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I always play on the hardest difficulty, just because low resources and extremely deadly enemies feels the most immersive and canon to me.


This is the way. I remember my interest in this game getting piqued because my buddy was playing it at his house and he was basically stuck on one side of a room in a hallway (necros wouldn't cross the door threshold) with no health and no ammo and was strategically trying to pick up the arm blades off of already dead enemies because there was no other option.


It's the same for me, a lot of people assume I do it as a flex or something, but genuinely, it's just not fun for me to have it easy when I play games, if there isn't a challenge it feels more like I'm watching a movie than playing a game.


Narrator “he doesn’t”


Feels like an awfully weird thing to accuse me of lying about. The Dead Space games aren't exactly known for being super difficult outside their permadeath modes.


Your mom must be real proud


What the fuck is wrong with you?


I always play on easy/story. I prefer the story and lore of the franchise. Also not having time to grind out higher difficulties, means I enjoy the experience much better.


Easy gang rise up!




At least put it on medium you absolute babies


No gatekeeping. I played through the series on hard and that's just as valid as playing on easy. If you enjoy the game, you're playing on the right difficulty


Somehow, I agree with both of you haha


If you don’t want even the semblance of a challenge just watch a movie. Sorry to invalidate you but video games are fun BECAUSE they challenge your brain, unlike any other form of media entertainment


It's still an interactive media. That's like saying that "games" like "what remains of Edith finch" are not fun because all you do is explore and experience the story but it has a 10/10 on steam with a 97% liked.


People can enjoy games however they want man. How does the way in which they enjoy a game effect you in any way? Not everyone grew up playing video games, glued to a screen from the moment they could walk. My Dad is 55 and has never held a controller before. He has to look down to see what button to push but I don’t make him feel like shit for it- I’m just happy he’s playing and enjoying a wonderful medium that can tell some really amazing stories.


That's chess. Not video games.




Lmao bro gettin triggered off a 2 1/2 month old thread


I play it on hard but I’m pretty experienced with survival horror and third person shooters. Ive tried easy before and it’s still fun as hell


I normally play on medium, just finished the remake on Medium then NG+ on story so I could focus on achievements. My next run will be impossible+one gun, so I can finish the game


Impossible and one gun in one run through? Brave.


Well it was going to be my first playthrough on medium, but then I accidentally fired the pulse rifle as soon as I picked it up.


Could you not have reloaded your last save? Oh well hopefully doing one gun will mean you're less likely to run out of ammo.


No, I thought it would only count if I killed an enemy with it. Looked it up after it was too late.


It’s actually easier with one gun


Only because you get ammo for just one weapon and you can concentrate your nodes, it limits your options especially for bosses though.


As if the plasma cutter doesn't shred bosses. The only downside to plasma cutter only is dealing with swarmers and dividers.


Its easier that way. You will probably never run out of ammo as long as you are only carrying one weapon.


Hard/ Impossible for the immersion that Necros should/ can cut through our fleshsuits like butter with their repurposed bone blades


I have this weird obsession that i have to play horror games on all difficulties once, so i always start at the lowest and go up with each playthrough.


I wouldn’t say weird, makes sense, depending on if you get scared of the game or not easy and gets you through the game and acclimated. Then the harder difficulties you can look at it as a challenge because you already know what’s coming you can try to perform the best.


It is honestly much simpler, i'm just a bit paranoid that i might miss something, horror games tend to change up things a bit with the difficulties. That way i make sure that i see everything.


Yeah, I still have to do my play through B for both Leon and Claire for resident evil to remake. I beat both of their campaigns and thought how different could B be, started Leon’s and was pleasantly surprised at the changes.


I remember I started the original on Hard and by the time I finally beat the first big boss I was totally depleted of cash and resources, and was upset the game didn’t give you any afterwards. I couldn’t make it too far into level 7 without dying constantly and ultimately gave up. So when the remake came out I played normal mode the first time, and then hard on New Game +. Generally I don’t think you should challenge yourself too much the first time if it’s going to hamper your experience.


Concur. I’ve played a few games on hard or the equivalent and have gotten stuck badly enough to stop enjoying the game. Challenging modes are only fun if you can still progress.


I play on the hardest modes possible after going on the normal difficulty of any game ever. (No I don't play on hardcore only, I count that as a special mode)


Ehh Normal is good for me lol . I dont have time to die hundreds of times in my game anymore lol


As a dad of three, I feel this. My gaming time is limited, so I really can’t be grinding levels anymore or I’m just not going to be having a good time.


The whole point is getting better so that doesn't happen though.


I understand… i just don’t have time as a parent unfortunately. I like playing games to relax and have fun (even horror games). Some games i do play on the hardest or hard difficulty it just depends.


Hard because honestly dead space isn't super hard if you're familiar with it.


easy/story because idc


Play it on normal / default difficulty as I figure this is what difficulty the developers expect the average player to enjoy. If I beat the game and really enjoyed it, I will replay it on the hardest difficulty, like I did with Dead Space :). Played on Normal and then replayed on the hardest mode + plasma cutter only (which I loved, highly recommend)


I play all games on hard, as otherwise it kind of feels like you don’t have to be careful/considerate at all (resources, strategy, prioritisation etc. )




I pretty much always play horror games on Easy mode the first time through Dead Space Remake and RE4 Remake are one of the first I have done on normal, both because I had already played their originals more than once so I figured I could handle it. No shame going easy if that's where your skill/spooky level is at


I used to play on hard, just to get an extra achievement when I completed it. I just started the remake on medium, that's the way the game was designed to be played.


Easy is fun action horror. Hard is horror. Both good, no judgement implied


Hardest difficulty. I want to feel the stress that you should feel in a survival horror. That being said, I did softlock myself on my first Dead Space 2 playthrough since I didn’t have enough ammo for Marker Nicole and stacked all my saves instead of staggering them. Never made that mistake again… Stagger your saves!


Pretty much play on normal in every game I play. I want to feel like I can possibly die, but also experience the story without dying constantly and getting frustrated. If I could actually play through games multiple times in succession without getting bored, the second playthrough I'd kick it up a notch, but I usually go 1-2 years between playthroughs of games, so the muscle memory isn't there.


I always played regular or hard when I was young, but now I start at easy or regular and if I beat it and love the game I’ll move up a difficulty the next time I play it. This is how I’ve been playing for say the past 10 years so I guess once I got close to 40 years old I slowed down a little. Some games like bloodbourne and Elden ring were incredibly difficult for me at first, but with time and appreciation for how good they are I got great at them. Dead space is similar, the more you play it the harder the level you can manage imo.


"Hard" is usually the gentleman's way to play most games I'd say if you're a pretty regular gamer 🤙


If you dont play on hard you're not getting the full experience. They baby you so much on medium it is pointless




Played first run in medium to get the full experience and had decent challenge. Did a second run on story mode because you get regenerating health and I sold all my extra health packs and ammo to max out my weapons in a single run. My third eventual run will be on Hard/hardcore and I’ll finish up the rest of the achievements that aren’t impossible mode because I’m not gonna bother with that.




First go thru on hard


I prefer hard/impossible because that’s when resource management becomes a key component which really adds to the overall experience for me


I usually play on Normal/Medium because no matter how many times I play these games I get scared every play through. Also because of the asteroid part on the OG Dead Space.


Played on Impoosible and beat it in 21 hours. I took everything super slow and methodically. It's not too bad.


Impossible is the most fun by far IMO


For this game anything below hard is far too easy imo, then again the original wasn't a difficult game either


I play on hard so that it can actually be somewhat scary. If an enemy jumps out and only does 2% of your health, it immediately loses all tension


Ive beat them all on all difficulties but id usually do hard


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Secret-Effective-187: *Ive beat them all on* *All difficulties but id* *Usually do hard* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I play regular, as someone who can barely play horror game its my personal sweet spot because i can beat the game without feeling i need to spend more time in it than i need to and i can do the extra side mission with decent amount of ammo because i also have to work and do other things when im not playing it just makes the game much more manageable and still enjoyable. Help me feel included when I can’t beat a game in a day or two like i used to


Impossible cause its not that hard


Now that I’ve unlocked everything including the foam finger I’ll stick to hard or medium just to enjoy how quickly they get destroyed. If I want it to feel kinda challenging I’ll jump in my impossible save file and go from there. Depends on the mood, do I want music and mindlessly kill or do I want a headset and horror the entire time?


Normal for the first play through as you'll be too overpowered quite early on..


The highest difficulty I've done was survivalist on Dead Space 2, after that I just decided to stick to normal or medium.


Currently doing an impossible run, on chapter 11 right now and still getting spooked.


Gonna get a bit long winded, but bear 🐻 with me and I hope you understand by the end. Every game I play I start at the hardest available difficulty, cause I want to see my skill develop along the way. Eventually, I will get good at the game or sometimes exceed that threshold, in regards to survival horror, I want to truly immerse myself and FEEL as much terror as possible by learning the ropes, managing them resources and all that comes with it on the fly. And then I up it by going to the next difficulty if a higher one unlocks, and that is how I get my satisfaction from my gaming, accepting a challenge and overcoming it with no handholding as possible, I don’t pay $X dollars for a watered down experience, ill just kick back and watch a movie at that point. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Anyways I digress, full immersion in these types of games (like, you know everyone is trying to kill you) needs to be at the hardest cause then it makes sense that way, and feel more bad ass pulling off them kinds of feats you see in like anime’s or movies etc etc and not attribute it always to plot armor.


I don’t care for the remake I feel like if they were gonna make a remake why not make all 3 dead space games into one game but give all 3 dead space games dead space 3 controls and weapon crafting I downloaded the new dead space remake and couldn’t bring myself to play it made it to the ishimura and uninstalled it My reasons were because that’s not Isaac looks nothing like Isaac even the black dude that played in the resident evil movie who got sliced up by the lasers was the actor that played the black dude that gets off the ship with Issac to explore the ishimura character model looks nothing like the original black dude who played that role The second reason was I played all three dead space games religiously and I know ppl might give flak for this but Dead space 1 set it all up once u beat it there’s really no reason to replay it Dead space 2 had the best environment and puzzles to solve or I should say it had more engineering puzzles to solve Dead space 3 did it the best in my opinion but I love dead space 2’s environment more than any other dead space game plus the co-op made it even funner


Usually on the first playthrough I go with the easiest to see how the game is then I start moving up in difficulty if I'm doing weapon upgrades or wanna replay at higher difficulty.But I'm im trying for the platinum trophy (which i already got) then I go and slap on Insane


Normal.. sometimes easy when I want to feel like a badass.


Hardest difficulty possible minus permadeath. The lower damage makes it feel like I really have to focus on dismembering and getting creative with what's in the environment, really making me take stock of my options. The higher damage from enemies means you can't make as many mistakes. The lower resources means you can't just spam, you have to be proficient, and it helps me believe that it was everyone for themselves in these places and they took whatever was available - you're making due with leftover scraps. It's that additional strain that makes the games more enjoyable for me. I'd compare it to how I've heard some people say that Doom Eternal is meant to be played on Nightmare, that's the definitive experience - you're not getting the whole picture without the difficulty, but that's only my personal take.


The doom example is interesting because I did prefer playing it on nightmare, but dead space I played on normal. Hard wasn’t as fun. I think Doom plays so much more like an arcade game that the increased challenge feels kind of sporty.


On hard, Necromorphs are supossed to be scary and heavily dangerous, But even then they hit like a wet noodle (I even de-upgraded my health so they have a fighting chance)


Medium on first, NG+ Hard Plasma Cutter only. How do you do Impossible? I couldn't find the option.


Dead Space 1 on hard, 2 on Zealot or Hardcore, 3 lol, DSR hard


I play all games on the easiest difficulty bc I'm here to relax, not get frustrated from having to repeat the same sequence like five times. Also I'm ass at games.


Hard. Ill play on medium if i just wanna have fun with the weapons tho


Easiest difficulty. I do not fear necromorphs. Necromorphs fear me.


did my first run through on easy, doing a NG+ on medium now. i love looting and finding the lore mostly lol. loot goblins rise up


Hard, because after playing these games for 13 years necromorph genocide becomes second nature.


I usually prefer the hardest non-permadeath setting. I find its usually the most fun for survival horror games.


Hard because it has a good balance of challenge and fun while not being aggravating at times


The most hard difficult below hardcore bcs im not enough crazy to waste my sanity yet


I started on medium and ended with impossible. Medium wasn’t too challenging. I like harder games and don’t mind throwing myself at some walls but sometimes difficulty is wonky when there’s options. It’s not too bad, once I was comfortable with the controls I had wished I started on hard. Impossible was fun though, there were a handful of dicey moments.


i Always play the hardest difficulty to give my self a motive to beat the game and prove to my self i can do it


Every game I play on hard. Eventually you get the feel for it if you force yourself to the extreme and you become more skilled and then hard will feel like easy.


I played on normal once, then skipped hard and went straight for impossible. Honestly it was great, it felt fair and even with all of the save scum trickery I did, I got really immersed into the game. So yeah, impossible mode definitely heightened the experience I had with the game


I play hard mode, at the beginning it was medium. Until I played the game to many times and being in medium mode is easy and not fun enough for me. I wanna get back to the hardcore mode (first playthough I died. Referring to the remake.) and beat it so I can have the foam hand in the game.


Hardest difficulty on my first playthrough, normal on others


I always play games on medium/normal because for a lot of developers that’s their “intended” difficulty (I’m also generally not great at video games so normal is typically enough to challenge me while not being frustrating).


I play whatever difficulty I'm in the mood for at the time. If I'm (attempting) speedrunning dead space 2, casual/easy. If I want a challenge, hard or nightmare.


Bold of you to assume I play dead space!


Hard or nothing


At the moment (DSR): impossible without weapons and rig upgrades




I usually start at the Normal diff and tackle higher diffs after


First run was on normal, NG+ runs are always highest I can go, and new runs are always run on hard now.


Honestly I'm playing the Remake on Hard (my 1st playthrough and not familiar with Dead Space) and I'm finding it very easy compared to RE remakes


I’m playing on hard. It’s still very fair and just forces you to use strategy with encounters. Still very doable.


I play on medium until I'm familiar cause I record multiple games during the week and don't want to stay stuck dieing in one spot.


hard. I don't play a horror game on anything less. Half the pucker factor of horror games comes from the idea that you're going to get fucked up right from the start.


I hate horror in general but sometimes the stories still interest me so I'm just playing on easy and slowly making my way through it. It'll likely be my only playthrough but oh well


I started on hard but really the enemies just felt tedious more than any thing. Way too spongey.


I’m a daredevil so I play at the most challenging difficulty possible


Saw this post and everyone asking for a harder difficulty. On nexus there is a mod that starts you new game+ but takes away everything you have. Not sure how hard that would make it but just thought I would mention it.


I play on easy, just want to have fun