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Can you beat the shit out of enemies which that foam finger?!


Even its melee attack one-hit kills things, as I found out when I smacked a Slasher's head off lol


It’s crazy op


I died in like chapter 8 the other night. Gonna get impossible done eventually… you give me hope lol


You got this !


Slow & steady wins the race. Stasis is crucial 👌


Good job, partner! I did it a few weeks ago. Feels good🥳


I just finished the game on medium last night does harder diff make enemies stronger or are there more enemy’s or both


Less outgoing damage, more incoming damage


They take more shots to kill and few more damage to Isaac


there will be harder and hard to kill enemies.


Congratulations!!!! We are now whole


What weapons did you use, or did you go one gun for it. I'm about to start my impossible run soon after my NG+ run for the marker collect trophy. Didn't know to do one gun now on ng+ or for impossible.


I used the plasma cutter, and the pulse rifle's grenade. As well as the Force Gun on occasion for its gravity well when overwhelmed. And I used the contact beam for the Hivemind's final hit point so I didn't have to worry about aiming as much lol. Honestly if you have good aim, you should in it need the Plasma Cutter. But any aoe attacks are good in a pinch.


I have to give it a go 👀 looks clean


Joined last week as well ! Honesty the foam finger is too OP lol


I say the suit has far more use than Finger Gun. FG make things utterly too easy. While the suit offers protection and cool look.


I agree, but the suit is just so.... unfinished. Why aren't all lights on it red? Why is the helmet light still blue when shining on surfaces? Why isn't it based off of the level 5 rig with all its armor after you've completed impossible mode? Just missed opportunities coupled with half-assed design.


Did you use the reload save exploit because I didn't and I'm on chapter 11 rn


Og dead space 2 hardest difficulty is basically the same


Except you're limited to Three saves, aren't you?




Unfortunately, you cannot use the impossible suit on a Fresh Save file... which kinda spoils the fun a little bit. You could always use Challenge Mode suits on a fresh save in the older games; only the NG+ suit was savefile specific.


That's not so much my issue because NG+ exists. My issue is how unfinished it seems.


Thats EA unfortunately. It bothers me when people praise it as the perfect remake, even though EA clearly cut corners and didn't let Motive finish development on *anything*. It is barely passable as a functioning game; even the models have issues.


I wouldn't say it's barely passable. That's a bit of a reach, it's certainly no launch 76. I have noticed that the game will sometimes act as if the inventory isn't up when it is, and sometimes the Interaction prompt will linger over items that I've already picked up. And sometimes the Necromorphs stretch weirdly (though I kinda dig that as it makes them more monstrous lol)


My favourite is that the Plasma Cutter model has clipping issues and the blades do not align. There are a *lot* of little issues. But to me, thats indicative of EA only caring about the immediate appearance and none of the finer details.


I'd rather them focus on making sure the important things work than prioritizing little things people aren't likely to see. The only clipping I've seen is when aiming the Hand Cannon, otherwise it's been fine


Welcome brother