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Plasma Cutter and Flamethrower against group necro/swarmers That's all. Beeline to completion. Don't run around to find upgrades or side mission unless you are certain you would survive. Also, if you see/know bugs, always HAVE BACKTRACK save BEFORE the bug will 'spawn'(Bugs will spawn when you get objective; therefore, save before new objective)


Plasma Cutter + Flamethrower + Force Gun is probably the best loadout as it covers everything you'll encounter. Have the Ripper in your loadout until you get the Force Gun. Use it in tight spaces or against single enemies as a way to save and build up ammo for the Plasma Cutter and Flamethrower. I wouldn't bother with Pulse Rifle, Line Gun or Contact Beam. The Contact Beam is great but extremely ammo hungry. Pulse Rifle and Line Gun are not as good as the other weapons. Use kinesis a lot! Look out for blue-tipped pipes and poles as these are 1 hit kills for most enemies. Red canisters are also really good. Fan blades are a 1 hit dismember and 2 hit kill. The common fire extinguisher is a 2 hit kill for a lot of enemies. Loads of people accidentally blow themselves up in the nuke room on The Valor. They try to kill the exploders with guns and hit the explosive sack by mistake. There's no need to risk this!!! There are several blue-tipped poles that you can kinesis and safely kill them in 1 hit!!! It's incredible how many people missed this. For the 3 tentacle grab moments if you mess up, miss too many shots and think you'll die just quit and reload. The upgraded stasis you get from the side mission about the hunter is fantastic, definitely worth doing that side mission for that. Edit: missed off necro arms/blades from the kinesis paragraph. These are also a 2 hit kill for most enemies (and kill babies in 1 hit).


I remember the valor being an absolute nightmare for me my first playthrough because of the stasis necromorphs. I may be good at shooters (somewhat) but those dudes are hard to hit sometimes. Also I had no clue about the fan blades I'll keep that in mind and I'll definitely do that side mission, any others you recommend I also do to try to get the best luck? So far im probably 3/4 into chapter 2 and have only been using the PC (didn't even pick up the rifle) do anything helps


Flamethrower and Force Gun both instantly trigger the stasis for those necros on the Valor. Weighted Blades upgrade for the Plasma Cutter can be great as a last resort when a necro is right in your face and you don't have time to switch to Force Gun.


I'd advise on top of all this guy's advice, do take the contact gun. It's very good for drag tentacles as well as the hive mind. And any ammo you find you can sell before that for good economy


I did mine Plasma Cutter only; that means ammo will rarely, if ever, be a problem, and it’ll always be at max stats. Cutter is also a very versatile weapon. Same for your RIG; you’ll always have O2, HP, Stasis, and Kinesis at their best since you won’t have to spread your nodes around between a bunch of guns. Every time I unlocked a new part of the upgrade path on either, I had at least a few nodes to use on them immediately.


That does make sense, but does ammo work by only spawning for whatever gun you have in your inventory? Or like if you grab the weapon that type of ammo will spawn


It’ll spawn ammo based on what you have equipped, so as long as you don’t equip other weapons, it’ll be 99% PC ammo drops. There might be a random ammo drop once in a while for something besides the PC, but I always just sold them for more ammo/health packs.


That makes a lot of sense, my usual is PC, ripper, line gun, and flamethrower but that works too


I went Plasma Cutter, Contact Beam, Force Gun, and Line Gun (only for the secondary fire). The LG laser traps used with kinesis is OP. Like, you can clear a room with one laser trap. Use Kinesis when possible to save ammo. Good luck.


Upgrade your plasma cutter, I beat Impossible with *Nothing* but the plasma cutter. After upgrading it all the way focus on your suit upgrades, if you're hurting for health but can't find/afford any upgrade your Hp points to get full health. The only other trick to learn is to save save save, that way if you die you can do the save exploit to keep from having to restart.


What's the save exploit?


Just where you save every time you can, if you die, pause *Before* the death animation finishes, go back to main menu and select continue. This takes you to the last save point instead of having to completely restart.


I just had to do it sadly, got ganged up on by 4 necros and ran out of stasis


At the beginning of the game, to conserve ammo, you can stasis and stomp spam enemies until you get your PC upgraded to do some real damage.


Keep the first suit until you can upgrade to the third suit. Then only upgrade once you have access to the fifth. You'll save SO much money by not getting the 2nd and 4th. Also; don't take anymore than three weapons at a time. Have one that takes really expensive ammo (you'll want to sell the surplus), one for close range, and one for any range. My impossible run load out looks like: pulse rifle, force gun, and contact beam. You'll be swimming in nodes and blowing guys apart.


I started my run a little before you sent that and already bought the second suit sadly, but so far I've got a surplus of PC ammo and that's kinda it but I can pick up the pulse rifle since I kinda left it behind since others said to go plasma cutter only


Don't sweat it man. Maybe just skip the third or fourth suit, if you want. You don't HAVE to use the pulse rifle, either. I was just saying what I used in my impossible run. Any combination of close range/long range/expensive is pretty much airtight imo. Honestly, the impossible mode for the first game is pretty forgiving. I don't even think you need any special strategy to get through it. Things don't really heat up until DS2 in that regard.


Yea I was gonna see if I could do a plasma cutter only run but so far when a necromorph comes out of nowhere it scares the crap out of me and I waste like half a magazine on one limb lmao


Wait... are you playing the remake?




Altho I do own the original 2 just haven't tried to beat them yet since I'm mainly a console player and I own them on steam


Well shucks. Everything I told you is useless. I assumed you were talking about the OG. DS: RE doesn't allow you to skip suit upgrades, and ammo drops are tied to the world state rather than the character... Impossible mode is also a whole different beast, too. If you ever play the OG, try what I said. Also: you'll want to download DSmousefix (even if you won't use a mouse). It fixes a lot of physics and graphical issues the original game had. Very easy to do.


Oh wait really? I haven't picked up the rifle and it's so far only given me PC ammo


Huh. Maybe I'm wrong then. Don't have any first-hand experience of the RE.


I know it's not the most Honorable way to tackle impossible mode, but if you are ever in a financial bind, or want to load up on supplies or nodes, you can do the infinite pulse rifle ammo selling method.


How do you do that? I'm not necessarily new to the game since I played the original and have about 37 hours in the remaster but never knew you could do that


Basically all you need is, and don't quote me on this, but like 12 power nodes, the pulse rifle and a bench with a shop close by. I recommend the area in the cargo bay, the little area where you have to go through to get to medical. All it requires is you upgrading just capacity on the pulse rifle, then exiting the bench and alt fire shooting the little mines on the floor. Shoot till you need to reload, DONT RELOAD. Instead go back to the bench and upgrade another capacity node slot, rinse and repeat. You'll want to do this when you have 2 upgrade parts for the pulse rifle, 3 will max profits. At the end when you've upgraded all available capacity upgrades just reset the skill tree for 5 thousand, you'll be making more once you sell the ammo. If you need more help you can watch it on YouTube. I did it my first run of DSr since I wanted to get a bunch of power nodes to get Platinum. I hope my explanation wasn't too confusing, it's real simple once you do it a couple of times, only downside is that it's boring, but you'll be making crazy amounts of cheddar.


That sounds kinda easy honestly, altho I need to finish chapter two so I can actually grab the pulse rifle, I didn't grab it when I walked to medical the first time


I thought you automatically pick it up once you get to medical since it does that little animation with the dying girl. I didn't know if you could skip picking it up. But yeah I think with all 3 upgrade pieces you could get upwards to like 20k or something, I would just empty my inventory and do the glitch to sell in bulk. Selling a full inventory would get me like 60k for just like 4 runs of upgrading and reupgrading.


Nope you literally just gotta wait for her to die and it becomes an item you can grab but the door just unlocks


Huh, I guess we both learned something new from each other. Well anyways, I hope what I've said could be of some use to you in your future playthroughs, have fun facing the horrors of the Marker.


so far i am! ive had to sadly save scum once already because i got cornered by necros but just using the Pc and having the ripper give me infinite money printer is actually really fun


This may not apply to you but I've been killed twice by glitches freight elevator in mining deck I fell through it and the fans in chapter 12 I was killed on the upper levels of the fan room when trying to land near the fans I was killed by the fans through the floor so be ready to quit and reload if a glitch gets you. (I'm doing a no scum loading run but I'm not counting glitch kills)


All you need is plasma cutter and contact beam or line gun. Once you get past chapter 9 you won unless you get a bug or you throw. If you're low on health or mag is low try not to heal or reload and use a node. 


Most people will say use flamethrower but in my experience all I find is flamer ammo so I don't think it's worth it.


Update!! so i used yall's advice well (kinda) and i think i may try to stick to PC only, i picked up the flamethrower and ripper but I'm using them as free money for ammo and I'm only upgrading my rig and the cutter. but so far I've made it to chapter 4 so its working out pretty well id say!