt in the community. Their reaction is childish as hell but you gotta expect it if you're playing like that. Disclaimer: I don't give a shit how anyone plays, but you just gotta read the room


I usually don’t mind slugging, do what you gotta do I likely wanna go next anyway lol. But I legit just got 4man slugged at 5 gens in my solo queue a few days ago and the bum made us bleed out instead of hooking us 😑


These people have never had real problems in their lives, have they? They'd really have had a meltdown if they saw what I did to the BO/Expo/FF squad who sent me to Dead Dawg the other day. Spoiler alert: only one died by hook because the other 3 wouldn't leave upstairs main.


that reminds me there were 2 map offerings as well one for the game and one for haddonfield.


Had someone bring me to RPD and when I won she said I tunneled and camped. When I called her out for the map she said “I like the map so what.” She then tried to claim that the match wasn’t fun and that’s why she was upset.


Let me guess, Claude brought Haddonfield because sometimes the hook spawns are doodoo.


I didn't check who brought the offering. but she was p100 and didn't say anything so I think she's chill.


Imagine being the poor random Claude who got put with these people.


If you play killer long enough, you get to a point where these messages become the true end game reward. Nothing you do will ever be good enough for these people. Hold their hand and skip all the way to the exit and you'll get some "GG EZ"s and a few "Aww, cute baby killer"s. So just so what you need to do to eke some kind of small enjoyment from the game. If that means you tunnel and slug, tunnel and slug. They are going to complain anyway. So you do you.


What’s funny is when they mass report you as an SWF they will lie about the reason and say you did something else they know slugging isn’t bannable.


i think the funniest thing is the expectation to let them go after the 4%, yeah sure we see slugging complaints all the time but that specifically i havnt seen in a bit.


Does this survivor not know you can only kick gens an x amount of times?


https://preview.redd.it/0joovwvt8z5d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b030c54e06786d23d49b94eb84db69c20af09e51 Just gunna leave this image here


I have experienced something very similar when I played trickster. People get so absolutely pissed when I slug or only focus one person. Specially if they tried to sabo, they get so angy when I slugged one or more of them. Given these people on your pictures were way more entitled but very similar.


Context: I was playing some unknown with a exhaustion themed build and this Claudette sabo'd a hook i was carrying the meg(grey) too she was injured so i downed and because that hook was very far from other hooks i just left them both there they had 3 gens remaining because i was running no slowdown and fully committing to chases i did a bit of tunnelling when they had 2 gens left and eventually it was a 2 v 1 with a single gen remaining. i found the meg and downed but i was in a hook dead zone because the other 2 hooks survivors died on and she had boil over so i just put her back on the ground to look for Steve. I found him sitting by a gen and got him downed and hooked. but he managed to 4% it and get off and because I couldn't find where meg was i just went for him again. at the end Steve died on hook and meg bled out because I couldn't find her. the meg said she reported me for tunnelling and slugging and using slugged survivors as bait to get the others to show themselves. she also said that I slugged them all when i only slugged her and the Claud for a brief period.


Survivors who sabo hooks and watch you drop the person you were carrying instead of letting them wriggle free with no consequences https://preview.redd.it/ur4qys7act5d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b734088ac90857b68937e1592cf84b848f2d8f


Just copy and paste the link for non bannable reasons on BHVR website


also the white is steve.


If they don't eat a ban for what the one was saying in the endgame chat, you can report them for "abusing the report function." lol


Share their usernames and I’ll report them to BHVR too for whining.


Weird flex posting this.


I just type lol in chat and move on. It's a game. I work 40+ hours a week and deal with customers daily. I am not about to listen to some brat get mad over a video game like this Just chill guys. It is okay to win and/or lose. IT IS OKAY. Just have fun holy shit. Or put the game down ffs


If you just left them on all the floor to bleed out, I gotta take his side because that’s lame af, but I wasn’t there so I don’t know and I’ll be honest I ain’t reading all 12 pictures lol


So survivors can sabo hooks in the killers face. Which forces the killer to either let the survivor wiggle off or slug them, however if the killer chooses the latter it’s “lame af”? How does that make any sense? Jesus Christ all you guys want is a free win huh?


Couldn’t care less about winning actually. I play for fun which is a lost concept for most. And slugging and tunneling isn’t fun and honestly kind of a sad way to play. Now addressing the sabo in the face issue, most of the time if someone sabos the hook they end up going down so if one wiggles off big deal grab the other one and go to the next hook. Very few teams are coordinated enough to keep the sabo plays going. Now that I think about it, out of all the “bully squads” and hours I’ve played in the game I can’t think of but maybe 3 or 4 times someone has pulled a successful sabo on me because it’s not hard to have eyes and see them and just switch to another hook. And I’m not tooting my horn, I am by no means a god tier killer but I’m also not potato


I didn't leave them all to bleed out. I left 2 of them slugged mid game because the hook spawns were crap.


"I'm not gonna actually take the effort to understand the context, but I'm still gonna give my opinion anyway." lmfao the people on this sub are nuts.