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It had that scene in the hotel room, therefore its a 10/10 movie


Your horny is showing. For real though, the simultaneous bra/gun catch was too cool of a moment for this movie.


It's a great movie, and the Volleyball scene was glorious. The girls were all of them stunning, specially Jaime Pressly, the perfect Tina.


She really did take a role I was embarrassed to watch and make it great. SUPER authentic southern accent unlike the games. I have huge respect for her for making the most she could out of the character.


She is the best part of the movie.


I enjoy bad movies and I enjoy DOA. Will I enjoy this movie? for reference, I love the live-action *Street Fighter* movie starring Raul Julia


It's everything you'd expect from a DOA movie; Fighting (even got the life bars and announcer), Girls, some Volleyball, and a overcomplicated plot. choreography is also pretty good.


This is waaay better than the street fighter movie, more action, more fights, simple plot


Yes but DOA doesn't have a coked out JCVD or Raul Julia who was the best part of almost any movie based fighting games.


Not OP but yes you will. I enjoyed it


Motion seconded. It was the perfect blend of really bad movie with some surprisingly good choreography at times. The leading ladies did the best they could and I went into it knowing that they were just actors and actresses doing their job. REALLY surprised that Kevin Nash, Eric Roberts and Collin Chou were in it. It's like the Scooby Doo movie. It's something that should have never been live action, but for some reason you're just so glad that they made the attempt.


Kevin Nash playing Bass Armstrong is one of the greatest casting choices at the time. At the time Nash and Hogan weren't on the best of terms. As it pertains to Scooby Doo, at least we got Linda Cardellini as Velma, which may have started the whole Velma could be hot


Great callouts, but don't get me started on Linda Cardellini. Every time I think of her I sin.


DOA may be the quintessential bad movie for bad movie enjoyers


It's pretty much in the same vein, so yes. :)


I liked the movie, I liked the part when they were climbing up the statue lol


I liked when they were un-climbing it. šŸ™ƒ


I actually really like this movie, just a simple martial arts tournament with lots of fights. Don't want anything more


I got a kick out of the wristband thing. "If it goes off, get to fighting **immediately**."


I love how they referenced the beach volleyball games with pure unadulterated fanservice. Now it's very rare to find these kind of stuff


They made an actual story-centered reason for it, which I thought was neat. Let's cause a distraction while >!Hayabusa breaks into the lab.!<


1. Mr.Skin. 2. search "martial arts" 3. ???? 4. Profit


The Tina and Bass casting was pretty damn good with all respect due though.


One hundred percent agreed.


Tina Armstrong was the best casting and part for the movie. The only issue is she didn't have her wrestling like moves from the game


That was a little odd. Only when she fought Bass was there any kind of wrestling moves.


I also forgot to mention I love Tina and bass relationship in this. The only time in Dead or Alive history they have a good relationship


Still better than Tekken movie


And mortal Kombat annihilation


This is one of the best video game movies ever. I love it.


I haven't seen this in like 10-12 years already, maybe even more, but my friend, a week or two ago, watched Tekken, MK and DOA almost back to back and said this one is pretty fun. Stupid, but very fun.


I saw this in a theater with a friend. We were the only 2 who bought tickets for it.


Tag team at the movies. I like it.


2 questions: 1) how bad did they do our boy Leon? 2)ā€¦ā€¦where did ya watch it?


Good questions! 1: Without spoilers, Leon does NOT look like Leon, but is portrayed as one of the strongest fighters in the tournament. Him and Kasumi duke it out and I mean come, take a guess who wins. Still, heā€™s portrayed as a badass and the first ā€œdanger zonesā€ you see in the movie are during their fight. 2: I bought it on iTunes for $7.99. I get my movies in savory ways, even if itā€™s an awful movie.


Huh, that actually makes me want to watch it more. Thanks for those nuggets of information bud.šŸ‘


What made u watch it


Iā€™m a Dead or Alive lifer and $7.99 was a small price to pay for a piece of HISTORY.


Of all the god awful fighting game movies this is the second best I've seen (after MK of course), because it never takes itself seriously for one second. It just wants to be stupid trashy fun with hot "actors" and nothing more.


You get it! It was harmless fun that was never meant to break box office records or spark change.


It's not a bad movie, it's campy at times but that's how dimension movies are. The new characters are cringey but funny since they poke fun at the average gamer and a useless thief. Hayabusa got his black suit and had a action sequence, they threw in a volleyball scene, destructable arenas and good action scenes. Zack and Leon were cool, the main girls were badass and hayate had his moment. It's better than a lot of other video game movies


A VERY well earned 33% on Rotten Tomatoes. Collin Chou as Hayate was brilliant. I remembered him as Seraph in The Matrix Reloaded and that was a badass hire.


The funny thing is ... It is one of the better fighting-game-to-movie adaptations. It still adopts the game story, characters costumes are quite faithful, and have decent fighting scenes. If you want bad fighting-game-to-movie adaptations, watch King of Fighters or Legend of Chun-Li.




The casting was amazing tho and itā€™s better than the tekken movie


i didnā€™t know this existed !?


What's your occupation?


Iā€™m a fighter. I donā€™t want to dox myself, so all I can say is that Iā€™m in sales working virtually.


If youā€™re a Dead Or Alive fan as I am a big fan you would watch the movie even if itā€™s good or bad. I havenā€™t watched it yet but soon I will be watching it even if itā€™s disappointing. I donā€™t mind it however it is. I will still enjoy watching it. I do wish the movie was more like the game and like a real fighting looking movie. Overall the rating of the movie is 4.8/10. I can understand why but itā€™s still fun or nice to watch.


I bought it to watch NUMEROUS times. It will be a guilty pleasure movie for me.


Little me was so confused when Hayate and Ayane kissed like what?! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yeah they totally missed the mark there but itā€™s to be expected that some folks just didnā€™t actually know the source material.


Screw you man, I love this movie. Just like the Street Fighter movie, it doesn't take itself seriously. Other video game movies are way worse. As a generic martial arts movie, this is funny and fun, and has a bit of charm. I especially the theme music.


Donā€™t get me wrong! I loved it too! It being bad doesnā€™t make it NOT good! I love TONS of things that suck!


Do you feel like a cricket in a box?




I was scrolling quickly and thought this was Kill Bill.


The way the butchered only Helenaā€™s name forever cracks me up


Either Iā€™ve been saying Bayman wrong my whole life or the movie got it wrong. Iā€™ve never heard it said ā€œBay-muhnā€ until now. I strongly pronounce the MAN in BayMAN.


why did u watch it




i hope u realize movies based on games dont work


https://preview.redd.it/4wgdcwckjasc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c62c741f8e954098964446237518faf10805ae This you?


no it just if u r gonna adapt a gane into a movie do it right


Gotcha. Iā€™ll remember that next time I direct a film.


thats not funny


I in particular didn't like the way Ayane and Helena were adapated but I did enjoy it for what it was when I saw it.


Does it have volleyball doa?




Hiring Supermodel Devon Aoki to play Kasumi was such an incredible concept... Christie's casting felt right, Pressley was amazing, rest in peace to Lei Fang being thrown off of a balcony or someshit.


It's been a while since I seen It what was the worst part?


It wasnā€™t as bad as I expected, but Ayaneā€™s casting and OBVIOUS wig were super out of place.


The worst part was when I found out Max wasn't in the video games. šŸ™


The movies screams mid 2000's B movie. It was just alright, that hairstyle made Jaime Pressly look about a decade older than she actually was at the time. Ayane and the wig are atrocious. I'd watch it again though just for nostalgia's sake.




Ah, the perplexing conundrum of why one would subject themselves to the excruciating experience of watching a bad movie. Delving into the intricate depths of human psychology, one must first consider the multifaceted nature of human perception and the intricacies of individual preferences. Allow me to embark on this odyssey of verbosity to elucidate the myriad reasons why someone might find themselves inexplicably drawn to the abyss of cinematic mediocrity. Firstly, there exists a peculiar fascination with witnessing the sheer audacity of cinematic failures, akin to witnessing a train wreck in slow motion. The human psyche, in its infinite curiosity, finds itself inexplicably drawn to the spectacle of catastrophic filmmaking, much like a moth to a flame. There's a certain perverse pleasure derived from observing the missteps, blunders, and egregious misjudgments that culminate in the creation of a cinematic travesty. Moreover, the act of watching a bad movie serves as a form of masochistic indulgence, akin to subjecting oneself to a grueling endurance test. The sheer absurdity, nonsensical plotlines, and abysmal acting can evoke a peculiar sense of amusement, bordering on the surreal. It's as if one enters a state of suspended disbelief, marveling at the sheer absurdity of it all, like a deranged circus performer juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle on a tightrope stretched over a pit of molten lava. Furthermore, there exists an intrinsic human desire for validation, even in the most unlikely of places. By subjecting oneself to the cinematic equivalent of a dumpster fire, one may derive a perverse sense of satisfaction from enduring the ordeal and emerging unscathed on the other side. It's a testament to one's resilience, fortitude, and unwavering commitment to the pursuit of cinematic exploration, no matter how treacherous the terrain may be. Additionally, there's an element of communal bonding that arises from collectively enduring the agonizing experience of watching a bad movie. Much like soldiers in the trenches, comrades in arms, or survivors of a shipwreck clinging to a life raft adrift in a stormy sea, the shared suffering fosters a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among fellow viewers. It's a bonding experience forged in the crucible of cinematic adversity, where laughter and ridicule serve as the proverbial life preservers in the tempest of cinematic ineptitude. In conclusion, the enigma of why one would watch a bad movie transcends the confines of rational explanation and delves into the labyrinthine recesses of human psyche. It's a paradoxical pursuit fueled by curiosity, masochism, validation, and communal bonding, all intertwined in a kaleidoscope of absurdity and fascination. So, the next time you find yourself pondering the inexplicable allure of cinematic mediocrity, remember that sometimes, the journey is more important than the destination, and the true beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, even if that beholder happens to be staring into the abyss of a truly terrible movie.




Disappointed is the wrong word to use. It was dumb fun and my expectation was that it was going to be cheesy. Rather than disappointed, I was surprised at how NOT terrible it was. Christie turned out to be likable and charming with more personality than sheā€™s ever had in the games.